As JonTron Goes Political, So Does The Subreddit! Discussions/Arguments on Nazi-punching, Retard-calling, and Gamergating Galore!

87  2017-01-28 by TheSmugAnimeGirl


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  1. This Post -,,,*

  2. /r/JonTron -,*,*

  3. have decided to create a megathread... -,,,*

  4. Another discussion about Spencer ge... -,*,,*

  5. That thread eventually leads to a l... -,*,,*

  6. In another thread, someone brings u... -,*,,*

  7. And then there's an argument over c... -,*,,*

  8. In a less upvoted thread, two reddi... -,*,,*

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I like the content JonTron puts out, but everything else he says is pretty much hot garbage. Him getting shut down by Neil C will always be a treasured moment.

You're gonna have to post that, mostly so I can take the link and claim Neil C to be wrong regardless of context of the conversation.

Fug gimme an hour I'm on mobile

I am not responsible for my own actions

Basically JonTron said PlayStation Now pricing was retarded and Neil Cicierega took it personally, probably because he's retarded himself.

Neil is a SA goon.


That's why I only use retarded as an insult for someone personally.

oh man there was a spat with Neil C?

man those are like two of my favorite autist artists, that must be a brilliant exchange

It's like two tweets

JonTron called a Playstation thing retarded, and Niel C told him that was a no-no word.

such a disappointment. i wanted them to GO TO WAR


Did HITLER give up???

Why is it whenever somebody crows about someone 'shutting down' somebody else it always turns out to be somebody saying something smug & patronising and/or retarded and then running away and getting circle jerked.

Because ur dumb lmao

Calling things retarded is not why those classic comedians are funny- they're funny because the jokes are clever and intelligent, and just happened to be built on a vocabulary that at the time included the word "retarded".

How retarded do you have to be to believe that Monty Python, Mel Brooks, et al. weren't offensive in their own time? Does this guy really think everyone in the 70's spoke like characters in those movies, and no one ever took issue with it since that just happened to be the vocabulary of the time?

Read a fucking book /u/johnsonadam1517. Maybe you think the contemporary moral panic over offensive comedy is necessary to maintain the social order, but don't go around grandstanding like you and your fellow culture warriors invented that shit. It's been around for ages.

I mean I get that there are lazy comedians who rely on nothing but shock value and see being offensive as an end in itself, though I can't quite wrap my head around what you hope to achieve by calling those comedians out, besides giving them the satisfaction of having offended you, and thus further impetus to go on doing bad comedy.

It's more than a bit autistic (and I'm not being edgy, I mean the word literally) how these culture warriors consistently fail to understand that the role of the comedian is that of the fool. No one with any amount of social literacy looks to comedians as if they were role models -- there's a reason most successful comedians are ugly, repulsive slobs. It's seriously the dumbest thing in the world -- an again literally autistic -- to pretend take what comedians say literally.

That said I 100% agree that this JohnTron fellow isn't funny. Or at least his twitter isn't funny.

1) I am not a culture warrior. As someone who trends more toward Maoism than anything else, I believe first and foremost in class dynamics over identity politics. I am able to recognize that focusing on cultural issues is a distraction from class consciousness, which I cannot say the same for identity politicians or those who oppose them.

2) I have never "called a comedian out", although I respect that those who find certain types of humor offensive are free to do so as they please. There's nothing I can do to reverse the cultural shift of anti-racism, diversity, and inclusiveness, although I would certainly love it if we dropped all of these petty issues and instead focused on matters that help the entire working class.

3) I don't even believe that there truly is a "contemporary moral panic over offensive comedy", because I don't view what happens on Tumblr as reflective of contemporary culture. Louis C.K. still makes millions. George Carlin is still known as one of the greatest of all time. A small minority of people have small grievances with these folks, but as a culture we're generally perfectly okay with offensiveness as long as it is funny and isn't at a Richards-level of cluelessness.

4) As I noted in a separate reply, the job of a comedian is to play to their audience- this isn't something that has changed in about a thousand years. The jester can make snipes at the court, but there's always a person-to-person line at which comedy ceases to be funny and begins to offend. I recognize that that line is different from person-to-person, which is why I don't really take issue with anyone voicing their opinion on what is or is not offensive.

5) You have projected a fuckton about me based upon a handful of messages- I hope that in the future you'll be able to accept that not everyone who can recognize something as offensive finds it offensive themselves.

This is a reasonable reply. I appreciate you.



Pick one.

I don't view what happens on Tumblr as reflective of contemporary culture.

Maybe you ought to try reading (fairly) mainstream progressive outlets like Gawker, vox, mic, mother jones, the new yorker, the atlantic, etc. Hell, even WaPo and the NYT get in on that shit from time to time. The culture wars certainly aren't limited to tumblr -- they're the dominant ideology of the liberal, technocratic elite. Which I think everyone who's not willfully deluded understands by now. I mean just look at Hillary Clinton's campaign. When did she talk about policy or economic issues? Her entire appeal was that she stood against racism and sexism and homophobia, not as economic or political issues, but as mere cultural pathologies. The idea the politics is primarily about culture, which is the implicit assumption of all culture warriors, is predicated on the (bourgeois, liberal) notion that history has come to and end, and all remaining political struggles are now mere cultural struggles. The blue haired hambeasts of tumblr aren't some marginal innovation, they're simply a more malignant manifestation of a widespread, decades-old process.

And yeah, obviously CK is doing well since his offensive material goes to absurd lengths to make explicit that he's just a comedian and that you shouldn't take what he says seriously. Which he wouldn't have to do if his audience wasn't willfully autistic about those things. And besides that, he's lately taken up a really smarmy, didactic posture in which he presumes to be some sort of moral edifier, which of course liberals love. The guy has really fallen off his game lately.

It's become painfully obvious that no one paid any attention to their opponent's campaign. Everyone's opinion seems to have been shaped solely by their candidate's characterization of their opponent.

Except for me, of course. #SouthParkNeutral4Lyfe #GrandmaHealingCrystals2020

See being a liberal isn't about me being liberal. It's about building and maintaining a free and liberal society. In order to maintain that we ought not to tolerate intolerance.

Yes, yes, the irony of "but then you're the intolerant ones!" is very paradoxical.... if you're a fucking idiot. There are plenty of anti-(((SJWs))) who abuse this and think "checkmate libtards!" But it's obvious, people who speak out against others based on their religion, race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, ought to be spoken out against. Otherwise it really is "checkmate." That is obvious. And those who threaten or commit violence against those groups ought to be met with the same.

“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

"omg hate vs hate" only holds water if you're a fuckin' mook who can't understand nuance, or two things at once, where everything is black and white. We hate hate, and nothing else. That doesn't mean we ought to lie down and be overrun by the most violent and hateful elements of society.

You just now:

“Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”

That doesn't mean we ought to lie down and be overrun by the most violent and hateful elements of society.

Me 50 minutes and several brain cells ago:

Everyone's opinion seems to have been shaped solely by their candidate's characterization of their opponent.

Sorry, dramafam, just retarded copypasta.

Oh, nice. My bad. I'm starting to fall behind on all the fresh copypasta blooming under Trump's high energy meme economy.

This is a really bad way of figuring out what a particular candidate talked about most, or (which is the more important question) what issues were most central to their campaign. I mean, I know vox is shit an all but I didn't think they were quite this bad.

It's just a list of more or less arbitrarily chosen words, the mention of which the study's authors would have us believe is equivalent to actually talking about or focusing on those issues. But that's obviously such a grossly simplistic way of looking at things it's almost not worthy of comment. Just think about it for more thirty seconds. I certainly hope she didn't use the term "abortion" more than a few times, since it's a lot more persuasive to use terms like "pro-choice" or "comprehensive health care" or "family planning services" or "unintended pregnancies" -- all terms conveniently left off the chart. And it is likewise quite easy to talk about LGBT rights or the plight of black Americans without using more than a few times the specific terms "LGBTQ," "gay," or "African American." Take any word on that chart, substitute it some other word which means roughly the same thing, and you're gonna get very different results. But no amount of number crunching is going to tell you which issues were central to Hillary's campaign, since the quality of an issue being central to a campaign is of course not a function of the frequency of any given buzzword.

I mean this is pretty blatant sophism. And it's in any case besides the point. I'm sure it is generally correct to say that Hillary mentioned jobs and the economy quite a bit in her campaign speeches. Her problem was rather that she offered people no more than what they already had under Obama, and so her appeal to those many Americans who felt disaffected was limited to her stance on identity politics, and to the fact that she wasn't Trump.

As as it concerns my original point, the problem I identified had nothing to do with how much she did or didn't talk about the economy or about identity politics. My issue isn't that she talked about racism or sexism too much, it's that she -- along with nearly all mainstream democrats -- sees those issue as being mere cultural pathologies, utterly disconnected from political economy.

But yeah that article is shit and you should feel bad for taking what is obviously terrible social science seriously.

Stopped reading after the first sentence. He said she never talked about it. She did. A lot. That's the end of it.

Well I was being glib and for that I sincerely, sincerely apologize, but that's still no excuse to go around taking vox articles seriously.

Go find your preferred source, I just picked up the first thing I saw on Google.

It's alright bro, I agree with you that Hillary Clinton has uttered to words "jobs" and "the economy" before.

I know it can be confusing, but sometimes when nurotypical folks say things like "x has never done y" or "x never mentions y" they don't mean literally that x has never done or said y. They are usually exaggerating to make some sort of point. If it helps I suggest you make a kind of "mental checklist" when dealing with nurotypical folks. That way if something strikes you as odd or bizarre in their speech or actions you can ask yourself: is this "irony," "sarcasm," or "exaggeration"? You will find more often than not that a lot of things nurotypical folks say aren't meant to be taken completely literally. Social situation can be hard at first but I'm confident that if you apply yourself you will quickly overcome the difficulty.

You obviously didn't mean she never mentioned it, no shit. But you said she never really talked about it, she just talked about identity politics. You're objectively wrong. Take your lumps and move on. And don't go around talking about understanding social interaction when you're doubling down on something you've been shown is objectively wrong. It's autistic as fuck.

If I admit that Hillary Clinton is the most highly evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than both Obama and Donald Trump combined, and I admit that she mentioned the economy in over 1500 campaign speeches, in which she championed the working class and warned against reductive bourgeois identity politics, will you stop the autistic screeching?

lol now I'm an angry Clinton supporter for saying that you're objectively wrong. You're so mad that you're wrong. Take some deep breaths.

hillary could beat you in a fight bitch boy

who couldn't hillary beat in a fight, really?

well, trump, but except for him . . .

So what has responding to Clintonite identity politics with even more identity politics given us? A laughing stock of an administration that will proceed to fuck the working class even further to the benefit of the global elite. The correct response to identity politics is to simply roll your eyes and ignore it while you resolve issues that actually matter, unless you care so deeply about these petty, childish disagreements that you'll fight through blood, sweat, and tears over it. There's no need to stoop to their level when you can just grow a pair and give them their toys.

I don't wholly disagree with this -- there in no point responding to identity politics with some sort of alternative identity politics -- but I have no idea how you expect a solution to be found in ignoring the problem. Perhaps it would function well as a way to signal that the specific culture warrior arguments themselves are petty and childish, but the broader argument here, concerning the connection between culture, racism, sexism, etc. and the economic or political sphere is anything but petty and childish.

I mean we live in a world where the dominant ideology states that racism will end once a few more black guys get an oscar. It's not petty to point out that such a view of the world is fundamentally wrong, or that such a view of racism reflects the dominant class interests of the liberal elite.

We also live in a world where a self-described socialist also had a non-zero chance of becoming the POTUS. While St. Bernard certainly was never going to be a one-way ticket out of this bullshit, we were reasonably close to taking a legitimate step away from the neoliberalism of the political elite.

I appreciate you leveling off and takin' the time to offer some realistic responses, but I can't handle the autistic screeching from everyone else in this subreddit so I'm out.


Bullshit. Whatever else may be true, a combination of reneging on trade deals, implementing tariffs and cracking down on immigration will lead to an increase in wages for most people, and an increase in employment. That's just going to happen.

You liberals need to face that. These were things that would make Trump a mainstream Democrat just 30 years ago. And now you people jibber-jabber with pure nonsense. Trump's protection policies will make life somewhat better for most people, which is more than most think possible now.

I'm glad you're so sure of this, because I'm just as sure that the wage increases will be minimal while the price of most goods is going to rise and he deficit will go through the roof. Guess we'll find out

So what has responding to Clintonite identity politics with even more identity politics given us?

The presidency!

Her entire appeal was that she stood against racism and sexism and homophobia, not as economic or political issues, but as mere cultural pathologies.

lol wtf

Did you even pay attention? Are you seeing everything through the lens of identity politics? Do you think SJWs voted for Clinton and everyone else voted for Trump?

Good god, I need to know more about you

As someone who trends more toward Maoism


Teenager or early twenty something, guaranteed

jesus christ, I just posted this and I see the knobs already beat me to it

As someone who trends more toward Maoism than anything else

retardation confirmed

So I always click the link, see someone grandstanding in some mild way, think "I bet someone took him down in the drama thread", check and someone has completely and unnecessarily challenged every line of what they said.... then the dude in the main thread chimes in and goes completely retarded. Like every damn time.

As someone who trends more toward Maoism

What are you fucking retarded?

Yeah Mao never did anything related to culture


As someone who trends more toward Maoism than anything else

you're a fucking communist. line up and get punched.



As someone who trends more toward Maoism than anything else,

just say "i'm a cuck" it's much more concise


You and Spencer are just as bad.

As someone who trends more toward Maoism than anything else

What year of college are you in?

As someone who trends more toward Maoism than anything else

just stop talking

I mean I get that there are lazy comedians who rely on nothing but shock value and see being offensive as an end in itself, though I can't quite wrap my head around what you hope to achieve by calling those comedians out, besides giving them the satisfaction of having offended you, and thus further impetus to go on doing bad comedy.

So wait, can I just call out the shitty comedy? Because in the qute you gave, he was calling out the shitty comedy.

Yeah I mean you could do that, but the thing is most people don't really even take enough notice of shitty comedy enough to "call it out."

Like if I tell you an unfunny yet inoffensive joke, you're (hopefully) not gonna go on reddit later ranting about how bad of a comedian I am. You're gonna politely blow air out of your nose, forget about the joke 2 seconds later, and move on with your day. Generally speaking comedy only provokes a strongly negative reaction when it's offensive.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can "call out" the bad comedy, but don't get too worked up about it or people will think you're secretly offended, or else that you're some sort of sperg who can't handle the fact that bad comedy exists.

Well what if that bad comedian is really popular for some reason? Can I be offended that there are that many stupid fans?

Probably? I don't know. I see why stupid people might be a little bit offensive, but again the danger is that if you take it too far you end up with negareddit-esque social incompetence where you can't handle the fact that people like things you don't. Like there comes a point where you just gotta quietly accept that dum dums gonna dumb.

I'm not saying don't do it, I just think it's a quick path to self delusion. Check yourself before you reck yourself and all that.

Carlos Mencia had a show. This is not an 'if' scenario.

Jeff Dunham and Wendy Cummings might be the actual pinnacles of that phenomenon.

Literally a line from one of the most classic comedy movies of all time(Blazing Saddles):


I pay you to work, not dance around like a bunch of Kansas City faggots!

What a surprise, just jon tron fans are liberal Faggots

Nah most of them are the opposite

I'm more of a centerist although I rarely turn down a puckered shit cutter.

user reports:
1: south park neutrality


LMFAO at that whole thread, the salt is unreal. It's funny if you listened to the live stream you hear john describe the people in this thread exactly and they see no irony in the way they behave.

Negar and Circlebroke are going to soil themselves.

/r/drama is JonTron /ourguy/?

and by /ourguy/ I mean shit flinging autistic monkey

is that even a question that needs to be asked

Jesus fucking christ whats wrong with these people?? paraphrasing for that whole thread: "JonTron's Opinions are totally unforgivable which makes me sad cause I enjoyed his content."

Jesus fucking christ whats wrong with these people?

the mods.

Wait, the linked thread in SRD, or the SRD thread.

the whole srd thread on the jontron drama

Are we looking at the same thread? We've got two parent comments in there that even approach what you're talking about, and in one of them the children nest is mostly people talking about how much they like Orson Scott Card and don't get how he's homophobic while being able to write most of the books he writes.

I mean the whole SRD post about it. I never clicked on the link I was snooping around in there before I got here to /r/drama

Yeah, that's there. But saying that's the whole thread is not even close to being accurate.

WTF is this shit. Call him a faggot.


Sir. I am merely stating the facts.

Did you not catch that I was exaggerating when i said the whole thread. What is this a fucking investigation lol

You exaggerated like 20% into 100%. I believe that makes you mathematically challenged.

SRD and similar butthurt legbeards are melting down over the fact that popular people think they're stupid.

No wonder that megathread in /r/jontron is full of salt.

They're doing a good job on shutting down their bitching, though.

Call h3 "alt-righty" and get 300 upvotes lol these people lack any sort of rationality

LMFAO h3? alt-righty? he was literally a hilary clinton supporter

The response to the Richard Spencer getting punched in the face by the left is fucking hilarious to me. Richard Spencer absolutely deserved to get punched in the face, and I am glad he did. That said, it was absolutely wrong of the person to do it, and he should be in jail for it. These same people who are so happy that this edgelord retard spencer was assaulted while giving an interview are the same ones who will bitch about how a child rapist getting assfucked in prison isn't something to be happy about (again the child rapist deserves it, but it is still wrong).

Love to see they draw the line at defending murders/child rapists, but not edgelord nazi douchebags.

Love to see they draw the line at defending murders/child rapists

because their heroes are these things. just pretend to be a woman and you can get away with creating and posting cp in your irc channel because you say the right things about gamers.

just be a woman and they'll venerate you for literally torturing a man to death.

>still thinking about gamergate in 2017

The tune might be a little different if, say, Spencer got murdered. He got punched in the face, though, and while I'm not all like "yeah!" I am going to not get on too many people's asses about taking some enjoyment in that.

I'm perfectly happy with the thought that we can legalize punching Nazis in the face, TBH. If it's good enough for Chris Evans it's good enough for me.

Holy crap, /u/1139 created one of the most bizarre, circlebrokish and absolutely deluded posts I've ever seen involving gamergate, and that's a really really really high bar to clear. From his treatment of reddit as some secret breeding ground for Nazis when well over half of reddit has gone full edgelord over punching them, to the bizarre, melodramatic description of gamergate, to his feigned pity for Jontron having different political opinions of his own, it's the sort of psuedointellectual shitposting I'd expect in negared... oh wait he is a negareddit poster. Well.

...You would think that somebody who has such a hard-on for guilt by association would be more careful about hanging around with tankies and other wannabe revolutionaries.

you can't decide who deserves to get punched that's my job

Jesus fucking Christ what is the top comment chain on this thread? Bunch of retarded rambling from a bunch of retards. I never understood the complaints about serious posting before today. Holy shit.

Welcome to r/drama 2.0, where pushing your agenda is more important than laughing at retards.

I too would side with those who had all of the guns and most of the military training.