A Trump supporter extinguishes a burning trash can amidst the DC protests. Reasonable reactions ensue

102  2017-01-21 by xjapxn


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Literally 2001 meme, OMG.

What are you trying to say? Assault and theft are already illegal.

"Free hat" is a South Park episode released in the summer of 2001 or so. In that episode the gang's attempt to attract more people to their activism about whatever takes a weird turn when their promise of a free hat attracts a whole lot of people advocating for pardoning of a serial rapist whose surname is Hat.

Thank you for that.

You're welcome :)

Fun fact: He killed 23 babies in self defense

Thank you for hat.

Serial Baby rapist-murderer*

the hero the hat deserves

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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that trash can was a symbol of the disgruntled american left you fascists... the trash represents trump and the burning represents trump being on fire. have you no sympathy

It represents some broke ass janitor who'll have to clean that mess up in the morning.

The trash represents the protesters and the fire represents their burning impotent rage.

this could easily be real

They took that guy's hat. That's what anarchists accomplished. A fucking MAGA hat and some burned trash cans.

That's the most successful they'll ever be

Hey man, they also fucked up that limo

The rich are trembling atm

But they'll their friends about how they beat up a fascist and set fire to a police station for decades to come.

theyre literally retards

We did it Reddit!

The unemployed and ineffectual liberal on display once again.

We a little bit of luck and a lot of hard work we will be able to finally rid the world of these subhumans.

I can't wait to help with the death camps.

Comment straight out of 1933!

Thr good ol days when commies got bashed.

For as tough as they talk, conservatives sure seem to spend a lot of time getting punked by anarchist nerds.

Not hard to punk someone from behind

They let them get away with it. Don't cry, fight back.

"Getting punked" by two lil cowards who are afraid of assaulting you unless it's behind your back. Deplorable.

Yeah, and the pussies just take it.

so lets get this straight, a crowd of rioters, who knows how many anarchists, all against trump, was what it took to take down 1 trump supporter?

i like those odds faggot

If I hit you, you'd just cry or ball up like those MAGA idiots.

id literally bend you over and rape you

I'd treat you like a Russian prostitute.

ok sir sure you would

I'd grab you right by the pussy


Stab your face full of Botox and call you Melania

Maybe you can get a few Spaniards over here to protect you guys?

Well, I'm not a trash can, so I have nothing to fear from a bunch of weedy looking high-schoolers.

Hitler bashed commies so well that they conquered half of Europe.

hitler got bashed too bro

Most of them would be fully functional citizens in a time of less socio-economic upheaval. I have little interest in purging my countrymen, even of people I find undesirable.

Start purges, and you don't really control where they end up.

Most of them would be fully functional citizens in a time of less socio-economic upheaval.

So much bullshit in one sentence. That is amazing!

Most of them would be fully functional citizens in a time of less socio-economic upheaval.

citation needed

less socio-economic upheaval

You mean the most stable trend in human history, trending towards more stability with each year that passes?

I love how all it took was that twiggy nerdbro to take down that battle hardened anarchist.

antifa are tuff, you better stop that talk or catch a beating pal

Crowd's psychology are disgusting.

The 'why does this guy have a fire extinguisher' comment has a point. That does make this seem like a setup.

cuz it is

Not really. There was a fire and someone was adult enough to go get one.

"But from where?" is only a hard question when someone watches so much TV and movies that the absence of an establishing shot means something never happened, or is hidden on purpose.

It's K Street, which means office buildings, which have publicly accessible lobbies, and fire extinguishers as required by the building codes. This guy wasn't newsworthy to film until the second half of the scene, when he starts using the extinguisher.

Some people even carry them in their trunks.

Yuropoors are legally obligated to carry one in their cars.

I have one under my driver's seat.

Real life does not exist and /r/nothingeverhappens.

It looks like a common office dry chemical extinguisher. He could've just gotten it from a nearby building.

Oh god. "It's a false flag conspiracy". You have to be fucking with us. /r/drama is pretty susceptible to that type of trolling.

i really hope we get to see a proper american civil war.

Will be fun when all the anti-gun lefties try to go to war with the rest of us. It won't be a war it will be a slaughter.

ikr, the entire coalition of the willing couldn't even defeat goat farmers when they used a vague approximation of asynchronous warfare so how the heck do the dumbest people in america armed with low-quality hunting rifles and saturday night specials think they've got a chance against the smartest people in the Us? sad.

Someone not wanting their city to burn the fuck down, because a bunch of tards is setting anything flammable on fire is ,inherently, an awful person.

Yeah. When you've got a group of apes whose idea of "protesting" is burning shit, carrying a fire extinguisher is quite understandable.

Hahaha! Notice how the hat thief gets hugged and comforted after he got tackled? They act like they just went through a terribly traumatic experience, what a bunch of deranged clowns!

It's so good to know that the democrats know how to handle themselves with class.