Top minds discover new evidence of PizzaGate in HBO's True Detective.

54  2017-01-30 by IAmAN00bie




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These retards are still going on about this?

Get a life, losers!

On the contrary, let them keep "investigating". Empty busywork with no real-world implications is the best use of their time.

True, though I'm a little worried another dude with a gun may go in there and shoot up the place trying to be a vigilante hero.

Srsly? CTR is shilling on drama now? Get a FUCKING life

Where are my fucking shill-bux?

It's a job, that's more than I can say for you.

Dude, I'm the president. How's that for a job?

Delusions of grandeur are better for your health than than meth, but not by a ton.

Delusions of grandad? I ain't even got kids doe..

shh, bb is ok

U... U avin a giggle m8?

There's obviously been a leftie takeover m8. I'll make a post on subredditcancer about it for sure. Keep yo ass woke!

Fucking libcucks.

Yes, everyone who mocks Trumptards is part of CTR. There's no way that any of the millions of voters who hate Donald Trump could have posted it, the only opposition is paid for by Soros.

Trumptards are the worst thing to happen to this subreddit. Most aren't even good at bantz, they just get pissy and scream libcuck when their Dear Leader gets mocked.

Yeah realized you were kidding later, but man Trumplets defaulting to "CTR shill!" really rustles my jimmies.

Give me one good reason you don't think Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign isn't behind random shitposts on /r/drama 2 1/2 months after the election!

I stopped getting paid 2 1/2 months ago :/)

You were getting paid?

Uh let's not pretend they would be getting up to much else without this busywork.

Empty busywork with no real-world implications is the best use of their time.

Didn't one of them show up in a pizza place with a rifle though? Not saying it's not funny, but can't really say there's no real world implications.

Do these people believe that Law & Order: SVU is a documentary?

It's not?

Is r/legaladvice aware of this development?

I can't wait until Pizzagate turns out to be a JJ Abrams ARG marketing device for his new Cloverfield-universe movie.

/u/horus_krishna_5 wtf I hate law and order now

I know right

shut up, we all know you're a CTR false flagger

haha day ruined eh

Beg your pardon?

the old playing dumb tactic eh

not too shocking based on the sub

No, I'm actually curious as to what you think ruined my day


Craig James still hasn't denied raping and killing 8 hookers while at SMU.

/u/sexenheimer you're just trolling those rubes over there with your "Give me one good reason why a pizza restaurant would have a triangular symbol?" post ya?

Haha, yes

You. I like you. Keep up the good work and there may be a mod position in it for ya!

lol remember when people were trying to say those symbols werent real pedo symbols and people were just making it up

guess nobody told the law and order producers

i don't member

a rhombus and a rectangle are both quadrilaterals, which in /u/captainpriapism's mind are close enough to make it mean that they are also squares since a square is also a quadrilateral.

And of course we all know what squares really mean.

Hint: squares are shapes, circles are shapes, two circles together is a pedophillic symbol, so QED squares are also pedo symbols which means domino's pizza is secretly a massive pedo ring because it has a square-shaped logo


lol dude if youre going to deny something at least try to deny something that isnt objectively real

Hint: squares are shapes, circles are shapes, two circles together is a pedophillic symbol, so QED squares are also pedo symbols which means domino's pizza is secretly a massive pedo ring because it has a square-shaped logo

i feel like youre the sort of person that would freak out if something looked a bit too close to a swastika so im not sure where this is coming from

personally i dont think youve looked into it very well

hey man i read like, most of the wiki

i learned that osama bin laden not being buried at sea and jill stein's tweet about terrorism are also evidence that john podesta is running millions of kids through james alefantis' basement

also Donald Trump is the only guy tangled up in this whole mess who you can trust

i wish i was exaggerating

i learned that osama bin laden not being buried at sea

that ones about 50/50 tbh

jill stein's tweet about terrorism are also evidence that john podesta is running millions of kids through james alefantis' disappearing basement

yeah thats totally what it is

incidentally did you see wiener might be getting investigated again for child porn

also Donald Trump is the only guy tangled up in this whole mess who you can trust

lol cmon dude people just think its funny that hes willing to shit on people nobody else is- and in the face of whiny protest

you can gauge how powerful people feel about it by looking at american media

i wish i was exaggerating but no it's actually that retarded

every conspiracy theory gets exaggerated out of proportion, theres always paranoid people that naturally gravitate toward that sort of shit and try to connect dots where none exist

personally im just not willing to outright dismiss the idea that rich powerful people have disproportionate numbers of pedophiles among them, because it keeps happening

political parties you voted for or support ideologically arent automatically beyond question


im flattered but no thanks

crushed :(

/r/conspiracy is the most offensively retarded place on this website.

/u/axolotl_peyotl, do the mods there somehow benefit from this festering mass of brain matter or are you just lucky to be breathing?

I'll answer that question on his behalf with this post.

That IS an FBI documented pedo symbol.

And as we all know, the best way to keep your global pedo-ring hidden is to use symbols for pedophilia in your store logo.

Yes, and the best way to hide your drug use is to wear drug paraphenalia. The best way to hide your gang affiliation is to wear gang tattoos. The best way to hide your sex fetishes is to wear flags and handkerchiefs and piercings. In-group signalling is definitely indulged in by fully rational humans with the intent to escape scrutiny and nothing else.

Are you seriously implying a global pedophile ring which comprises of some of the most powerful and influential politicians on Earth should have the same level of subtlety as a bunch of fucking gangbangers? Are you retarded?

"If anyone finds out about this we'll all either go to jail or be executed while the history books will remember us all as monstrous deviants. On another note, what should our HQ logo be?"

"Dunno man just Google 'pedophilia' and use whatever you can find there."

Are you seriously implying a global pedophile ring which comprises of some of the most powerful and influential politicians on Earth should have the same level of subtlety as a bunch of fucking gangbangers?

given how brazen the most powerful and influential bankers in the world have been about their coke habits, that actually seems a bit too high

"American Psycho" is not a documentary and Patrick Bateman is a fictional character FYI

Yeah but don't you know that the illuminati uses symbols of triangles and eyes all the time in public? They do it to mock the plebeian masses in plain sight.

Gangs members also make zero attempt to hide their affiliation. If the tattoos and colors make it obvious, it's because that's the entire point. They're not trying to fit in with normal society.

Are you seriously implying a globalist cabal which comprises of some of the most powerful and influential politicians on Earth should have the same level of e-mail password protection as a bunch of fucking AOL grandmothers? Are you retarded?

Well. Yeah. People are arrogant, lazy and sloppy. Especially people who think they are untouchable.

Why don't you want children to be happy?

Because they ruin everything!



Stop looking for shit that is not there.

This is definitely the most abhorrent thing since Oprah blew the lid off of Anon using all of its over 9000 penises to rape children.

Anyone still saying that this isn't worth looking at is an ostrich. With their head so far down the sand that they might actually hear the beast whisper in their ear.

This person is doing a great job of proving that they are smart and mentally stable.

This is serious stuff and I have irrefutable evidence that Sesame Street is promoting paedophilia.