Ladies Punching Nazis in TrollX

57  2017-01-26 by JohnnyLargeCock


I know now I'll never have any flair again and I've come to terms with that.


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Won't somebody think of the poor nazis!

Nope! These ladies are gonna punch 'em square in the nose!


on the moon

Did you mean:

  • Iron Sky

  • Wolfenstein: The New Order

Was thinking of iron sky

2 features (((reptilian hitler))) on a t-rex!

Wow he went pretty far with the eugenics

Shutup fatty.

dad bods are in this season

Dad bods have been dead for seasons

Not according to your mom

She's no prize either tho

Not according to your friends

Won't somebody think of the poor strawmen!

I would think of them, if I have ever actually seen one. Its basically like thinking of the poor leprechauns.

But we're not just talking about people who identify as facist here. This rhethoric transforms very quickly into all sorts of people. And that makes me very uncomfortable, violence isn't a joke to be thrown around against real people like a meme. That shit doesn't help anybody in a at least partially just society with a monopmy on violence. And with all its faults, even with the injustice going on towards minorities, that still describes our society.

u/zenning2, sorry you're stuck being the only sane person on that subreddit full of morons.

you should have expected no one to give a shit.

the same is true of your life, btw.

PanicHistory is such shit these days.

It's actually getting better. People are calling out the panic defenders in basically every thread. That's progress, at least.

It used to be so good. I began following it back when it had only a few hundred subscribers (i.e December 2011). It's fallen so far down the drain in only a matter of months. It really sucks.

"ackchyually breh its not panic we really need to bash le fash xD"

u/zenning2 Thank you so much for being a voice of reason. What u/JamesTiberiusChirp and their ilk fail to realize is that normalizing assault, ESPECIALLY IN A COUNTRY WITH THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, is asking for an untold level of violence and social unrest.

god, I haven't even thought of that. People are totally gonna get shot over this, aren't they?

They already have begun. There was an antifa that got shot after he pulled a knife on someone outside a milo speech at UW

Hopefully the lesson sinks in to the rest of his dipshit comrades.

I doubt it.

Trump is Hitler

Whoa boy there, slow down, here's some...

Trump supporters are Nazis

Now that's just untrue let's talk about this

it's perfectly moral to punch Nazis

Well shit.

DNC Chair calls for curtailing the freedom of speech for (((undesirable race)))

This sounds a bit like fascism

gets punched in face

Get out of here with that goddamn horseshoe theory you literal fascist

yOU CALL ME A FASCIST< an dthen YOU try to throw horseshoes at ma head.

Ur da fascist.

The (((horseshoe theory))) is how the fascists try to control us

I think its silly to pretend that punching random nazis will make any kind of difference, but it is funny when it happens.

Let's not pretend that these people are going to punch anyone, let alone any nazis. They'll just talk about punching conservatives, which they claim to be nazis, while sipping wine at home.

I'm not sure if you realize, but there's Nazis hiding around almost every corner ready to pounce.

Wait does hiding in dark corners make me a nazi? I thought it made me spooky.

For you, it just turns you gay

Do you mean "gayer"?

Hell they're already out goose stepping and handing out gold stars here

Trust me, I'm a republican (read: literally Herman Göring) and I'm at a vegan sandwich shop in Georgetown RIGHT NOW and they don't know about my Naziness.

Well people are redefining Trump voters into Nazis so at least half the country deserves a punch in the face.

Alt-right memes killed my relatives and want me dead. Me refraining from making antifa memes doesn't change that fact. My memes aren't terrifying. You know what's actually terrifying? The Alt-right. MAGA hats. Pepe the Frog.

The multiple musical remixes of Richard Spencer getting hit were pretty funny. The let it go one was choice

How about each of you antifags gets to punch Richard Spencer one time and then you can go back to your basements.

hey i thought you guys aren't supposed to work across the aisle! You might be onto something though hmm....

You and Spencer are both just retarded faggots in different uniforms to me.

it's pretty funny you think i'm some anarcho kid running around with a bandana around my face

Yeah, pretty funny.

are you going to sperg out again and make a bunch of replies to old posts of mine in random subs?

Are you going to punch dead gay Nazis

i personally thought you were an adult living vicariously through them

People getting punched is always funned. Now whether it's called for or not is a whole different debate.

I'm really going to cheer when the new Kent State happens. I'm sick of these people running around, threatening to punch people who disagree with them politically--which they claim is punching Nazis, but is mostly just punching completely mainstream conservatives.

So when they protest in the wrong place and wind up getting shot at, I'll see it as a good thing. It wouldn't be, but it's better than people like this thinking that it's okay to murder people like me.

lol wut. Fucking reddit man: "Oh gosh, punching people is so disgusting, why would people do that, I really hope they are murdered in a mass shooting."

I find reading hard sometimes, too.

Two wrongs make an alt-right, I guess!

You know the old saying one punch is a tragedy, a million murders in response is just a statistic!

You know this is America, correct? If someone comes out of nowhere and starts punching on me, there's a goddamn reason I carry a hi point on me at all times

(Also yes queue the hi point jokes)

there's a goddamn reason I carry a hi point on me at all times

Bragging about carrying a $200 dollar pistol.

You could have lied and said it was a ruger at least, smdh

You forgot the most important feature: being cheap enough to throw in a river after your botched liquor store robbery.

Didn't you know that hypocrisy is cool now? It's how you win.

some of these faggots need to learn to fall in line and stop pretending to be rebels when theyre not built for it

it is what it is

It's not that, it's that turnabout is always fair play. It's not a good tactic, and it's not the target that makes it okay. It's that they used it first. And if you decide to play by some other, 'nicer' version of the rules than the one your opponent plays by, well, let me know how that works out for you. You people and your sandbox understanding of morality. You are children raised on the simplistic morality of saturday morning cartoons. You're not quite old enough to 'get' why life can't work that way. If someone tries to kill me, I'm trying to kill them right back, whether killing is wrong or not. And if someone wants to destroy my livelihood for my opinions, I will destroy them for theirs. It's not 'no bad tactics, just bad targets', it's Tit-for-tat, and that's an entirely different thing. It's the difference between self-defense and murder. They'll never stop until they get stung by this in a real way--until they are too terrified that they, too, might lose their jobs and careers to try to take any scalps of their own. That's how the world works. People don't do the right thing. They do what they think they can get away with. And if you sit there and take it like a fucking punk, they will never stop fucking you.

So who are we talking about here? The people hitting people or the people not?

idk its pasta

I'm sick of these people running around, threatening to punch people who disagree with them politically--which they claim is punching Nazis, but is mostly just punching completely mainstream conservatives.

its american as hell to fuck up commies! also everyone who voted sanders or clinton is a communist

watch out you dirty commies!!! im on the right side of history!

Seriously, it sounds like from your post that you don't know what fascism means.

Says everyone who gets challenged for calling everything they don't like nazi.

Implying this people have the strenght or the courage to punch someone

Literally just the SJW version of punchablefaces that get off to violent fantasies.

I think you mean /r/hittablefaces. /r/punchablefaces is Minions only.

I meant before the takeover.

*these people, this is singular.

delete this

I, for one, welcome this Nazi punching scheme, because it'll lead to Nazi's punching back, and Nazi vs. Antifa street fights are fucking hilarious to watch.


Political street wars would make for excellent drama!

If /k/ is involved it would not last long before the national guard had to step in

Funny tangentially-related thing, a guy from /k/ and /pol/ who shot at like, 5 dudes in self defense during the justice4jamar protests is currently on trial for attempted murder. Hearing the result for that should be interesting.

Post it here

Yeah, don't leave a man in this state.

It's probably too late to post it here now, but I might make a thread once the result is out. Look up "Allen Scarscella" if you're still interested.

/u/lepicklez tagging you too since you were interested.

It'll be like Liberia all over again.

It's strange that so many of these people don't understand that it's not only Spencer who's gonna get a fist in the face. It's them too. Look at European antifas, they take the anti-capitalist shit seriously and even attack weakling social democrats. The same shit's gonna be the routine with American commies and anarkiddies. Tbh, I can't wait to see their hysteria when they have their Whole Foods or Starbucks or whatever trashed while they're doing whatever they do inside.

My fiance's ring would leave a nice mark

Yeah but real dolls don't move on their own.

hah that was a well executed response

Apparently autism does speak... too much

Wait until I start my foundration : "autism screeches". It'll all be about getting spergs to STFU.

reddit has become so hysterical now, it's almost no fun. Sure, there's drama everywhere, but it's all a bunch of basement dwellers freaking out about the supposed Nazi takeover. t_d is starting to look sane by comparison.

I don't know if I'd go that far, but yeah it's an overload. There's a whole other thread in there that I just linked to with the same crazy shit.

The worst part is it seems to pop up everywhere, people go out of there way to drag it into threads that have nothing to do with anything political.

Whenever I see someone advocating fash bashing on Facebook, I click their profile picture, and they are physically pathetic 100% of the time. I'm pretty sure I could take an entire lynch mob of these doughy cucks by myself.

Would you rather fight 100 duck sized doughy cucks, or 10 horse sized doughy cucks?

Noodles Delenda Est.

Before I answer this, I should let you know that I can deadlift well over 400 pounds and I achieved a purple belt in Tae Kwon Do, which is a purer, more brutal form of Karate.

That said, I'll eat as much dough as you want if there's money in it.

I see a lot of actual "fascists" IRL or on social media (racists, europan ultra right wing, people preparing for a race war or the next crusade...). Mostly because I live in a shitty part of Western Europe, and like a lot of activities that attract those guys like flies.

Let's just say most of them they don't fuck around when it comes to "bashing" people. No skinny fats in the bunch (even the fat ones pack some muscle mass and can throw a punch). Also even in a country where (legal) gun ownership is a bitch they are all armed to the teeth. The "antifa" I saw were all skinny, between 12 and 20yo and only were courageous in groups.

This is what happens when sensible men of substance no longer dueling sabers.

Wouldn't you be more likely to break the shit out of your finger if you punched someone with a ring like that on?


You're the only fascist around here.

Why is everyone so angry! Can't we all just get along?!

Noodles Delenda Est.

If we all got along, we wouldn't have this sub smh

I like the implication that any reasonable amount of women can throw a solid enough punch to break anything other than their wrists.

I had four relatives who joined the miltary uniform to actually fight fascism - my grandfather, my grandmother, my great uncle and my great half-uncle, and I'm pretty sure that they all would have been appalled at the idea of punching anyone for their political beliefs.