/r/againsthatesubreddits clutch their pearls when they realize that the fash they call to bash are keeping a list of threads where they call to violence

166  2017-01-27 by BannedFromImzy

Our resident Reddit nazis, keeping up with the reputation of their forebears for thoroughness, have started compiling a list of reddit threads and users calling for violence against them.

Of course /r/againsthatesubreddits is positively shocked that anyone would dare start reddit posts about cataloguing threats of violence, and people rejoicing about actual violence happening against people they don't like.

We all knew they weren't big on self awareness, but apparently pointing out the hate is coming from within the sub is too much to bear for those metrosexuals (using that word because it's technically not a slur but everyone knows what I mean).

I'm starting a betting pool : who thinks we'll have AIs with self awareness before we get mods on /r/againsthatesubreddits with any of it?

EDIT : 2/11 mods of /r/againsthatesubreddits have shown up as of now (27/01/17 19h58 UTC), let's see how long it takes for the whole team to show up

EDIT 2 : minor spelling issues

EDIT 3 : 3/11

EDIT 4 : thank all of you for starting a shitload of drama in that thread, poking /r/againstsubreddits is always a recipe for success here. But just to add oil to that fire I'm pinging /u/DanglyW because he (she? it?) always has the best freakouts here.


Jews did this


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  2. reputation of their forebears for t... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  3. calling for violence against them - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, ceddit.com, archive.is*

  4. /r/againsthatesubreddits - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  5. reddit posts about cataloguing thre... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, ceddit.com, archive.is*

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Where is the pearl clutching? They mostly seem to be laughing at being on that alt-dork's list

ITT OP is clearly being hyperbolic to try and validate his ideology.

Not to mention the irony of being listed for encouraging violence in a sub "against hate subs." And ofc the advertisements for violent leftism of /r/bashthefash and /r/militancy are upvoted.

So apparently AHS is ok with violence/hate on the left, but not ok with violence/hate on the right.

I mean sure they are being hypocrites but acting hypocrital doesn't mean you're pearl clutching... but hey we are an agenda post sub so why not right?

I didn't understand can you reformat your question as an Agenda Post please?

But yeah, they don't seem to be pearl clutching.

they don't seem to be pearl clutching.

Unlike /u/JumbledFun.

unlike ur mom

Not to mention the irony of being listed for encouraging violence in a sub "against hate subs.

Yes, you'd they'd be embarrassed by that. The fact that they aren't proves how similar they are to the people they obsess over.

So apparently AHS is ok with violence/hate on the left, but not ok with violence/hate on the right.

At some point this is just becoming the place where you let us know all the lies you believe. Yeah, and Trump supporters think all the violence from his rallies wasn't from his supporters. What else is new?

At some point this is just becoming the place where you let us know all the lies you believe.


Yeah, and Trump supporters think all the violence from his rallies wasn't from his supporters. What else is new?

I was not under the impression that AHS was the leftist analog of T_D so I'm not sure why my critique isn't valid.

ITT OP is clearly being hyperbolic to try to validate his ideology.

Of course they are:

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

You have to set the narrative early to control the direction of conversation. Or become a mod, whichever is easier.

probs becoming a mod

I basically use words at random. I'm half human, half Markov chain (which I have no idea what it is).

/u/IAmSeth, do you see any irony in being "against hate" and having upvoted posts about a place called /r/militant?

They won't, because they have convinced themselves that hating the hateful isn't hate. For some reason.

See being a liberal isn't about me being liberal. It's about building and maintaining a free and liberal society. In order to maintain that we ought not to tolerate intolerance.

Yes, yes, the irony of "but then you're the intolerant ones!" is very paradoxical.... if you're a fucking idiot. There are plenty of anti-(((SJWs))) who abuse this and think "checkmate libtards!" But it's obvious, people who speak out against others based on their religion, race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, ought to be spoken out against. Otherwise it really is "checkmate." That is obvious. And those who threaten or commit violence against those groups ought to be met with the same.

“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

But it's obvious, people who speak out against others based on their religion, race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, ought to be spoken out against. Otherwise it really is "checkmate." That is obvious.

Yes, obviously. Everyone agrees with that.

And those who threaten or commit violence against those groups ought to be met with the same.

What? No, not even a little bit. Those who threaten or commit violence should be tried in a court of law with due process and punished in a reasonable manner if convicted.

But nice try with the "LOTS OF OBVIOUS UNOBJECTIONABLE STUFF plus some terrible garbage" technique.

I consider the police to be 'using violence'. Even if there is no actual violence, it's the threat of it that allows them to do their job.

Ok, cool. Just FYI this is literally the exact same rationale the extreme-right libertarians use for claiming that "taxes are theft and slavery at the point of a gun", but it's a fun philosophy game so everyone can play I guess.

The point is we live in a society of laws (for now, at least) and you chucklefucks don't get to go around "bashing" whoever you feel deserves it. And that goes double for the /r/altright whackos who want to go gay-bashing or whatever.

which part is the same? I mean, clearly it's not but most philosophies overlap a bit.

"All laws are backed up by the implicit threat of force, ergo laws and law enforcement are violence."

Well, this is semantics. Threat of violence doesn't exist independently of violence. I suppose I could belabor the point, but I thought what I said was enough for conversation.

I think it's technically a true statement, but again I think the libertarian use is very black and white, simplistic interpretation. Violence isn't a bad thing. It's regrettable and ought to be avoided when possible, but it's necessary to survive in this world, and I don't think necessary things ought to carry a moral implication themselves. It's the context that matters.

I agree with one stereotype of left leaning people, which is that some of them actually think that love triumphs and the truth will win in the ends. I have no such illusions. That's why we gotta take care of each other.

You heard it here first, guys. /u/WorseThanHipster agrees that taxation is theft. I've never seen the horseshoe curve bend left-wing trash into a libertarian before so we're in some undiscovered country right now.

Literally this. Liberals hate paying taxes don't ya know.


We hate hate, and nothing else.

Except you label "hate" so fucking broadly it loses meaning. SPLC has Evangelical groups on their hate group page because they disagree with gay marraige.

Some evangelical groups. Being evangelical doesn't affect whether they are hate groups or not either way.

But my point remains, disagreeing and lobbying against gay marriage or abortion doesn't make you a hate group. So when you say "We hate hate" it kind of loses meaning when it's used so broadly.

I mean I get with people like Spencer and stormfront and shit. However, I'm probably going off on a tangent and straying from your point and I don't want to put words in your mouth so I'll stop.

Well lobbying against gay marriage is no different than lobbying against interracial marriage. You're denying them that based on who they are fundamentally. Gay isn't a choice, but it is a protected class. I'm pretty sure protected class is what SPLC bases their assessments on.

Gay isn't a choice, but it is a protected class

Uh, but it isn't a protected class

The headline isn't accurate - I somehow doubt you actually read the article.

By seeking to injure the very class New York seeks to protect,


So do you just not even know what a protected class is or something? I'm baffled as to why you even think that quote supports your point.

Gay certainly can be a choice.

You base that on what?

Base logic and bell curves. If you think no bi Person ever chose to live gay or straight and defined himsself by that choice then you are retarded.

You just said they're bi. Wtf is wrong with you? Are you being fucking stupid or dishonest? Bi people aren't gay you fucking mook.

They can identify as whatever the fuck they want to. If they are by and they choose to only date dudes then they can identify as fucking gay. Or they can say, fuck that I don't want dick in my ass I'm straight now.

Or are you now going to step on their right of choice to be whomever they want to be.

You're head is so goddamned far up your ass you're talking out of it. The choice to pick up a label is one thing, but actually being a person who is literally only attracted to members of the same sex is not a choice. That's so goddamned obvious what I meant I know who's more retarded, you for pretending like you don't know what the fuck words mean, or me for patronizing an overconfident tween idiot.

This is where you sir need to get your head out of your own ass. Ofcourse some people don't have a fucking choice. Because guess what. Labels is all we fucking have to identify peoples sexuality.

So how dare you push the former gay thing on every gay dude put there. Any God damn one of them has the freedom at any point in time to say. Nah not gay anymore, I do both now.

You harping on as if a words meaning is same thing to all the people. There is a general consensus on any words definition/ concepts. But words are only ever labels for concepts. Red, Rot. German or English both labels for the same concept / definition.

Any gay person chose to identify with the concept. For some the natural drive for gayness is soooooo great they kill themselfs because their world can't accept them through bigotry. Many will never have the opportunity or the choice to change their definition. Some will get the choice and make it.

Gayness just like any choice sits on a bell curve of chance. Some people's are smack in the middle and can't ever change from their position. Others will get the choice. How dare you force them forever into your own sick prison of definition.

Gay people must always be gay.

Homosexuality isn't a choice. Being homosexual isn't the same as being bisexual.

Some people certainly have a choice you Blick wall. Why are you auch a Bigot.

Okay you are trolling. You got me.

Nah im dead serious. You are just so invested in your own ideology that you can't realize that some people choose their label.

Tell me. Why can't a bi Person say " I only want to date dudes from now on cuz they are better. I am from now on gay" ?

There is nothing you can do about it. Because if you tell him he is wrong then you are the Bigot.

And people have the freedom to choose what they want. Not everyone certainly but lots do. And you didn't answer the question because you can't without looking like a bigot.

Gay certainly can be a choice.

20$ is 20$.

Gay is not a numerical value.

I mean you can choose to do gay stuff if there's an upside to it.

So you admit that you condone violence against people who disagree with you on these issues?

"omg hate vs hate" only holds water if you're a fuckin' mook who can't understand nuance, or two things at once, where everything is black and white. We hate hate, and nothing else.

That's exactly what the Interahamwe, the Waffen SS, and UVF all swore. They were just defending themselves in a very proportional manner from people who hated them.

This is a really shallow understanding. It's so goddamned stupid I'm going to assume you're being intellectually dishonest and aren't really that fucking stupid.

True, the Interahamwe, the SS, and the UVF all were responding or claiming to respond to actual violence. Reddit anarchists, by their own admission, are responding to words.

Do you really think that anyone at any point in history tried to justify genocide simply by saying "we hate them so it's cool"? Guess what, they used your own justification: it's self defense, and for the good of everyone.

Welcome to Hypocrisytown, population: you.

God damned. Has it ever been any other way? That justification can be true y'know. I really can't fathom how you could be so fucking shallow and retarded.

The nazis also drank water.

So Hitler did nothing wrong?

It's the exact same depth as your argument. In fact it's exactly the same in all respects.

nice meme dork

I was memeing? Do you even know what a meme is?


Research suggests Blue Tribe / Red Tribe prejudice to be much stronger than better-known types of prejudice like racism. Once the Blue Tribe was able to enlist the blacks and gays and Muslims in their ranks, they became allies of convenience who deserve to be rehabilitated with mildly condescending paeans to their virtue. “There never was a coward where the shamrock grows.”

Spending your entire life insulting the other tribe and talking about how terrible they are makes you look, well, tribalistic. It is definitely not high class. So when members of the Blue Tribe decide to dedicate their entire life to yelling about how terrible the Red Tribe is, they make sure that instead of saying “the Red Tribe”, they say “America”, or “white people”, or “straight white men”. That way it’s humble self-criticism. They are so interested in justice that they are willing to critique their own beloved side, much as it pains them to do so. We know they are not exaggerating, because one might exaggerate the flaws of an enemy, but that anyone would exaggerate their own flaws fails the criterion of embarrassment.

The Blue Tribe always has an excuse at hand to persecute and crush any Red Tribers unfortunate enough to fall into its light-matter-universe by defining them as all-powerful domineering oppressors. They appeal to the fact that this is definitely the way it works in the Red Tribe’s dark-matter-universe, and that’s in the same country so it has to be the same community for all intents and purposes. As a result, every Blue Tribe institution is permanently licensed to take whatever emergency measures are necessary against the Red Tribe, however disturbing they might otherwise seem.

And so how virtuous, how noble the Blue Tribe! Perfectly tolerant of all of the different groups that just so happen to be allied with them, never intolerant unless it happen to be against intolerance itself. Never stooping to engage in petty tribal conflict like that awful Red Tribe, but always nobly criticizing their own culture and striving to make it better!

Sorry. But I hope this is at least a little convincing. The weird dynamic of outgroup-philia and ingroup-phobia isn’t anything of the sort. It’s just good old-fashioned in-group-favoritism and outgroup bashing, a little more sophisticated and a little more sneaky.

shit meme

Not really, people like you give the conservatards an absurd amount of ammo against us.

You laser focus on the fringe crazy nazis and try to claim that's Trump's entire base.

A shit load of people got scammed by Donald Trump, they don't know any better.

Calling them nazis and supporting violence against these people is absurd.

What the fuck are you on about? I'm not even talking about Trump supporters. I only call nazis nazis. This doesn't even make sense. If we're focusing on fringe than how are we also calling half of America nazis?

boy you stupid

The subs you hang out on have labeled anyone that disagrees with them a nazi.

I have literally been called a nazi and a stormfront recruiter over 20 times and my entire comment history is full of anti-Trump attacks.

You guys? The subs I hang out on? You're hanging out in r/drama so what does that say about you?

It says I like to laugh at morons like you.

But you're mad not glad.

No u

A shit load of people got scammed by Donald Trump

so far trump is doing exactly what he promised. no scam so far.

his voters know better, which is why they elected him

You seem to misunderstand me.

He's doing what he said he would, the scam is what he claimed these things would do.

His base was dumb enough to think Trump understood basic economics.

seems to be working great for America, not so well for the rest of the world though. (possible exceptions: UK, Taiwan)

How on earth is it working?

Can you point out a single policy Trump ran on supported by empirical data?


Give me an example.

wow rude

I only hate hitler, hitler being defined as any black person.

You're right. All those people who would single someone out for being white, cis, male or straight should not be tolerated.

You realize I'm a straight white male? Despite that, only straight white jugpissing weebs call me racist or sexist.

You however are a snowflake: white and fragile

Liberalism was a nice idea, it's a shame that dumb shitheads like you knifed and gutted it and turned it into an excuse to be assholes.

Liberalism is the reason we have free markets and why you have free speech on the internet. We can argue about how you don't have freedom of speech because companies like twitter and Reddit do t let you say anything anytime for free all the time, and because you don't understand free speech or liberty.

Free markets, free speech, even the 2nd amendment, that's liberal democracy.

Except you don't really give a fuck about any of that. You just care about being a shithead to the wrong kind of white men, and "liberalism" as you've constructed it is your excuse for going ahead and doing that, because all you really want is a class of people you can feel justified in treating like shit.

this is stale pasta

Oh gosh, a smugly dismissive shitpost.

Big fucking surprise there.

> expect opinions to be respected

> post in drama

I am sorry I hurt your delicate white sensibilities. Why don't you go cry on /pol/ where all opinions are respected.

Are you assuming their race?

pol__invictus is a very proud cracker american with a rich heritage filled with self-righteous basement dwelling juggpissing wehrbs.


Stop appropriating African American culture.

It's about building and maintaining a free and liberal society.

...... by ME carefully controlling what other people are allowed to say and think.

On Internet forums. you think this is oppression.

I think it's hypocrisy - but hey, what the fuck do I know. I'm not some self righteous metrosexual who's cut off his own balls to appease feminism purged himself of "toxic masculinity".

Carry on, lots more wrong think on the internet for you to stifle.

wtf are you on about?

Careful now, that's slightly assertive toxically masculine. You better rush off to r/menslib for reeducation.

have you told your parents you're retarded yet?

I am bored now. Why are you so boring?

No, you call everything you hate, 'hate', regardless of actual content. You consider disagreeing with you on abortion to be 'hate'. You consider disagreeing with you on free speech issues to be 'hate'. You consider disagreeing with you over tax issues to be 'hate'.

That way, you can hate everyone you want guilt-free.

Oh spare me the sanctimonious drivel.

You're another one of these misguided people who doesn't seem to know the difference between a justified intolerance for hatred and the Spanish Inquisition.

Rather than reserving the charge of racism for those who actually act racist, your type seems hell-bent on using a knife made of witch-hunts and dirty words, to pry open people's hearts like stubborn oyster shells to discover the boundless, irrational primal HATE you are so certain throbs within them.

You're a pathetic religious follower preaching cult doctrines.

And, true believer that you are, you take it as an article of faith that evil lurks within the hearts of those who don't think like you do. And goddammit, you're gonna find it in them, whether it's there or not!

And, since there is absolutely nothing underpinning your ideology except for a flavor-of-the-month selective outrage dictated by leftist trendiness coupled with your desperate need to signal your virtue in front of your peers, it eventually must depend on totalitarian tactics in order to sustain itself.

Which is what we're seeing now on the left.

In the philosophical realm, it's not supported by logic but rather by an emotion-driven desire to witch-hunt, which is precisely why it must operate like a religion instead of like a political ideology. All your movements and your petitions, all your boycotts and your perpetually selective outrage, all your group shaming and your ritual self-shaming and the constant status-jockeying that you can only seem to achieve via shaming others... ... I see through it all. Cause I've seen it before.

For real, I can be a thoroughgoing anti-racist while at the same time being able to see through your endlessly gluttonous and stupidly excessive lust to punish sinners for committing "racism" and "sexism" and "homophobia."

Your undying obsession with the presumed guilt and moral turpitude of others only serves to show how utterly empty your ideology is without their guilt to give justification to your hateful actions.

Every religion needs a Devil, and your Church depends on the utter dehumanization of certain stock characters called "the racist" and "the sexist."

Yes, racists and sexists do exist. That was never in dispute.

However, because not enough people in your locale are actually engaging in genuinely racist and sexist acts - not enough to justify the aggression that drives your soul - you and your Church of lowly, brainwashed, drearily predictable zombified witch-hunters must fabricate them out of whole cloth, and populate the dream-worlds you inhabit with endless permutations of your own patently false ideas of what constitutes a racist or a sexist.

The truth is, at this point in your activist career, the vast majority of the people you come into conflict with are not racists, sexists or homophobes. Rather, they are people who have undoubtedly encountered your exact style of bullshit many, many times before, and who have learned that dealing with people like you is pointless and almost entirely unrewarding.

Now, you can either accept the fact that it's you, not them, that is the primary cause of your misery and strive to change your self for the better, in order to (we hope) better serve the oppressed people you mean to uplift through your work...

... or you can continue turning your life into an attention-whoring minstrel show of theatrical depression, histrionic outrage and misery, whose loathsome public display - by its very nature - was what caused Donald Trump to be elected in 2016, and will cause him to be elected again in 2020.

And I know you certainly don't want that, nor do I. But the choice of whether or not to change your self lies with you, and with no one else.

Have a nice weekend!

wow tldr lol

ohhh the intellectual can't read?

what a surprise ha!

You'd do a better job pretending not to advocate hate if you didn't have swastika flair. Just sayin'.


Now, I'd like you to explain to me why you think "racist hate crimes are unacceptable and should be met with resistance" is a controversial statement.

But when we want to hang the 4 guilty for the #BLMKidnapping from a tree, suddenly meeting hate with resistance becomes hate again...

So... you're not against vigilante justice, just against antiracists?

You already look foolish enough without being purposely obtuse. No one here (I would hope) actually wants to lynch the idiots that kidnapped and abused the retarded guy. That's why we have courts to determine punishments after guilt has been established using due process. The point is that what you're advocating, this justification for violence that is nothing more than looking for ways to rationalize unacceptable behavior when it suits you, could very easily be turned back on you and those with whom you align or agree. If you employ the "logic" that "racist hate crimes are unacceptable and should be met with resistance" then you've justified the use of violence against the four misguided idiots who brutalized a mentally challenged person, among others.

This is just like democrats applauding President Obama abusing the use of Executive Orders now becoming apoplectic that Trump is doing the same. If you rationalize your own bad behavior your ideological opponent will eventually be able to use that rationalization against you. You're too daft to see that any weapon you bring to fight can be taken away and used against you.

It's because if you think it's okay to attack a "fascist" today, it might be Republicans tomorrow, then all non-socialists, then everyone up against the wall comrades. We have rule of law here, and people can't just go around attacking we whoever the fuck they want. That's Hate, man.

socialists are why god invented helicopters

Ironically...or maybe not...Sikorsky was Russian.

And fled to the US after the Revolution.

It's worse. They think it's okay to attack Republicans today, they're just going to call them fascists to justify it.

It's a Tibetan good luck charm you fucking kike.

Mm, too blatant. You ruined it. No fun if we don't at least pretend we're serious about things.

Because I don't trust loons like yourself to hand out extrajudicial punishment 🎶

To be fair I'm a regular poster on AHS and I don't think I've said something offensive and I have the windmill of love as my symbol.

OTOH I'm a staunch Zionist which some of the sub's regulars consider to be racism

which some of the sub's regulars consider to be racism

Didn't they fuck off to /r/hatesubsinaction?

What's the difference between the two? I'm subbed to AHS, but I never heard of this one. Are these more extreme?

A user from AHS got mad that one of their mods posted comments to /r/drama (which is the worst hate sub ever), and had the gall to act friendly to some of the users. The same mod was a kike who considered being against zionism was antisemitic. Also AHS sometimes allows users from "hate subs" to post there without being instabanned (as long as they obey the rules) which made him REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE because apparently acknowledging these people exist is heresy.

So /u/Minn-ee-sottaa (or his former account) created /r/hatesubsinaction. Which is a shittier, low energy, low traffic, almost inactive "purer" alternative to /r/againsthatesubreddits.

"Against hate" is just a slogan to paint us as the good guys whilst we attack people and destroy property, goy.

Property destruction is a tactic of black bloc protest, not antifascism.

Antifascists are only interested in breaking windows if there are Nazis hiding behind them.

And Nazi is a label for anyone who you disagree with. Spencer might be a Nazi, but you fucks cried wolf for so long that nobody takes you seriously.

Spencer is a Nicer-Nazi and that video of him getting punched is super funny. That said, it's obviously still battery and should be prosecuted.

it's obviously still battery


and should be prosecuted

hardly seems worth the effort

hardly seems worth the effort

The government/courts/law enforcement have to step in and punish his attackers unless you want reciprocal violence. If people are allowed to assault morons like Spencer with impunity Spencer's allies are eventually going to get the idea that they can do it, too. Then they're going to start making their appearances in groups and fight back when they're attacked, and probably start initiating some of the violence themselves. Spencer's attacker(s) have to be tried and, if found guilty, severely punished in order to set an example that will help ensure order.

yeah "making an example" out of people for minor offenses works so well to pacify fringe radicals. i think more violence is basically inevitable, but i think it will be worse and more wide spread with a hardline "law and order" approach. don't forget the left has a way stronger domestic terrorism record in this country than the right.

Don't be a retard nobody needs to be "made an example." Charge them for the crime that they committed and treat them like any other idiot street brawler. They probably won't even see the inside of a jail for more than a couple days unless they have priors. The law shouldn't treat an idiot like this any different than a drunk moron. It's not hard.

They probably won't even see the inside of a jail for more than a couple days unless they have priors

yeah thats the problem

fringe radicals can't be pacified, they need to be provoked into committing prosecutable actions, so the system can take care of them.

Antifascists are only interested in breaking windows if there are Nazis hiding behind them.

And who gets to decide who the Nazis are?

Nice dubs

Antifascists are only interested in breaking windows if there are Nazis hiding behind them.

And who gets to decide who the Nazis are?

Nice dubs

check 'em

If you see a group advocating genocide and a second group trying to stop them, and you think the second group is the problem, you are part of the first group.

If by "trying to stop them" you mean "giving them loads of free publicity and feeding into their pathetic martyr complex" than I agree.

You and /u/OpenSeasonOnLeftists should just go ahead and fuck, to break the tension.

Let me see if I'm parsing your last statement, there. You seem to be using "you and an enemy should fuck" as an insult.

Do you think that two people fucking is a bad thing? Who hurt you?

I'm just saying you two are clearly made for each other, and this is like the first act of the romcom where you think hate each other, but then by about the halfway point you'll realize you have so much in common (edgy tattoos, violent internet fantasies, a complete lack of marketable life skills) that it was obviously meant to be.

You sure do make strange assumptions about people. I'm a clean cut dude with no tattoos and an office job, and if you search my history you'll find no violent fantasies at all, just advocacy for community action and neighborhood watch style prevention of hate crime.

I think you may be confused about what antifascists do.

Standing up against hatred is a moral opinion, not a political one. Pretty much the only people okay with the Klan are its members. We advocate that on all levels of a democratic society racist totalitarianism should be denied a platform. Usually, that comes in the form of peaceful counterprotest.

As militants, antifascists serve as volunteer security for counterprotest events, defending the protestors against violence and preventing hate group members from doxxing them for later retribution.

We also serve as volunteer security for hate crime victims who have become targets. For example, a family whose home had been vandalized with a burning cross might contact us and ask that we keep watch over their property for a few days to make sure they are safe.

Really, it's all very civic minded. Caring for the welfare of your fellows is a virtue, after all. I'd like you to explain to me why you think advocating for the safety of everyone in a civic society is a bad thing.

Well gee whiz, that all sounds super nice and peachy!

Honestly though, nobody except edgy leftists who want to get in fights calls themselves "antifascists" or "antifa"* and most of what you wrote was just a bunch of euphemistic platitudes.

Standing up against hatred is a moral opinion, not a political one...

Sure, fine. But what you really mean is "no good person could possibly disagree with us!"

be denied a platform

Translation: We don't believe in freedom of speech.

volunteer security for counterprotest events...defending the protestors against violence

By getting in brawls with the counterprotestors.

preventing hate group members from doxxing them for later retribution.

How? By wearing ski masks? By grabbing and breaking phones and cameras?

The point is that almost anyone can write something like you did to make themselves sound pleasant and inoffensive. I'm sure if you went and asked members of the Council of Conservative Citizens they would tell you that they're all very civic-minded and they want to advocate for the safety of everyone in civic society and how could you ever think that advocating for safety is a bad thing!

* Normal people don't define themselves by what they hate. You don't see tons of people going around calling themselves "antimarxists" or "antirapists", either.

if you search my history you'll find no violent fantasies at all

I don't have to search your history. You're advocating for and rationalizing violence in this very thread.

ur fucking funny man xD

lmfao youre actually hilarious. Id be super disappointed if your account wasnt a troll account, because it's absolutely brilliant. If youre legitimately serious, youre legitimately retarded

or they see a bunch of kids beating people up for saying things they don't agree with and going into autistic fits of rage when they don't get their way.

If you see a group advocating genocide and a second group trying to stop them, and you think the second group is the problem, you are part of the first group.

Which one are you meant to be again?

Huegenics, huh?

Big gulps, huh?

a second group trying to stop them


that's what you think they're trying to do? stop "nazis" by attacking random civilians? you think that stops people who are gleefully preparing for martyrdom in a race war? you think that stops them from organizing and recruiting online, where virtually all of their communication is? you think that 'radical leftists attack ____ on the street' doesn't drive recruitment for the far right (guess what kind of anecdotes they use in their propaganda to characterize the left)?

This 'bash the fash' antifa bullshit is 100 PERCENT masturbatory. It does nothing but give the actor a sense of satisfaction for having ~defended the world from nazis~ when in reality it just drives recruitment for far right groups, makes the general public view them disdainfully, and gives them grounds to retaliate. There's a reason why we have a legal system instead of running around like chimps attacking people we don't like and actually work to solve systematic social issues that cause disillusionment instead of pretending that attacking them will make them go away. But go ahead and try and live out your glossy hero fantasy; I'm sure bashing the fash and destabilizing the country with sectarian violence instead of actually solving the problem is just as cool as the action you see in movies.

Far-left logic:

Be extra super careful about how you attack Islamic extremists, or you'll just end up radicalising moderate Muslims and making the problem worse.

Be sure to call everyone to the right of Sanders a Nazi and beat up random idiots wearing red hats. This will definitely win friends and supporters!

trying to stop them

  1. From doing what?

  2. By what method?

Joe says, reporters who asked to interview him, that we should gas the Jews.

To stop him, Seth hits Joe with a tire iron.

I have a problem with violence as a response to speech, and so I have a problem with this.

Seth now believes I think we should gas the Jews, because Seth is a blinkered, violent, bizarro-fascist lunatic.

That's dumb.

Feel free to join us in solidarity at /r/militant. We're more than happy to help you feel safe. For what it's worth, I'm on their list too.

Hmmm. Isn't that a hate subreddit? Hmmm. Why is it promoted on /r/AgainstHateSubreddits? Hmmm-hmmm, very curious.

Also, their current top post left me a bit confused. No, very confused, to be honest. What's the difference, "we say X vs them say X"? Maybe they are in fact ironic trolls? Then why there's only upvotes, no trollish banter about murdering white people?

/u/IamSeth, explain please, are you guys trolling /r/AgainstHateSubreddits or are you for reals?

If I didn't know better, I'd think they are trolls too, nobody can be this stupid, but having interacted with those kinds of people... they sadly are that stupid. And we're talking mongoloid, born with an extra chromosome, oops my daddy dropped me and I landed on my head, I put solvents in a bag and sniff them, kind of stupid.

nobody can be this stupid

One word : /r/againsthatesubreddits


They have mods in common with /r/shitredditsays and /r/menslib. Enough said.


Didn't know about that sub so I went there out of curiosity, from one of the comments:

Men are the disposable gender.

/u/TacoCatReturns dispose of yourself, you're a waste of oxygen.

It's awesome. They have a tranny mod educating men about their toxic masculinity, who also mods female only subs.

Did you just cite me three times and act like I'm 3 separate people?

I meant it's all the same person. That's what's awesome. But I'm a non native speaker with questionnable mental health so sometimes that might get in the way of me getting my point across.

Hey hey hey, such blatant attempts to score oppression points are heavily penalized.

Shit I forgot my mixed ethnic background and lower socio-economic status.

I like /u/LIATG though, I must confess. I've never seen them saying anything actually shitty, so that already puts them way ahead basically everyone in that cohort and probably means that they are an exceptionally nice person to keep resisting corruption like that.

I think it's the female hormones making it less violent and aggressive. That's why it relies on passive-aggressive comments in /r/shitredditsays, /r/ and /r/menslib to sneakily provoke feelings of self hates in whites in general and males in particular. Which really makes me suspect it of being jewish though.

Also I think it's about to go underground to lay its eggs so I advise destroying it with fire before it can breed.


(^ intentionally left as it can be taken two ways)

Everyone knows this place has been run over by SRS. It's clear from your love of social justice what you mean.

But I love witty trolling too, and that last line sort of exonerated the whole comment!

Everyone knows you're just trying to fit in with the cool kids, bucko. Now stop wasting time on writing that letter to your congressman about the issue you feel passionate about, and then get out there to protest!

This might surprise you, but most of /r/drama, including you, are not even American.

Oh thank god, I was starting to get really embarrassed there for a moment. Time to bask in my European superiority!

So unfortunately I don't have a congressman I could pen long letters full of helpful advice and deranged demands to.

If you're in a country with an actual dictator though, it's not advised to call him or send letters complaining.

Also, you misspelled /r/fnord. An understandable mistake.

That's why it relies on passive-aggressive comments in /r/shitredditsays, /r/ and /r/menslib to sneakily provoke feelings of

Also, /u/LIATG, can I get an invite to the second of the listed subreddits? I feel like it's very much aligned with my interests.

Clearly he's praising my work on /r/Cuckbroke, which is free and open to all

Not /r/fnord?

i've always liked LIATG too. can't say i know a ton about them, but they've always been nice to me.

I love how when that gets said in /r/MensRights, you stupid fuckers cum.

I don't even go to that retarded shithole, don't project.

Learn what "project" means, you festering radgecunt.

No. MRAs are also useless whiners.

You're one word away from 10/10 points. As it is; I had to shift the numbers to 9/11 because it's an edgy disaster.

/>trying this hard

/>also, thinking that insulting whiny girly men is edgy

The sub had good intentions, but now it's kind of just sad. They also seem to have let women completely hijack the a lot of the conversation, and they're the worst type of woman to have a discussion about men with as well.

Yeah, I didn't get a bad vibe from reading their sidebar, but the discussions in the comments don't seem to be unbiased. One look at the mods there and it's obvious what kind of sub they want, disappointing.

Their feminist overlords are perfectly okay with any discussion as long as it isn't the wrong type of discussion. All men's rights are on the table as long as they don't affect women or portray them in any light other than positive.

And they talk about toxic masculinity constantly.

Good intentions yes, but when you envisage masculinity as inherently toxic you end up with a group which will only harm vulnerable men.

I'm sure that they had good intentions. But this is how 'feminist friendly' male spaces always turn out. It isn't really a matter of intentions. I'm sure half the 6 year olds who broke their legs jumping off of their carports really intended to fly. Doesn't meaning that unassisted flight was ever in the cards for them.

If you both males and females can equally embody all traits from both masculinity and femininity, then how can masculinity be considered a valid concept at all?

You're not wrong about the worst types of women. Seriously, what is this shite?

lol at the idea of menslib

Let me guess: its a bunch of limp weiners who want to be liberated from their balls.

They could just be fetishists who like female domination.

That is possible.

I hate when people hide their fetish under some sort of weird political theater.

More like a tranny cult leader teaching them how to hate themselves (and how it'll rid them of "toxic masculinity").

The "cost of hypermasculinity" on r/menslib. As if any poster there is even the slightest bit masculine. Of course the most effeminate group of men on the planet get together to discuss men's issues and proceed to further emasculate themselves.

I dont know who you are... ?

Im not the first or last person to think that way and Im not alone in doing so. Regardless of what you think.

In fact, it's a biological phenomenon that men are the disposable gender. Women carry the fetus to term for 9 months and biologically that means they are less disposable. In practically every species on Earth, men are disposable. They have to compete for mates and if they dont make it their "lineage" ends. Like 80% of women have kids but only 40% or fewer of men do. Mantises eat the male after copulation because they really dont matter.

Its not a new concept.

And here lol

So they also have spergs on top of the trannies, schoolyard anarcho-communists, and jews? I mean they used to have a kike, but I don't know "her" current alt (pretty sure it was a tranny too). They had a filipino but he chimped out and started /r/hatesubsinaction because of said kike.

No we have one of their mods, he made our wonderful header

jesus dude

He's trying very hard to appear kewl

I used only slurs that are warranted. Not even one N word (yet).

Hmmm. Isn't that a hate subreddit?


Then please explain to everyone:

how does the clownishly pseudo-religious inconsistency of posting hate-promoting statements in a subreddit that is "against" hate not cause your entire ideology to implode with the glistening, slimy floridity of a severe rectal prolapse?

If you see one group advicating genocide, and another group trying to stop them, and you have a problem with the second group, then you are a member of the first.

Please explain to everyone:

How does the logical fallacy of claiming "society should stand up against racism" is a hate statement not make you feel really bad for being a disappointment to tolerant society?

If you believe they have the right to advocate violence, then either you believe in turn that I do as well and there is no problem with me doing so, or you are a hypocrite.

If you believe they are wrong for advocating violence, then either you agree with me that they should be stopped, and there is no problem with me saying so, or you are a hypocrite.

Which is it?

If you see one group advicating genocide, and another group trying to stop them, and you have a problem with the second group, then you are a member of the first.

I have a problem with both groups.

Which is it?

I have a problem with anyone advocating violence. When you say "our violence is ok, their violence isn't" there's something wrong with your views.

I have a problem with both groups.

do you actually have a problem with people trying to stop other people advocating genocide? or are you just le master trol right now

no u

I don't recall endorsing the advocacy of genocide. Do I have to really have to break this down even simpler, or are you really this obtuse for the crowd?

I have a problem with both groups. The ideology and methods of the first group, and the methods of the second. I will gladly push for the right of anyone, no matter how fucking retarded or racist their speech is, to exercise their first amendment rights. The louder you say it, the better people can identify you. When you start advocating violence, you're a problem. Not just a, "oh I really wish they'd stop" problem, but a caustic influence on society problem. With threat of violence, maybe we can get rid of those we don't like. And guess what? Your enemies say the exact same thing.

people advocating genocide



Dictionaries are written by fascist white patriarchal men and it's racist to point out misspellings you Nazi.

one group advicating genocide, and another group trying to stop them

Oh spare me the sanctimonious drivel. You obviously don't belong to the second group.

You're another one of these misguided people who doesn't seem to know the difference between a justified intolerance for hatred and the Spanish Inquisition.

Rather than reserving the charge of racism for those who actually act racist, your type seems hell-bent on using a knife made of witch-hunts and dirty words, to pry open people's hearts like stubborn oyster shells to discover the boundless, irrational primal HATE you are so certain throbs within them.

You're a pathetic religious follower preaching cult doctrines.

And, true believer that you are, you take it as an article of faith that evil lurks within the hearts of those who don't think like you do. And goddammit, you're gonna find it in them, whether it's there or not!

And, since there is absolutely nothing underpinning your ideology except for a flavor-of-the-month selective outrage dictated by leftist trendiness coupled with your desperate need to signal your virtue in front of your peers, it eventually must depend on totalitarian tactics in order to sustain itself.

Which is what we're seeing now on the left.

In the philosophical realm, it's not supported by logic but rather by an emotion-driven desire to witch-hunt, which is precisely why it must operate like a religion instead of like a political ideology. All your movements and your petitions, all your boycotts and your perpetually selective outrage, all your group shaming and your ritual self-shaming and the constant status-jockeying that you can only seem to achieve via shaming others...

... I see through it all. Cause I've seen it before.

For real, I can be a thoroughgoing anti-racist while at the same time being able to see through your endlessly gluttonous and stupidly excessive lust to punish sinners for committing "racism" and "sexism" and "homophobia."

Your undying obsession with the presumed guilt and moral turpitude of others only serves to show how utterly empty your ideology is without their guilt to give justification to your hateful actions.

Every religion needs a Devil, and your Church depends on the utter dehumanization of certain stock characters called "the racist" and "the sexist."

Yes, racists and sexists do exist. That was never in dispute.

However, because not enough people in your locale are actually engaging in genuinely racist and sexist acts - not enough to justify the aggression that drives your soul - you and your Church of lowly, brainwashed, drearily predictable zombified witch-hunters must fabricate them out of whole cloth, and populate the dream-worlds you inhabit with endless permutations of your own patently false ideas of what constitutes a racist or a sexist.

The truth is, at this point in your activist career, the vast majority of the people you come into conflict with are not racists, sexists or homophobes. Rather, they are people who have undoubtedly encountered your exact style of bullshit many, many times before, and who have learned that dealing with people like you is pointless and almost entirely unrewarding.

Now, you can either accept the fact that it's you, not them, that is the primary cause of your misery and strive to change your self for the better, in order to (we hope) better serve the oppressed people you mean to uplift through your work...

... or you can continue turning your life into an attention-whoring minstrel show of theatrical depression, histrionic outrage and misery, whose loathsome public display - by its very nature - was what caused Donald Trump to be elected in 2016, and will cause him to be elected again in 2020.

And I know you certainly don't want that, nor do I. But the choice of whether or not to change your self lies with you, and with no one else.

Have a nice weekend!

USA commits war crimes in the past 8 years w/ Obama + Neocons= Crickets

Trump is a giant asshole= OMG WE NEED TO STOP THIS GENOCIDE!

Mmm baby ima copy and paste that to the bashthefash crowd


After I finished reading I was going to scroll up hoping to see your name. I'm intensely disappointed.

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

If you see one group advicating genocide, and another group trying to stop them, and you have a problem with the second group, then you are a member of the first.

you realize that this sort of retarded argument makes it real difficult for anyone that isnt already militant leftist to believe le antifa only wants to assault "real" nazis, and not just random people they decide have wrong opinions, right?

False dichotomy, not an argument.

Sorry, did I accidentally make you think this was a debate?

You're right. It's not a debate.

You're just wrong and there's nothing else to be said about the situation.

If you see one group advicating genocide, and another group trying to stop them, and you have a problem with the second group, then you are a member of the first.

A classic kafkatrap. Tell me, Seth, do you still beat your wife?

What about this blatant attempt to offer a safe house to militants? I can only hope that it's an FBI mole doing a laziest bait ever, but on the other hand I'm afraid that your sub might be too insignificant for them to bother.

What about call to actions like this?

Or do you think that "hate subreddit = promoting hate and violence + against the wrong targets"?

In your own words, what does "hate subreddit" mean? How does an outside observer objectively determine whether something is a "hate subreddit" or not?

Not agreeing with bizzare ideologies = hatred.

/r/AgainstHateSubreddits is, unsurprisingly, a hate subreddit.

something something muh horseshoes

Half of 'horseshoe theory' (which is not a legitimate theory so much as an observation) is just that all cunts act cuntishly. It doesn't matter if you're a left-wing cunt or a right-wing cunt, you're going to act like an obnoxious cunt, and that's going to make you seem like other cunts even if what you actually believe is totally different.

It's not like fascists and communists actually agree on much of anything (other than everyone else should STFU and maybe die), it's just that they're both a bunch of cunts.

It's not like fascists and communists actually agree on much of anything

Well they both like death camps, political repression, purging undesirables, total state control, and genocide so they definitely have more in common than they think.

Don't you know that punching up is actually a form of love, not hate?

I'm aware of that, but I skip videos featuring that because it just feels gross and weird, how can those women and men have satisfying usual PIV/PIB sex afterwards?

extremist genocide when

bash the fash and the gays #altmoderate

Horseshoe theory + scorched earth tactics : the legs on this horseshoe are too long. If you take a few inches from each they won't touch anymore.

Why isn't /r/drama listed on the calls to violence? Does white genocide not count anymore? GODDAMN!

Actually, yeah, that's extremely disappointed. We're a hate sub though, right?

I thought so. I try my hardest. Guess its not good enough. :(


But not literally because then we might breed.

Nuanced point my friend well said

We hate white people/retards/ourselves. I think that counts.

#fuckaltrightintheasswitharakesideways #rdrama

Psst, /u/OpenSeasonOnLeftists

Mayonaise-Americans are a disgusting plague on our brave nation. They need to be eliminated as soon as possible, through sexy, sexy miscegenation. I offer myself as tribute!

Whoa it's almost like actions have consequences.

Really niggles the neurons.


Hate crimer

I'm niggled at you naggers, in your knickers coming from Nigeria. I'm too niggardly to fall for your scam.

Look at this hateful bastard can't believe he calls for violence against different beliefs http://imgur.com/a/2dhNR

Who dat?

Hey /u/OpenSeasonOnLeftists, put this on your list:

I hope every single person who voted Trump dies a horrible death. Maybe if you whine hard enough and call me a snowflake it'll make you a good person.

Hey /u/OpenSeasonOnLeftists

Calling EugeneNix!

He lost his password afaik

This is amazing. Honestly the hardest thing about being left wing these days is the extreme left.

I mean if you're a liberal you're obviously an extremist antifa that wants to decapitate anyone who's not a socialist. Just like if you're conservative you're nazi scum who wants to eradicate all non-whites

I know when the Narwhal Bacons sir.

We don't care for your kind.

Are you fixin for a fight?

I mean if you're a liberal you're AFRAID TO DISAGREE WITH extremist antifas that want to decapitate anyone who's not a socialist because you both hate Trump really really alot

The only way that reddit has 'taught' me this, is by showing just how frequent these people are, and the degree to which mainstream liberals are willing to make excuses for them.

I've seen centrist, neoliberal bloggers with actual ties to the Democratic party establishment call for political violence repeatedly in the last week. A real line has been crossed here.

The outliers make everyone look like shit. We got the Nazis, you got the commies, whatcha gonna do.

True, though I see websites and people embrace extreme leftism and it is weird.

The only reason you consider Nazis outliers is because you're in a liberal echo chamber. I think they have some good ideas that deserve more attention.

Yeah that "socialism" thing sucks, but the way they manage the lesser races is very interesting.

We moderates should totally band together and look disapprovingly at the extremes, maybe even write a strongly worded letter about how they ought to just keep quiet over there and not go about murdering each other, and if they don't stop; in about 4 years we'll really be upset and then what'll they do hmm?!

Noodles Delenda Est.

Actually nothing will get done if this continues. Given the acrimony.

Then look more dissapproving! Stronger words! Heave Ho! Really put your back into it moderate brothers and sisters!

Noodles Delenda Est.

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How about, instead, we win the White House, Senate, Congress, Supreme Court and most state legislatures and then Make America Great Again!

that sounds too close to violence. better to stick to looks and letters.

noodles delenda est.

I'll tell you what's amazing. The American "flavor" of liberalism is almost completely disconnected from classical liberalism. The day US politicians thought that a constant focus on identity politics was the way to win, was the day they destroyed their party.

That has some truth. Hopefully, it can. Trump really seems to have no idea how to function as a leader, despite his well run campagin.

This get s into conspiracy theories but I talked to a dude who noticed all this stuff started to really kick off after OWS. The dude said that it was just weird, and that kicking off in-fighting is the quickest way to silence any opposition against the guys who really hold the leash.

It is possible. Though the same thing happened to the right, it went hardcore ideological.

Didn't AHS have some drama a while ago when they kicked out the commies and said violent threats aren't acceptable anymore?

Is /r/altright just making shit up, are they linking to old posts from before the change, or a did AHS lie and haven't actually changed at all?

Yeah, we try to remove shit that gets reported, and we have had more than one tankie purge. But we've hit the front page of /r/all a few times. I think maybe 3-5? Every tankie & anarchist on reddit finds us then and assumes we're friendly to anyone on the left, and our small modteam kinda gets overwhelmed. Also, believe it or not, several of us are gainfully employed and lately we've been pretty busy. I can't really reddit at my new job except bathroom breaks and lunch.

I can't really reddit at my new job except bathroom breaks and lunch.

That sounds terrible :-(

I can't really reddit at my new job except bathroom breaks and lunch.

Not worth.

Mod me? I will help you guys wrest control back and get your sub in order.

believe it or not, several of us are gainfully employed and lately we've been pretty busy.


[UnRIP ACA](Behind closed doors, Republican lawmakers fret about how to repeal Obamacare http://wapo.st/2jFvpXn)

I didn't realize you were waiting on us ahs mods to show up. Sorry I'm late.

Thank you. I'll add you to the list.


On one hand, I do enjoy two groups of people accusing the other group of doing bad stuff, while themselves are doing the same. On the other hand, this is getting pretty stale as a whole.

I am laughing and yawning at the same time.

People getting punched is always entertaining. I'm just waiting for the other side to get to a point where they feel like they have to punch back. Last time it happened in my country an antifa was beaten to death in the street in broad daylight (after trying to "bash the fash" with a bunch of his faggy friends).

That sounds like a sad, and pathetic day.

Well if you count he apparently was the one who thought he could start shit in public (he was in a group of antifa, against a group of fash), it's pretty comical. Also that guy was in the local equivalent of an Ivy League school, and the fash were junior high dropouts. Couldn't be more of a caricature.

Step 1: Normalize political violence against facists.

Step 2: Call every one fascist.

(using that word because it's technically not a slur but everyone knows what I mean).

(((using that word because it's technically not a slur but everyone knows what I mean))).

Am I doing this right?

I was more attacking them for being faggots than jews, but yes the echoes are at least partly warranted here.

Some people sure throw around the term "nazi" indiscriminately. Hint: the portion of Trump supporters who truly deserve the label is very small.

They're like Batman, but stupid

Yup not sucker punching people during an on camera interview is how you allow 11 million people to die. No middle ground.

Thank god this is reddit where nothing gets done, otherwise I might be slightly worried about a civil war between militarized political groups who feel threatened by violence and become more militarized the more threatened they feel (due to the other side becoming militarized)

But again, I just tell myself it's reddit, and none of the people involved have the willpower to leave the house, much less organize and fight for their beliefs

militarized political groups

/r/socialism are fighting themselves about catgirls. I don't think they'll ever be militarized.

Well yeah, that's what I said. It's a good thing none of them leave their houses.

I think some go to meetings and shit. But they avoid being confronted to opinions they don't agree with IRL.

"I've viciously mocked them in real life before, and they never engage with me even if they're yelling at women, other dudes, etc. :( Maybe I need to find higher quality Nazis. Or better yet they could just get the fuck out so that I can stop devoting brainspace to an idea that should've died in the dirt and rubble of Berlin 70+ years ago. Fucking Nazis."

Where the fuck are these people finding so many Nazis?

Same experience I've had with my local leftists and antifa. I remember one in particular. One on one, this fucker had no problem shouting at a girl who was clearly scared (because it really felt like he was going to hit her). But with a dude bigger than him (and ironically much more of a "fascist" than that girl who was merely a bystander), somehow he got very civil.

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