Protestors demanding inauguration to be shut down. Live Stream

22  2017-01-20 by SoButtscrewed




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With a little bit of luck we'll get to see some commie retard get bit by a dog or tazer'd.

Dogs with tazers in their mouths.

Trumps personal security team have guys on it named like Blade, Lazer, and Blazer

New stream. He said the other one died around an hour in


Short of actual violence (against people that matter) or economic disruption (against institutions that matter), you're not changing shit. God knows these people will have moved on by the midterms in two years, when they could actually prevent shit from happening by simply showing up to vote - literally the bare minimum.

Plus, how many of these people ya think mocked the Tea Party at any time in the last 8 years?

They won't prevent shit, their actions will propel it. Keep being stupid and violent lefties, it only helps.

Their actions are meaningless, and uncoordinated violence misapplied.

Helps no one, hurts only their message.

hurts only their message.


Plus, how many of these people ya think mocked the Tea Party at any time in the last 8 years?

If they were old enough to pay attention about politics then, you mean. Assuredly they did. But they're right god damn it, and don't need to be consistent in their beliefs or tactics!

I still recall chatter in the media and online about assassinating Obama as if it were the most normal thing to discuss about.

In other words, Trump and his minions need to grow thicker skin and grow the fuck out of hypocrisy that envelopes their daily existence. Especially because they are the same people from the example above.

Nobody in this thread is saying that is okay, either. It's just that nobody is currently at the inauguration threatening to assassinate obama.

If you cared to watch LiveStream...

I did and I failed to see the huge mob of trump supporters skimping on the inauguration with threats to assassinate obama

I still recall chatter in the media and online about assassinating Obama as if it were the most normal thing to discuss about.

Yet nothing happened. It's almost as if it was all baseless fearmongering...

Media 2008: "We speculate that someone may try to assassinate the President."

Media 2016: "Assassinate the President! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

I still recall chatter in the media and online about assassinating Obama as if it were the most normal thing to discuss about.

You mean like how CNN was talking about how assassinating Trump and his cabinet would allow an Obama appointee to take over a couple days ago?

Yeah, that was pretty shameful.

BRB, making popcorn.

Idiots are shutting down the streets in my city to protest. 66% of which voted Clinton.

Me I'm going to watch the inauguration live. If there's a Bud Dwyer moment I hope to be there.

I watched some of the dudes other videos and DC looked like a 3rd world country last night based on what he'd filmed... people are so fucked.

I hate sanctimonious people and I know I sound so sanctimonious putting myself above those 'protestors'.. but at least I don't set myself on fire thinking it will change the outcome of the election.

The only thing that makes me feel a little better is that this is just a loud minority of spoiled 19 year olds wanting to be special martyrs.

I sound so sanctimonious putting myself above those 'protestors'..

Nope, thats just being a normal rational human being. Those guys are idiots in more ways than one.

DC is 94% democrat and is sick of being this monolithic enemy to "real america" but no, we just have to have this crap here.

Both sides just leave us the fuck alone, go fight in Maryland or something.

For anyone tuning in, the dude's stream periodically cuts out so you may have to check his channel occasionally for an updated live stream. He is going to be there the entire inauguration.

She wore that shirt just in case putting on those 200 extra pounds didn't get the message across clearly enough.

You're a dumb bitch.


You're mom's misogyny.

My Dad's racism.

You're not funny, your dick don't work, come on man.

You're ruining inauguration day for me.

Go back to dreaming of flossing your teeth with Donald's hair.

Don't worry, in four years it'll be over.

I wouldn't give it that long.

My three sons

Well, he's president. Reddit communists and anarchists failed in their bid to stop it. I can't fucking believe it.

I'm shocked I tell you! Shocked!

Anarchists that are angry that the former Secretary of State wasn't inagurated no less.

This was a successful operation. Trumpf's historic Nazi Nuremberg rally was successfully shut down and the Cheeto fraud had to duck and run for cover, his head bowed in shame.

Bernie Sanders will now automagically be President on January 32nd.

They sound like little girls.

There's dozens of them I tell you! Dozens!