/r/media_criticism argues about Sanders, insert the usual puns here, fuck you titles are pointless anyway.

22  2017-01-27 by zahlman


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Bernie Sanders - The lifetime politician whose greatest achievement was convincing college kids he was different than all of the other lifetime politicians when in reality he is exactly the same.

TBF usually when lifetime politicians accomplish that, they win.

College kids don't vote. They just gib mone.

They just give mommy and daddy's money.

TBH I feel like college age Republicans are more likely to vote, but I have no evidence to back that up.

Makes sense, college age Republicans would generally have church communities encouraging them be politically active.

That's definitely not true. Guy's a politician with all that entails, but his history and actions are credibly different than most other folks in DC. A journalist like Matt Taibbi doesn't get fooled by politicians very easily and he loves Sanders.

Oh well, shut it down boys, the Prince and his Rolling Stone reporter can't be tricked! Not even by a sneaky snek.

Stick to college, you'll be safer there PK.

DAE people who disagree with me are naive college kids

Not people, you.

nice meme

Taibbi isn't a journalist any more, he's a professional Sanders dickrider.

weeeeeee ooooooo weeeeeee ooooooo weeeeeee ooooooo

South park neutral alert! Golden mean fallacy alert!

It's current year + 1 you literally can't type that.

in reality he is exactly the same lazier.


The only ones left at the end will be the victors and the corpses.

Wow great insight on war. Never would have guessed that people live and people die.