The "CEO" of VOAT and the same guy who started it finally had to grow up . . . I mean, resigned because of life.

40  2017-01-28 by RectalRoger


voat is still a thing? hmm

Voat was never a thing to begin with

No, it's in the perpetual state of almost being a thing.

Is Ellen Pao still out of work?

I went to Voat not too long ago to see if there was any good drama, since Voat was supposed to be this bastion of free speech, so I figured people would be duking it out while the mods took a hands off approach. But that place is deader than disco.

Shame, we could use another purge. Spez should start editing people's comments again.


It's full of edgelords trying to out edge each other. If everyone there would graduate high school and realize that they aren't as badass as they think they are, the place would be bearable, or at least have some effort in the drama there. This is coming from a gut that gave them roughly $500 and was helping them out with other things. The most of actual good users have been driven off of the site by people that think they're hot shit. GimliTheDwarf was an awesome user there always finding good shit to post. Fuckers there got under his skin one too many times and told everyone to fuck off. He was my favorite user there. He quit, and it just fucking went downhill with the edgyness. I eventually quit because you can only see the same fucking post reposted so many fucking times before it becomes really fucking stale.

This is coming from a guy that gave them roughly $500 and was helping them out with other things.

Lol cut out the bullshit. If it's true, you tried to pay your way into becoming a power moderator in what looked like a growing forum. Thats like paying cam whores hoping you'd get laid one day.

You actually donated $500 and more man hours on voat trying to become someone worthwhile, on the internet? That's pathetic dude. I feel sorry for you.

I wasn't trying to be anything there. I actually care about free speech and wanted to see them grow. I never modded any subs and I turned down several requests to be one. if you think $500 is a lot of money to waste, you would flip your shit about how much money I lost to Enron. I am a pretty pathetic person and pretty much always has been, just ask all of my ex-girlfriends.

I don't need to give camwhores any money, I know their con and I respect their honesty. I despise when they got their con going on and they bullshit about it. Jewdank is a prime example of someone that was lying about their con even to herself.

Or you can believe what you want to believe, it doesn't fucking matter to me. I have noting to prove to anyone.

You're an idiot and you're the one who is pathetic. You're a perfect example of what u/icyhat was talking about. You're a do-nothing highschooler trying to out-highschool other redditors. u/icyhat had something he cared about and was passionate about, so he supported it. That's amicable; you're despicable.

Better late than never I suppose.

Voat is full of the special kind of retards that can sure as shit dish it out, but sure as fuck can't take it in return. It's pretty obvious that person who you replied to was one of the retard edgelords from there.

Everyone is a racist shill. Got downvoted, must have said something retarded. No man, it's the shills. Posted a pron video in a sub that has nothing to do with porn and it got deleted. The mod must be a shill. Posted an article from some conspiracy website that insists that Hillary was pictured taking money from Satan himself, it should stay. Post an article from an actual news source, MSM is the devil and should be banned.

You don't like what someone said or what was posted, it should be banned. Nigger, Nigger, Kike, Wop, libtard, That's free speech. Saying that while you have nothing against Donald Trump, you just don't agree with a policy that he just signed an executive order over, your post and you yourself needs deleted because your a CTR shill.

It's a fucking echo chamber of retards trying to out edge each other. In a few years, go back there if it's still a thing and just see how damn bad it's gotten.

boring who cares fuck you op

I agree, this isn't drama

dear dick,

fuck you.

sincerely, rr

Two weeks later? Geez the mood has already long past.

aww bae, you cared enough to send me a shit comment. tell your mom I said thanks. she'll be home in a bit.