Known autist /u/StopTalkingOK embarrasses himself in /r/uncensorednews.

4  2017-01-26 by IAmAN00bie


One. Lmao. I didn't say I "figured out" anything. Two. I'm way fucking smarter than you'll ever be. Bow down bitch. "Draw the parallels" lmfao. You huff paint, don't you? You are drawing those parallels with a crayon. Stupid little yuppie thinks he's having an epiphany by making comparisons to a book commonly read by ninth graders. Yeah "that Trump guy is just like Big Brother" "yeah man, 2 minutes hate, fuck I'm so damn smart" "shit man I'm gonna jack my dick right here I'm such a fucking genius". Biiiiiiiiitch

Can you repeat that in English?

It's Navy Seal copy-pasta

Answer what?

im glad you got that out of u bro

I've done better. I had one get upvoted once.

It is truly a tasty pasta.

I hoped for more drama.

Looking at the comment history, I'm pretty sure it's a very bored, somewhat legitimately angry, troll.


Can't say I care?

I figured you did since you took the time to read my comment history. EFF you too bud.

Naw, I am just a belligerence aficionado in general. It was some pretty good stuff.

At some point in the next week, I will tell someone "I'm what you would call a belligerence aficianado."

/u/StopTalkingOK is a great example of why you shouldn't use meth, it really addles the brain. That and the rampant inbreeding I assume takes place in his trash family really didn't help him either

Hey at least I'm getting sex and drugs. U jelly

When did you develop a sense of humor, you rolling some molly right now? This is weird. Also we do coke in nyc, it's a classy drug for us classy people

Pshhh y'all ain't seen nothing yet.


nothin personel kid