Shane Dawson KICKED out of Party by Tomi Lahren in Explosive Clash

9  2017-01-26 by A6MZer0


Jews did this


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Conservative personality Tomi Lahren poses confidently in white. (Photo: Instagram)

Thanks superfame I was struggling to identify that color.

Everyone involved with this story is cancerous. How the fuck is Shane Dawson still a thing in 2017.

Nicole Arbour too? The fuck? Sounds like a real sweet party dudes.

On his YouTube channel all he does nowadays is eat food lol.

He does stupid ass conspiracy theories too. Fuck shane.

"He accused Remind The Nation of homophobia after he claimed that their ejection was due to holding boyfriend Shane’s hand. “I still can not believe this exists in the world!”"

Yeah I mean, it is 2016! homophobia was wiped off the earth YEARS ago

It's 2017 faggot

Shane Dawson is kind of a dickhead and was a drama queen long before he came out and seems to mostly try to milk it for views and attention but I also don't doubt people were being shit heads. Looking at everything though it seemed he accused her without her knowing who he was and she thought he was one of the other people that were removed when they started kissing in front of her when pretending they wanted to take pictures with her.

Is Tomi Lahren the guy Eminem punched too?

Shane Dawson is an insecure faggot that denies hes gay and instead says he's bisexual like its suppose to be any less degenerate.

I love love love Shane's book but listening to his podcast "Shane And Friends" he comes off like a douchebag who let his fame get to his head as do most of his YouTube celebrity guests. It really rubs me the wrong way. He's a talented guy and I loved the podcast but that smugness about being above people because he was YouTube famous rubbed me the wrong way and I had to quit listening. Truth be because of that Shane's not so credible to me.

When everyone reassures you are great you start believing the bullshit.

It felt like he was kind of bragging. Then he'd just bring on people to brag. The worst was Rebecca Black talking about when she'd "leak her sex tape"... tf? Ew.

Who is Shane and what did he do to Tony?

Youtube was a mistake

How are these people still relevant in (current year)?

Shane Dawson is my favorite YouTuber and is the nicest one I know. he doesn't try to be fake for views, he does something he loves and cares about, unlike other YouTubers I know. All those haters can fuck off. I'm glad he's bisexual and hate comments don't bother him, some actually make him laugh. So if you don't like him, don't watch him. I love him, so i'll watch him. It's not rocket science.