Whiny bitch cries after being banned from subreddit. Cries about it in multiple subs.

10  2017-01-26 by phedre


Jews did this


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/u/metroidsgun were you born a retard or did something happen to you. I want to know if I should laugh at your or not.

Man, default to laughing at everyone. If you make fun of everyone, nobody can claim anything. You're not sexist if you laugh at both men and women. You're not racist if you laugh at blacks and whites. You're not ableist if you laugh at retards and or not retards.

Could you imagine being this butthurt? /u/metroidsgun, Jesus, bro calm down.

neeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvveeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr If it werent fpr the fact that /u/Phedre and Hillary Clinton, America and Reddit would be great.

Del Taco or Taco Bell and why?

Normally Taco Bell, but Del Taco used to have this deal for their chicken soft tacos and I just can't put them sumabitches down.

Del Taco blows Taco Bell out of the water. Chicken softs are the way to go for sure.

How fat are you irl?

Like, hamplanet fat, right?

How many friends do you have irl?

Like, zero?

Hahaha holy shit, that fat huh?

Fat enough to enjoy your salty, lonely tears. patpat

You know "irl" friends doesn't include your wow guild right?

Yep. Much like your waifu pillow doesn't count as a girlfriend :)

For a phedre pillow you figure it'd take what, eight pillows packed into the same case? Plus a tub of crisco?

Nah, Boy butter lube is where it's at.

Lol, typical avoidance.

/u/riemann1413 /u/zachums you hear this shit this guy is talking about you?

the funny thing is (almost) every single one of the metareddit mods i know is reasonably healthy, sane, and well off.

Our snapchat groups are filled with hot af people.


>modding subreddits

>meeting with other mods

>we're all hot af


No memeing, I have you tagged as trans from here do you really think you pass or are 'hot af'?

Oh no, I'm a straight cis dude.

>knowing reddit mods irl

>meeting with reddit mods irl

You truly represent /r/drama.


Doing your part :)

Hey man, does your grandmother count?

She's actually very fit. She also unironically lifts a lot for her deadlift.

It's bad enough when you pretend to be a functional person, you don't need to start trying to do it on other people's behalf.

I whiteknight for my waifus any waking moment!

is it over 400 lbs? if not I'm not impressed tbqh

/u/metroidsgun I reported this blatant overreach to the admins smdh

Make reddit great again lol. Not that it ever was.

Being this assblasted.

phedre cries and makes a post about someone else crying and making two posts. Guess youve got slightly higher ground to stand on than the loser that got banned, but the irony is still there you whiny bitch

Did I ban you from somewhere too?

speedy reply, im glad youre on reddit 24/7 to reply to every mean commenter, but no I just stumbled upon your sperg fest today

Says the loser who responded in <10 minutes.

look through my comment history and then your comment history if you have the time(I know you do) and youll slowly come to the realization that youre the loser here. you fuckin loser

Nah, I don't dig through post histories in a desperate attempt to self-validate.


As a married man who loves video games I really appreciate that there's still people who rip on nerds and losers.....Pretty much eveyone else is 2edgy4u or constantly crying over what a victim they were/are....And meanwhile all you fucking dweebs are complaining about and making fun of jocks or anyone who doesn't give your fee fees a safe space like they're monsters for not treating your dumb opinions like they're golden ideals.

Do you have a shred of self-awareness ya fucking nerd loser /u/MetroidsGun

A. Nope. B. I honestly couldn't find anything in your post history. You are just that boring. Sorry man, I tried. You just have nothing going for you, are you that boring in RL to

Oh my god shut up you stupid weaboo neckbeard. I don't care if you're actually Jessica Alba, shut up, Shut Up, SHUT UP!!!! Complaining when the most creative thing you've ever done is collecting in a crusty sock somewhere in your filthy room.

You're right son, and I shouldn't mistreat you like that. I'll wash that sock and set you free.

I respect a user that goes rifling through post history looking for something to ad hom with.

I respect real life.

Your first mistake.

sigh I know, the internet is the only thing that matters anymore. I'M JUST NOT CUT OUT TO BE PC MAN.



I honestly couldn't find anything in your post history.

That makes me smart, dumbass.

Lol ok. Damn I wish I has known the secret sooner I coulr have saved myself all this trouble I've been trying so hard to avoid. I mean jeez, if all I had to do was never post anything entertaining or interesting I could have been on top by now Fuck, and I cared so much too. Teach me your ways, I'm so tired of shitposting. Really, I am.

Going by your history you're not shitposting at all, you take this stuff seriously and you're full of rage. That's not interesting or entertaining, just sad.

Do I want to have sex with my mother, Frued? You're the one seriously trying to tear into my post history. As if I should be ashamed. Fuckin rofl.

A silly sperg who's retarded or just pretending.

There's no difference.

Oh yeah? I know you are but what am I?

phedre just graduated from the /u/mrna28 school of bullying and is testing out her new skills

I don't know what I've done to deserve this treatment, but I will alert the relevant cyber authorities. I've been minding my own business outside of this terrible subreddit and I keep getting pinged! Now I know how dear sweet jewdank felt 🎻

He will regret this day. Contact the cyber police, man. The consequences will never be the same.

What kind of bullshit name is mRNA28 anyway? mRNA can translate to countless different proteins so merely knowing that it's sedimendation rate is 28 tellls us nothing. Explain yourself.

I won't

...dammit I miss jewdank

Is she seriously still not back?

we flew too close to the sun and cyberbullied our best lolcow out of existence


Vanilla WoW > All other WoW's.

That game is 100% scrubs these days.


The core temperature is heating up, (making inane posts in subs using your username) I think this might go into a meltdown.

You should have known better, WOW nerds get pissy when something doesn't go exactly the way they want it to.

/u/MetroidsGun, are you sure that you didn't do something wrong? Don't forget our man Trump is in the white house, there is no need to be grumpy about anything. MAGA!

But when are we going to build a wall around Reddit?

It's simple we can start today, we need to make everyone else build the wall for us. The easiest way to do that is to convince people here that for our own safety and the safety of the nation reddit, we need to build a wall in Berlin around reddit. The intellectuals will try to say it's a bad thing, but they are working with the imperialists the bad guys. They want noting more than to destroy the communist way of life for the average redditor.

Why should we force segregation when we can convince people to segregate themselves to foster safe spaces. Why should we enforce censorship when we can convince people to self censor. Why should we kill when we can convince people to kill for us.

Walls are excellent for keeping people out, but they work just as well to keep people in.

Not just a WOW nerd, but a fucking WOW nerd who also mods SRD. We have peak pettiness here.

I didn't see that they were modding anything. It doesn't say they are right now, just a bunch of posts to that pussy sub. I guess they have to create drama to make something worthwhile happen that will garner upvotes from the over sensitive pussies there. The majority of the SRD users are idiots that can't take a fucking joke.

This guy seems to be alright, he seems to handle being fucked with more better than a lot of other people that have been linked or pinged here.

oh I was talking about /u/phedre, all these angry WOW nerds are starting to get mixed up

Oh, I forgot about him. He is kind of whiny now that you mention it. I guess all WOW nerds look the same. I figure this post got a little too edgy for the sensibilities of SRD so he had to post it here.

/u/MetroidsGun, you should make a rant video about /u/phedre and how she's bullied you and then post it to /r/oppression. If you do a good job and monetize it, I bet we could get you to go viral enough to crush /u/phedre's evil ways

Yes please. I haven't had a good video ranting about how evil I am since roadbike.

give me a few starting point about why you're awful and I'll make one for you

I crop dusted the elevator at work today.

you monster. you probably hit every button on the way up too

If I had a vagina, that might almost work! Alas I must check my privilege while I fight this most heinous of evils!

nah, it could be posted to /r/justneckbeardthings, /r/cringeanarchy, /r/oppression and I'm sure there are quite a few other subs it would do great on

Could you please do it for me? Seems like like you frequent those places and it would really help if I had someone deeply entrenched in those communities to spread the word!

Just make the video and I'll do the rest!

I would, but the battle against these most vicious of evils keeps me here on the frontlines. Can I trust you soldier, to fight the good fight? Can you make propaga....I mean informative videos and slides to sprear awareness? I can see that you care deeply about this issue and I would love to have your help, but I need to know I can trust you.

Nothing sadder than wow-playing reddit powermod spergs desperately pretending to be "the cool kids"


can we ban /u/phedre while we are at it?


Tbf phedre is a whiny bitch also.

he'a a janitor

he plays wow

he's a janitor of a wow forum