It's Russian vs. CTR shills as /r/conspiracy can't decide whether or not PizzaGate or PissGate is more credible.

26  2017-01-28 by IAmAN00bie


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The ongoing existential crisis over there over whether or not Trump is part of TPTB is hilarious.

Is there a neither option?

We don't take kindly to South Park Neutrality in these-here parts, friendo.

Neutrals are (((le)))teraly worse than fascists tbh.

That is my favorite Mitchell & Webb, though the Nazi one is pretty awesome as well.

What if we just agree that he got a dollar hooker to piss on his deep pan?

that's the sort of compromise that is sorely missed in america these days

PissGate is far more credible, and PissGate is clearly not true.

Sounds like you order sausage on your pizza, gayo.

I do. Meat lover's because I'm a manly motherfucker.


Smug bitch

Reddit is what happens when 17 year olds dominate a conversation.

Fingers crossed that Resident Evil 8 explores the intricacies and nuances of Pizzagate

now that's the kind of investigation we've all been clamoring for

Why not both?

you can tell which one is more likely to be realistic by how american media covers them

interpret that however you like

user reports:
1: IAmAN00bie. Nuff sed. It is the sweaty hairy black anus of reddit and needs to be (redacted).

Lol the butthurt.

What was redacted?!

I think it is a suggestion that Noobie needs to be redacted. Kek.

How does someone visit conspiracy even unironically without becoming retarded?