11 2017-01-21 by grungebot5000
n/a grungebot5000 2017-01-21
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-01-21
No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a SithisTheDreadFather 2017-01-21
Shit bot doesn't do "Jews did this"
n/a Mr_Thunders 2017-01-21
Thanks Trump
n/a clintonbro 2017-01-21
Israel should just start bombing all the Palestinians, force them into Muslim countries where they belong
n/a WrongLetters 2017-01-21
Probably what they should have done in the first place TBFQHIMOF. Then just give whoever was left some casinos and shit.
Worked for US, anyway.
n/a BannedFromImzy 2017-01-21
Then just give whoever was left some casinos and shit.
That would go well with muslims.
n/a HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-01-21
/u/mordaunt0 sounds like the little Polish girl screaming "Go home Jews!" In the beginning of Schindlers List.
n/a jPaolo 2017-01-21
So nice seeing that truth about Polish Anti-Semitism is still known.
n/a mordaunt0 2017-01-21
i watched that episode of conan too
n/a grungebot5000 2017-01-21
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-01-21
No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
n/a SithisTheDreadFather 2017-01-21
Shit bot doesn't do "Jews did this"
n/a Mr_Thunders 2017-01-21
Thanks Trump
n/a clintonbro 2017-01-21
Israel should just start bombing all the Palestinians, force them into Muslim countries where they belong
n/a WrongLetters 2017-01-21
Probably what they should have done in the first place TBFQHIMOF. Then just give whoever was left some casinos and shit.
Worked for US, anyway.
n/a BannedFromImzy 2017-01-21
That would go well with muslims.
n/a HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-01-21
/u/mordaunt0 sounds like the little Polish girl screaming "Go home Jews!" In the beginning of Schindlers List.
n/a jPaolo 2017-01-21
So nice seeing that truth about Polish Anti-Semitism is still known.
n/a mordaunt0 2017-01-21
i watched that episode of conan too