Tbh freeze peach has been a meme for years now with people wanting to say thing w/o consequences on a privately owned website.
Buuuuut people are kind of losing their minds by thinking that punching dumb tendie holding racists they are literally stopping the Nazi Party from taking over America.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-01-29
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n/a bleasehalb 2017-01-29
Tbh freeze peach has been a meme for years now with people wanting to say thing w/o consequences on a privately owned website.
Buuuuut people are kind of losing their minds by thinking that punching dumb tendie holding racists they are literally stopping the Nazi Party from taking over America.
n/a HAHApointsatyou 2017-01-29
Not drama.
Also no one cares.
Also, free speech is overrated.