/r/politics is coordinating a harassment campaign against Trump Hotel staff.

197  2017-01-28 by LSU_Coonass


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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whats even more funny, is the thing they are pissed over, the closing of the white house comment line was actually done by Obama, not Trump

I want some shitty internet journalist to do a story on this, because if this makes the news, reddit admins will step in and much lulz will be had

paging Dr. Faggot /u/yiannopoulos_m

Yeah, still a good troll though.

a good troll is getting the media to spend a whole news cycle on a how a frog meme is racist, this is just being a dick to people trying to work for a living.

wait but this:

getting the media to spend a whole news cycle on a how a frog meme is racist

is this:

being a dick to people trying to work for a living

Trump Hotel staff have to answer the phones as part of their job. Journos chose to flip out over Pepe.

No they didn't Pepe is irresistable

For You

Typical libcuck not understanding consent 😂

Tricking someone into behaving foolishly is funny.

Acting a fool is just embarrassing.

Someone should've told the women marchers that.

What foolish things did they do? I didn't pay any attention to that protest.

those minge hats were kinda cringe.

What are minge hats? Got a pic or something?


Kinda cringe, but also kinda effective en masse in the photographs, I think.

Why do they perpetuate the patriarchal idea that pink is "woman's color"? That just reinforces the gender binary.

Why do they perpetuate the patriarchal idea that womyn have female reproductive organs? That just reinforces transphobia

Talked about having periods and vaginas and shifted responsibility for their own lives not going the way they wanted onto others.

Mandatory disclaimer: I say this as a woman in an interracial relationship. So I guess that gives me a pass on having an opposing political view??

say this as a woman in an interracial relationship. So I guess that gives me a pass on having an opposing political view??

Internalized misogyny. I assume you said interracial because the other lady isn't low enough on the oppression scale.


Their primary speakers included a Hamas-affiliated sharia-law advocate and a woman who helped torture a gay man to death.

Also, their main complaint was: "Keep your laws off my body but also pay for my tampons and pills and cigarettes."


What foolish things did they do?

Lighting a trump supporter on fire while the cameras rolled was pretty foolish of them

seems like the same thing to me man

I was thinking about explaining it further, but, then, I decided not to.

Lmao what? They're dicks because the media, which was not forced to report on jt, looked dumb?

It's a good troll, why is this downvoted? Get it together /r/drama.

This threads looks like it needs some mayocide.

I think t_d might've intruded.

ahhh makes sense. They hate drama.

Where does it say it was done by Obama?

Cool, thanks

One of those people literally replied to the "Obama shut the phone lines down" by saying "why hasn't Trump fixed that"

Maybe because he's been President for under a week and he has bigger fish to fry than staffing the White House phone lines. He's busy keeping migrants out of this country, deal with it

The Trump has barely slept since he assumed command, he aims to impress us all he rises early and lays down late. He is our oldest president ever to start his command but seems to have the most energy. It just comes to show what being rich and banging hot women does for the stamina.

He's busy keeping migrants out of this country, deal with it

And other super important things, like ranting about Saturday Night Live on Twitter.

I wouldn't call what he's doing "ranting".. if you're being depicted on a TV show like that, you can respond at any time.

Every time he whines on Twitter, he looks like a thin-skinned retard with an Eric Cartman level of pettiness. But I'm sure being so easily triggered will help him in his negotiations of trade deals against seasoned politicians and diplomats. Kek.

Look at the bigger picture. The ADHD Left is distracted by the shiny lights. We will stomp the left into the ground in 2020 because we control the agenda and they have no coherent positive message for themselves.

Are you saying an accomplished businessman isn't gonna be able to handle a negotiation? Come on.

He isn't a negotiator, he's a bully. He's used to beating up on contractors by withholding money. That has absolutely nothing to do with international relations, unless he's intending to focus all his efforts on beneficiaries of the US like Haiti. He clearly has no fucking idea what he's talking about when he speaks about NATO or the UN.

There's a lot of bullies in the world, and the US was bullied under Obama.

America wasn't the most powerful country in the world under Obama but Trump is restoring our prestige

but Trump is restoring our prestige

Fucking LOL. As a non-American, I can categorically tell you that the last thing anyone else associates with Trump is prestige. Hell, our Prime Minister fucking chuckled in front of media at the idea of Trump negotiating a post-TPPA trade deal directly with my country.

Trump is prestige. He's been linked to class, dignity, honesty and prestige as a businessman.

HAHAHAHAHA. You have to be trolling.

Babe Ruth struck out a bunch too

You're arguing with someone from New Zealand. Just keep that in mind.

Does New Zealand have a Babe Ruth?

Naw, just Russell Crowe and Lorde.

America wasn't the most powerful country in the world under Obama

Til: the nation with carrier battle groups in every ocean, that is carrying out drone strikes on multiple continents, that has armed bases on every continent with hundreds of thousands of troops stationed OS, and who has initiated effective sanctions against shitholes like Russia and Iran, isn't the most powerful country on Earth.

accomplished businessman

Top kek

whats even more funny, is the thing they are pissed over, the closing of the white house comment line was actually done by Obama, not Trump

People are pissed about comment line not reopening. Nobody's saying it was closed by trump.

People are pissed about comment line not reopening. Nobody's saying it was closed by trump.

The headline after the link is literally "Trump closed the White House comment line so people are calling his hotels."

lets be real nobody with anything important to say is going to be using it anytime in the near future

its all shia labeouf level discourse right now

I didn't think the irrational hatred of a president would ever be worse than it was with obama.

But here we are.

I think it's interesting how a ban on states known to sponsor or harbor terrorism that prevents their citizens from visiting the US for a short period has been universally labeled a racist anti-Muslim thing.

If this had been done in post 9/11 Bush times or by Obama after a terrorist attack they'd be lauded as protecting Americans from terrorism, but everyone hates Donny so much it's instantly hate speech.

I mean it's still a stupid thing to do, but the guy ran on a platform of being tough on terrorism and foreigners. He basically just put a tourniquet on issue until he can get congress around to actually doing their job and creating a long term law to handle the issue.

I may not agree with his ideas or his methods, but he's holding to his word better than any president I remember has.

It just remains to be seen whether he's a Russian puppet or a crazy person though.

Because it's a dumb ban that doesn't do anything positive for the US, let alone the world. He ignored nations that actually produce terrorists that attack the USA (SA, Egypt, Turkey, USA) presumably because he has business deals there. It effects people with green cards who have already been in this country for a while like students who now can't fly home because they won't be able to come back here. It's entirely a distraction policy used to make white people feel good. The fact that Christians get preferential treatment just cements that more.

Yeah I already said it was stupid, I just think it's funny that this doesn't even phase me even though it really should because I'm so burnt out hearing about stupid tweets.

I just wish people had had more reasonable responses to some of the earlier shit so this kind of stuff could still have the impact it should. I've got semantic satiation going on for about half the buzzwords people throw at Donny because I've heard them 50 times a day since last summer. I don't even raise an eyebrow now when people say shit about Trump because it's so fucking overdone I can never tell what's actually bad and what's just people on twitter being retarded.

People on the internet are hyperbolic because that's what we do best, but looking at the sum of his actions since taking office, or even before that when forming his staff and cabinet, I can't find a single thing that I think bodes well or even neutrally for your average, middle-income or lower American. You could argue the TPP walkout was good, and for me personally it will probably help keep income up in my field, but it's an insanely nuanced issue and China seems like they're gonna get a lot out of no TPP. Especially when Trump seems insistent on pissing off every single one of our allies that isn't Israel.

I'm waiting for whatever's gonna happen to healthcare to happen. If a shitload of people lose insurance as prices on goods domestically go up and a possible recession hits, we'll see some of the greatest drama of the modern era. We might also be irreparably fucked as a nation, but hey drama.

I agree with basically everything you said, I'm just annoyed that since the outrage engine has been redlining for half a year nothing seems better or worse than anything else (except TPP).

presumably because he has business deals there.

Are you actually this retarded or are you playing one on TV?

And before you retort with some unformatted wall of bullshit, the US has significant interests in those countries, NOT TRUMP.

Fuck me the college kids get dumber every year.

Trump doesn't seem to be making many foreign policy decisions with previous US relations in mind. However yes I am aware of our national ties to SA. We also have massive business interests with Mexico and intelligence interests with the UK but Trump has put those in jeopardy in the past week anyway.

I'll put a space here because lots of text seems to scare you.

Here are some CAPITAL LETTERS. Anyway Trump has the quote on record saying he likes the Saudis because they pay him lots of money. I don't think that's why they were excluded but it does show he's pretty fucking clueless.

Would love to hear how you think the ban amounts to anything other than a masturbatory aid for white trash and bad foreign policy.

Fuck me

Gimme a pic on all fours with cheeks spread bb then we'll talk.

I don't think that's why

But it didn't stop you from saying it.

The bans serve as a notice that Trump intends to do as he says, unlike previous Presidents. A politician doing what they said they would do seems to scare the left (some sort of affinity for liars I guess). When really they should take heed of what he has said he would do (Not what Rachael Maddow thinks he said).

The lefts continued self flagellation will only serve to encourage him as well as those who support him. And as the stock markets continue to rise so does his probability of re-election.

If only all of these self righteous "democrats" would have said/done something during the previous 8 years of world destruction maybe the other side might take them seriously.

But clearly its not a matter of morals or ethics its simply a matter of my team/your team.

A lot of people who voted for Trump didn't want him to do exactly what he said. They just didn't like Clinton. He's playing totally to his base though.

The list is actually culled from a list in a law previously passed that prohibited visa free travel from people who had visited those countries. They're mostly the unstable Islamic countries, but Iran is included too because fuck Iran.

They think he's a conman and a liar when in fact he means every word he says. He might just go down in history as Honest Don.

If he had just left it at denying new visas and refugees I don't think it would've been such a big deal. His supporters would've jizzed themselves unconscious just the same and there would be basically no meaningful difference in the amount of additional security the order provided. Liberals would have been pissed but you wouldn't have seen the shitshow you see now.

But he wrote a vague order that seemed to include a total reentry ban, so even green card holders are getting shut out. Which creates endless opportunities for sob stories in the media, and you have what you see now. That's on him. He should've thought about it before signing whatever shit some Breitbart reporter shoved in his face.

Hatred of Trump is pretty damn rational.

paging Dr. Faggot /u/yiannopoulos_m

You got it right the first time

You can tell they're all kids because they don't realize that hotels typically require a method of payment on file in the event that people try to pull shit just like this.

"haha committing fraud while fucking with retail workers is really gonna show that Trump guy!"

/r/politics was a mistake


"Hey I bet if we call the Trump hotels, Trump himself will pick up!" t. Liberals

I mean, why else would his name be on there?

I tried calling but I kept getting getting some guy named John Miller.

That subreddit went off the deep end. The fact the mods are allowing brigading like that is mind blowing. That's some 4chan level behavior right there.

After watching that sub for the past 6 years I didn't know what to expect when they would have to deal with their first Republican President. I expected chaos but this is some crazy shit. Most of them believe it's the end of the world and that they can impeach a Presidet via an online petition.

It's hilarious and sad. I can tell its going to be a fun 8 years.

4 please 4

What's that? 4 plus 4? Okay, 8 years it is!

Goddamn it

Its been a fun 8 days.

Its going to be a glorious 8 years.

You must be white.

Is that supposed to be an insult?

I love being white.

That's racist fam

I love being black.

Missing the point, bud

tfw people actually post here unironically

White people should all be gassed tbhfam

Typical racist liberals 😂


They can't even make jokes. It's like Facebook.

The dangers of becoming politically aware in such a heavily-polarized society and not being used to a president that doesn't share your beliefs.

It's like deja but from the Bush years which was deja vu during the Reagan years. And they still use the same old Literally Hitler playbook.

4chan doesn't allow raids

no it isn't.

4chan isn't that deplorable.

Not to mention an activity that's illegal in most states? Or fucking their credit?

They wish they had the shitposting ability of 4chan.

If you ever find yourself yelling at a receptionist because you don't like something the CEO is doing, you have completed the final step in becoming everything you hate about old people

The immaturity shown by the left these past few months has been fucking staggering.

The entire world is staggered by the fact that a literal retard is now in the Oval Office.

Look at the way people are reacting. They're fighting retardation with retardation, that never works.

Works for /r/Drama.

we're fighting?

You can't fight what you are or can you.

We may be retards, but at least we are self aware.

We may be retards

Should have stopped there

We may be retards

They're fighting retardation with retardation

We must use the methods of the enemy against the enemy!

Trump is the best Christmas present ever. His mere existence triggers so many people it's unreal. At this point I want him to push through some divisive shit like an abortion ban or gay marriage being a state issue. I think the lefties would crack and start mass suiciding.

I want to see him achieve something objectively good, like negotiating the reunification of Korea under a democratic government.

Then I want to hear all the reasons that it's actually a bad thing.

see the TPP

a lot of americans are going to suddenly decide so many things are shitty when trump does them lol

oh you helped the economy did you? well actually thats bad! - washington post

I mean, I started reading /r/badeconomics before the election, and realized the TPP was a good thing overall.

He already nuked the TPP which is a great thing tbh.

Imagine if he had some radically different stance with NK that, combined with the recent events surrounding the high-ups and Kim, resulted in reunification or a permanent peace.

I want to see him achieve something objectively good

Like killing Obamacare and the TPP? Banning lobbying for 5 years after leaving congress?

Keep them busy that's what I say! Set them back, let them fight for gay marriage again.

The worst thing Trump could ever do, in their eyes, is be a well liked president.

It's pretty fucked how bad people want him to fail. It's like they don't realize they won't be immune from that lmao.

Even If everyone except perfectly abled heterosexual white men were to be put in internment camps and gassed is that really worth saying "I told you so"?

A lot of these people are the "my party right or wrong" types that would vote for Adolf Hitler if he ran with a D next to his name. I love that a lot of them harp on tribalism in the world when they are doing the same things that they rail on.

He should pass a bill banning more than two sexes and watch the voter rolls clean themselves up

A literal retard that is literally smarter than you, everyone you supported and everyone who tried to stop him.




>I'm actually not mad smiley faces


"Im actually not upset honestly guys"

Well I'm not upset that the literal retard got into the white house, maybe we can get Martin Shkreli in next time :D

Man I love President Trump more everyday because of users like you!

only reply "well trump is almost as retarded as the people i'm defending, not entirely but almost you know if someone were to challenge me and I'd argue they were harassing me sorta way"

Based on the stupid hypocritical bullshit coming from the rest of the world, I would say it was the right choice.

Did you not notice how all these other countries are suddenly opening their wallets with money they never contributed before?

It's hard to contribute money twice so that makes sense.

I haven't noticed any money pouring in. Just the rest of the world making fun of our rodeo clown.

all these other countries are suddenly opening their wallets with money they never contributed before?


really you are going to criticize the maturity of the left 'these days'....because the right is so fucking mature. what extreme fucking cognitive dissonance are you suffering from?

we just went from a blow job to an anchor baby...wait kenyan islamo facist, take all ur guns ur jobs death panel holocaust. 200 million of the most audibly retarded nonsense ever spoken to what?

oh well liberals are being immature since you know...we elected a verified racist/orange/traitor/retard for president...wait wait. calling him a piss party tyrant is too much. its just too much.

we have to be civilized now that the republicans are in power?

eat your fucking shit and die mother fucker. you stupid fucking cunt. you opened the flood gates, now you drown bitch.

A+ comment.

we elected a verified racist/orange/traitor/retard

Liberals, a bastion of maturity 😂

If this isn't a pasta, it should be.

It is now

Thanks for further proving his point child!

kenyan islamo facist, take all ur guns ur jobs death panel holocaust.

fyi this is what people talking about "omg trump is russian and rapes people" sounds like to everyone who isnt a partisan crazy person

If liberals had the capability to detect double-standards their heads would explode

Apparently this person has 47 chromosomes.

Place your bets to guess which chromosome is the extra one.

we elected a verified racist/orange/traitor/retard

Liberals, a bastion of maturity 😂

Republicans literally believed Obama was a secret Muslim Kenyan communist antichrist who was going to take their guns, lock them in FEMA camps and shit all over the constitution.

Did they go around breaking windows and torching shit? Did they organise marches with no point wearing dick hats? No, they just stocked up on food and ammo and built an extension to their bunker because they know how to solve their own problems without whinging to the government.

Alright, bad Internet hombres, you know the drill. Time for some ultra-coordinated motherfuckery.

I keep getting older and the internet stays the same age

I'd been seeing a lot of the left not having any self-awareness before but this is different. There is no way they think they're good guys now. They know it's not about right and wrong when they do things like this, surely.

trump already spent a shitload of money on his campaign and that was specifically to trigger stupid people, i dont think a few cancelled reservations are going to put him over

The guy's a billionaire and the leader of the free world.

They're talking about phone-banking hotel receptionists.

surely this is what takes him down finally

He's already near the end, thanks to the tireless efforts of people calling him "Drumpf" instead of his real name, and hanging banners on a crane. This is definitely what seals the deal.

/r/politics: "Could this be the beginning of the Bernie surge??"

The massive double standards involved as to what liberals are allowed to do, and what conservatives are allowed to do, continue to proliferate across the internet.

That's why I hate self righteous people, just because they think they got more compassion, they can do nothing wrong.

Eh, I don't know about that. It will take a while before anyone can top pizzagate and the resulting active shooter situation.

There has been more violence by the left by a long shot, especially since no one was shot by the pizzagate loon.

Im talking about pizzagate in general too. Violent protests are pretty standard, especially after a divisive campaign like this one (don't kid yourself if you think "the right" would act any different if Clinton won. I have seen more than one person argue for armed insurrection). A theory where a substantial amount of people think a pizzaplace is the center of an international child sex slavery ring, based on some very shaky evidence and which was taken serious by a large amount of people... Not to mention all the theories before (remember when Clinton was a necromancer? I remember).

Truth be told, a couple mild antifa riots are not so bad after this insane presidential campaign.


Dude, I'm from Europe. Those american Antifas are pussies. You'll survive lol. Don't act like a couple broken windows are the end of the world.

Man, for an armed populace, you guys sure are frightened a lot.

I read about some of the shit antifa has done in Germany or Italy, amd with that in mind I watched the wannabe antifa almost cause a riot at the inauguration, and I was doubly pissed off, firstly because they exist and theyre annoying, but secondly because they were too chickenshit to actually do anything. Go ahead, burn something down, run at that police line, make my day, if you want to be violent protesters then actually be violent protestors

I got some second hand embarassment when that dude hit the masked protestor and she turned out to be a girl. They were yelling for the police to arrest the man. That's when I knew that this was more kids playing as antifa.

Im not arguing for violent protests, but I agree 100% with you. If you're going to do it it, at least do it with a bit of self-respect instead of this babby's first protest shit.

Exactly, to be clear I am 100% anti violence and anti-violent protest, but Id prefer to know that my adversaries arent sissies

If you're going to do it it, at least do it with a bit of self-respect instead of this babby's first protest shit.

they wont because cops will shoot them

but they have to virtue signal somehow right

We don't fuck up our shit here like Eurotrash. Its because we are armed.

An armed society is a polite society.

Explain Donald Trump.

Explain Donald Trump.

One does not need to explain the machinations of their God.

Explain Donald Trump.

/r/politics still exists

You'll survive lol

This sounds like the same standard you guys use for Muslims 😂

Not being a scared little bitch about it? Yes.

The only ones who are scared are the lubcucks and Mudslimes 😂

Nah, pretty sure its the people who constantly whine about liberals and muslims who are scared here. You just try to hide it with obnoxious emojis, but it only makes it obvious tbh.

Lol salty libcuck. You better get used to being scared, you're gonna be doing a lot of shaking these next 8 years 😂

I'm shaking of laughter because you think you're not making a fool of yourself.

But keep going on, I can take guys like you spazzing for 8 more years.

Also, call me a cuck again, maybe next time you can offend me.

Except the antifa morons have been violent forever and on all occasions. Not just this election.

Yup. But your antifa are wannabes. Maybe in a couple years theyll stop embarrasing themselves.

A theory where a substantial amount of people think a pizzaplace is the center of an international child sex slavery ring

i think its interesting how it got framed as that whenever the media talked about it

that "oh its ridiculous that pedos would do that shit in there", like the location was the main conspiracy and somehow proving nothing was in there proved everyone was innocent and it was all made up

despite all the rl convicted pedos and their friends being common knowledge

like yeah the church and the entirety of englands political system and entertainment community was rife with pedophilia and similar things are being exposed around europe but theres no way that could extend to america

i mean except for all their common friends and their secret gatherings but im sure thats nothing

remember when Clinton was a necromancer? I remember

remember that one ridiculous thing we made up and can focus on to distract from all the uncomfortable coincidences

and the entirety of englands political system and entertainment community

Yes this has been nuanced a lot. Jimmy Saville is true, but the brothel where allegedly a lot of politicians were implicated have been recanted for a while now. Not only is there no evidence, some of the victims denied it outright and witnesses have pulled back their statement.

https://youtu.be/V4tnwFiUAsA if youre truly interested in the updated story.

This is the problem with the pizzagate conspiracy. You guys take a sliver of information, don't inform yourself enough and then blow it up to weave a narrative with it. Lastly, there are no victims, there is no direct evidence and it requires accepting the (unproven) premise that certain mundane words mean something else.

And the necromancer one was cheered on by the donald, what are you talking about? There were large self posts who argued that she was suffering from a cannibalism related illness.

Yes this has been nuanced a lot.

thats what people thought before it was made common knowledge

"oh yeah right as if he could get away with it so brazenly for so long, surely he would have been found out!"

almost as if its not an isolated incident and hes not the only person

This is the problem with the pizzagate conspiracy. You guys take a sliver of information, don't inform yourself enough and then blow it up to weave a narrative with it.

thats kinda rich, id like to know where you informed yourself about it

the only thing pizzagate has done is say "isnt this kinda odd" and the people involved got really really fucking defensive

ever heard the saying the lady doth protest too much

Lastly, there are no victims

how would you even know though

it requires accepting the (unproven) premise that certain mundane words mean something else

or just looking at the dudes instagram

funny how the news "debunking" it never mentioned that shit right

And the necromancer one was cheered on by the donald, what are you talking about?

yeah man thats a totally serious theory that people had just like she has brain syphilis, theres no way that people were just talking shit

thats kinda rich, id like to know where you informed yourself about it the only thing pizzagate has done is say "isnt this kinda odd" and the people involved got really really fucking defensive ever heard the saying the lady doth protest too much

Dude. You just said that the WHOLE british government and entertainment industry was involved. This never happened. You made my point for me. People like you brought me to this conclusion.

And if thousands of people contact you directly to say you are a pedophile, you cant be defensive? Those are very serious allegations.

how would you even know thoug Because 0 allegations are being by victims/parents of victims.

or just looking at the dudes instagram

Which was edgy and weird, but in no way did is that a crime or did it promote pedophilia.

This is a politically motivated hysterics, plain and simple.

yeah man thats a totally serious theory that people had just like she has brain syphilis, theres no way that people were just talking shit

Eh, you're here taking pizzagate seriously, are you talking shit too?

Dude. You just said that the WHOLE british government and entertainment industry was involved.

no i said it ran rife throughout those institutions right under peoples noses, and the same low information people thought it was a ridiculous conspiracy back then too

thats why they let their kids go on jimmy savilles show because jeez hes at the bbc and its not like they leave the kids alone with him he couldnt possibly be that brazen! aaaaaand hes fucked all of them

people think that the weird shit is too out there when dude literally fucked terminally ill cancer kids in their deathbed and got away with it for that long

And if thousands of people contact you directly to say you are a pedophile, you cant be defensive? Those are very serious allegations.

if theres nothing to the allegations then they would ignore it like they do every other single ridiculous conspiracy in existence

they didnt pay this much attention to the 911 false flag conspiracies despite them having the potential to do far more harm

but dont you dare talk ill of some random faggot on instagram that posts pics of tied up kids and concrete windowless rooms tagged #murder that is- completely coincidentally- best buds with the people who ran hillarys campaign

This is a politically motivated hysterics, plain and simple.

lol the reaction to this being publicised sure is

Eh, you're here taking pizzagate seriously, are you talking shit too?

people talk seriously and honestly with each other, but they know that a large segment of the public gets really angry and scared when confronted with uncomfortable information

so they shitpost to make them panic

its not like they were going to have any meaningful input

so they shitpost to make them panic its not like they were going to have any meaningful input

Ok, so it is just a political witchhunt for you? Just anything you can find to demonize the opposition.

Ok, so it is just a political witchhunt for you?

its more that if you arent going to be involved properly in a conversation and instead stand around being smug and pretending to know more than you do, then people arent going to humour you

the massive concerted effort to shut down discussion surrounding the emails and suspicious stuff that would normally warrant at very least some sort of explanation is more telling than anything else

thats what usually happens, the media still doesnt understand the internet

And i dont care if you talk ill about people on instagram

apparently you do though

but calling someone a pedophile and murderer based on no real evidence is a pretty delusional thing to do.

all it starts with is people saying "hey look at this this is kinda weird" and "oh this guy knows this guy thats kind of concerning"

it would end there if people didnt suddenly shut everything down and be like NOPE CANT TALK ABOUT THAT ITS DEBUNKED

makes people think theres something to it

its more that if you arent going to be involved properly in a conversation and instead stand around being smug and pretending to know more than you do, then people arent going to humour you the massive concerted effort to shut down discussion surrounding the emails and suspicious stuff that would normally warrant at very least some sort of explanation is more telling than anything else thats what usually happens with these sorts of situations, the media still doesnt understand the internet

In our conversation you have not supplied a sliver of evidence. Just a vaguely referring to how much of the british government and entertainment industry us rife with pedophiles (which does not reflect the reality of the situation as you can see in the documentary).

People are shutting down the conversation because it is clear to many people that you need an awful lot more than emails, enornous assumptions and evidence of collusion. What I mostly see is people being adamant about this theory with very litle (if any) concrete evidence to back it up, while also being very politically slanted.

all it starts with is people saying "hey look at this this is kinda weird" and "oh this guy knows this guy thats kind of concerning" it would end there if people didnt suddenly shut everything down and be like NOPE CANT TALK ABOUT THAT ITS DEBUNKED makes people think theres something to it

If you have enough wishful thinking yes. The rest of us know how damning it is to just call people pedophile willy-nilly. it actually hurts your point if you have no evidence to back it up. It becomes a witch hunt. That's not the same as "just asking questions".

In our conversation you have not supplied a sliver of evidence.

i didnt say there was evidence just cause for suspicion

People are shutting down the conversation because it is clear to many people that you need an awful lot more than emails, enornous assumptions and evidence of collusion.

nah its because the media told you it was dangerous to talk about, and stupid people hate trump so much that theyre willing to be willfully ignorant of it

if this was about trump and his buddies youd be all over it, just look how people reacted when random women accused him of raping them

What I mostly see is people being adamant about this theory with very litle (if any) concrete evidence to back it up, while also being very politically slanted.

yeah there is very little evidence, which should mean that the people in charge should be able to easily dismiss it like they do with other conspiracy theories

instead of talking about how debunked it is non stop without actually disproving anything

The rest of us know how damning it is to just call people pedophile willy-nilly.

you mean unless theyre trump or julian assange, then just throw that shit around casually

it actually hurts your point if you have no evidence to back it up. It becomes a witch hunt.

if a guy was driving around schools in a van with blacked out windows and "free candy" written on the side it doesnt prove hes a pedo either but its probably a good idea to check just in case

also have you ever jokingly accused someone of some shit just for a laugh and theyve gotten instantly defensive and serious about it like you werent joking, and it just makes you think they actually did whatever you said

nah its because the media told you it was dangerous to talk about, and stupid people hate trump so much that theyre willing to be willfully ignorant of it

No they didn't. Browsing /r/pizzagate and /v/ pizzagate told me that.

yeah there is very little evidence, which should mean that the people in charge should be able to easily dismiss it like they do with other conspiracy theories instead of talking about how debunked it is non stop without actually disproving anything

How can you disprove something that isn't there?

you mean unless theyre trump or julian assange, then just throw that shit around casually

The big difference being that for both there were allegations from (alleged) victims coming forward.

if a guy was driving around schools in a van with blacked out windows and "free candy" written on the side it doesnt prove hes a pedo either but its probably a good idea to check just in case

But pizzagate has nothing as blatant. There us no evidence and the suspicions are unfounded.

And yet it's called "Pizzagate" because retarded mongos on 4Chan saw "pizza" in the Podesta emails and somehow decided that meant paedophilia.

nah it was because the guy who owns that comet place was bum buddies with noted propagandist david brock and friends with the podestas, and was posting all sorts of weird pedo shit on instagram

people were like why is this random faggot so connected and why was he doing this shit so openly

then you see what the podestas are into and it sort of escalated

Why aren't the Pizzagaters up in arms with Trump himself? He was partying with Epstein and made public jokes about how young Epstein liked them. They're still buddies.

Pizzagate is ridiculously fucking retarded.

pretty sure hes not buddies with him anymore and banned him from clubs and shit after he saw the guy hitting on a teenager

shouldnt that be evidence pointing toward it being true though

i really dont get why everyone suddenly thinks pedos getting into positions of power and trying to keep it under wraps is so out there now, it used to be a given

haha priests and anti gay senators amirite! BUT NOT NOW THATS IMPOSSIBLE

The emails are definitely suspicious, but jumping to it being Paedophilia is stupid.

where were the violent protests by the right during the obama years?

all we had were tea party rallies, which were peaceful, and yet the tea party was labled a terrorist organization by the media.

Talking about this year. 08 and 12 were nowhere near as divisive as this year.

And lol which media labeled the tea party a terrorist organization. Links pls.


I think Trumps biggest supporters are the elderly/traditional republicans and basement dwelling /pol/tards. I don't think there would be as much violent protesting.

He actually got elected. Voter turnout wasn't great, but a lot of people still voted for him, a lot more than just the elderly and /pol/.

No his strong supporters. I think a lot of the people that voted for him believed he was the "lesser of two evils" and if he lost, may have been mad, but not enough to go out and protest.

I think a lot of the people that voted for him believed he was the "lesser of two evils"

I think you've been spending too much time on reddit!

You wasted a good "pizzagate topping" joke there

If you wanna be technical, is Mashable really a news source?

the only news is what agrees with my boring fucking perspective everything else is putin

I'm pretty sure Mashable published an OscarsSoWhite thing

Mashable banned me from their Facebook page ):

Why not? /r/politics has been upvoting Teen Vogue, Marie Claire and Vanity Fair recently. So mashable is right up their alley.

At least those are magazines sold in stores.

So are grocery store gossip rags which is what, I believe, corporate media has become. They definitely turned the election into gossip that US weekly would have been shocked to read let alone write a few short years ago.

They've also upvoted Chinese and even North Korean propaganda.

If hillaryclinton.com counts as a news source there, I don't see why not

These white faggots are really showing those mexican maids who really wants to piss on them.

Where's the drama? To have drama, you need alternative points of view, not a circlejerk drowning in its own ... self importance.

Here it is sorted by controversial. So much better - https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5qj4qv/trump_closed_the_white_house_comment_line_so/dczxsg4/?sort=controversial&st=iyh865dh&sh=f29081fd

"Better" like how a train wreck is better than a tornado blowing over a trailer park.

They've got so much venom and poison there's more than enough drama from the echo chamber. It's drama like a lynch mob is drama.

Where's the drama


/u/HappyLittleRadishes why do you think harassing working class receptionists will somehow accomplish something?

Boy it's gonna be a fun 8 years.

I got my own comment in /r/Drama!? I am so honored.

I work in the hotel industry as a front desk agent, and, the type of protest they are organizing hardly affects front desk staff and, in fact, might even make their days a little bit easier, as well as get some staffers more of the hours I'm sure they need.

I'd be happy to elaborate.

as well as get some staffers more of the hours I'm sure they need.

I get what you're saying about front desk employees potentially getting more hours so they can field calls, but let's assume the protest works as intended and there are cancellations en masse without enough time to rebook the rooms.

Wouldn't at least the housekeeping and restaurant employees be directly impacted by the sudden loss of business?

My friend's wife is a restaurant manager at a busy hotel and the flexibility of her schedule, based on need, is crazy. There are times when she'll get off work up to four hours earlier than scheduled, and other times when she'll stay there overnight, because they'll unexpectedly need her early the next morning.

If Trump's hotel is in any way similar, I can't see this being good for employees whose schedules depend on the hotel being near capacity.

Wouldn't at least the housekeeping and restaurant employees be directly impacted by the sudden loss of business?

Not really. It would fall on the shoulders of the department directors, who might have to call some people off who were scheduled for that day, since schedules are made based on forecasted occupancy. Remember, the bulk of what housekeeping does is clean rooms, and the bulk of what the front desk does is check people in. No people to check in = no work for the front desk. No rooms to clean = no work for housekeeping.

My hotel also has a restaurant and its employees' hours are more volatile than mine, and the manager does pull lengthy hours, however a bulk of their work is preparation. They check the occupancy which is updated by the night auditor and base their prep off of that number. Trump's cancellation policy is ~48 hours before day of arrival, and managers (should be) checking the forecast frequently.

Remember, what we are talking about here is forecasting a lot of business and then taking it away. If the primary concern is making the lives of low-and-mid level workers harder, then I don't really see how making it so they come in and have 80% less work to do than they thought they would actually does that.

So how will this protest have any effect on Trump again


Why do you spend all this time harassing blue collar people who just wanna feed their families instead of actually going out and making the change you so badly want to see?

There are so many ways you could volunteer your time and effort and actually be effective but instead you just wanna be all edgy and virtue signal and pretend you're a martyr and accomplish nothing.

Then when you realize you actually accomplish nothing you'll turn around and blame the rest of the world for not caring enough about something you care about but apparently didn't care enough to do anything about. But somehow you're magically excluded from everyone else who sat back and did nothing because you just sat back and did nothing differently.

I am not a derogatory person at all but you can eat shit. You suck and I hope you learned something today but you probably won't.

Why do you spend all this time harassing blue collar people

Since /u/HappyLittleRadishes isn't going to answer, it's because they think blue collar people are beneath them and don't care about their lives or feelings

I am one of those people. I'm a fucking hotel front desk agent. You think I'm raking it in? I supported this movement because I know the impact (or lack thereof) it would have on people I share that job with, while still aggravating Trumps fragile ego. But hey, continue to villify me by projecting your willful ignorance and inability to tolerate alternative viewpoint. Also, after everything Trump has done the past week, this:

it's because they think blue collar people are beneath them and don't care about their lives or feelings

is the most hilariously ironic defense of him I think I've ever seen.

I am one of those people.

>Voting against your self without being black

JustLibcuckThings 😂

aggravating trumps fragile ego

I'm sure he'll just wipe his tears with his literal billions of dollars.

And on the off chance that it does hurt his feelings, somehow, that's your plan for change??? hurt feelings. Nobody's bitching at you because you have an "alternate viewpoint". people are bitching at you because that's legitimately dumb lol.

Yep. They're going to get hours scheduled and then taken back when the guests are all no-shows and cancellations. They were looking forward to that money to feed their poor children. Probably children of color, too.

He wants to starve the children of color. What a monster.

Its not like the little bitch /u/HappyLittleRadishes cares at all about actual working class, hes just being a twat but here is where I get to tell him what I tell all millennial man babies and vapid "feminsits".

The House

The Senate

The Presidency

The Supreme Court

And there is nothing, your childish little rants will do to stop this beyond making even more people vote for Republicans in 2018. You stupid cunt, you are why Trump won.

I got my own comment in /r/Drama!? I am so honored.

You shouldn't, really. The standards here are incredibly low.

hardly affects front desk staff and, in fact, might even make their days a little bit easier

And they wonder why the working class overwhelmingly voted Trump 😂

Most of them believe it's the end of the white house comment line not reopening.

I think the funniest thing is is that these people are willing to spend money to cancel reservations. One guy is talking about buying a 5 dollar gift card so that he can make a reservation and have it cancelled.

I'm guessing that the hotel takes the 5 dollars off of the gift card (if it even works). You're so "passionate" about these issues yet you throw 5 dollars away like it's nothing. If you're so passionate why not just give that 5 dollars to someone in need or better yet, a charity? Why just give it back to a billionaire? That's fucking moronic.

If you're so passionate why not just give that 5 dollars to someone in need or better yet, a charity?

It's almost as if "doing good things" isn't their motivation.

I just find it kind of funny they think they're inconveniencing the guy but really if they're paying to cancel these reservations they're putting money in his pocket for doing nothing.

If you're so passionate why not just give that 5 dollars to someone in need or better yet, a charity?

because then nobody on the internet would have seen how rebellious he was

its like when people give money to homeless people and film it

they dont care about the homeless guy they care about people seeing them give money to a homeless guy and the subsequent pats on the back

Oh yes, r/politics, also known as the most balanced sub on Reddit.

Nothing like having a civilized debate where both conservatives and liberals can get along.


One guy is talking about phone-banking hotel receptionists.

The left love fucking over hard working Americans. Such childish self hatred.

They hate us because they anus.

Lol just think about it. Trump can now make a big long list of people who dont like him. Because as far as I am aware you need to give credit card Details to make a reservations at nice Hotels.

If he wants to weed out the real cancellations from the faulty ones just cross revenue to people who do it multiple times.

They're giving him their name, number, address and credit card number in order to commit fraud lol.

Doesn't sound too bright to me, buy hey, I'm not a liberal

Why the hotel staff and not the actual politicians? That's like invading Afghanistan after Pakistanis blew up your buildings.

jesus christ 12k points

politics is one of the worst subs on here. can't believe that's a default

It's not a default

wait it's not a default? whoa, til

C'mon broski, and you call yourself a mod.

How are you going to run a drama subreddit if you don't know basic meta facts like that?!

They're actually about 10 million short defaults like /r/worldnews - but they have a larger number of active users right now. The_Donald usually has a competitive number of active users as well despite being a tenth the size in terms of active users.

This same shit has been being pulled against LL Bean the past few weeks. Guess what yelling at someone manning the phones makes them hate you not the orange dickhead.

The white house comment line is this generation's Obama Phone.

this "harassment campaign" is the free market in action folks

you don't like it, move to siberia

It's also fraud 😂

It isn't illegal if the president does it!

Of course it is!

It isn't fraud just because liberals post articles in heir echo-chambers claiming it is 😂

so it isn't fraud?

No, "it" is a word

then how can it be fraud?

You'll have to ask the libcucks on that one 😂


why would I ask them? you're the one who said it.

Lol, libcucks claiming Trump committed fraud is the farthest thing from "coherent" 😂


you're the one who came in here saying that making a fucking prank phone call is fraud. what "personal or financial gain" would that get them?

you know how you could make some financial gain though? set up a fake school, hire fake professors and charge people for it

fucking prank phone call is fraud you retard

Typical criminal-supporting, insult-slinging liberal

SAD! 😂

this got boring

But you stayed salty 😂

its funny because these people have probably never had a job outside of part time retail, where they constantly bemoan customers for yelling at them for something that they (the worker) cannot control, such as prices or why they cant have a whole pound of meat on their hoagie for example (i may be projecting slightly here)

this is just taking it to an even more ridiculous level, with even more of a disconnect between the worker at a trump hotel and trump himself, for reasons not even related to the hotels

its really just as i suspected. they dont give a shit about equal rights, they just wanna do whatever they want consequence free

Not sure if wannabes or just familiar with our Police forces ability to smoke the shit out of them if they raise the bar too high.

when this sub universally agrees another sub is shit then you know its probably pretty shit

i cant imagine the actual target audience for /r/politics now


/r/politics is the type of people who scream at cashiers for prices they have no control over.

And they wonder how they lost so badly 😂