143-IQ vidya mastermind is stonewalled by retarded teammates who refuse to listen to his genius

18  2017-01-29 by xjapxn


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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What is it with overwatch that it attracts so many of these people? I played a mach today and a guy wouldn't leave spawn because he was mad at some other guy for playing turret man.

I had the same thing except it was because I decided to pick Hanzo for once

I think these people are just attracted to competitive games and you encounter them a lot in overwatch just because it's so popular

People get so asshurt in the game when people pick their fav hero.

I was playing comp the other day and someone picked hanzo. A few people asked him to change but all he said over comms was "hanzoooooo" in a fake Japanese accent. He would continue repeating "hanzooooo" for each kill he made. Dude was legit good at hanzo, or at least good for shit tier. It was actually pretty funny and I think we won.

it's the league of legends people, they have the meta or bust mindset i think.

A few days ago some kid in comp was whining that someone else played Roadhog (he refused to fully type out swear words so he couldn't be older than 12). Next game I got stuck with him again and picked Hog just to piss him off. He spent the whole game in spawn bitching in chat, being called a retard by everyone else.

i bet this retard voted for t rump

There is zero possibility this dude voted.

this guy is 100% from quebec and speaks french. one hundred fucking percent. he sounds like Deezer too.

Of course its some fucktard Canadian trash. Literally the worst country on Earth.

Sounds like Athene, even the accent.