Dangerous Morons Still Won't Return Their Recalled Phones

17  2017-01-23 by darkerbr1


Now with added Cancer!


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That whole subreddit is so pathetic

Hi, I'm the OP there.

I agree.


I hadn't seen it that bad before.

It's hilarious. There's a lot of cultish behavior in gadget fandom, but I've never seen this level of slavish dedication to something as blase as the Note 7.

And it must be a phone/fashion accessory thing, because I sure as hell don't remember this kind of obstinance when Dell was recalling the whole Inspiron series of laptops for exploding batteries.

I feel like taking a note7 on a plane should get treated like taking a bomb or at least a shampoo bottle on one.

/u/Afflink's explanation on why he's keeping his note 7.

I am a heavy S-pen user, and will not get stuck with old technology when a new one is on the horizon.

Fire is a very old technology and you might get stuck with it though.

i don't have a note 7 and i don't know the % chance any one will catch on fire but i bet it's less than 1 in 10000. if that chance rustles your jimmies you must have panic attacks at the thought of grandma t-boning you at an intersection.