The FBI's Gabbergobble File

103  2017-01-26 by EmotionallyMatureDM




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Some excerpts 1 2 3 4

Glorious Winged Faggot Extrordinaire

Seriously who hasn't been called that

Jesus at number 3. I heard about the threat but didn't think it was that psycho.

if its any consolation it was some sjw trying to fake it

you can tell because of how hilariously over the top it is

and the fact that nobody thinks these people are important enough to go to jail over except themselves

"feminists have ruined my life" fucking lol at their power fantasies

Counterpoint: TiA, KiA, every other sjw hate sub

if you went to kia youd know it is actually mostly sperging over what polygon does and hulk hogan memes

people range from thinking these people are dumb to thinking darpa funds cultural marxism but they dont care enough to want to threaten or hurt people, thats counter productive as fuck

source: used to post there a lot

ye it shows

GamerGators are the Hitler of our times.

are we all hitlers or just a small bit of hitler each that combine like voltron


but for real its hardly "hate"

There are crazies too.

What KiA mostly is and what any given user could be capable of are two different things.

That's true of literally every subreddit though.

Absolutely. I just don't think you can confidently say it was, without a doubt, a SJW false flag without sounding like one of the nutters yourself.

you know thats a deliberate copypasta right

as in its supposed to be melodramatic for the sake of it because its funny to see people over react

Probably still the odd crazy mixed in there, too. By the same standard most socjus folks are just dumb kids who took sociology 101 once and think they understand society, but there's still probably one or two among them who thinks faking a hate crime is going to end patriarchy.

Crazy people are everywhere and are attracted to all sorts of ideologies.

You think she lied to the FBI about a bomb threat to get some publicity?

you can tell because of how hilariously over the top it is

Lol, it's way less over the top than Elliot Rodger's manifesto/videos.

So, I've got that going for me.

And everybody knows Elliot was a GamerGator!

no it was trying to emulate it, because the person writing it isnt very creative

but nobody even tangentially involved with gg would write something like that because it makes no sense to threaten

the people that it "threatened" sure got some good publicity out of it though, and they sure bring this letter up a lot when trying to influence people

makes you think

Feminists haven't ruined anything except a lot of boners.

They are working on brightly colored hair at this very moment.


What aren't sjws responsible for in your world m8


Let me guess: His hero was Ellior Rodger? Fucking Incels.

The ? in #3 is probably elliot rodger.

I'd say Marc Lépine. Rodger was mad at women. Lépine (specifically) at feminists. Also Rodger wouldn't be very scary (injured as many people with his car as with his gun, killed more men than women, was defeated by a standard closed door at a sorority when he had a car, gun, knife...). Lépine shot up a university (targetting women only).

I'd say Marc Lépine


We need to clone him, or at least put his brain in some kind of military robot. Look out for my upcoming kickstarter.

#4, jessus...

  • A++ certificate
  • Considered himself to be a "tech guy"
  • Spends his day playing vidya
  • Lives with parents

It's like he won the sad pathetic life scratch-off lotto.

Imagine being the person who had to investigate this shit.

Hey that is the actor from Sledge Hammer!

He was also the president in Red Alert 3 who went nuts.

They all went nuts. Tim curry even got a stroke

probably because the game was shit

It's even funnier when you imagine they had to work right next to the agent that had to investigate The Fappening.

I like to imagine it's some grizzly, ex-marine sniper who is randomly forced to investigate stupid Internet shit.

"Impressive resume, Henderson. I see you have over 300 confirmed kills and are an expert in gorilla warfare..."

Wait, we have a war on gorillas now? What did the silver backs ever do to us?

Well, after Harambe...

Ah, yes. The great battle of Dixout.

Every ghazi gals dream job, honestly

I actually really get sad that taxpayer dollars were wasted on this.

At least the FBI now knows better and won't take some legbeard's persecution complex seriously.

God, imagine how easy that job must have been. Just browsing through reddit and twitter all day and idling in irc while compiling a half-assed government-quality report. 70% of the FBI cybercrime jobs must be painfully easy while the rest must be painfully difficult. I wonder which type of job is worse. Well, probably the one that investigates pedo networks.

Tbh Id rather get my dick shot off than I have to investigate a single pedo case for the FBI. That sounds like the worst job ever.

Yeah, I wouldn't want to be the guy that stares at child porn all day

What are you, some kind of faggot?

Probably made an intern do it.

Reminds me of that guy in Jarhead.

"I studied Classical Literature at Dartmouth. And here I am writing the letters for my Sergeant to his mistriss."

My favorite part was when one of the complainants started getting frustrated that the FBI wasn't responding fast enough to threats sent by an actual child, and that s/he was "sending endless emails into the void with [them]."

Not only do you have to seriously look into memes, but you have to listening to the whining of some off-her-rocker twink.

At this moment we have over 9000 bombs that we will use to blow up the TSC auditorium when <redacted>. You dun goofed by inviting that stupid feminazi to give a lecture. You're fucking dead, kiddos.

We of GamerGate, or GamerGators are sick and tired of you stupid feminists ruining everything by saying it's sexist...I'm behind 7 proxies and you'll never be able to backtrace this IP.

tfw you meme so hard you wind up in an FBI file.

top kek.

That entire email is gold.

"My name is [redacted] I am the [redacted] of the hacking group known as 4chan and the official leader of Gameitjate. It is my understanding that a [redacted.] At this moment, we have over 9000 bombs that we will use to blow up the TSC auditorium when [redacted.] You dun goofed by inviting that stupid feminazi to give a lecture. You're fucking dead, kiddos.

We of GamerGate, or GamerGators, as we prefer to call ourselves, are sick and tired of you stupid feminists mining everything by saying it's sexist. You all need a hug, some tea, and maybe a gentle back massage, and what better way to pacify you than by burning your face off with high-ordinance explosives? You can try calling the FBI to come arrest me, but I'm behind 7 proxies and you'll never be able to backtrace this IP. Can't lulzback the [redacted.] Oh, and I'm also falling to all your pictures right now. You're hot. It's a shame you're about to get blown up.



Glorious Winged Faggot Extraordinaire

I'm also falling to all your pictures right now.

I don't think that's what he wrote, but it is accurate.

Browser spell check, lol

The last [redacted] is "MrRepzion", a youtuber who had made a couple anti-Anita videos and a video about thezoepost before the email was sent. Whoever sent the email signed it with his name and he got visited by the FBI over it months later. So it's not only a pile of memes, but also a really blatant false-flag attempt by someone trying to fuck with MrRepzion.

In attempt to discern if the language sounded familiar to him, Agents asked [Redacted] if anyone has ever called him a "Glorious Winged Faggot Extraordinaire", which was cited in the email. [Redacted] said he'd never heard of that specific phrase before.


I wonder when they're going to archive pepe's

Imply the FBI isn't run by Anti-Hillary Nazis run by Furher Comey.


Come at me Comey.

if they aren't already comey needs to be fired for incompetence

I'm sure /r/gamerghazi will have a massive thread about this considering they are the anti-gamergate correct?

Lol, federal criminal defense attorney. Sure.

Small even if true

They called twitter tweeter wtf

The official name is twatter

fucking lol at the fbi having to take these claims seriously

imagine having such strong bpd that you get feds involved

Hi I'm special Agent Johnson from the Meme Division.

And I'm Agent Johnson from the Bureau of Autism, Tobacco, and Faggotry

No relation

really missed an opportunity to say Autism Tendies and Faggotry IMO

I see my autism trap worked well...

Autism Tendies and Faggotry

Where do I sign up?

Which part does vaping fall under?

the FDA

(*Fruity Douchebags and Assclowns)

I read the whole thing.


Some dummy kid sent a lot of obvious meme threats, the FBI talked to him and he said he wouldn't do it again.

The majority of leads were untraceable.

Finally they get a lead and one guy admits to sending 40-50 threats. The FBI doesn't prosecute him cause its out of their jurisdiction.

That's pretty much the end of the investigation.

With the amount of paperwork and follow ups in this thing thousands of dollars were wasted on this fucking thing and I really feel bad for the investigators who spent years in school and decades working their way up the ranks just to get a fucking meme investigation.

The Boston AG that did have jurisdiction didn't give a reason for not prosecuting, but I'm sure it's because his shitty NEET life was punishment enough

Half of Gamer-Gator is just FBI informants at this point.

just to get a fucking meme investigation.

It's only going to get worse. IIRC the EU recently funded a paper on /pol/ and memes.

In addition, according to [REDACTED] email the people involved in sending death threats to women gamers were using the website at


It's true. We were.

Ban all goons, git out Opinion!

Y'all know that when they abbreviate "SA" in this document, it means "Special Agent" not "SomethingAwful", right?

Internet memes and the US government are now inseparable. Congratulations, I hope it was worth it.

Page 44:

Microsfot Preservation Letter

Clearly, the FBI put their best men on this case.

>someone spent their life working to get into the FBI

>they sped their day compiling a 174 page report on fucking gamergate

Would have probably suck started my gun tbh

They can redact all the crap they want, I know its Brianna Wu in those documents.