13  2017-01-21 by Cleverly_Clearly

This is an agendapost.

Semi-well-known YouTuber Jesse Cox (best known as "the guy who introduced the Game Grumps at that convention") has been in the spotlight recently for a sperg-out concerning Barron Trump, the Women's March, and a certain right-winger who got punched in the face recently. His tweets have been spread around by people like Keemstar, TheRalphRetort, and even Adam Baldwin. But what do his fans think?

Well, check it out. /u/DaveyDDial, furious about the cowardly use of an alt account to post the OP, slams down on the shift key and says "fuck" more than a Black Lagoon marathon. Here's some more highlights.


For the record, I've been using this account for two years and I've been watching Jesse since his Skyrim playthrough - so about five years.



  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  2. Well, check it out - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  3. /u/DaveyDDial - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  4. "God for-fucking-bid that Jesse spe... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  5. "Keep up the overbearing and judgem... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  6. "Anyone that feels insulted or atta... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  7. "Care to make up your fucking mind ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  8. "Jesse is one of the most genuine, ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

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Wasn't he a teacher before his youtube fame?

Yeah. He specifically taught "troubled teens", too, which makes the controversy even more amusing.


The only controversy is the levels of hate this has gotten lol. Y'all motha fuckin' twats ;P

Who the fuck tweets about a little kid like that? I have no idea who this dick is, but I know he's a fucking idiot now. What a piece of shit canker blossom.

What a piece of shit canker blossom

You seem to have gotten confused and accidentally refer to yourself.

That's right bitches I found your shitpost, and may I say that if I get internet famous for defending someone who only spoke his mind then so be it. Could be worse lol.

What a piece of shit canker blossom

no u


What a piece of shit canker blossom

no u


I know you are but what am I? ;P

Jesus. I have no idea who this guy is but this is a bit much. He said the kid looks bored and smug. People are acting like he said the kid should be raped with a knife.

Yeah it's a bit of a harsh thing to say about a 10 year old kid but the reaction to this is fucking ridiculous.

Heya dramassholes, it's the titular man himself here to say y'all mother fuckers must be real bored to try and kick shit over this haha. What, Keemshit not release enough videos this week for ya? I just saw this BS in my inbox and decided to have a good laugh in the final moments of my 15 minutes of infamy. I hope you dumbasses keep posting here remember to tag me in all your hilarous posts so I can savour all your salt. Oh and FYI

slams down on the shift key

I'm to lazy to hold that shit I just hit Caps Lock

Peace bitches XOXOX

How's being 15 these days?

When I was 15 memes were an edgy underground thing that like, 3 people in my school new about.

Ohhhhh man you fuckin got me. You're clearly the more mature of the two of us why else would you frequent subs like this one or r/CringeAnarchy and r/ecchi. Obviously you know what's cool, you must be like 16 wow!

You took the time to go to my post history, but not enough to get to my wedding pictures? C'mon, that's lazy as shit.

Man I'm 15 I'm clearly lazy as shit, I couldn't be bothered to click next more than once.


Cool, gj

Anytime someone on the internet opens a statement with "yo, its chaboi...." I consider the wonderful work eugenics could be doing right now.

Anytime someone on the internet doesn't understand when someone is being ironic, I consider the wonderful work eugenics could be doing right now.

Ironic usage or not, you are still going in the oven.

OHHHH Can you make me into a pepperoni pizza? They're my favourite!


I thought he's in prison now for punching a cop?

It's just some random kid, no one should really give a shit because it's not something we need to care about

Jesse Cox did, but I can see how it's hard to see that when you're busy being an internet warrior and defending your favourite celebrity

I think that apathy has led me to be a much calmer person

do you hear yourself bro do you think you sound calm?

Jesus flying fucking fucksticks on a fucking bicycle with Mary and Joseph in the middle of a rainstorm in April

I'll be borrowing this

Jesse Cox did, but I can see how it's hard to see that when you're busy being an internet warrior and defending your favourite celebrity

I was speaking more in reference to care not opinions. I can like/dislike and kid and still not give a shit about his well being.