We can now artificially recreate /r/drama. Has science gone too far?

110  2017-01-27 by LSU_Coonass


Jews did this


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The mods did this. Think about it, they need to create a user base to stay relevant.

Wake up sheeple, follow the karma!

The mods use private servers

If you leave a bunch of autistic monkeys with typewriters you eventually get /u/ferenix2's comment history.

The usual examples to explain that thought experiment are Shakespeare works or the Divine Comedy, but my posts are clearly better and I am glad you are recognizing it.

Seeing dedicated people with the heart in the right place being villified with the usual far left (Establishment) gaslighting and empty pseudo-arguments based on rhetorical mind tricks makes me sad, I feel that even if they may be wrong about the facts (dont know either way, I should look into it to be able to give an answer), they are right on a deeper metaphysical level.

Truly the poet of our time.

Appreciate, If you ask me nicely I may make a best of collection for your daily dose of ferenix, so you won't have to rummage my post history.

I'm trying to kill time at work, fucker. You ain't taking away one of my few precious time wasters like rummaging through peoples post history

That's 2 stickies in row for me.

I should be a mod by now.

post screenshot of the invite from /r/autism

post screenshot of the invite from /r/triestoohard

Post cumshots of your Nan.


What do artificially created autistic monkeys have to do with drama?

What don't artificially created autistic monkeys have to do with r/drama?

I was under the impression that /r/drama's autism was completely organic.

Free range autism

Why the fuck did they make monkeys autistic? This is like a fucking onion article lmao

Look, the next generation of channers has to come from somewhere and you and I both know the NEETs ain't reproducing. Science had to step in.

That's untill we collectively band together to create some form of remote impregnation device that can only be fired by people with the autism gene.

It hooks up directly to your balls, scans your dna (so Chad can't use it, nice try Chad) for autism, then it fires a single sperm at light speed into a woman's oravies, also it never misses and it has custom skins for £4.99 a pop.

it has custom skins for £4.99 a pop

the loot boxes are a scam, you never get the ones you want.

just like with children, tbqh

Or we could just not.

I worked in a lab for a bit that tried to make mice with autism. I could give you the serious answer to your question, but it's /r/Drama and no one cares.

This is bullying. You are being a bully.

Don't make me summon HER to really show you a bully in action

You wouldn't dare...

I so would just watch!

She's scares you too, tho, fam. Admit it.

I'm a do it! /u/mRNA...You're right I couldn't do it too scurry :(

Exactly. There's bullying, but then there's the onslaught of emotional terrorism that could be unleashed.

I couldn't wish such ill tidings on you like that it's too mean :(

I appreciate that. We can be friends.


I care.

What in god's name are you doing here, then, friendo?

In all serious, replication models on other animals can help show the mechanisms that might be at play in the development of the disorder and allow for systematic control in upbringing to really isolate genetic, prenatal, and environmental risk factors.

Neato I'm glad people are trying to stop the causes of /r/drama

Finally I'll have a friend that gets me

Neither of my two lungs are working right now and this title made me cough something like laughter.

Now we have something for /r/incels to stick their dicks in.

Besides your mother's sloppy cunt, you mean.

Doubtful, the monkeys have standards ffs.

No, they couldn't teach the monkeys to suck their dick without peeling it

Yeah, that's staying blue

If normie monkeys sling shit, what the fuck do the autistic ones do?

Did they give them vaccines?

Scientists first noticed they were dealing with autistic monkeys when the began tweeting about the ethics in gaming journalism