Don't restore r/Drama

10  2017-01-26 by Khaelgor

Damnits mods why did you restore r/Drama? It's only a shadow of its former self. Most members are only interested in agendaposting, or posting offline links that contain as little drama as necessary.

r/drama mods let your sub die with dignity, PLEASE!

(0 upvotes: since when r/drama downvote lolcow posts)


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Same as fuck

Dumb, gay and retarded

Ohh. Trifecta.

You seem awfully attached to your r/drama. Though, if you're that averse to gay things, I'm sorry to tell you r/drama was never the sub for ya (I swear I had something better!)

No dad

We need to shut down drama, lynch riemann, and be done with all this nonsense.


Hey your kinks aren't our problems. Just get me/(us) a tape. I promise it won't be harmed.

thats super fucking gay faglord


Agreed, OP.

We're discussing it.

Delete ur irl self pls

no i refuse

t'was an order, m'lady

t'is my duty to disobey unlawful orders

Alas, I shall unleash my powers, but only this, F-Forgive me lord,

Teleports behind u

Nothin personell, kid, heh

well memed! :D

Hummm, seems /U/DistortedLines is asking to be banned

Go on MOds, exert your powers!

I've been trying to trigger /u/HAHApointsatyou to ban me since the morning, hasn't worked out so far.

What do you think this is, FreeDrama?

Wait for the next step of my master plan, posting more alt-right anti-commie propaganda. Surely then you will have no other choice but to ban me, comrade.

Surely the next step is libertarian propaganda!

libertarian propaganda

They will be next to get gassed if they don't pay for muh helicopter feul.

I will resist with the strength of a thousand memes.

u won't

You sure?

no not really

honestly I'm jelly you have the power to make so many people throw a fit just by making a sub private

show me your ways senpai

honestly I'm jelly you have the power to make so many people throw a fit just by making a sub private

No, no, WE (and more specifically I) were the ones throwing the fit. Haven't you read the general consensus from the totally not mad userbase today? It was us who got totally mad, obviously. Duh! C'mon man, keep up!

Also, I'd like to be able to say we'll only ever use that power responsibly, but... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

my bad I need to keep up on who really is doing the overreacting

Also, I'd like to be able to say we'll only ever use that power responsibly

tbh fam I wouldn't be responsible with it either. you keep doing you

>literally cant stop whining

>literally lacks the self awareness to see the irony of their comment

no u ;)

no us ;D


delete the sub so we can move on to the far superior /r/freedrama

You're free to move there even if we stay open. In fact, you're encouraged to. hypno needs the company. (:



no, seriously


Don't take away my autistic safe space, please.


Scorpio, actually. Both water signs though, so you get half a point.

Nah don't delete it.

Are you guys just kinda tired of running the place?

Maybe you can phase in some new people who are still into it?

thank god

Cry more faggot.

Awww, faggot steals your safe space?


I can't decide which side has the worst autism. I guess I'll keep eating this popcorn for a while.

/r/FreeDrama exists so it doesn't really matter. We have redundancies on top of redundancies. I even found a small transsexual retard in case something happens to /u/riemann1413.

e d g y

t h a t s n o t w h a t t h a t w o r d m e a n s

m a k i n g f u n o f y o u i s o n e o f t h e e a s i e s t m o s t m a i n s t r e a m t h i n g s a r o u n d

calling someone a transsexual as a low effort substitute of something actually relevant or mean is classic edginess. similar to calling someone a faggot or the like

just curious, how tall are you?

riemann sounds like the name of a short person.

no offense.

i'm actually a really tall person, but i've got no clue how tall bernhard riemann was

i'm actually a really tall person

M A N L E T - D E T E C T E D





It's relevant tho

wtf is going on this sub

w o r d s w i t h s p a c e m e a n s i m h i p !

how is that edgy? when did all you mods become so autistic?

So, let me be serious for a moment, because I was thinking about this a bit:

If there were admins willing to, like, actually put in some work, /r/drama could be a source for curated, "high quality," non-agendapost drama, and /r/freedrama/ could be for all the rest of the shitposting. I might be cool with a breakdown like that.

I agree with you. Admins just need to let go of pro sports (like english boxing).

Though curated, "high quality," posts won't last because the audience dumbed down

> putting in work

Yeah, I know...

I will have you know that I'm a drama leach. I don't post shit and I make fun of everyone. Drama shuts down, I will move on like I have done many times before.

It's funny when people complain about votes. One thing that the mos will do is whatever the fuck they want to. Your opinion doesn't fucking matter, just like my shitty opinion. Actually they may decide that agendaposting and off site links with no actual drama is the only acceptable things to post here, just to trigger you.

No matter what they do, there will be salt and I will love it.

I'm discussing it now. We'll have an answer shortly.

Stop fucking banning things. this subreddit is the same as its always been.

Can someone explain whats going on?

this sub is shittier now though

we barely genocide white people at all it's bullshit


Trump just got elected, so you're bound to have huge amounts of drama from one end of the political spectrum. Give it some time and the natural balance of drama will be restored.

We need to make r/Drama great again.