Uber under fire for...giving rides to those who have places to be and people to see

97  2017-01-29 by gentlegiant69

If you haven't heard, taxi's decided to not drive anyone from the JFK airport. Uber knowing that some people just don't have the time or patience to deal with other people's temper tantrums, decides to offer rides

The juicy stuff below found on social media:

  • congrats to Uber on breaking a strike to profit off of refugees being consigned to Hell. eat shit and die

  • Don't like Uber's exploitative anti-labor policies & Trump collaboration, now profiting off xenophobia? #deleteUber

  • to be fair, Uber was already the most opportunistic/inhumane/craven co. in the world, so this is consistent w the model.

  • to the person who was paid to write this, quit your job. you are working for anti-American fascists

  • Deleted app. Won't be back, ever. Bye, Uber

  • fuck you

  • you are fascist collaborators. I will no longer drive for you.I'll use cabs or lyft for a ride. I'll tell all fam+friends 2do same

  • piece of shit collaborators

  • S C A B S

  • We kicked y'all out of Austin and we're not afraid to come after you in other cities.

  • I am a driver for #uber in Boston. Deleting my driver account today

  • Welp looks like I'll be a Lyft customer for life.

  • Uninstalled the app. Not today motherfuckers.

  • we will remember this. #solidarity


When you say "patience to deal with other people's temper tantrums, " who is having the tantrum?

you know who

The whole medallion system for taxis is fascinating.


Everyone seems to be taking part.

I mean, it's pretty fucked up to screw over their own drivers (lower prices) and undercut a protest about people being stranded in airports because an orange president spontaneously banned certain people with green cards from coming back into the country.

If you think this is cool and fun then you're probably a shithead right winger and go fuck yourself. That's my two cents. It's all fun and games and detached irony shitposts, but this is actually about real people who did nothing wrong yet are getting fucked because of people scapegoating Muslims and immigrants for the screwups of an increasingly greedy and incompetent elite.

there are folks on the other side of this issue who like I said, got shit to do. Protest all you want, don't be upset if another company swoops in to take over to help people get home or to work. Let's also ignore the fact that uber probably even drop some people TO the airport so they could protest

Those people could, you know, take a bus, it's not like the only way to get out of JFK is via cab (or Uber).

Protests usually inconvenience people a bit and that's a good thing, it means they take notice and complain to politicians and others to do something about the problem. Uber's just following the precepts of capitalism, true, but it's a great example of why capitalism is shit. Uber would be ferrying Muslims to concentration camps if Travis Kalanick thought there might be a dollar in it.

Anyway people are right to be pissed and it's fucked up to mock them. Yesterday marked the point where Trump got real with his "nobody believes he will actually do it" shit and I don't see any logical endpoint, who knows how far it will go. We might all be in for a world of fucked up consequences (unless you love white supremacy and fascism).

Those people could, you know, take a bus, it's not like the only way to get out of JFK is via cab (or Uber).

Or take a bike. Or a pogo stick. Or crawl. Or ride on a goat taken from a petting zoo.

But they also have an option of getting a ride to wherever they need to get. No Uber driver is forced to take up any offered customer. Those that were a part of the protest could simply decline. Those that weren't went to the airport and offered an alternative to spending an hour on a bus with vomit-stained floors.

I don't think you understand how protests and social change work. There will always, ALWAYS be someone willing to undercut any movement to make a quick buck.

And thank God for that, otherwise a ton of people would be stuck at an airport.

Protests are voluntary, not mandatory, and not everyone cares about your cause.

Besides you being a dirty commie who doesn't know what he's talking about, you made a good point here:

Yesterday marked the point where Trump got real with his "nobody believes he will actually do it" shit and I don't see any logical endpoint, who knows how far it will go.

Can someone make a list or something of all his campaign promises? Because it looks like he's actually doing what he said he was going to do.

But with all the "Trump is Hitler" screeching during the campaign it kinda drowned out everything he seriously said he would do.

I think if we took a look at all the stuff he promised to do, we can predict what he's going to do next. It's only been a week and he's done/trying to do most of what I remember he said he would.

Honestly if people knew what he was going to do and could understand it people probably wouldn't be as upset as they are. Trump is as far from the right as a republican president could get. If Trump is literally Hitler, Ted Cruz must be literally El diablo.

I used to hear so many people calling Republicans stupid because "there's no way Trump is going to keep his promises. He's just lying to his gullible base for votes. They're sure gunna feel stupid."

Now all I hear from that smug liberal castle is a loud autistic screech echoing into forever.

Shit you think he'll try and get Hillary imprisoned? I mean he's clearly been serious about the immigration stuff and the wall......

Lol I forgot about that. Wouldn't surprise me at this point. That could be the next executive order.

Well, he said he had a plan to stop Isis during that time, and today we're finding out his plan is "make an executive order to let the military dudes... just do their job? the fuck?"

So if they can take a bus then what's the point of the protest? Aren't they supposed to be stuck there? Why else would it matter that Uber is stilll operating there? Uber isn't allowed to disagree with the protest?

Uber would be ferrying Muslims to concentration camps if Travis Kalanick thought there might be a dollar in it.

What the fuck? Besides this being a stupid fucking leap you don't even know what he actually thinks of the ban. What if he just doesn't think it's an effective protest?

PK, now you have gone off the deep end. Reading that unhinged r/anarchism drooling moronic rant is painful. Trump isn't a "white suprematist", do you realize there are minorities that want to fix immigration and don't want to deal with refugees? People are hypersensitive morons that can't handle their sacred identity politics being criticized, and they can't handle illegals being deported out of the country, or having potential terrorists being blocked from entry.

Just go rejoin r/anarchism, cry about "white privilege, speciesism".


? Isn't that a crackpot accusation?

Everyone who's against communism or anarchism is a fascist and also probably an Uber employee and a capitalist and also a racist.

Hahaha That's the usual response of most communists/anarchists. Look at r/news, there are so many whiny teenagers crying that Trump is being too mean to refugees. Didn't Reddit complain about European refugees, yet when Trump does something about it, it's "fascism"? Fucking morons.

We need to fix immigration, is a far sight from "hey, you spent tens of thousands of dollars and years getting a green card? Fuck you, you can't come back to work or see your kids any more because you went home to see family."

This shit is fucked up. Royally.

Immigration has always been shitty. I have a former coworker who went home for a wedding (to India) and couldn't get a visa to come back. After 9/11, one of my classmates (also indian) went to Canada for christmas and disappeared for the rest of the year due to visa issues. But this shit? This is a whole other level of shitty that demonstrates willful indifference and cruelty.

We need to fix immigration, is a far sight from "hey, you spent tens of thousands of dollars and years getting a green card? Fuck you, you can't come back to work or see your kids any more because you went home to see family."

Maybe it's a cunning plan to undermine something? Like, Trump is working on a believable reason to cuck alt-right, or Steve Bannon is solidifying his Evil Vizier role by getting Trump ostracized by everyone else?

Because if you want to oppress minorities, you start with powerless, obscure minorities, and make it seem reasonable. So the worst that the opposition can come up with is a picture of young Ali who faces deportation for mugging someone, with most people's reactions ranging from covert to open approval.

You don't do blanket oppression reaching through all social strata, because now everyone working for a company with more than a hundred employees is aware that Jemima from Marketing is stranded in an airport and that's an obvious injustice and pointless and fucked up, and the best they can do is to try to justify to themselves by hoping that at least it might affect some criminal Alis as well, which it wont because ne'er do wells like them don't take international flights to visit relatives.

I mean, can anyone come up with a more self-discrediting implementation of anti-immigration policy? I can't, not on the spot, that's the work of a genius or a fantastic moron.

That's what I would have thought a few months ago. But now?

It's clear it's stupidity. I was listening to BBC World Services and they had a segment about the executive order, with two callers. One was a American citizen with a Syrian husband who was planning to fly back with her husband in February and is now terrified that they won't be allowed in the country. The other was a Trump supporter who is in favor of the order.

Guess what the Trumpeter's argument was. "Well, I don't think you has anything to worry about. I'm sure you can just go to the Embassy and they'll give you a waiver."

Literally, she is talking to a person who just explained how she spent 18 months and 3 thousand dollars trying to get husband's visa approved, and her response is "naw, it's cool."

And the same for Trump. The idea that this would inconvenience innocent people and fuck many people over royally, probably never occurred to him.


So I heard you were literally diagnosed with autism. Is this true?

How old are you? You talk like a 20 year old white girl.

Man SD you can fuck off if you're gonna be saying bullshit like this. Stop parroting far right wing talking points. You think it's an unhinged rant to point out that a) suddenly trapping people with valid visas in airports is bad, and b) that people should go protest that fact?

Like it's not "sacred identity politics" to not like canceling visas based on religious status (Giuliani just said that Trump called him and asked him how to ban Muslims legally, by the way). It's having a sense of fucking humanity. You can't just list of /pol/ talking points and then screech out a set of buzzwords like "speciesism" that have literally no relevance to anything anyone has said here.

Uber's just following the precepts of capitalism, true, but it's a great example of why capitalism is shit. Uber would be ferrying Muslims to concentration camps if Travis Kalanick thought there might be a dollar in it.

I know we're on /r/Drama and not /r/BadEconomics, you filthy fucking commie (jk ❤️ u fam), but let's introduce at least a little Becker-like rigor about discrimination's transaction costs and how the incidence of discriminatory economic activity often depends on the income/population distribution of the targeted group(s).

Not that different from what you wrote, but you're a grad student now--learn to write like a nuance-huffing douche.

(Incidentally, one could easily make the point that the taxis are the ones eating the transaction penalties of discriminating against airport patrons.)

You can't capture the true costs and dynamics of discrimination with transaction costs, unless you're simply using it as a residual (in which case it has no explanatory or predictive value).

Jews were often pretty well off in pre-Nazi Germany and transaction costs were hardly going to explain the sudden bout of discrimination they faced.

Wtf people have to get home somehow and for many it's through a cab. Why are you so naive sometimes?

Uber would be ferrying Muslims to concentration camps if Travis Kalanick thought there might be a dollar in it.

C'mon man you're smarter than this.

I look forward to your reaction when they start building the wall.

You were one of the rational ones for a while Prince. Sad to see you fall.

Yes, I'm really mad that I got dragged on an increasingly shitty sub by a bunch of right wingers and faux-detached people who have never went to a march in their life, describing their imaginary version of Martin Luther King.

lol what? You realize how much of a pain in the ass getting a bus is compared to just requesting an uber driver?

Why not employ the high demand rates, though, except to make a statement? You can do the whole "yes, I like to make money and I don't really give a shit about X" thing in a way that doesn't also signal. Anyone on here should be aware of that, but nope.

There's no reason a completely seperate company has to join in some half-cocked protest, not everybody has the luxury of being able to refuse to work out of principle, a lot of us actually depend on a consistent income if you can imagine such a thing.

people scapegoating Muslims

Pretty ironic that you'd say this givebn that the majority of Muslim countries do far worse to minorities than Trump's travel ban. Put on a cross and go on holiday to Saudi Arabia.

but this is actually about real people who did nothing wrong yet are getting fucked

I agree. Except that the people getting fucked are the westerners that have to live with the leftist dogma of importing millions of people from failed cultures and then being forced to live with the crime they cause whilst also paying for it.

Take that shit to t_d, orangefag

I can't refute your points, le literally shaking right now! The memenings of the_donald follow me beyond their subreddit, triggering me at every turn!

I'm sorry to hear that, friend :(

Lmao here you are again, arguing like a fucking retard. You're working so hard to discredit these anti-Uber people, go the fuck back to your echo chamber.


being rude to people

Sometimes I just cannot understand Reddit.

Except that the people getting fucked are the westerners that have to live with the leftist dogma of importing millions of people from failed cultures and then being forced to live with the crime they cause whilst also paying for it.

Too right! Nothing worse than those fucking Irish Mick bastards or the Guinea Wop Italians who bombard our shores with their criminals.

this, but unironically

Put on a cross and go on holiday to Saudi Arabia.

Pfft, easy mode. Break out the ol' Star of David and see how long you last.

Pretty ironic that you'd say this given that the majority of Muslim countries do far worse to minorities than Trump's travel ban. Put on a cross and go on holiday to Saudi Arabia.

So we're setting the bar at theocratic Middle-Eastern shitholes, now? Oh boy, the U.S. isn't Pakistan! What a fucking accomplishment. What a pathetic excuse.

have to live with the leftist dogma of importing millions of people from failed cultures

So we talking England, France, Ireland - which is it? Those people on the Mayflower couldn't handle a little persecution and they had to run away and cross an entire ocean to look for a safe space! Sad!

I'm an ex-muslim and i think it's great. That entire religion is a disease.

Uber's whole business model is built on screwing cab unions so I'm not surprised that they also function as scab scum.

Also this

Well this wouldn't be an issue if they stopped being terrorists, if anything you should be mad at the terrorist countries and thanking Trump for pointing them out to everyone.

I think you are completely reasonable and right on all accounts. And I think everything is working out the way it should. Trump signed of a rule he based on a long announced campaign promise. This is his mode of operation. He will try to keep the rule and let it relax until enough people find it acceptable.

Law enforcement is trying to carry the order out.

Opposition tries to enforce some humanity into a situation that hasn't happened since ww2 on this scale. They do so in protest including businesses and private citizens. They trying to do what they see as good.

Other private enterprises are jumping in and letting their employed pick their own path. After all the only things Uber is doing, is not joining the protest.

Now the legal legislative branches have to respond and flesh this rule out.

Ironically Uber's low paid drivers probably depend on performing a service and being compensated for it. Like maybe actually driving for Uber. It's like when people protest Black Friday, but there are actually always workers who dont mind working on Black Friday because they're at odds with their family or whatever, and like the extra money.

Ironically Uber's low paid drivers probably depend on performing a service and being compensated for it. Like maybe actually driving for Uber. It's like when people protest Black Friday, but there are actually always workers who dont mind working on Black Friday because they're at odds with their family or whatever, and like the extra money.

Would Uber even be able to prevent individual drivers from taking fares at JFK by disabling the app in a discrete location? Even then, drivers could figure out a workaround.

The structural differences between taxi services and ride sharing make an effective protest seem impossible.

Sure they could. Then you order a ride to the nearest available location, then call the driver and ask him to get to the airport. You have the tools needed to circumvent the assumed block already built into the app.

Meh, fuck Uber. Those guys are assholes who'd run over your granny if they could make a buck doing it.

I will no longer drive for you.I'll use cabs or lyft for a ride. I'll tell all fam+friends 2do same

Is this guy a driver for Uber or not? Try to keep the story straight from one sentence to the next.

I mean you can both drive for them and use them when you're going out drinking

You are retarded.

welcome to /r/drama

Would be real funny if you were being detained at JFK and called your lawyer in to help out, only he couldn't get there because his car was in the shop and all the taxis and ubers were on strike.

Like, hilariously funny because holy shit what the fuck is with protests that don't actually impact the person you have a beef with?

Goddamn I love the no material inconvenience protest laws we have here. It recognises that if you are in the minority and get voted down, you can't then go and try to get your way anyways. Fix the problems at the voting booth, other than that shut the fuck up and get back to work. Or at least out of the way of people who want to work.


It's getting to the point where the choice is between hippy and nazi, and given that choice I'll pick nazi every single time. Well, a weed nazi, the hippies did get that one right.

It is on reddit. I don't do twitter but I wouldn't be surprised if it were there, too. In real life, though, I don't see shit like this. Thankfully.

Well yeah, if you call people nazis irl people think you're a nutcase, since sjws aren't allowed to talk when normal people are around.

>Normal people



Well yeah, this place is better than a Walmart for coming to laugh at retards.

The best weed in Oregon I'd grown by the neo nazis in the South.

Are they at least chill neonazis?

Is that an oxymoron

Good people can be lazy, why can't evil?

This is why Trump won

It's nothing new in US politics, that's been polarised to +10000000 vs -10000000 for centuries.

Nazis are way better than hippies.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Snitches get stitches

It recognises that if you are in the minority and get voted down, you can't then go and try to get your way anyways.

Which isn't the case here. 3m more votes against. That's not the minority.

When your country defines minority in stupid ways, you get stupid results. Whose fault is that?

Historical answer? Confederate slave owners who didn't want to give up power.

With respect, the modern map isn't going to indicate what was in the minds of 19th century politicians. Also: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/5qt1lx/uber_under_fire_forgiving_rides_to_those_who_have/dd26her/

The electoral college worked against slave owning states, as those states were bigger. It was rhode island, new hampshire, ect that benefited most. Historical dumbass

You are a fucking idiot.

Real historical answer? So large cities like NYC and LA don't have all the say in elections.

So large cities in swing states have all the say instead? Anyway, that's an entirely modern answer. America was overwhelmingly rural at the time the constitution was written and there was no concern about the cities dominating everything. They were concerned about Virginia dominating everything, and it has an agricultural, rural based economy.

Yeah they were concerned about Virginia but things have changed and today they'd be concerned about New York and California.

Like, hilariously funny because holy shit what the fuck is with protests that don't actually impact the person you have a beef with?

it lets sperglords pretend to be Valiant Fighters Against Oppression, without jeopardizing their ability to act like Valiant Fighters Against Oppression in the future by actually helping to fix the problem

My friend did not disagree with me as to the likely counterproductive effects of such a demonstration. Instead, he argued that this simply did not matter. His answer was that even if it was counterproductive, even if it turned people against war protesters, indeed even if it made them more likely to support the continuation of the war, he would still participate in the demonstration and he would do so for one simple reason — because it was, in his words, good for his soul.

why wouldn't he be able to get there? I'm not sure if you're aware but there are multiple buses and train lines that go to the airport

driving is often slower. the only advantage of getting a car is that you won't have to haul your luggage up and down stairs

my suspicion is you're not familiar with NYC and you are pulling hypotheticals out of your butt

So if trains and buses go to the airport, what is the point of taxis and Uber striking (if Uber was to be forced to strike)?

Why is it ok for state and any private operators of public transport to still be connecting to the airport?

Also, is the airport accessible for everyone via buses and trains?

What if I'm a distant family members trying to get to the airport to contact my now detained relative? What if if I'm disabled or infirm, and don't have the option of public transit?

Chances are that anywhere you can catch a cab from via hailing, public transit is a thing

NYC's system is semi accessible to wheelchairs. Not all stations have elevators. You can't assume cabs are more accessible to the disabled. If you have a disability it'll take some planning to use a cab or public transit

I don't know why you assume I support or even care the cab protest. I'm just pointing out the other guys argument is dumb and poorly thought out and everyone who upvotes it is dumb too

Your clearly sincere concern for the disabled is truly touching

Chances are that anywhere you can catch a cab from via hailing, public transit is a thing

Right, you made a bit of a point above about the other commentors lack of knowledge on the ins and out of NYC transit options, so I find this to be a rather vague answer. You don't appear very certain.

NYC's system is semi accessible to wheelchairs.

Semi accessible isn't all that great really, it means some folks in some areas are unable to use it. I guess that's irrelevant to you, oh well...

I also didn't assume anything about you, I just asked a series of questions, that you, being such an expert on NYC transportation, could answer for me....which you didn't.

Your clearly sincere concern for the disabled is truly touching

Thank you! It really isn't that hard to consider those less fortunate in our society...maybe you should try it sometime?

Are you playing dumb or do you not understand most yellow cabs are found in Manhattan and most yellow cabs are not wheelchair accessible?

Sure, if you're just trying to get between JFK and Manhattan, the train is a good option.

If you're trying to get to the airport from almost anywhere else in the tri-state area, driving is the only option that won't take all day.

I suspect you're not very familiar with the New York metropolitan area outside of the urban core.

I suspect you're not very familiar with the New York metropolitan area outside of the urban core.

Why would anyone have use for such uncultured wastelands?

Why would your lawyer be coming from so far?

Also I've gotten to jfk from out of state via public transit

The OP was about people getting upset that Uber didn't join in the strike. If Uber had joined in the strike as these people wanted, the protest would affect anyone getting an Uber to the airport.

I couldn't abide the far fetchedness of his hypothetical, especially as it applied to cabs. I agree the uber thing would obviously be much more of an inconvenience since they're so useful from getting around outside if you're not in Manhattan and not trying to get to Manhattan

Either there are many ways to get to the airport and the strike was irrelevant, or there aren't and my hypothetical was valid. Either way whining about Uber is stupid.

Either there are many ways to get to the airport and the strike was irrelevant

That's my view

Either way whining about Uber is stupid

I don't get it either. Anyone who thinks of themselves as a progressive should have deleted Uber for its unfair labor practices a long time ago

Yonkers was a mistake

Yeah, we had an election, and most people voted against him, and he was selected anyway. Guess what happens when the your vote is about as good as pissing in the wind? Protests and revolutions.

54.1% out of 60% voted for somebody else: as in 32.5% of your country voted against him.

Wonder whether people could have done more to engage that other 40%, eh? Perhaps you should be out protesting the DNC?

I'd like to announce I am going on strike this evening around the time that I'm gonna be eating dinner

They should change their Facebook profile pictures if they want to make a real difference.

she's a pornstar so I dont really expect much else. Maybe one day she'll upgrade from uber to a fast food job

Following porn stars on social media


Bruh, porn star live is so much drama that it would fit this whole sub.

Porn stars can fit a lot of things

I jerk off to their shenanigans.

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

I eat paint chips.

Capitalism at its finest. Uber did the right thing by capitalising on what people needed.

Then why did they charge normal rates, and not the high-demand rates?

Loss leader

I wish I lived in New York and needed to go to the airport so I could take an Uber.

Wait no I don't, fuck New York and airports

Never used Uber, now I'm more likely to.

Why are people mad at the place the refugees are being detained? What kind of logic is that?

i reckon its shitty when people that perform a highly used public service decide to strike for ideological reasons and fuck everyones day up

like yeah we realise you have that power but now were questioning whether it should be entrusted to people that fickle

i mean if they werent getting paid thats one thing but waaah trump isnt a real reason

good on uber

What is this a "search you own drama" adventure? There isn't a single link to drama in this post.

And now T_D has a hard on against Lyft because lyft is seen as boycott friendly alternative.

I swear to god, it's like society at large never grows beyond middle school age.