The Shia LaBeouf "He Will Not Divide Us" cam has been constantly trolled since its start. Memes abound. Shia takes a swing at a kid, while inexplicably dressed as a hobo, for flashing a printed Pepe.

94  2017-01-22 by lvl99SkrubRekker


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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wtf is that retarded stream

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Well I'm divided now.

wow people havin a freestylin jam session of "he will not divide us".

Hahahhaha holy fuck this shit is so funny, thanks man i needed my daily dose of autism.

It's Shia LaBouf's "art" project. Encouraging people to stand in front of a camera and say "he will not divide us" over and over for the next 4 years.

I thought you were joking but it is actually meant to go on for four years, holy shit this election has really brought out the retards.

Indeed it has.

Shia Leboeuf was a complete nutcase long before Trump. This is just another in a long line of ridiculous "art" pieces for attention.

at least this one is original (afaik), usually he just steals shit from better artists

the thing where he watched all his movies was pretty cool tbh

good artists copy

great artists steal

Well, I think it's supposed to go on for the duration of the Trump presidency, so eight years.

holy shit this election has really brought out the retards.

To be fair, Shia has been around since before Trump announced his candidacy.

The left's attempt at manipulating meme magic. Unfortunately, it's forced and not energetic, so it's not very effective.

Why is the left being lumped in with liberal bs?

Well both need to be gassed, so for simplicity's sake i guess.

The only thing worse than communism is the amount of shitty memes that its proponents post on the internet. Also it was commies that were sent to the Gulag so i dont know why you're replying with that, then again i shouldn't expect much from a leftist.

jeez man its just a meme

Ugh just shut up and redistribute your cummies all over me.

boi you know Im coming for those means of reproduction

Can you revolt against my nipples, daddy?

I do dislike communism but they sometimes make good memes


That's a helicopter ride

Shit Ive been exposed

It's just soooooooooo low-enery.

I wouldn't call Shia LeBeauouaf a left-winger, he's just a troll, and does whatever will get the most attention at the moment, the way all trolls do--I just like that his approaches are more novel than the average troll's, is all

How the fuck did he think this was a good idea. Jesus fucking christ.

Child actors always become crack heads or completely crazy.

a lot do, but some manage to get through it. like, Frankie Muniz seems chill

people just forget that good adult actors were ever child actors.

Harrison Ford was a fucking child actor.

Nuh uh

Harrison Ford started acting in his 20's. I think you might be confusing him with Kurt Russell?

oh shit you're right i'm a huge idiot

Isn't it more like popular...

...[c]hild actors always become crack heads or completely crazy.

It's probably fine for a kid if they have small parts and just do a little bit of acting.

I honestly think he just wants attention. He got what he wanted.

Because obviously it hasn't upset anyone's fee fees?

Video where the title actually happened

Sorry, got the two mixed up, the petition and autism made it hard to place.

17 minute video of idiots chanting....

where is the actual timestamp of this shit happening?

after 15 seconds you impatient dingus

Wingus, Dingus, listen up. We're gonna give the aliens the old switcheroo!

Right at the beginning.

OMG, fucking Pepe guy is having such a good time. Meanwhile, all Shia and these guys are just looking forlorn and wondering how bad their blood pressure is going to be with all the salt in their diet.

The guy with the red hat looks ready to shoot a school tbh.

I don't want to be mean, but oh man the guy with the Pepe looks like you'd expect.


I guess you could call it that yes.

Lol @ red hat guy dividing people

It is like Catholics of older times flagellating themselves.

don't knock it till you've tried it, sister

Are you sure that he isn't just actually a hobo at this point?

He's got that Transformers money tho

He chases after him too, like if he's this easy to piss off it's going to be very fun for every /pol/tard that happens to walk by.

Also one must wonder about the mind changing ability standing in one spot and screaming the same thing over and over again like a child who didn't get ice cream is going to have.

the problem is that the only .pol/tards to go are unironically retarded

It's actually a form of high-functioning autism

I imagine its something like monks who go into a trance when uttering a simple phrase over and over again. I bet she went home, thought "well that was stupid" and got herself a nice man and did "the right thing".

I would definitely not fuck with Shia. I heard he eats Pepes.

Why would anyone mess with Shia LeBeeoeoeueouf? Anyone who memes on this stream will be found dead in a year or two.


I'm not sure how self aware Shia is. I think he's probs what I would end like if I was famous after like 2 months tbh

He's in a bubble of celebrity yes-men

I think he's probs what I would end like if I was famous after like 2 months tbh

If someone paid me $20 Million a film I'd do more blow than John Belushi and Chris Farley combined and bang every semi-decent looking star-struck skank I could cram my cock into until my heart exploded in rage, desperation, and ecstasy. I'm seriously surprised more famous guys don't go completely off the rails.

s much autism in these videos

I cannot believe how easily riled up people are by a cartoon frog

hahahahahahaha oh my

Congratulations America. You inbreed retarded fucks.

Eurotrash practically invented inbreeding.

Okay Mr. Habsburg.

Didn't you admit that you fucked your own cousin?

I didnt impregnate her though!

lol I knew this was gonna be a bad idea

he started screaming at some guy who said 1488 and praise kek into the camera as well

and then chased him down the street and apparently pulled a knife on him

also people are saying now that shia gets hilariously angry if you mention mkultra

i swear this is going to end in a few days at this rate lol

he started screaming at some guy who said 1488

totally deserving

Go back to tumblr.

I only go there for porn

for people in a sub about shitposting some of you sure are sensitive about the real life equivalent

we got a swastika flair here too in case you didnt know, dont tell shia or hell try to assault you like a crazy person

I will shitpost in your 👄

on some level i can appreciate the comedy in screaming "he will not divide us" in someones face then chasing them away

yeah that is a bit ironic when you put it that way

Bash the fash

if glitterbombing people is worth getting shot then go for it

did you see those anarchists at the inauguration all masked up and shit that cried to the police and demanded they make arrests when one guy just started punching them in the face

You can't just say something like that then not provide a link.

Bash the trash.

hah thats great i hadnt actually seen that one

the one i was referencing was this and yeah i really should have linked

Sure looks like a cult

Do these people not have jobs or responsibilities?

No, Donny, these people don't have jobs.

Why should they? What incentive is there to slave away at shit work that is only becoming more and more obsolescent? Hey Donny, do you really think Trump has a solution for the coming economic ruin or are you smart enough to realize he's only going to help to cement it.


Jesus fuck that live stream is weird thing to look at? Do thees he will not divide us chanter know how retarded this is?

Guy whit scarf hat and glases come in like mid night and chanted he will not divide like 40min

This seems to be getting crazier by the day. Guys from /pol/ are getting more and more brazen, and there is tension growing between them and the actors hired by Even Stevens.

It won't keep up, though, since /pol/ mods have started deleting the threads

!~He will NOT divide us~!

He won't stop until we all live under Shia law.


Someone put a live streaming camera in a public place, told the world about it and it's getting trolled by every drunk, kid and edgy teen?

Noooo. Well I never. How could ANYONE ever of forseen this?

Why does anyone give a fuck about this guy? For the drama?