Is leaving your trash behind after a protest no big deal because it will take only 30 minutes to clean up. /r/ourpresident discusses

169  2017-01-22 by REDDIT_IN_MOTION


Now with added Cancer!


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Every time I think that there can't possibly be a sub that's actually worse than /r/the_donald, something from TrollX gets posted here and proves me wrong.

Awareness and nuance has no place within its walls.

Every time I think that there can't possibly be a sub that's actually BETTER than /r/the_donald, something from TrollX gets posted here and proves me wrong.


/r/trollx add there voices to the discussion

/u/little_foxes as the only voice of reason

Because unfortunately while this march is much more trendy and cool than something like a midterm election, it is no where near as important.

I will never understand why level headed people like this post to trollx. Lol

Because they are me and I am them, we are all apart of the same party and we collectively just failed BIG TIME with this last election. I know if we just stick to the same methods 2020 will be MAGA Pt2 Electric Boogaloo with a house as red at a radio flyer.


Tbh I dont get it.

He is probably drunk. Don't stress it. Also, that is pretty self aware and reasonable on your end.

He's trying to circlejerk about how above it, neutral, and self-aware r/drama is, it's awful

May I ask what this sub is? The sidebar makes it look like you guys are like an ironically conservative SRD.

Fuck you. it's just Drama I'm a fascist for instance but there are faggot commies elsewhere.

Fucking special snowflake fucking fascists. Just grow up and hail the autocracy already.

I'd be down for an autocratic state being restored, Hell I know our enemies and the enemies of our people are in Berlin and Brussels and Ontario.

Death to the liberal regimes and long live the new order of the world.

You catch on quick.

Not quick enough to get out of trollx, though, amirite?

>current year +2

>not being an absolute monarchist


Are you trying to greentext on reddit?

Sure. The place is kind of all over the place due to there being less people versus big subs like SRD. There is lots of Trump drama getting posted though because it is all over the place right now. There is lots of overlap with SRD in terms of mods and users both current and former.

The majority of people here don't like Trump bit it doesn't get in the way of them mocking people that are being hysterical.

Yeah I'm familiar with walking the line between hating Trump but at the end of my rope with progressives.

Thanks for the answer!

Stop by here anytime. We take people from all corners so long as they don't take themselves too seriously. Have a good one.

but at the end of my rope with progressives.

Oh the day of the rope will come soon enough for progressives

between hating Trump but at the end of my rope with progressives.

I think you'd be a good fit around here.

This place is kind of a circle jerk kinda though? Like this sub def seems to have similar ideas to mine but like, the last thing I need to be filled with is myself.

I love trollX when its being funny, not a whole lotta period jokes on reddit and all.

Also I only shitpost for fun.

There's a core of about 20-30 people here (on about 120 accounts) who all shitpost and tease each other and make fun of the tantrums on various corners of reddit. There are maybe 6 or 7 who are actually mean-spirited, but they're generally mocked and downvoted. And then agenda posters who take the gender/culture wars really seriously drift in and out. All in all, it's honestly one of the better communities on reddit.


Join us on the libertarian right. We have freedom, guns, no Jesus, and scientifically better sex.

You can stick your parts wherever you like, smoke all the weed you want, and then have to pay for your own healthcare.

I don't have insurance so I'm just paying $2000 for everyone else's, because fuck me I don't need money.

Gary Johnson was an honest to god retard and he's the smartest libertarian they had to offer. I'd rather argue progressivism to conservatives and try to land somewhere in the middle.

I also love Jesus and already have great sex (not typically at the same time).

Johnson was a retard. Libertarian right is why Republicans have higher IQs then Democrats even though libs are smarter than social conservatives. You can still love Jesus he just has to stay out of law. It's a fun tightrope but the courts keep the social conservatives in check.

This is a safe space for autism.

It's a reference to an old horror flick called Freaks. The plot of the movie involves a group of circus freaks (big shock, I know). One of them comes into a shitload of money and is seduced by a gold-digging whore. The freaks eventually work out that she is a gold-digging whore who is up to no good so their revenge is that they horribly mutilate and disfigure her. While they're chasing her around they chant "one of us" ad nauseum.

I don't know if ol' Skrubs is saying this because he wants to cut up your pretty face or because he thinks that since you've seen reason and developed a little self-awareness that you're well on your way to buying a ticket on the MAGA train and he's glad you'll be joining his team. It's hard to tell with people here on /r/Drama.

I know if we just stick to the same methods 2020 will be MAGA Pt2 Electric Boogaloo with a house as red as a radio flyer.

I can't wait bby

Out ooh curiosity is there no one you'd rather see in office in 2020 on any ticket? Like if Trump went all LBJ and declined a second term.

Nah, as long as it's a republican.

Peter Thiel / Milo

This is exactly what I am worried will come to pass. Only appealing to identity politics driven voters on the coasts is a sure way to fail.

Any time I offer any kind of conflicting opinions my fellow progressives literally assume I'm Hitler. I once admitted that it isn't always easy to not be mad at muslims as a whole because terrorism is scary. That I have strong emotions and feelings that sometimes conflict with with my convictions.

Obviously I'm xenophobic to them. Even though I like Islam and our countries freedom of religion a lot and am willing to choose to sacrifice our safety to not undermine our core values, it doesn't matter. I'm a bigot because I suggested that Islamic terrorism scares me.

Same with the bathroom bills. If you express any empathy with people who are concerned for their safety around trans people, you and them must hate everyone in the LGBTQ and are a bad person. But they aren't saying no they are saying "why don't I get a say in this are you sure I will be safe why should I believe you?"

We're all so busy being nasty women we forgot people hate nasty people.

I think ultimately people are turned away by the double standards and at times irrational behavior.

I don't have any issues with trans people. What I'm saying is that when people voiced their concerns over sharing a bathroom with someone of the opposite birth sex my party ass blasted them and labeled them as bigots and transphobes. It's is sitcom levels of misunderstanding at times and my party keeps trying to force feed people progressivism and it's just divisive and if anything just solidifies conservative bases while creating infighting in liberal ones.

Again no issues with the transgender population or any of the other letters for that matter.

Any time I offer any kind of conflicting opinions my fellow progressives literally assume I'm Hitler.

haha sounds accurate

Cults are like that. Fucking heretics need to keep their goddamn heresy to themselves.

thats actually pretty introspective and its good that at least some people there recognise it

Because they are me and I am them

You have like 80 downvotes on a post saying people shouldn't leave massive piles of trash in the street after a protest.

As a Republican please keep this up. I want a Senate super majority.

Do you go and post this every time people leave (say) flowers and candles at certain places to remember people?

Because leaving flowers in memorial is totally the same as dumping your shitty home made sign on the ground and fucking off home, you guys.


Wait... is TrollX serious? I've always taken their input as jokes.

That's the approach that keeps you sane the longest.

To anyone calling this littering, GTFO. This is a message. It is sent.

tfw you're sending a message to the min wage worker picking that up on a cold morning that you couldn't give a rats ass about anyones struggle but your own /u/Millwalky

Civil disobedience. Anti litter laws serve a great purpose. This litter serves a greater one.

They hold the same opinion of their farts I'm sure.

Littering? Try job creation. Women already creating more jobs than trumps presidency.

Zorg approves of this message.

Wow. I didn't even know this was in front of Trump hotel. Man, this just validates my whole argument then.

White women wreck place with huge, unnecessary party to celebrate losing an election, then leave it all to (likely minority) men to clean up.

The message this sends is "If we don't get our way we will shit everywhere."

As if we didn't already know.

Some wankers left a bunch of fences there too :/

That was a train wreck.

/u/gravity013 sits there at the end of the march. oh boy I did some good work today for women and women of color - she thinks as she drops her sign in a pile of others on the street.

Later the next morning, a burly Latina dyke making below minimum wage has to clean it up.

It's funny how it's always the people with actual privilege lecturing those with less about theirs.

It's funny because I get to impart by political narrative on it.

did you at least have fun marching because a man baby made you upset?

Why does he have 2 accounts

I remember bumping heads with this idiot in the Saydrah kerfuffle. He was one of those who defended her honour relentlessly. And for some really good r/iamverysmart material, follow the link he posted to reddit of his own website where he describes himself:

I tend to think heavily about learning, and how user interfaces can be leveraged to augment the education of new concepts. Iā€™m always interested in having philosophical discussions about what learning is, how we can improve it, and the technical strategies we can employ to get there. I work best in a place that iterates rapidly and wants to get shit done. I strongly believe that one of the biggest factors to the success of a product, as it produces value for society, is the ability to iterate rapidly and test many hypothesis.

Fuck it, let's do it!

Ok, so looking at his main account, - ENHANCE! - we see that he is a mod of r/TheBookOfReddit. If you happen to glance in that subreddit's sidebar, we see a message from the sub's creator, our pal, G13. Hmm, this sub has some other mods, let's take a closer look! u/AlienPhilosopher (hmm, remember who mentioned they were "always interested in having philosophical discussions"?) made this post where he claims to be the creator of this book of reddit subreddit. So, now we know that this is the 3rd account of our friend, we have u/gravity013, u/gravity13, and u/AlienPhilosopher. After poking around the list of mods he subs, and other mods of those subs, I found a fourth account of his, u/gravity13fanclub. So, within 2 minutes of looking, I uncovered two of his sockpuppet army. Who knows how many he has, and how many subs he mods? A cute sidenote: the third mod of that shitty book of reddit sub was u/redtaboo, an admin! Now, we all know from G13's posts that he lives in the same town as reddit HQ, where they insist all employees live. Now, I'm not saying they're the same person, but after finding so many of his alts so quickly and easily nothing would really surprise me.

Wow. You actually found my resume online and posted my cover letter.

How's high school treating you?

Awful. I keep getting girlfriends but then big dicked football pedes keep fucking them in front of me, I just want to cry.

Only solution is to cuck your girlfriend first and fuck the football player.

Only solution is to cuck your girlfriend first and fuck get fucked by the football player.

He should know his place.

Using words like 'shit' in your resume probably isn't the best idea...

It's gotten me some good jobs. I don't apply to KMart, bro.

Neither do I, but I'm still aware that a resume is supposed to be professional and swear words don't exactly fit in with that. Also - putting down working in retail? Wow, soo liberal and accepting!

I'm merely remarking that there are industries in the world that like to treat you like real humans, where swear words aren't seen as "no-nos" and colorful language is the language we speak. Don't take your limited exposure to the job market and be ignorant about it.

So you make assumptions about people online who you know nothing about, too? Cool.

I mean, you're giving me shit for using the word "shit" I can only assume you've had to work for some shitty people.

Is it fun living in your little bubble?

Yeah, because at the least the people in my bubble aren't hate-filled mysogynist neckbeards.

I mean, neither am I but uh, you do you.

But how many in tte bubble are hate-filled legbeards?

All of them. According to you.

I think I must be one of them, according to /u/gravity013 :( it's been a shocking revelation but hey.

you'd be a disgrace to kmart anyway

lol, yeah, I'd probably get fired for making fun of fat women. Oh wait, sorry, wrong identity.

It's possible. I got fired for fucking them in the changing room. They probably wouldn't have minded if it didn't mess my back up so bad that I couldn't stock shelves when I was done. Man...that really takes me back. Have your mom give me a call. I miss her jiggly flubber.

Remember the good old days when I made a parody account of you but your name was Latin?

I strongly believe that one of the biggest factors to the success of a product, as it produces value for society, is the ability to iterate rapidly and test many hypothesis.

Saydrah kerfuffle

You're dating yourself.

You day that as if it's a con instead of a pro.

tbh I just like old references because I'm old :\

Actually, the city asks that posters be left in one place and NY Sanitation Department workers were making sweet overtime cleaning it up. It's part of getting a permit. Easier to clean it all up in one place than have every trashcan in the subway overflowing. Don't worry, the subway ticket sales more than made up for the cleanup costs.

I see nothing wrong with that picture either.

It shows exactly the level of commitment you'd expect.

You mean the "Ok protest is over, time to just drop my protest gear and leave like it never happened. I'll bask in my superiority for having attended for the next fortnight, and make sure to bring it up at every opportunity." level of commitment?

Hit the nail on the head.

They got some good, virtue-signaling pictures for Facebook and Instagram. Mission accomplished.

Do you idiots honestly believe they take their signs home with them and reuse them? What's going on here? Maximum autism on the front page.

I just can't imagine myself scrawling some vacuous slogan onto a piece of cardboard and joining a crowd to pretend that I'm oppressed. Few things are this pathetic.

Yep, should send these folks to the Middle East for a few months.

What gets me is how the protesters try to outdo each other with "witty" pop culture slogans. Earlier today I saw a photo of some dork with a floppy cardboard sign referencing Rick and Morty, and that's when it hit me that these protests are like a fashion accessoire to these people. They get to take a few photogenic pictures to virtue signal to their progressive friends, and then they go home again after dumping their bullshit signs on the sidewalk.

What gets me is how the protesters try to outdo each other with "witty" pop culture slogans. Earlier today I saw a photo of some dork with a floppy cardboard sign referencing Rick and Morty, and that's when it hit me that these protests are like a fashion accessoire to these people. They get to take a few photogenic pictures to virtue signal to their progressive friends, and then they go home again after dumping their bullshit signs on the sidewalk.

its the same reason they cant talk about the election without making clumsy star wars or harry potter references

One of my enlightened facebook friends

I love how the marches seemed to be moving backwards, as hundreds of snowflakes kept heading to the back of the line so they could instagram the crowds. All in all a good day for social media. Mission accomplished.

Protesting is the lowest form of protest. What came of all that? Seriously.

The only thing I'm gonna remember about this weekend is my cousin un-ironically uttering the phrase "grab them by the patriarchy" in public and a bunch of idiots busting bank windows.

Fucking useless.

Yeah they should step up their protesting game, use the highest form of protest instead

I was expecting this.

the highest form of protest

Sounds like Wavy Gravy.

Are you kidding or are you just that retarded? This was the biggest protest in history! Of course the Republicans and Donald Trump are now going to work around the clock to satisfy the sort of vague dissatisfaction and lack of reasonably actionable demands they presented so clearly and loudly!

Exactly - it was galvanising act for anyone that has an issue with trump - which is very important

He was being sarcastic. In two weeks, no one is going to give a shit


Plot Twist: Most of us don't give a shit now.

There is always a huge issue with tons of feces on the streets and the smeel of piss everywhere. When large crowds take to this streeta like this. Local business owners and residents have to put up with their leavings for weeks after. Good job though, you guys really accomplished being somewhere.

good on you for keeping your smellz right next to your computer desk

It's only smeels.

This one is way better. Against littering? You're from /r/The_Donald.

>not liking confederate flag flairs

>not playing a poorly built shitty sounding Dean that looks like a confederate flag in remembrance of Dimebag

Could be. I don't know.

What else do you know except for whining like a child, u/gravity013, besides virtual signal like you are a better person? I at least know putting myself in the cleaning crew's shoes, and try to make as less of a mess as possible while acknowledging me being not perfect (donate to my patreon).

To anyone calling this littering, GTFO. This is a message. It is sent. This is a powerful picture and these women have left their mark.

Trash is trash, u/TryItIDareYou. This is like saying burning cars and neighborhoods is justifiable action because the people have spoken while they burn their house down.

Yes, I'm sure you're a bright shining example of empathy in the world full of entitled snowflakes.

Oh I never said that. By posting in this sub I have made sure I am no saint. I just find it hypocritical of you to think trashing the road is acceptable while you get so worked up on our first orange president.

I mean, if you want to find something, anything at all, to resent people for, you really don't need to look far at all.

I mean, if you want to find something, anything at all, to resent people for, you really don't need to look far at all.

While I can understand why this is true in your case, I usually have to put at least a little bit of time and effort into hating most people's faces. You're like the low-hanging fruit of disdain. You're so easy to loathe that I kinda don't want to bother not liking you, but you just make it so hard not to dislike you. You're like some kind of weird hate-and-discontent paradox.

I agree with you on this part. Many anti-Trump supporters I see right now just hate him because of some hyperbole spouted by news pundits, just like how conservatives hates Obama for the past 8 years.

Really grasping at straws here, you know. Get over it.

It's okay. Litter was invented by the Chinese to discredit us.


proceeds to vandalize and make local park disgusting for anyone else.

Because leaving biodegradable and recyclable paper signs are on the same level as destruction of the ozone. Also, this isn't a park. These were deliberately piled in front of Trump Hotel in DC.

If you can't put respek on your immediate environment you can't have respek for the whole environment.


Because leaving biodegradable and recyclable paper signs is on the same level as destruction of the ozone.

It contributes to the destruction of the ozone.

Ozone depletion and global warming are two seperate issues dumbass

I didn't know that. Thanks for being so nice!

I saw similar photos on tumblr last night, the amount of people who had pride for leaving trash on the ground, aka mother fucking nature, is something else. Do they think Trump is gonna clean this shit up? Like the fuck is this suppose to show other than them being lazy af and showing no respect for the planet?

"Trump's policies are going to destroy the environment!", they said, as they dumped trash in the streets and left it to rot there.

Fully recyclable trash!

Also guess who's going to be breaking their back picking it up? The unskilled low wage workers they care so much about. Cleaning up their literal shit and piss.

It seems most people declare how much they care, making a show of how much they agree with the proper opinion on this important issue.

Then they walk into Starbucks and demand to see the manager because their order had 2% milk instead of skim.

The unskilled low wage workers they care so much about.

If they really cared about unskilled low wage workers they might have had a chance to earn their vote. These people really make it easy for Trump.

aka mother fucking nature,

Look, there's plenty an argument to be made about leaving a mess for someone else to clean up. But this was on a paved street inside of a massive city. This is about as far from mother nature as you can get.

They've changed the world. Madonna did a rap about vaginas and everything is going to be ok now.

Naw she still owes my wife a blowie

That's one IOU I'd burn. Then I'd probably flush the ashes just to be safe.

"Someone eeeeeeeeelse will do it. My mummy still makes my packed lunch every day, cleans my butt plug and wipes my arse after a big wet shit, so I don't see the problem!"

Also LOL at that argument that volunteers would be "happy" to clean this shit up. I don't they volunteered expecting this sort of shit. If a 2 year old can pick up after themselves, then so can a group of adults. Come on.

This was very shitty of those women to leave their posters on the ground but let's not dismiss the entire march because of this one photograph.

Lets dismiss the entire march because it stood for absolutely nothing.....

Women marching for equality for everyone is nothing?

Women already have more than equality. So yeah, they marched for nothing.

Go back to /r/altright with your 2 day old account

Shit like this is why you lost the election.

Go back to /r/altright with your 3 year old account

You are as bad as them. Name-calling. Fuck you and the alt right.

Fuck you. And fuck car alarms.

I'm as bad as who?

The identity politics left is as bad as the alt right

Yes but I'm neither

Fuck you and the radical centrists you represent


Fuck you and the horse you rode in on

kiss me bby

I'd strongly prefer not to

It's not your choice

Thanks for all but guaranteeing eight years of the trump train. Hopefully your Betes will end you before that time I guess.

If he doesn't get impeached first. Most likely in better shape than you.

Hahaha trust me that's definitely not the case at all. And he won't get impeached, keep fuckin dreaming about both you dumbass sentences.

What rights don't they have? Its bad enough the organizer of it all believes Sharia law should be enacted here.

Even though what you just said is total bullshit, I'm sure you would love to have sharia law here so you can subject all women to become your slave.

I recently realized why male feminists are almost always scumbags. It's because they're the guys who hear how all guys are rapists and predators and they think "Yeah, that sounds right."

I'm pretty sure this "You want women to be your slave" thing you just said is the same

If they just would seehow much he is a good guytm he wouldn't need slaves they would be doing it willingly

He's a r/niceguys that I guarantee lives in a r/neckbeardnests

They want to fight for sharia law so they can fight for rights again.

I'm not trying to be rude, because I could just be ignorant, but how does a march actually do anything? I just don't understand how it's productive. What does it do? Please explain; I'm not trying to be ironic. I've been genuinely confused about this for a long time.

That is true, not just one picture. There are many people proud of said picture and the actions.

Is that the same number of people who agree with Trump that it's okay to assault women?


Oh just everyone who defended Trump's comments on the audiotape where he admitted to sexual assaulting women.

Actually almost everything I heard was people saying he was bullshitting and bragging on video. I don't really get what your point is either. We have had literal fucking in the Oval Office of employees/interns.

You're being disingenuous and that's okay. But don't dismiss people in the Women's March just because of some lazy litterers.

What part did you not here or consider disingenuous. It isn't just lazy litterers. There are people loud and proud and even say leaving trash is good protesting and a message in itself.

What part did you not here


Are you retards all this dumb or is it just a vocal minority?

I missed a word. Go fuck yourself to be honest of that is your best argument.

Go fuck yourself too buddy

Great argument. You really made a wonderful case for yourself. You lasted one whole statement before completely derailing.

Great argument to you too buddy

I actually did make one. Repeatedly made one actually. You desperately tried to change the subject in multiple ways.

I'm looking perfectly fine here. My original argument was made loud and clear. Shouldn't dismiss the whole movement over a few selfish people. I don't dismiss good hardworking Republicans just because of Trump.

It isn't just a few selfish people. Everyone walked away from that mess. That whole protest. How many people walked past the trash around them? How many people took to social media to shout girl power by defending throwing trash everywhere like privileged shitbags?

They want to present an image? Well, they did loud and clear.

One photo in one city doesn't reflect all the cities around the world that marched yesterday. One image doesn't represent the thousands of other images.

You keep acting like saying the word one picture helps minimize in some way what that represents. I already pointed out exactly why it doesn't work like that.

If they weren't entitled trash, that would have never happened.

I'm looking perfectly fine here. My original argument was made loud and clear.

It was loud and clear, I'll grant you that. It was also comically moronic. So whatever points you won for clarity you lost for autism. Congrats, you're truly /r/Drama material.

Look hunnie. Trump the powerful is king now ;) you answer to the patriarchy šŸ˜˜ also stop picking on retards.

You can tell when you've got them feeling retarded as fuck because all they can comment on is spelling and grammar.

Go hold the door for these brauds you neckbearded nice guy fat fuck.

lol where are you retards getting the idea that I'm a neckbeard or that I'm fat? Projecting much?

Everything about your comments read like a fat fuck nice guy neckbeard. No need to project when that's what you read like kiddo.

Then I guess I'm a fat neckbeard if you say so stranger.

Women letting you grope them is not sexual assault. I'm very concerned about your definition of sexual assault.

The context is "Whataboutism"

Trump didn't assault women. He was saying that women are whores around male celebrities.

Dude admitted to grabbing 'em by the pussy

He was pissing about with a friend. You shouldn't take everything so literally.

"They let you do it"


That's consent.

Are people really losing their shit over two consensual adults engaging in a sexual act. The left is literally regressing into the extremist right.

I never heard it said like that.

That interpretation changes things.

This. Like, I do not think that's even close to all of the posters lol, this just seems like the radical bandwagoning group that we all know and love to shit on, definitely not representative of the entire group in this case.

The organizers invited marchers to do it

This is so perfectly symbolic for that entire movement that it almost makes me think it's staged. It's like poetry.

There is something very disturbing about massive concentrations of women. I can't put my finger on it. They way they screech and cheer in unison is unnerving. Too much estrogen in one place.

They instantly all get on the same cycle.

>dems litter

>suddenly giving a single fuck about the environment

>muslim mistreats woman

>suddenly gives a single fuck about women's rights

They'd suddenly vehemently give a fuck about global warming if a leftist used an airplane or something. No wait, they already did that.

It's almost like we're anti-hypocrisy or something.

Great reason to be massive hypocrites.

Rules for thee, not for me!

The organizers actually invited people to put their signs up against the fence. People were standing there taking pictures of them, like this one. Some marchers were also collecting trash during the parade. T_D posted it first anyways, so it was retarded at birth. And now the retarded outrage has spread to /r/drama. Color me SHOCKED!

You think Republicans litter for the evilz or something dumbass

No, I think republicans actually don't care about nature (they willingly destroy it in fact) and spamming this picture under the false pretenses of caring about the environment is both hypocritical, and very a obvious attempt to divert public attention away from Trump's sad inauguration, the blatant lies told by his press secretary and the global protests against him.

user reports:
1: Put the fucking context u lazy bastard
1: Ban political stuff in r/drama just for the lulz
1: is it about time for a complaint post about agenda posts so we can watch nothing change again?

True if big.

jesus christ it was a mistake to reopen this place. people are even downvoting /u/gravity013 for coming here. how much of a sensitive snowflake do you have to be to smack the downvote button to make sure he can only comment on this board once every ten minutes. fuck this

Can we close it again? I mean this unironically.

/u/Joan_Wayne_Gacy pretty please



Can I get any recommendations for good White Genocide subs before you close?

Which way do you want to go, are you for or against White Genocide?


Do it pussy

Why are you always whining

Yea what gives?

because you're all terrible people and i deserve better

So leave? No one will miss you.

get off my board, normie

Step away from the computer for a little while. I think you spend too much time here.

i'm sorry for caring about quality

Why don't you ever add capitol letters to the beginning of your sentences? Honestly it kinda pisses me off.


fuk u


I'm pretty sure they've donated more for environmental causes, recycled more diligently, were more mindful of their environmental impact, etc then you have. But they left a sign somewhere so people could take pictures with it. So fuck them, am i rite?

I have seen the light, thanks OP. Actions and principles are meaningless if is all about if we signal hard enough to the we know the correct opinion.

BRB need to like some facebook post so the poor can eat tonight

The funny thing is, these marches are way smaller than March for life, but that gets no coverage

Not sure what alternative universe you're living in

They get courage . Like last year they had to downplay the size of the March during a snow storm.

So you get some media sources last year understating attendance saying hundreds, some saying thousand etc.. All to try to discredit


great post thanks