The University of Puget Sound Bigot Sheriffs: AKA How to Lose Your $250,000 Degree With A Drumpf Induced Tantrum

237  2017-01-30 by EmotionallyMatureDM

University of Puget Sounds (UPS) is a small liberal arts college in Tacoma, Washington known for being very expensive ($60,000 a year cost of attendance) as well as having serial killer Ted Bundy as an alum. Being a liberal arts college near Seattle, its student body skews left politically and Trump’s election was not well received by the students.

The morning after the election, flyers were found posted across campus titled “Bigots of Puget Sound”. These flyers listed the names of 22 students, faculty, and security staff for offenses such as racism, misogyny, transphobia and rape (e.g. a white girl who was a member of the Black Student Union was called a racist--apparently dating black guys is fetishizing black bodies).

The flyers were quickly removed by campus security and the university investigated who was responsible for them. Apparently 3 “students of color” (i.e. a black nerd, what looks like an indian girl, and a very white looking mexican) were extremely traumatized by Trump’s win that they appointed themselves bigot sheriffs for the university.

Surprisingly, the University did not take kindly to students posting defamatory flyers around campus. As punishment, the University suspended the students for 3 years. The two girls had finished the required credits for their degrees before they were suspended--meaning that they won’t officially graduate for three more years. Meanwhile, the male student was living in campus housing and was evicted as a result.

The three students are not happy with their punishment nor apologetic about their actions. They have taken to calling themselves the “UPS Three”--which appears to be an incredibly self-important reference to the Central Park Five. They are currently whining on social media and to the actual media about how they are the real victims in this story.

Most of this info was from gossip from friends that graduated from or are students of UPS, but here are a number of news articles about this story 1 2 3 4 5

TLDR: 3 “students of color” were so butthurt about the election that they posted bigot lists all around their college campus; they were suspended from the school for 3 years (2 were supposed to graduate in December--but won’t receive their $250,000 degrees for at least 3 years)


Here's the thing. You said a "trilby is a fedora."


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im sad this story didnt get picked up by any big sites, this seems fucking hilarious

Something, something, airports and Muslims.

and then a bunch of muslims got shot in canada

yeaaah, there were slightly more important things happening

not really

no, they really did get shot in canada

Yeah i know

good talk

yeaaah, there were slightly more important things happening

Which is why we could all use a good laugh right now. It is the best medicine, after all!

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/u/Sardonic_Deity is a destitute art student

If history tells us anything its to not fuck with destitute art students

But they give the best head! D:

I'm not destitute.

Cute. Such a quaint, exhausted, unoriginal insult. /u/StopTalkingOK just can't help themselves showing off how mentally retarded they are, on a public website.

Cute. Such a quaint, exhausted, unoriginal insult. Ur mama just can't help themselves showing off how mentally retarded they are, on a public website.

just because he's black doesn't mean he has The Shining

His Spidey, 'scuse me, "Anansi" sense goes off when someone's racist on campus.

Does anyone have a copy of the flyer? I feel like calling someone a bigot isn't enough to get you expelled in most colleges. I bet there was worse shit than that.

I'll see if any of my friends can send it to me. I know it was on facebook, but not on any of my friends pages

so surprising. shocking. wow. how could the administration do that. all they were trying to do was start witch hunts against other members of the university.

I attended a public university where expelling someone for that would not fly (at least not without a protracted court battle) so yeah, it is a little surprising to me.

Why would you need a court case to expel someone?

So? They weren't expelled her either.

Public universities are terrible at expulsions and suspensions and allow for things like a group of international students hacking into a professors account to steal homework solutions to go unpunished.

Did that happen at your school?

Yep. Happened last term. Some of the people that got caught already had academic dishonesty infractions to boot.

Which country were the international students from?

Various countries. Mainly middle eastern countries though.

Unless a woman implies you might have had had sex with her and she regrets it. Then BAM! You're gone, no questions asked.

Yeah considering how usually the universities side with SJWs in these incidents I'm surprised they got any punishment let alone suspended

It's the difference between a public and a private university I suppose.

Nah. It's the difference between 'all white people are racist bigots so give us what we want' vs 'these specific white people are racist bigots, so go hunt them down and make their lives miserable'.

One allows university staff to get on their soapbox and pontificate on how they're going to make the university so much more safe and (insert buzzword here). The other gets them a few dozen lawsuits if they had allowed their students to post defamatory and vaguely threatening messages on campus with no action taken to stop it.

It's always about the money.

>uni suspends 3 students

>this is just pandering to sjws still REEEEE

Huh? Universities don't like getting sued, especially when they know they'd lose (go figure). Typical activist shit on a college campus doesn't put them at that kind of risk.

That's my only point.

Maybe they learned from mattress lady?

The Wikipedia page doesn't make it seem like mattress lady or her school were ever punished for that shit.

Pretty sure the guys lawsuit is still ongoing against the school

SJW: "I'm upset, make me happy and I'll sue".

Uni: Avoids lawsuit.

SJW: "These people are awful"

Uni: Avoids lawsuit by suspending the SJW.

Avoiding lawsuits is university presidents' fetish.

Then he might be the best man for the job.

Why the fuck did that one guy get labeled as a racist pig when the others are simply racist? Discrimination for sure.

Maybe he's fat?

Need to write up a whole new list and label whoever wrote that list "fat shamer"

Does that make it pigotry?


Because he's security and all law enforcement is literally satan. Der.

That's the mascot.

I'm surprised that's all it took to get them suspended for 3 years

From what I've heard, its because they are still completely unapologetic about their actions. 3 years is still pretty harsh in my opinion, but I think the university felt like they needed to lay down the law/make an example of these three

3 years is still pretty harsh in my opinion

Maybe it's related to the fact that in three years it would be less than a year until Trump's reelection? ;-)

They were literally insulting university staff, with no actual evidence to boot, and you think that's supposed to fly?

Expecting a lighter punishment =/= thinking it's okay. That being said, I think the punishment is fine if they're unrepentant about it and can't even see what they did wrong.

I'm surprised at the punishment as well. Not that it doesn't fit the crime, which it certainly does, but because universities are very forgiving of their students because, well, it's part of the job to deal with these kids often rough transition to adulthood.

I'm guessing the UPS three refused write apology letters, and thought they were calling the university's bluff. Guess not.

I'm surprised that's all it took to get them suspended for 3 years.

I'll bet my anal virginity that the suspension was precipitated because either a) it wasn't a first offence for the "UPS 3", or b) their apology was less "I'm sorry, I won't do it again" and more "yes they deserve to die, and I hope they burn in hell".

TIL football coaches are bigots

Back when I was in college, retarded assholes who were too deep into politics would do retarded asshole things, but wouldn't get suspended. Why?

Because back then, scalp-hunting wasn't considered the highest form of righteous political action.

Back when I was in college, retarded assholes who were too deep into politics would do retarded asshole things, but wouldn't get suspended; because at the time scalp-hunting wasn't considered the highest form of righteous political action.

That's still the case. This is a weird anomaly. My hypothesis is that it was a mixture of a triggered faculty member who didn't appreciate being called a racist and the fact that they're a private school so they can do whatever the fuck they want. During the election people were writing "go back to mexico" and shit like that in chalk on a university campus near where I live and no one did shit. Pretty that's how it is in the rest of the country too.

I think the fact that this is a rich private university probably changes things over a public university. A public university is going to be terrified of lawsuits from whichever side they punish this harshly, but a private school like this won't give a fuck.

Couldn't the university still be open to lawsuits even if it's private? If they don't take action against these calls to harassment couldn't they be held at least somewhat liable if something happened to one of the people named on the fliers?

They could be, I'm sure, but I more meant lawsuits from the people they dismissed.

Or they don't have the budget to kick out students, too, or faculty's apathetic. That said, in California, they don't care so much about lawsuits than keeping students in for a budget.

Eh, that's not targeted.

This is a weird anomaly.

Is it really? I know this kind of bullshit happens all the time, but it seems like where these idiots crossed some kind of line was going so far as to even attack non-faculty staff members. I mean fucks sake, dragging the guy who slings hash in the cafeteria into these stupid ass purity tests really is too much.

I once loaned my sled to the janitors and the physical plant workers while I was in class.

I got it back afterwards covered in blood.

They came off the hill, missed the bank, then went down some stairs covered in rock salt.

So was the sled ok?

The blood wiped right off. It got a little scratched up though.

The biggest problem, i think, was that the lists were not vetted in any way at all. Like you could literally just email them a name and bang, it was on the list. There was no rationale whatsoever to who they identified as a bigot.

Yep, that's the problem with thos approach. The vetting of the list... /s

Do not taunt Happy Fun Ruin People's Lives Ball.

When I was in uni, student protestors were "on strike" and not only didn't attend class but also blocked classrooms so others couldn't attend because tuition was being raised by the government (publicly funded school).

Not only did the school let them turn in their work late anyway, the tuition didn't end up getting raised because a new government was elected the old fashioned way. It was a massive waste of time.

e.g. a white girl who was a member of the Black Student Union was called a racist--apparently dating black guys is fetishizing black bodies


“I think the list itself it’s absolutely a form of activism,” Blakey said. “If the institution isn’t doing what they’re supposed to be doing to protect all of its students, well, something is going to happen if there is no other avenues to express all of the hate that’s going on campus. What do they expect?”

"You need to protect the students by giving us a way to direct our hate at other students"

If the SJWs are going to crack down on coal burners too, I could see value in their movement.

hateful... privately

So they are unironically the thought police?

The three students are not happy with their punishment nor apologetic about their actions. They have taken to calling themselves the “UPS Three”--which appears to be an incredibly self-important reference to the Central Park Five.

They were probably going got "Seattle Seven", but it's just as retarded.

Well that's just, like, your opinion, man.

'Central Park Five'. 'Seattle Seven'.

I hate flaunt un-ignorance. But, it's clearly a reference to the 'Chicago Seven'.

What about the 'Greendale Seven'? They basically shut down an entire community college for a day.

I thought it was the iPhone 7, which undoubtedly they all own.

Holy shit. What would possess anyone to think that's a good idea?


white girl who dates black men -- racist because fetishizes black bodies

white girl who doesn't date black men -- racist because "preferences"

Is it just me or does this shit sound like Original Sin?

Seeing as your born with an inexpungeable privilege that determines everything that happens in your life, about which you can do nothing but pray to a higher power (here not God), it's more like Calvinism.

Calvinism is a pretty fucked-up philosophy IMO. No wonder those parallels to regressive social justice folks are there.

Also, how in the fuck do you remember your username?

It's also my password ;D so that helps

I wonder which subs they moderate...

I'd wager /r/socialism.

At the very least Ghazi.

The other one, who didn't get caught and who put the others up to it, is a /r/drama mod.

/r/politics and /r/worldnews most likely

The bigger takeaway from this is you people have non-STEM, non-business, non-management, non-peak athletics universities charging US$60,000 A YEAR FOR TUITION?!???

I literally have lost my ability to even. How on earth can anyone involved reconcile those numbers with any possible return? At all?

Fuck me dead.

Is that privilege that allows people to go there

Fuckin looks like it doesn't it.

non-STEM, non-business, non-management, non-peak athletics

Are these the only ways to get a "return" on your collegiate investment? Fuck off. One can still make money in different areas and still be useful to society.

Maybe some people take "non-STEM, non-business, non-management, non-peak athletics " majors because they don't care about making money after college and would rather do something they really enjoy instead. But I wouldn't think you understand because STEMheads don't ever feel joy, or something.

Im a pissed off art student.

No, if they want to do that, that's fine. It's also achievable without a quarter of a million dollars in debt.

I have a BA in Asian Studies. Let me give you some advice:

Pick a different major. I picked a really stupid major because it what I was (and am) into. There's no work to be had for my major - at least, none that I ever found since I graduated in 2002. I am lucky to be working at all, quite frankly.

If I had a time machine and could go back and advise myself, I'd try to convince myself to take Asian Studies as a minor instead.

What were you planning on doing with that degree?

As another weeaboo, I am about 85% certain there was no other plan except "move to japan and get a japanese girlfriend".

I wasn't. I had no guidance beyond "obtain a degree."

I was hoping I could join the JET program, teach English in Japan, but they weren't into it. I also applied to the US Foreign Service, also was not accepted.


It's not that you shouldn't study the arts, but if you're going to, I would seriously question the prudence of doing so at a ludicrously expensive private liberal arts college.

Like just go to a state school.

lol, good luck with your life

I don't think that paying $60,000 a year for a non stem degree is that ridiculous. I think it is ridiculous, however, to pay $60,000 at a school with an 80% acceptance rate. What kind of networking opportunities are you gonna get from the UPS? Who's gonna give a shit when they see that school on a resume? It seems like you're paying extra for little to no benefit.

Honestly that's an interesting point. Not many other markets that exist in the real world where your product can be in low demand and you can charge an extremely high price and people will still pay it. The school used to be at an acceptance rate of about 40-45% I believe not quite sure what happened.

I'm a relatively recent grad from UPS. Took me about half a year to find a full time real job in the field I studied and me finally landing a job had nothing to do with anybody I ever worked with at school which is both disappointing and frustrating. So UPS honestly sucks at giving you a form of direction to be career oriented, you have to be very proactive yourself and motivate yourself to do so with minimal direction from the faculty and staff that are supposed to emphasize the importance of being career oriented (I wasn't). That being said the classes (in my experience) were excellent. When comparing with my friends, the classes at UPS were much deeper and more extensive than comparable classes at bigger and better recognized universities. Unfortunately you can't put "my classes taught me better than candidate X" on a resume.

because college really isn't supposed to be used strictly as a job training program but rather to EDUCATE you about subjects you don't know and make you a better, knowledgeable person before you step out into the world? Myopic people are generally cunts, so it's useful to open peoples' eyes to the different facets of the world

Yeah, it was supposed to be that 50 years ago when you didn't need a masters for an unpaid internship, and the only people who were expected to attend tertiary education were independently wealthy upper class. It's job training now, deal with it.

And they need $60k per year to do this why?

I don't need to pay 60 grand a year to get that. I can easily get that at a state school.

Yah that's great! Everyone should go where they think is best. Most people who go to liberal arts schools aren't doing so by taking out 60k worth of loans each year, they usually are getting scholarships or have wealthy parents

If you want to even more, look up the prices for high-end international schools. $60k/yr would be slumming it for some people.

Why the fuck would you pay $60k for a STEM degree? All but the very very top schools are major public research universities. Small liberal arts schools have always been expensive and a place for the children of the rich to network before going off to work as executives or in the public sector.

fool and money are quickly parted

You don't understand the purpose of schools like UPS- they're for wealthy parents to send kids who weren't good enough at academics to go to a really good school but still want to go to a good school. The private liberal arts schools also have an environment that some people thrive in better than big universities, but yeah, their main function is to serve as good-ranking schools that subpar wealthy kids can get into.

t. sibling spent a year at UPS

i mean i go to this school and my tuition is 18k a year granted i have a %50 scholarship but its not really 60k

Here's the thing, people at UPS (I went there) love to Bitch about the price of the school, conveniently ignoring the fact that the majority of us get minimum 20k in scholarships. Still not cheap but not as pricy as advertised. The only people that pay full tuition are both dumb (defined by bad GPAs) and rich and trust me that those people aren't the ones complaining

“UPS Three” sounds like a group of people really mad that UPS fucked up their packages and are protesting about it.

Shit, if my name appeared on that list you bet I would lawyer up and sue the fuck out of those three.

I'd love to see that court case in session

I'm surprised that's all it took to get you expelled in most colleges.

The two girls had finished the required credits for their degrees before they were suspended--meaning that they won’t officially graduate for three more years.


I hate minorities.

That's a minority opinion.

I hate the minority....

's treatment that plauges this college!

Everyone should recieve the basic....

You know what I don't need tiny cuecards!

The letters outlined that they were suspended for harassment, disrespectful behavior, and violating the Wheelock Student Center policies and procedures.

Holy shit, not the Wheelock Student Center policies and proceedures!

Amazing that the university took measures against the 3 making the list rather than punishing the 22 people they listed.

How about reddit expel college students so we might get some interesting information here.

Instead of this cry baby spoiled dumb ass know it all's telling grown adults how to behave.

I hate students.

(e.g. a white girl who was a member of the Black Student Union was called a racist--apparently dating black guys is fetishizing black bodies)

The fuck is wrong with these people..., that said, hope they continue doing this.

I know right? They should be promoting white genocide not trying to stop it. Fucking Uncle Toms

Its time for the San Andreas fault to do what it was meant to do.

Don't worry. Those degrees wouldn't have helped anyway.

2 were supposed to graduate in December--but won’t receive their $250,000 degrees for at least 3 years

Before degree, make coffee for white women out shopping.

After degree, make coffee for white women out shopping.

Very zen.

siqq reference m8

“I think the list itself it’s absolutely a form of activism,” Blakey said. “If the institution isn’t doing what they’re supposed to be doing to protect all of its students, well, something is going to happen if there is no other avenues to express all of the hate that’s going on campus. What do they expect?”

That's the exact justification people used for lynching you idiot ass.

I feel like taking electrical engineering meant I never got to see any real drama. Worst we had was one time two lads were arguing if warhammer was better or worse than lord of the rings.

The morning after the election, flyers were found posted across campus titled “Bigots of Puget Sound”. These flyers listed the names of 22 students, faculty, and security staff

Well this is such a brilliant idea, I can see their education paid off! /s

This is why people needs to study history and see how this kind of crap usually turns into.

Ok if no one else will day it....

That is what Brown can do for you!

Roll Logs


/u/yiannopoulos_m check this out