Racism drama in /r/altright after a (((Mexican))) doesn't agree on what should be shut down.

28  2017-01-21 by [deleted]



No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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u/JohnnyTruthSeed lol Jews are clearly white wtf?

Well, they'd certainly like you to believe that... However, Jews themselves agree with what I am saying. See for yourself:


Not for long then, all the Jews I know are married to whites or have white parents, there are like 15 in my family alone

Lol... Notice how you just went from claiming "Jews are white" to now saying, "Not for long then, all the Jews I know are married to whites".

Typical Jewish fuckery... Plays dumb, when he knows exactly what his people are up to.

"Not for long"... Pssssh. Jews are only 2% of the population in the U.S. And our nation is waking up to your bullshit.


I'm 100% white Catholic honestly, I've just known Jews my whole life and I don't see the problem.

Can you honestly answer a question for me now? Are you a NEET?

Well, here are your Jew buddies' comments from THIS very thread... You don't see the problem though, huh? Cuck...

Sometimes I wish you people would get locked up in labor camps but then I remember what lazy pieces of shit white ppl tend to be and no labor would actually get done causing the lot of you to be executed for disobeying orders. So death camps.

Definitely in camps designed to kill as efficiently and cruelly as possible. Death factory farms. You are the laziest pieces of shit on the planet. The most untrustworthy, waste of life to ever "grace" the history of the world. The short dicked mongols should have finished you off centuries ago, but like the cancer you are you kept coming back and your fat, hideous women weren't even worth raping enough to purify your gene pool. And no one wants lamps made of you ugly, tacky fucking scourge people, nor do they want to smell like shit from soap made from you.

No wonder these sickos have been kicked out of 109 nations and everyone hates their rat-asses. Jews are "literally Hitler"! Lol

If you need further help seeing the problem:

DAVID COLE SAGA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRrP7AevKi4&t=18s&list=PLlmsOP10VIaBICoKahCXiZcLsMtHIgDuz&index=41



RED-PILL ON HOW (((THEY))) CONTROL EVERYTHING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrnfplmjMOs&list=PLlmsOP10VIaBICoKahCXiZcLsMtHIgDuz&index=44


RED-PILL ON AUSCHWITZ AND THE HOLO-HOAX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oinItLYg7qQ&index=2&list=PLlmsOP10VIaB8bjAsZXevYWxrCEvGPYzb&t=1555s



(((THEY))) ADMIT WHAT WE ARE SAYING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTYSv_YQOVo&list=PLlmsOP10VIaB8bjAsZXevYWxrCEvGPYzb&index=18


THE COUDENHOVE-KALERGI PLAN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDfhVbfZHfo&list=PLlmsOP10VIaB8bjAsZXevYWxrCEvGPYzb&index=22



THE RABBIT-HOLE GOES DEEP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQeRu7BUEr8&index=12&list=PLlmsOP10VIaB8bjAsZXevYWxrCEvGPYzb















Meanwhile, back at the trailer park...

Josie-Ann is getting her small intestines tickled by Tyrone's black zulu spear, leaving enough cock-sizzurp behind her fat beef curtains you'll be expecting your 8th born, further straining Alabama's already thin welfare system.

How eloquent... How will us whites ever outsmart you? Lol

Honestly man, I think you need to have a good hard look at your self and where your priorities lie. The amount of effort you've put in this is really sad and I pity you.

ahahaha "wow look at how robust, empirically substantiated, and assiduously cited your argument is, just goes to show how sad you are. the only way to be truly correct is to be indolent and uninformed, like myself"

sick retort bro

You know we're talking about a wall of YouTube links here right? Dressing it up with a thesaurus doesn't make it into a peer-reviewed journal; it's still just retarded.

Oh yeah, because people who expose Jew lies are clearly "sad" and deserve your "pity". Psshhhh

Just the ones that go to this much effort. Honestly I just think you're ignorant and I can't be fucked going through all your shit and disproving it all or at least pointing out that the conclusions your coming to are wrong because you're just looking for the easy answer.

Do you ever wonder why it appears that most of the people who are smarter than you aren't racist? I can tell you that it's not because of some big conspiracy. Your views are just dumb and trying to tell you why is like hitting our heads against a wall. It only makes us feel dumber.

Do you ever wonder why it appears that most of the people who are smarter than you aren't racist?

Well, on average, the Japanese are the only others who hold a higher IQ than white-Europeans... Just ask this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPAwZkXcy_M&index=28&list=PLlmsOP10VIaB8bjAsZXevYWxrCEvGPYzb

Fucking hell mate, nice reading comprehension.

Btw, r/drama is reddits unofficial white genocide sub.

Yeah, I can tell... It's almost like, Jews have subverted the subreddit. Hmmmmmm

Die whitey die

Guess what... This time the gas is going to be for real.

"The Holocaust didn't happen but it was AWESOME"

Yeah. White guys

If the holocaust couldn't have worked then why try to implement it? I thought it was impossible to genocide people with gas and camps. What are you up to (((JohnnyTruthSeed)))?

Who said it "couldn't have worked"? I simply claim it never happened.

Riddle me this:

There were 15 single-man oven at Auschwitz (you can verify this). It takes approx. 1hr to cremate a 100 lb. body, using modern crematoriums (I even called my local funeral home to confirm).

The holocaust was alleged to have taken place over the course of 1 1/2 years.

4 million were originally claimed to have been "gassed" at Auschwitz (However, the Auschwitz museum amended this number to 1.1 million in 1989-90).

So, let's say that only 1,000,000 Jews were "gassed" at the Auschwitz "death-camp".

Using the 15 single-man ovens, they could have cremated 360 bodies per day (24 hours in the day, 15 bodies per hour... 24x15=360) Hence, if we divide 1,000,000 by 360, we get 1,777. This means it would have taken 1,777 days, or 7 1/2 YEARS, to cremate just 1,000,000 Jews.

But remember, this was only alleged to have taken place over the course of 1 1/2 years.


Now... Here's your chance, Schlomo.

Prove this wrong, and I'll change my ideology forever and join YOUR cause. If you can't, then I want you to apologize for being a lying sack of shit...


They also had more than one camp:


If you were going to design a final solution how would you go about doing it? I am genuinely curious.

They also had more than one camp:

Yes... In fact, 22 camps were originally alleged to have been "death-camps". 16 of these camps were opened to public-investigation and were found to have been false claims. (Well documented, and also proves what liars you are.)

Ironically, the remaining 6 camps in Poland were not allowed to be publically-investigated (What a surprise!), except for parts of Auschwitz. And we just talked about Auschwitz, didn't we? ;)

If you were going to design a final solution how would you go about doing it? I am genuinely curious.

I wouldn't, personally... I'm not a murdering Jew.

Well lying jerrycucks like you claim that 240,000 died at Dresden, if it takes one hour to cremate a body then the bombing of Dresden should have lasted 10,000 days :)

Jews have subverted the subreddit

How many times you nazis have to lose before you understand that Jews are always 3 steps ahead of you?

Who do you think /r/altright's mods are?

i'm not reading all that shit you fucking autist, break it down for us please.

brah, jews give us hollywood, modern art is wholly based off of schindler's list. why you must you be a pleb?

wow, i guess you guys were right. there really is a (((master race))) after all.

Thank you for showing us where the real supremacist-ideology resides! ;)

i hope eventually you learn to submit to your betters like the rest of us

Gas yourself.

Sometimes I wish you people would get locked up in labor camps but then I remember what lazy pieces of shit white ppl tend to be and no labor would actually get done causing the lot of you to be executed for disobeying orders. So death camps.

Lol... Yeah, whites are lazy. (Said no one ever!)

Should we be locked up in "death camps"? Or should we just lie about being in these camps and say things like, "My papa was made into a bar of soap and Grandma was made into a lamp-shade", like you deceptive fucks did?

Definitely in camps designed to kill as efficiently and cruelly as possible. Death factory farms. You are the laziest pieces of shit on the planet. The most untrustworthy, waste of life to ever "grace" the history of the world. The short dicked mongols should have finished you off centuries ago, but like the cancer you are you kept coming back and your fat, hideous women weren't even worth raping enough to spoil your gene pool.

And no one wants lamps made of you ugly, tacky fucking scourge people, nor do they want to smell like shit from soap made from you.

Bahahahaha, are you chimping-out? (You are) I love this... So much for that victim-hood act you shit-stains try to pull too, huh? You're really showing your true colors here today! Thank you for illustrating the true feelings and motive of the Jew, for us all to see.

You are going to be on the front-page of r/altright tomorrow. I guarantee it...

You are going to be on the front-page of r/altright tomorrow. I guarantee it...

Good. Although you're all animals, this isn't hunting, so it's not very sporting if the prey doesn't know the predator is coming.


Watch out r/altright... Lenny Kravitz, the predator is coming! Lmao

Too. Fucking. Good.

No, but seriously, death to whitey.

Yeah, about that... What's taking you guys so long?

I mean, it's clearly your stated goal. But, you have never been successful in actually doing it... I know, I know, I'm sure you have a plan and you're getting around to it. But how many thousands of years do you need?

109 nations have seen you for the rats you are and ran you out out of their lands. The same thing is about to take place in Europe and America.

You can chant "death to whitey" all you want. Won't make a difference. You retards ALWAYS get too greedy and expose yourselves as the parasites you are. Just as you have done recently. The public-at-large is wising up to your lies and deceptions.

Shit, a little over a month ago, I actually supported and stood behind Israel. Yet, look how fast I turned full-fash after learning the truth about you. You turds probably thought I was some long-time Nazi/Skinhead or something. (You'd never suspect me and millions of others).

And buddy, I'm winning scores of people every day over to my ideology, while your pedophile-advocating, shit-ideology, is in it's death-throes.

When we get done with you, you won't even be able to seek refuge in your occupied Palestine.

Ya really think I'm gonna bother reading more little white lies?

Sounds like someone wants 18 inches of shegma-free cock inside them.

Just another reason for white genocide

There are 223,553,265 reasons in USA alone.

Just let whitey kill whitey

God bless the 30 years war

Yeah, whites are lazy. (Said no one ever!)

i mean merikkkans have the highest obesity rate so

This guy is hilarious, he's taking all the bait genuinely.

Of course he's legit autistic, he's an ~alt-right~ boi.

Wenn da jemand reingehört dann Untermenschen wie du.

now now boy, i think you're a little confused about who gets to give orders in our society :)

Lmao... You must have missed the inauguration speech, Scholomo.

Jerusalem is cut off... No more shekels and aid for you. The Gentile just kicked over your money-tables. Time to pull your own weight! ;)

Let's how long you'll last without your host, parasites.

Have u heard trump on israel? He loves the,

You must have missed the inauguration speech, Scholomo.

The part about destroying Islamic terrorism? Yeah, definitely means that Israel is hung out to dry ;^)

No the part about the "small corrupt group" in Washington that we're going to run the hell out. You heard it, don't play dumb... And Israeli newspapers make it pretty clear you fear the Don.

Idk, Hillary doesn't look Jewish to me, unlike (((Ivanka))) for example.

Are you subverting them? Or did they subvert you to gain power? ;)

I assure you that I'm in complete control of the full extent of my power and nobody has subverted me.

Keep telling yourself that.

Jerusalem is cut off

Lmao what fucking world are you living in?

The guy that wants to embassy in Jerusalem is about to cut Jerusalem off right?

Jesus was a jew :)

The Sun is a Jew? Lol

Allegory... Learn about it.

What does the Swastika represent again?

This kind of insolent whining is quite clearly what Nietzsche had in mind when he wrote about slave morality. You clearly lack the will to power which the (((ubermensch))) have in abundance.

The (((lion))) doesn't concern itself with opinions of sheep.

Yet, here you are...


I'm not of a high enough character to be Jewish, but I submit willingly to my superiors.

[–]ViaAlpina[M] 1 point 7 hours ago

This can be viewed as calling for a brigade. Removed.



epic MEME, good sir! you win ALL the internets! xD i tip my hat to you, good sir!

Why do you talk to yourself like that? Is it the literally suicidal idealization of Hitler's sacrifice? Either way, instead of gassing yourself, probably suicide bomb a republican office or somethin'

Awww is the llittle pussy mad?

Let me guess... The sexy, naughty Jewish girl laughed her ass off when you asked her on a date?

Did you wear a yarmulke to impress her? Maybe tried to impress her with your extensive knowledge of Judaism?

But then she saw what you were packing and had a good laugh with her friends.

Or maybe it was a sexy Jew boy? Did you tell him your mouth was ready for some of that sweet candy cream filling, stuffed to bursting?

Oh man, you got me there... What are you, 12?

Off by a few decades.

Lol... So, you're 32 or older and talk like that? Pathetic.

You talk like a tween, I just wanted to make sure you understood me.

They aren't because they aren't degenerate like most white people.

u/dumpster_high_dive when did he say you didn't have any culture? You overreact dude

that's why we have culture and traditions, to pass down to our children. It's not my fault you don't have any.

To be fair he did say might not. That's normal tho. I don't realy have family tradition lol

I'm sorry to hear about u/JohnnyTruthSeed's microdick

He is helping white genocide with a dick that tiny

White genocide is definitely a thing.

And thank God for this.

And thank God for this.

And... This is why I'm a white Nationalist.

Whining about blacks existing and having rights won't make your pasty-white dick bigger, sorry.

I don't care about them existing, I'd rather have them go away to a place that isn't full of us evil white racists. It's like me wanting to move to a place with better weather because I can't stand the weather. I see no problems with whites wanting an ethnostate because blacks have an entire continent for them. See: We wuz kangz 'n sheeit.

No reason to leave a perfectly fine continent to white scourge. Fortunately people who run your country understand this.

Can't get any worse than the scourge of civilization.

the scourge of civilization

Spanish were told to BTFO from Americas when they lost Cuba.

Good one.

Of course it's civilized to allow Mexicans to defend their people and their country, but when whitey does it it's always racist.

This is the problem I have and even with regards to what Hitler supposedly did, I'm honestly not so sure anymore, but treasonous people do deserve to get shot in the head.

If they don't want to be called racist, white "people" could try not being subhuman psycopathic scum and develop traditions other than lynching blacks.

You do realize that blacks kill each other in SIGNIFICANTLY higher numbers than the KKK's entire existence of lynching which was a little over 3000... every 6 months. Hell, lynching didn't even include kills, just punishment back in those days. Just look up the statistics, it's not that hard.

Also, the last black person lynched happened nearly a century ago, stop living in the past, it's [the current year].

It's not about quantity, blacks don't get off to lynching like cumskins do. Being aroused by genocide is something vile whites do even if they do it only on special occasions.