In a thread titled, "My problem with white gay men," OP insists that "Just because the sidebar says it doesn't make it true"

26  2017-01-21 by [deleted]



Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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My problem with white gay men

It better be that they're fully clothed.

They won't give him their dick that is the problem

Ugh /u/Dishonoreduser , i totally agree. Its (current year) now and being a straight gay white male is just not trendy and hip anymore. Also all white gays should be attracted to you, otherwise they're racist. IMO every gay person who refuses to date you because of how you look should be electrocuted by our VP, only then will they see the light and be attracted to the right people.


Ya heard me boii


Fuck. That had the reverse effect on me. I need to go find some cock to stuff down my throat.

Being gay and white isn't enough any more, you need at least two layers of minority now that it's [current year + one]

I agree with OP that askgaybro and gaybro has toxicity , especially lately. But it is not the gays for trump responsible.

But I am terrible and fine with the drama there. Just causes even more "overran by queens" drama too.

Wow, it isn't /u/thindarkoldgaysian for once. Colour me surprised.

They should do this in ny city and washington d.c. since it's full of racism and hatred towards us nonwhite gay guys.

If indiana cake makers have to be legislated to bake cakes for gay weddings, then gay neighborhoods should undergo anti racist training to make things more welcoming to us nonwhite gay guys

This person must have had so many bad experiences with white racist dudes that they feel so emotionally about this

to have such a response should at least indicate a real, prelevant, and hidden problem of racism in the gay white community

/u/gay_throwaway_11 so will you try to consider that everyone who hates faggots might have had bad experiences that show a real, prevalent problem with faggots?

Idiots like this guy are the reason fake issues get traction.

I think you is a cunt gay_throwaway, whilst you can disagree with my toxicity, you have respect it speaks to a real, prevalent and overt problem you have.

A problem I have? Hm, could you clarify what that is??

Lol what? Your logic doesn't make sense! :D

Someone has a very emotional reaction to a perceived issue with a given population : means that issue probably has some very real causes within that population. Why would it only apply to white faggots, and not all faggots? A lot of people have a deep hatred of all faggots.

/u/Dishonoreduser do you think gay white men should be forced to have sex with people they don't find attractive?

/u/Dishonoreduser, did some cute twink shoot you down on grindr again? Maybe you should stick to rentboys

Aww, you know gay speak!

A safe space is a safe space is a safe space is a safe space.

Thank you.

U wot m8?