Negareddit creator puts an end to the sub's imaginary call to arms. Users aren't having it.

101  2017-01-28 by AppleDjango


The sperg outs over the calls to violence never gets old to me. I love it and love calling SRDines specifically idiots about it as nicely as I can to not get banned. But they're fucking idiots.

Don't you know their teeth are being grounded down by cement?



American History X was a documentary, and it takes place in 2017. Except instead of becoming a not-Nazi, the kid at the end doubles down and starts writing articles for Breitbart.

/u/combative_douche you banned me a while ago for making blank meme comments. Unban me from negareddit and I'll just leave blank meme comments in response to the people that want violence and street fights.

/u/combative_douche you're pulling an opposite of your username, and in fact are preventing other combative douches. How does this make you feel?

People who unironically post in negareddit should be sent to FEMA camps.

I can honestly say I've never met one of these people in real life.

I've never met anyone from a FEMA camp either

does ANYONE survive them?

ObamaHitler confirmed.

tbh I'd hate to meet the type of loser who was captured by fucking FEMA

We need someone to come in here and freak out and call you Rambo for the implication. /u/riemann1413?

Was he implying he was tough? Was he implying he was in the military? Was he implying that military people are generally tough? Does that imply lameos aren't? We news dramas crack anti military teens on this case.

I mean, if you're caught by the army, or the FBI, or the DHS, then that's fine. But captured by FEMA? Yeah, that's pretty fucking lame.

Yeah, my bad.

They just come to your town after it is hit by a tornado and offer you bottled water and a "shower".

Next thing you know, your corpse is in a Tupperware coffin being stored at the closed Walmart.

POC and queer folk have been experiencing getting mauled by police dogs, skin torn by industrial hoses, teeth crushed by cement, skin melted and burned by torches, absolutely beaten into unrecognizable states. They've been called animals and inferiorand dehumanized over and over again by authority figures they're taught in schools to trust. They're the scapegoats for every misfortune that happens in America. They've been physically and emotionally and spiritually crushed at every point white America could manage in the last few hundred years.

Ok, then I guess go start killing the majority class and see how that works out for you then. Meanwhile you're completely protected by equal rights in the federal gov't. This isn't the fucking 50s anymore.

skin melted and burned by torches

TiL "POC and queer folk" are Count Dracula

Or they just chose poorly.

Or they're that nazi from the end of Raiders.

If they're poc then count chocula

Underrated post.

I got down to -30ish for asking for citation on that.

And the citations were shit btw

Ok, I didn't bother checking. I had to many harassing posts and PMs to respond to.

How many of them were calling you fake queer?

3-4 at least. One went through my post history, and didn't find any signs of my sexuality, because I prefer to keep that personal, and the rest bandwagoned on.

You're alright.
Don't go to /r/Negareddit tomorrow.


If your sexuality or race aren't your core defining characteristics you are obviously a CIS WHITE MALE REEEEEEEEEEEEE

Aren't you the "I'm gonna need a citation for hate crimes being committed against gay people" guy? Piss off, pissbaby.

Listen and believe, shitlord.

This isn't the fucking 50s anymore.

Trump and his supporters are going to try their damnedest to make it the 50's again.

Hope you got enough crow to eat for the next 8 years.

Oh, so you're one of them. Gotcha.

Yes, I'm not a reactionary moron like yourself.

Reactionary? Have you left your basement or reddit lately?

You mean a normal person?

Look at you mr. Oracle, predicting future and shit.

Let's see; Racism, xenophobia, pandering to the oil and gas industry...yup, sounds exactly like the 50's.

Really fucking ageist omg

Here's a newsflash for you son, I am part of Trump's generation. I know exactly what these people think because I'm surrounded by them.


is it anything like the fantasy world a good portion of the "millennial" generation lives in?

I am part of Trump's generation.

RES tagged as septuagenarian.

Let's see; Racism, xenophobia, pandering to the coal, oil and gas industry...yup, sounds exactly like the 50's.

It sounds like the fucking 2000s. Or have you forgotten Bush already?

I remember George all to well. He was a fucking rank amateur at all of these vices compared to Trump.

I don't think so because Trump is actually socially liberal, except on immigration, and even there his views are extremely anti-corporate. Yes he claims to be anti-abortion but this is probably something he is going through with just because he had to to get elected, not because he actually believes in it.

If you assume he didn't mean that, and other people who supported him think he didn't mean other things they disagreed with, then who actually voted for the real Trump?


What are you basing him being socially liberal on? Nothing in what he's done would possibly lead you to think that, especially the people he chose for his administration.

Socially liberal? You really think a "socially liberal" president would pick Mike fucking Pence as Vice President? Really?

Yes, to win over the votes of people who hold that view - because, as we both know, he does not hold that view himself. And as long as Trump serves out his full term in office, Pence's homophobia won't have any material impact. It's very smart because it will make people think twice about impeaching him.

You are extremely dense.

Ahh yes, the mythical pivot that will never come.

They poisoned the POC's water supply, burned queer folk's crops, and delivered a plague onto /r/Negareddit's houses!

They did?

No, but are we just gonna wait around until they do?


They mad cause it describes them more than anything

A lot of out-of-shape bastards bitching methinks.

Lol love that the creator of /r/EnoughCommieSpam is out

He probably gazes upon his creations with regret.

pretty sure that's how my parents look at me too :(

Nonsense you're a gem!

Truly truly truly outrageous.

We are literally unstoppable.

/u/combative_douche great job trying to clean that place up. That isn't me shitpost ing. I had to laugh when you said that place isn't about politics.

SLS is complete garbage

You have to be pretty deep into Commie-LARPING to have moved past calling your Dad a Nazi and on into calling Joe Biden a Nazi.


Not much different from the people that try to overrun CB2.

We do our best to drive them away, fam

I love watching it. They get so fucking outraged.

what's going on with CB2? I almost never go there

Just the usual leftists raging about anyone daring to criticize their murder fantasies while they try to turn everywhere communist and killing/banning/downvoting anyone that disagrees/dissents.

huh I thought I was just imagining that a number of subs seemed to be getting more left wing

the murder fantasies provide great drama tho. too bad these people don't punch anything other than the keys on their computer

So, SRD?

Hopefully one day the communist bullshit will die down on reddit just like libertarianism did some time in 2012 - 2013


Google Ron Paul

kill you're parents

It's not reddit - it's increasing with succeeding generations because of fringe leftist influence in schools. Learn a trade kids.

I wonder which fringe ideology will be in vogue next - I suppose it will swing back to the right?

Ooh, can we get obscurantism next? Maybe then they'll shut the fuck up.

/u/stripeygreenhat black on black violence is a myth. Those damned white devil's are to blame for queer oppression, everyone knows the other minority cultures in America just love them some fags.

Nazis getting punched is the best thing to happen to reddit. Everyone is up in arms.

If only someone could find an actual Nazi, shit could really kick off.

where's projectmayhem when u need him

whoa stop gatekeeping dude

you can't initiate violence against a fascist

It's true! He already assaulted me with his thought crime.


Their very existence is an infringement on my rights not to ever deal with anyone who thinks differently.


This election made strange bedfellows. Now this subbreddit is just filled with the triggered reaction of all the autists.

Uncle, you forgot to include your old sig! You should be using it now more than ever.

I do not consent to have the National Secuirty Agency or any agency of the Federal or state governments of the United States of America view any post i make on Failure to honor my constitutional rights under the Fourth Amendment will result in civil penalties and render any evidence inadmissible in a court of law.


If some queer goes on a rampage and kills a bunch of people, will they close up shop and call it quits?

Oh wait, that happened in orlando...

And they used it as a citation that bad things happen "frequently" to LGBT people and POC. Also, I feel dirty because I just used the term POC unironically.

Guy posts to negareddit that maybe wanting to inflict violence is pretty stupid. /u/combative_douche stickies it for a bit.

Username... does not check out?

mauled by police dogs, skin torn by industrial hoses, teeth crushed by cement,

is this description some kind of copy pasta or what. I've seen it like three or four times, and everyone was word for word like this one

Do a remix with the Navy SEAL one.

theyre not very creative, they see buzzwords and parrot them

the news does the same thing, do you remember when everything trump did was "dark"

omg a dark vision for the future

Think they got the memo on using the word "dark" from the DNC ?


yeah exactly its hilariously transparent

they really thought people wouldnt notice or just didnt care

i think they were trying to adopt Trumpu San's strategy of connecting imagery to people, "crooked hillary", "lying ted", "low energy Jeb"

didn't really stick all that well despite them pushing so hard for it. There's nothing particularly 'dark' about trump's presence or his businesses for people's imaginations to connect to.

Trump's Dark Vision

Is that a racial modifier for cheetomen?

You tried :)

I thought it was funny, and I don't even think the cheetoman meme is funny.

Hello new CTR account! Welcome to my comment history. I hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Best of luck and Happy Shilling!

? I just check up on top of the week usually and noticed you commented recently. I must applaud you however for

Doing your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible

Hello again CTR!

You are an odd person. Tell me where Hillary touched you, or is it only listed in a confidential email mirrored on an unsecured private server?



Pretty sure it's from Dante's Inferno.

They've all seen the same indie film about the dangers of the straight man

/u/brooce good job making them assmad by just modding some empty subs. Also is your pup ok? I remember that rarepuppers post.

He is still in a cast but it should be coming off soon. Thanks for asking

what kind of pupper do you have?

a rare pupper

I just want to know if it is cuter than /u/zachums

Can't be done. /r/Kevbo


Dammit, now I only have 132 subscribers.

rude. you can apologize by posting more pup pictures thx

I'm showing him to my pups

you can't initiate violence against a fascist

nazi ideology is inherently violent, you aren't the one who's instigating violence if you respond to their shittyness physically.

There is no logical bridge too far between a tankie and their need to take out their violent subhuman urges on someone.

I honestly don't get how tankies can hate fascism but love Stalin? Isn't the evil of fascism is the violent suppression of other opinions and the oppression of workers. How is that not what Stalin was doing?

wowowow, you're misrepresenting a perfectly valid argument. The communists want to liberate the workers, nothing less. It's okay to oppress the workers if it's for their liberation, should that be necessary, for instance if the workers don't want to be liberated because they think communism stinks. This is proof the capitalist propaganda is just that much stronger, which calls for countermeasures, like torture.

To a communist, a fascist is evil, because, and I quote Star Wars, from his point of view, the fascists are evil. Nothing to do with the means (ie, slaughtering kids).

Let's put it this way: there's a very good reason that far leftists hate horseshoe theory so much

I wonder if these people realise that a large majority of Americans don't agree with their politics, and if it becomes socially acceptable to punch people whose political views you hate.....

no no my stupid ideas are never going to be used against me

cant you see im the good guy

clearly nobody i dont like is ever going to be in power to abuse my ideas and oh hang on

By the way, us ECS mods are apparently "alt-middle" now. I embrace this.

what does that even mean!?

I guess we maybe reject the present center to be more edgy?

It's provocative, it gets people going!

I don't condone violence, as I said above, but that was pretty awesome.

Yeah /u/LGBTreecko you are invalidating yourself.

[–]fajardo99blah [score hidden] 5 hours ago
some guys made /r/negareddit2 and /r/negaredditrredux, dunno if they're gonna be good tho



Who dieded?

POC and queer folk have been experiencing getting mauled by police dogs, skin torn by industrial hoses, teeth crushed by cement, skin melted and burned by torches, absolutely beaten into unrecognizable states.

Why are these idiots always trying to appropriate the suffering of dead people? None of this shit happened to you. None of this shit happened to anybody you know. Shut the fuck up you parasite.

They also made /r/NegaRedditrRedux. Yes, including that spelling error. I made two non-inflammatory posts there, and got banned.

The best part about the antifa or whatever those idiots are called in Washington was whenever someone fought back they became extreme pussies and even demanded the police arreset the guy they just tried to assult.

Fucking pussies all of them.

Jesus, I've seen so many users justifying violence against "Nazis" and none of them seem to comprehend the idea that escalating to violence might backfire on them and is not an effective strategy in itself. Just hurry up and actually attack people so I can laugh when they start hitting back or, even better, start shooting.

Negareddit makes /r/drama look not autistic in comparison