[PSA] [No Effort] Men Dressed Up as Animals Sexually Abuse Boy During 'Furry Parties' in Bucks County (x-post /r/agendaposting)

73  2017-01-30 by hypnozooid


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X-Post referenced from /r/agendaposting by /u/hypnozooid
Men Dressed Up as Animals Sexually Abuse Boy During 'Furry Parties' in Bucks County

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Furry fandom is a subculture in which people dress up as animals and identify as a chosen animal. It mostly consists of visual art, conventions, games, toys and online communities though in rare cases it also involves a sexual fetish.

Fake news smh


imagine being so pathetic that you're a furry and it doesn't even get you off

Same thing happened to me when I was young :/

I've had a hatred for furries ever since

I feel you bro. Same thing happened to me. The hatred for furries, that is. I've never been molested. The stuff that uncle was doing to me was just a game.

I would sympathise with you but double-posting is just fucking unforgivable, you degenrate.

What was that game called? Kiss the magic snake and get a prize?

"There's a treasure in my butt"

Good times.

I feel you bro. Same thing happened to me. The hatred for furries, that is. I've never been molested. The stuff that uncle was doing to me was just a game.

wew my homeland makes the news

Bucks County - Philadelphia's New Jersey

(I'm from nj so I can make this joke)

Sadly kind of true.

It's a pretty nice place, but when shit goes wrong it's always weird and heinous like this.

>pretty nice place >bucks county


Well that's not very nice!

Bucks county is the appalachia/alabama of eastern PA tbqh

Did you forget about Western PA?

Plz no bully Appalachia.


I'm pretty sure those are otherwise accounted for.

all of PA besides Philly/Pittsburgh/some of the smaller cities is like this tho

I'd say that that's more up in Central PA, though there's some similarities if you look at how the low- and working-class people live.

Yeah, I just felt like being an ass.

I wonder why it took them 8 years to bring him to trial

there's a secret furry cabal running the courts

Does pizzagate know about this?

Probably because the kid didn't tell anyone until he was older.

And let me guess without reading the article, the wait means there is absolutely no solid evidence left.

I'd have a good laugh at you, being from the other side of the state, but considering we play host to Anthrocon every year I don't think that would be fair.

You not only host anthrocon but embrace it!

you know i only like old, rich men

Yeah but your fursona is stickied on this sub so its an easy target

I'm old and poor, would I get at least a blowjob?

God damn Furry degenerates.

How much longer must we tolerate this perversion? They cry "fursecution" but all I hear is "good sense."

Trump needs to sign an Executive Order to deport all Furries

well, we do need someone to build that wall...

Which one of these three is /u/AttackTheMoon ?

Please help control the furry population. Have your local furries spayed or neutered.

Or gassed.

>velvet llama

Found the furry

Hey I know we like to joke around and stuff, but that is really crossing the line.


Furfags need to be gassed.

Sounds like a regular r/Drama meet-up to me.

Furry genocide when?


Look at those faces .....they are just begging to be put down.

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot)

Police arrested a group of men accused of repeatedly sexually abusing a boy while dressed up as "Furries" in Bucks County.

Investigators say the abuse began in 2009 when Parker began taking a 9-year-old boy to a Bucks County home where a group of men dressed up as animals and referred to themselves as "Furries."

The boy told investigators that a man dressed up as a Red Fox who called himself "Lupine," would take him upstairs during the parties and sexually abuse him.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Theory | Feedback | Top keywords: abuse#1 boy#2 sexual#3 arrests#4 victim#5

Does this thing always comment over a day later when it's pretty much useless?

Someone likely reposted to a more popular subreddit. It's not a delay in posting.