Everybody's mad

24  2017-01-20 by aonome




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Well the useless redneck filth of the country will be happy for a day, then they will wake up tomorrow and realize that their lives are still shitty. The coors light cans are still all over the floor and that one bottle lab in the garage isn't going to cook the meth on it's own so it's back to work for them.

You seem upset about something. Maybe you should have a cold, refreshing bottle of Coors Light.

I drink Coors out of a can because like any True American I buy that shit in sets of 30. Are you going to buy a thirty rack with bottles? Hell no.

There's no excuse for drinking a lesser, degenerate form of beer. If your arms can't handle two cases of bottles, you should just drink whiskey, instead.

Like I would ever drink that swill. I pay $10.79 for a 6 pack of a Double IPA and I like it.

I mean, I could get a case of Modelo for $14, but that's for the poors.

/Calls himself a True American/

/Doesn't drink Jack Daniels/


Whiskey is for posers.

And you will still wonder why they didn't vote Democrat after what you just wrote.

i'm certain the electorate was highly infuence by shitposts on this sub

It is the mentality riemann you dense idiot

this sub is where people truly express themselves and voice their 100% genuine opinions


No I'm pretty sure that is Jumbledfun's actual opinion.

You on the other hand are just an ironic shitposter

Poor whiteys should kill themselves

Whitey just got 4 more years bucko

Thankfully the lifespan of Cletus is declining and not increasing! Social Darwinism as it's finest when the trash loses their healthcare too further shrinking it!

Where have I heard this talking point before

Thankfully the lifespan of Tyrone is declining and not increasing! Social Darwinism as it's finest when the trash gets addicted to crack cocaine!

rare to see a trumpette compare themselves to a black person

No its funny to use the same rhetoric back at someone showing them as hypocritical.

"When they go low, we go high" HA

Oh man sure got me there! Totally changed my outlook on all the poor, meth addicted cousin fuckers sopping up welfare like a dry sponge in a rainstorm in flyover country. Ugh thankfully fentanyl is in most bags of heroin making it the midwest, problem will sort itself out pretty soon

Think about what you wrote.

And remember that Republicans have written same disgusting generalization of black people. Become what you hate, but you are too stupid for that introspective look

hey you are at least open about the GOP being racist! Classist is not nearly as high on the PC ladder as racism bruh. No but seriously I hope all those boomer idiots that could afford to go to the innaug come home to find little billy foaming from the latest hot pack of fentyle to invade their little slice of americana

Classist is not nearly as high on the PC ladder as racism bruh.

You know you can work on both at the same time bruh, smh tbh. Hope all the minorities, gays, and muslims are appreciative of the Dems absolutely fucking the pooch against Mr. Pussy Grabber. Pretty sad tbh fam smh. All those retarded fetanyl smokers just beat them. Sad

Yeah, if it wasn't for the get up and go attitude of all those smack junkies Trump would never have won.

Wrong, lol

Working class Cletii voted to kill off all the welfare class Democrats by taking away their healthcare. Good riddance, tbh.

^ this

Just had sushi. Sushi chef is a recently off the boat Trump supporter too.

Feels good man.

Pretty much. I look forward to when Trump supports realize electing him doesn't improve their lives in any meaningful way.

Wrong, lol

Working class Cletii voted to kill off all the welfare class Democrats by taking away their healthcare. Good riddance, tbh.

Cucks are dumping on ol' JF for dropping truth bombs

Zero effort on low-hanging fruit of /r/politics

gj, op


Owned slaves, set foundation for nation.


Believes in mythical muslim superhuman anti white demigod, is anti racist icon.

Lol Cmon, this is too easy.

Yeah, thats expected.

Is a human mind even capable of maintaining the momentum of outrage and constant crying for 8 full years?

We're about to find out!