HistoryPorn gets a boner for roof koreans. Rational debate about gun rights, and whether it's cool to shoot people for stealing, ensues.

8  2017-01-30 by BannedFromImzy


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Roof Koreans are best Koreans

Please point out what you think is "dramatic" about this and maybe I'll re-approve it.

Because all I see is mild but fairly rational disagreements between those for and against the right to shoot thieves. Which is just called conversation.

Ok so I looked through every thread you linked and literally none of them qualifies as drama.

People having short mild philosophical disagreements is not dramatic.

You're the mod, not my call.

I'm just using this as a teaching moment.

Of course. No agenda here.

Please forgive me if I'm a tad skeptical about that ಠ_ಠ

I meant on your part. Really, for a european, having a debate on whether it's cool to shoot people on the street to protect property is not a "mild philosophical disagreement". The fact that half the posters are on the "shoot on sight" side seems even crazier.

Fair enough.

You can't just kill people for theft.

Oh ok cool, next time someone wants to steal my shit i guess i should just check my privilege and let them, right /u/toveri_Viljanen ? Actually since you are this kind to thieves and looters, do you mind giving me your address? No specific reason, just thought I'd stop by to say hello.

You're absolutely not allowed to kill people for theft. What's wrong with you people? Do you think death penalty is a proper penalty for theft?

I think, that If i had a gun and someone broke into my house/shop, i would not hesitate to kill them, regardless of whether they were coming here to steal my belongings or to kill me. I don't know why that would be considered unreasonable.

It's really unbelievable that you think that your TV is worth more than other people's lives. Truly ideology in its purest form.

No you're right, i should be completely fine with a possibly armed stranger who broke into my house and could harm me at any moment. Sorry I'm not at that level of liberalism, maybe if i suffer a stroke or two though.

But you just said that you would do it even if they were not going to harm you.

Sorry I'm not at that level of liberalism

You're calling me a liberal, while spouting this liberal ideology???

Ugh because people who break into your house will let you know if they wanna rob you or kill you, right?


How are castle laws liberal? I guess you, like much of the left, uses it to denote anything you think is wrong. But ok whatever.