/r/toronto slapfight about whether gay men were discriminated against when they were arrested for having sex in a public park. Impressive length.

73  2017-01-20 by zahlman


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Wew, /u/dkwangchuck needs to have his head forcibly removed from his ass. Or he just needs to go get laid (not in a public park). My guess is that he was arrested for having sex in a public park, so now he has to create a mental gymnastics routine that make it OK.

Question: Why are gay dudes so inclined to fuck each other in public parks? Do they not have homes?

I think it's mostly because of gay "hookup" culture. It's a lot more prevalent in the gay community than it is in anywhere else.

It's a little more to do with all the down low types. Wedding by bands are the jewellery item of choice for park fucking

How so? I need deets

Cruising tends to be a older, more closeted past-time for the most part

Us young degenerates have apps now...we are too busy kikking/whatsapping our last cum spurt to go tramping through parks looking for sex with flabby old men

Please say they are still on fingers...

I guess that fits with the scene from There's Something About Mary.

Eww, but yes.

I had a gay coworker who used to bitch about people who fucked in parks (because it was greasy and made people not like gays). I'll paraphrase what he told me.

One semi-logical reason people do it is because they have homophobic neighbors, or are in a heterosexual marriage, and don't want them to find out either because they bring dudes home that spend the night, or because of a lot of inexplicable hotel/motel charges. Also there is always the risk of the other guy being insane and murdering you while you sleep (as was seen in England recently). That's not to say there isn't thousands of better places and methods, but this is one of the reasons they do it.

Paying for a motel in cash is a way better way of doing it IMO. Toronto also has a big gay neighborhood and I'm positive there is some sort of accommodations there. You can arrange shit on grinder, meet up by one of the many banks or coffee shops and do your thing in a not sketchy way.

The "it's because I'm black, isn't it?" defense was played out and used as a joke literally over twenty years ago. Good to see /u/dkwangchuck bringing back the classics.

Sweet. I think this is my first time here. Thanks for tagging me!

You have to go back

Sperging out is never going to help your case, friendo

I'm not your friendo, buddyo.

obviously not, as we're smart enough not to go fuck in public parks

Lol, as if you actually disapprove of sex in public parks. I mean that's clearly not what your search history implies.

come on buddy, you gotta kick it up a notch. at least accusations of dog fucking or incest, something, anything.

especially since my search history is 100% anime futa porn

Whatever. You left me hanging earlier - so don't call me buddy, pal.

I'm not your buddyo, guyo.

Impressive length.

for u


/u/dkwangchuck are you also one of those people who will blame higher rates of HIV in major cities on "poor education" despite those cities having a by far more liberal sex education system than most other places?

This is r/drama right? No one actually cares about any of the arguments - the important part is saltiness and overblown hooferaw, right?

In that case, no I disagree with your contention. I blame those AIDS rates on ur mum.

No one actually cares about any of the arguments

>implying there are any arguments to be made besides a lack of personal responsibility in the gay community

Also ur mum.

Played out joke, man. You need to blame it on white people.

You mean I need to blame then cis-gendered white male. I did, I blamed ur mum.

blaming it on white people


blaming it on just one white person

Not funny

In my defense, I didn't realize ur mum was only one person because of how much she weighs.

Your mom actually is more than one person; the test came back positive last night.

blaming it on white people

don't you mean (((white))) people

don't you mean (((white))) people

(((white))) "people"

I thought that was a given that no matter what ultimately it is white man fault. They ,using the CIA, invented aids to exterminate the black race.

They are just following what yacub breed white man for of course

/u/dkwangchuck how many gay dudes do you personally who have been arrested for fucking in their own homes?

Other than ur mum? None. Tell ur mum I said hi.

p weak bantz tbh I expected better

You'll need to engage him in a public bathroom if you want an actual response.

/u/dkwangchuck talks out of his ass so much he wouldn't be able to speak if I did that

You can be th catcher. I promise to reacharound.

gonna pass on that offer, with all the fucking in leaves and mud that you do I would be lucky if the only thing I got was AIDS

You'd probably catch a Pokémon as well.

Wow, I didn't know it was bigoted to arrest people for fucking in a public park. Get a motel room like the us sexual ingrates.

it's nice to open a link and see you already tagged the person as retarded

/u/dkwangchuck you should come to the US to experience a new perspective on gay rights. You will be shocked at the difference.

I've been a couple times but only to big-ish cities. I didn't really notice much except this once buying a traveller of Old Crow in this sketchy shop in Oklahoma City. And even then the only disturbing part was the Talk Radio blaring in the background. And of course the Old Crow. Dude certainly seemed like a nice enough person.

Hey, maybe you can give me some perspective on US cities. I was in Oklahoma City in 2010 - and they were supposedly having a major resurgence/revival. Their economy was supposed to be picking up and stuff. While I was there, I did see some great stuff and had some amazing food, but outside of the downtown core, the place seemed like a dump. Brick town and the canal are lovely but once I got maybe five blocks out the commercial vacancy rate was like 50%. It seemed really slummy to me.

So did I just pick the wrong part of town on that walkabout? Was it just this one spot that was a little slower to the recovery? Or did the Global Financial Crisis really hit US cities so hard that OKC rejuvenating a couple districts amidst near-slum like neighbourhoods counts as exceptional?

try Washington DC

I've been. While the cherry trees were blossoming. Really pretty. The thing that amazed me about DC was how quickly the downtown shuts down. It goes from busybusybusy to a practical ghost town by 6 pm. Weird.

Lots of biking in DC as well. Which was surprising to me considering how messed up all those roads and cicles are. I guess it makes sense if you known the city, which you would if you lived there. I loved the Five Guys at National Airport. They do breakfast! Five Guys plus fried eggs? Yes please!

Impressive length

On the plus side at least everyone into Toronto can just move to Detroit.