Reddit does a blog post and normies talk about censorship.

68  2017-01-30 by zahlman


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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@realDonaldTrump Without Obamacare I would have no insurance. I voted for you, don't let me down and take away my healthcare.

Jesus. How do people like this actually exist? How many thousands of times did Trump shout from the rooftops guaranteeing that he was going to scrap pretty much everything Obama-related??

I'd ask "what part of 'repeal and replace' don't you understand?", but, well, the answer is obvious.

As well, "replacing" a broken-ass healthcare law with something "better" is not a conservative idea AT ALL. In fact, if you didn't tell me who said it, I would have said it was Bernie

But oh no big orange evil man said it so FUCK EVERYONE YALL ARE ALL NAZIS

The ACA was not a step in the direction of single-payer. Trump's replacement almost certainly won't be, either. I probably won't consider myself adequately informed, 4 years from now, to decide if it's actually an improvement.

nah man, byzantine, thousand-page laws that no one actually reads are the only possible way to legislate health care in first-world countries. otherwise it's dirty socialism just like the ussr

How is ACA broken?

A lot of people had to increase premiums for healthcare they already had. It's actually a large problem

Some people. Premium growth every year since 2009 has been very low, ACA certainly didn't cause this to occur but other then a bump in 2010 when policy requirements were increased its had a fairly small impact on premium growth. Absurd state increases that have occurred were not sustained (EG states had unusually low growth and then had a single year catch-up), were mostly caused by the initial stupid focus on co-op's and nationally were offset by rates falling. Factoring in the tax credit individual rates actually fell both this year and last year.

There are certainly things in ACA that could be improved (and also many things that were nonsense from the start, aforementioned co-ops as an example) but when people claim its failing I don't understand by which metric they are talking about. More people have access to healthcare, private expenditure is effectively flat and Medicaid/Medicare/state innovation waivers are probably the most significant improvement to healthcare in many decades.

Even the GOP plans for "repeal & replace" essentially keep most of ACA in place with the exception of the mandates and HCPT tax. All of the GOP proposals are less aggressive then ACA on transferring funds & responsibility of public healthcare delivery to the states (all the plans lack Medicare block grants, something ACA was going to be starting next year, given early results of Medicaid waiver programs something that would reduce public healthcare spending). At this point I can't see why much of the opposition exists beyond simple partisanship or misunderstandings of what ACA actually does.

but when people claim its failing I don't understand by which metric they are talking about

They're talking about their own personal situations. Having your premium jump from $300 to $1200 is baloney

Anecdote is not data, there has not been an increase that large since the exchanges have existed. The largest ever was this year where Phoenix increased by 145% for the benchmark silver plan (due to the loss of two insurers from the market), even then due to the affordability restrictions and tax credit the number of people who felt that increase was very small (anyone who qualified for the tax credit in its entirety in Phoenix had a 0% increase this year).

Yeah I'm not talking about the "benchmark silver plan". I'm talking about the "you can keep your provider" promise that Obama boondoggled a bunch of middle Americans on

It's the most common reason I get from people when I ask why they personally don't like it. They're all referring to themselves, and at least carry on as if they have the receipts to prove it.

You sure they aren't referring to "people they've heard about" as opposed to themselves? People have a tendency of lapping up rhetoric.

Holy fuck anecdote is not data applies when looking for correlations in data not when reading your insurance premiums.

Some of that reported increase is from transitioning from an existing plan that will no longer be offered to a new plan.

Trump has insisted he wants to keep prexisting conditions and the good parts of Obamacare. Ofc this is either:

  1. Forgotten when the media wants to call him out for repealing it

  2. Pounded home when the media wants to call him out for being "liberal"

the media wants to call him out for being "liberal"

...which media is that?

Pre election

To be fair, keeping the "good parts" of Obamacare, while getting rid of the requirement to purchase it, is going to be disastrous. I assume the Republicans won't do exactly that, because it frankly makes no sense. People would only buy insurance if they have health problems, which means most policies would pay out, which would force premiums up way higher than they are now.

Not that I care that much either way, I get health insurance through work, but it seems like it's going to be bad news for those who don't.

Yes, this was his promise, I'll be interested to see what they propose to try and make people not lose coverage. Hopefully he'll avoid people "dying in the streets" as he often claimed.

That requirement to buy it has me lose my tax return every year, for not having health insurance

I don't see how any of those are mutually exclusive.

You can freak out at something even if you expected it to happen, in fact, it was the things that Trump was promising to do (and so far has delivered on that made people panic about the prospect of a Trump victory.

Expecting things to happen (which is inherent in laughing at others for not doing so) and then seeing them actually happen, is mutually exclusive with a perception of "unpredictability", because you literally just predicted something.

Getting smug that your political opponents supposedly "didn't expect" it is incompatible with belief in the badness of the promises, because you have to reason that they don't see the promised things as bad - otherwise, they wouldn't be your political opponents.

Following through on a few of his promises in the space of a few days doesn't make him reliably predictable. He's proven time and time again to be unpredictable, again, this is one of the traits that his retarded supporters thought was so fabby about him during his campaign.

I think the reason people think their political opponents were "bad" is because they conveniently chose to ignore any of the retarded or downright malicious promises Trump made because it was politically convenient for them. If you're choosing to ignore the evidence that your candidate is making shitty promises because MAGA or whatever, you're an idiot. And honestly, there's a certain level of idiocy that's indistinguishable from malice.

He's proven time and time again to be unpredictable

What things did he do that were not expected, and why wouldn't they have been expected?

Off the top of my head I'd say hosting a panel with a bunch of women involved in an alleged historical sex crime a few hours before a presidential debate was pretty unpredictable.

Except for, you know, the part where it was a direct response to an accusation he was dealing with, and alluded to in his "apology" statement.

You're right, that's totally the way someone in the highest office in the world deals with that sort of thing!

I neither claimed such, nor was it what you were disputing. A strawman/goalpost-shift combo, strong play. But you haven't fully accounted for my dedication to seriousposting in the designated shitposting threads.

Ahh, your agendaposting is post-ironic? Cool!


It's not very meta. Loads of people pretend "I was just kidding" when they have nothing else to say/

I've been saying this for days now. He said repeal and replace. People voted for that.

These people are soooo weird. They shit on people who voted and still support trump. They are shitting on people who are openly saying they regret their vote for Trump. They shit on people who went third party.

Literally, the only way to win with these idiots is by having voted for Hillary.

Too bad they aren't old enough to vote.

Old enough to have a child tho apparently.

So like 12?

At most

that was fairly entertaining

/u/hahapointsatyou pls mod me I'd like to express my deep regret and repent for my sins

lol whoosh

That's the best comment chain I've read in a while

Sort by controversial for maximum drama.

About half of the comments in that thread are controversial.

It's beautiful.

The top comment didn't change. Odd.

When does reddit not scream about censorship?

Fuck is a normie?


Someone that is capable of and does get laid.

Get the fuck out of here!

  1. Lose an election against all expectations because you suppressed opposing opinions

  2. Implement further cencorship in the vain hope that it'll help, while allowing political opponents to call for violence on your site

  3. Inadvertently fuel support for far right movements among people that would otherwise not be susceptible to them

  4. Lose again

  5. Keep losing until the New Freikorps puts a bullet between your eyes

Jesus Christ, they haven't learned a thing, have they? It's going to be a fucking rough decade ahead of us.

Thx bby

lose an election because of suppressing opposing opinions

Lol people really believe this? I know u/the_reason_trump_won likes to circlejerk in this sub, but Trump won by a razor-thin margin due to a lot of a factors. You could just as easily say that Trump won because of white supremacy (guess who would've won if all the loud and proud racists stayed home on November 8?). In Michigan, where Trump won by a few thousand votes, more than 80K people left the top of the ballot empty.

So please, continue to act like smug liberals on the Internet cost Hillary the election, but it's really not true.

inb4 u/the_reason_trump_won replies with a blank comment

America elected a mong orangutan, although that speaks volumes about the American people in itself I think the biggest take-away here is that Shitlery Killton came out looking like the worse candidate... Facing a mong orangutan.

We're all here in the eastern hemisphere laughing our asses off.

Wtf i hate Trump now

Dont laugh too hard or the smog might damage your lungs.

I live in Sweden. The only respiratory problems I have to deal with is Muhammeds stringy cum getting stuck in my throat when I go down on my wife.

Sweden is considered a western country m8

m8, We're in r/drama. Don't make me have to educate you

Eastern hemisphere is best hemisphere


I live in Sweden.

I'm so sorry.

I think the biggest take-away here is that Shitlery Killton came out looking like the worse candidate

This is what retards actually believe.

What do the geniuses believe?

The opposite of that.

So Trump came out looking worse to people, but was still elected?

Nah, that sounds actually retarded.

He lost the popular vote, so yes, he did come out looking worse to a majority of people.

And my point was more along the lines of "anyone who thinks Hillary came out looking worse is a moron."

Sorry dude but the impending trade wars are going to fuck with you too.

Trump won by a razor-thin margin

That is like the 0-16 Lions beating the 07 Patriots by a point. Yeh one point but it should have never even got to that.

In Michigan, where Trump won by a few thousand votes, more than 80K people left the top of the ballot empty.

Doesn't that seem indicative of a problem? Also turned two States red that haven't been since the 80's.

There seems to be some revisionist history how it was always a close race and that the Republicans handed him the Primary on a silver platter.

So yeh close race if all context is remove, but when added it should not have been a close race let alone him winning

its more like the NY Giants winning aganist the 07 patriots.

The patriots won more games and got more points throughout the season and postseason.

but the NY Giants won the game that counted

07 Giants are also a dope trill fucking team! Eli and Strahan nigga you don't even know

But they were not the point leaders that season and had more losses than the Patriots that season

But they won you relentless faggot. Big Blue for life nigga

Exactly, just like how trump won the election.

Trump and the Giants are both winners son!

Yeah I somehow don't think the working class whites in the midwest flipped to Trump because of retarded internet progressives. As much as I enjoy watching those people squirm now, they probably aren't even known to most Trump voters.

Miiight have had more to do with all of their jobs disappearing and their communities descending into poverty and drug addiction.

This unironically . The holier than thou bullshit didn't hurt tho

I'm sure it didn't help to see Clinton going after internet frog memes while calling 1/4 of the country deplorable.

Don't you know Nazi frogs are more important than the dying industries and heroin epidemic of the rust belt?

Do you think there will be exhibits on these memes in the Trump library and/or other museums related to this election?

I'm being 100% serious, because they really became prominent and they might have actually influenced the election.

lord have mercy, reality is truly stranger than fiction

Exit polling didn't show much in the way of demographics change from the last couple of cycles, people just didn't come out to vote for Clinton.

Turnout fell for both parties from 2012 and 2008, it fell a great deal more for D then R (Trump won with fewer votes then both Romney & McCain lost with). This could be Clinton having the public appeal of a rotting corpse or the media constantly claiming she had basically already won or a combination of both, whatever it was Trump won because people didn't come out to vote not because of tacit support.

This is the best summation in this thread.

/u/he3-1 is a regular contributor to /r/badeconomics, without a doubt the most politically neutral of all the "badof" subs, and actually knows what the fuck he's talking about.

not shitposting, he's a person to listen to.

Very well said. I do wonder how demographic changes will affect elections in the future.

(Trump won with fewer votes then both Romney & McCain lost with).

What are you talking about? Trump received around 2 million more votes than Romney

Yeah I somehow don't think the working class whites in the midwest flipped to Trump because of retarded internet progressives.

Not because working class whites in the midwest went on the internet, ran into retarded internet progressives and got their feelings hurt, no.

But because retarded internet progressives managed to propagate mind viruses within the DNC that ultimately convinced them (and HRC) that she didn't have to avoid leaving behind soundbites like "we're going to put a lot of coal miners out of business", didn't have to visit Wisconsin, etc.? Maybe.

Do you unironically think that Russia is Communist or what? How's 1980?

Putin isn't communist, he's just Making Russia Great Again by doing all the same stuff his bosses did when he was KGB

No, I'm just pointing out that pro-Russia and anti-Russia narratives aren't terribly consistent, and there are a lot of ways for various folks in the US to infer hypocrisy.

don't worry. no matter what the narrative is /u/prince_kropotkin will always hang from Russia's nuts

putin and gamergate are hitler

Snowden is still a traitor by the way

your mom is a traitor

Are you voting for Trump again in 2020?

I'm voting for Hitler, because Trump is Hitler.

Real talk: do you still think Snowden is a hero?

Realer talk: Is Gamergate worse than Hitler?

Real-est talk: send dick pics to /r/drama mods to prove you aren't Hitler

Oh shit, maybe you're Hitler too!

nice deflection. Even your boy Putin does shirtless pics all the time

Do you think a shirtless Hitler would be sexy?

Does Snowden have a six-pack?

I'd like a six pack of good beer right now.

that's a shame since anarchists can't make anything good

I brew really good beer. But I think you have to be 21 to go to a brewery store, so you're out of luck there.

I brew really good beer

Too bad you don't have any friends, in real life or reddit, who can confirm this

the funniest thing about /r/drama by far is how nobody will ever believe that anyone else there has friends or a life because they're going off their own experience

No one will ever believe you have friends because you're an anarchist who's happy that Trump won, not because you post on /r/drama

Trump is Hitler, though. The only thing that would have been worse was if Gamergate won!

Gamergate did win though, just like Sanders

Will you two just fuck already and get it over with

Your mom goes to college

Every working class white person I know voted the way they did because they felt like the left had abandoned them. They didn't all vote for trump (though most did), but even the most hipstery, "vaccines cause autism" leftist I know didn't vote for her.

> vaccines cause autism

> leftist

I feel that is contradictory

Vaccine skeptics have plenty of company in Ashland.

There, doubts about the necessity and safety of immunizations are as much a part of the community as its embrace of naturopathic medicine, environmental ethos and counterculture roots.

The university town, and smaller enclaves of Jackson and Josephine counties, are among pockets in Oregon where parents increasingly seek waivers from some or all of the vaccinations required for schoolchildren.

Twenty-five percent of Ashland kindergartners were exempted from at least one vaccine last year. That dwarfs the average statewide exemption rate of 3.8 percent, a rate that's also inching up.

Oregon has the highest percentage of children enrolled in kindergarten who have been exempted from receiving at least one vaccine, and Ashland, Oregon, has the highest rate of exemptions in the state.

Meredith counts 12 Lane County schools of more than 100 students that have double-digit exemption rates. The highest rate? Seventy-six percent.

Lane County is home of the College

%30 of people in Oregon self identify as religious so people are pretending to not get vaccines.

That's because you're living in the past, man. The left is terrified of technology now. The right apparently got the OK from the pope or whatever.

Trump is a fucking horrible candidate. He still won surprising everyone. What is your reason for his victory?

Dems thought they had it in the bag,didn't like Hillary and therefore didn't turn out like they should've. Republicans held their noses and voted

inb4 u/the_reason_trump_won replies with a blank comment

in after u/the_reason_trump_won replies with a blank comment

razor-thin margin

304 electoral votes vs 227

razor thin margin lost the popular vote by over 2 million won the electoral college by 77K votes in the swing states 80K chose not to vote for either in Michigan alone

I stand by my words. Trump barely won, and just to really piss you off, Comey's late announcement easily could have made the difference. Point is that Trump doesn't have a mandate.

inb4 "then why did the Republicans take the house and senate too?" Because of heavy gerrymandering. In Wisconsin and several other states Republicans have supermajorities in state legislatures despite getting 40% of the vote. In the House the GOP can expect a solid 15-20 seat lead even when the Dems get a majority of the vote.

and just to really piss you off

Nice projection. Why would I be pissed off that Trump is a winner and you are a loser? Nice gerrymandering excuse when everybody does it.

You don't know anything about the recent gerrymandering project, right?

I do know about pathetic excuses losers make.

Just saying North Carolina had to re-draw its districts because the state was found guilty of gerrymandering, with the republican controlled state-senate actively creating districts that disenfranchised minorities. It's extremely doubtful that it was an isolated case but oh well

Of course it wasn't an isolated case. Everyone does it on both sides everywhere it is allowed. Complaining about a bipartisian issue being unfair to one side is narrow minded bigotry.

Everyone does it on both sides everywhere it is allowed

Muh Horseshoe

It's not a fucking horseshoe you moron, it's something all sides of politics engage in and neither side will put a stop to it because they each think they can outplay the other. So in essence it's just another thing you losers lost at.

Just so we're clear: Are you taking the moral high-ground when you're bragging that your side cheats better?

Both sides cheat. Cheating is not moral. Your immoral sons of bitches are just worse at it than the other immoral sons of bitches.

I never claimed a side, you did. Why are republitards like yourself so butt-blasted when anyone asks a question that dares goes against your orthodoxy?

I'm not Republican, I'm not American, I'm not claiming a side. You're the one that started ranting about Rebublican gerrymandering like a loser so sorry for assuming you were one just because you sounded exactly like one. How exactly am I butt-blasted for stating an obvious truth?

so you don't know anything about anything and are proud of it?

Why do you assume I know nothing about it just because I'm a foreigner? Are you a redneck?

It may have more to do with your combo of factless arguments and basic bitch comebacks.

Meh, probably. Still, I managed to stir a little shit so it's not a total loss.

I'm not Republican, I'm not American, I'm not claiming a side

Then fuck off.

Both "sides" "can" deny global warming, but only Republicans actually do it.

Democrats are unwilling to engage in gerrymandering

Keep telling yourself that.

Muh retarded gloating despite having voted for trade wars that will raise costs unilaterally

Boy, great victory for you.

Who says I voted? Anyway, about time America had some inflation.

three people have to vote democrat for one republican in florida to get the same result in Florida

hurr durr excuses

Democrats have never gerrymandered.

Well, as long as one Democrat has ever gerrymandered at any point, the situation where a democrat's voice is 1/3 of a republican's voice is okay and democratic.

Yes, if all players agree to the rules I don't see how it is not democratic.

Subversion of democracy is not democratic. Democratic elected tyrants don't rule democratically.

I suppose you ramble like this every time Democrats redraw a district too?


But what about the exact same thing is not whataboutism.

None of "the exact same thing".

Republicans are better at playing the game that both sides agree to. How is that subverting anything?

Its not about winning or losing you fucking dullard.

I do but I'm ok with it bc my side is doing it

Trump won and we all lost as a result.

and senate too?" Because of heavy gerrymandering.

i love when people say this because it shows they don't know WTF they are talking about

Yeah it was poorly worded, I know you can't gerrymander the senate. I just meant that you shouldn't take winning the house/senate as a sign of a mandate. They lost seats in the senate, and the house will be a GOP majority for some time to come because of the blatant gerrymandering they performed with REDMAP after the 2010 midterms.

Ok, but doesn't the fact that the GOP has the Senate mean that even without gerrymandering, they would most likely have gotten a majority in the house?

You could say that Trump won due to white supremacy but you'd be wrong. In all likelihood the total number of committed white supremacists in America is somewhere in the low five figures. Unless they all just happen to reside in swing states it's highly unlikely they had any sort of significant effect on the results of this or any presidential election.

If any one thing is to blame for Trump's win it would probably be the Comey letter.

I was actually referring to Media bias in favor of Clinton, although Reddit was also doing it.

The fact that Clinton ignored rural voters did cost her heavily, though.


Lose an election against all expectations because you suppressed opposing opinions

No, because the left has become weak and DOESN'T suppress opposing opinions enough. All this "every opinion is equal and deserves to be in the public conversation =)" garbage

What is this, 2005? The left now behaves like the right and vice versa.

I will never forgive the progressives for feeding the alt-right

We joked, but Trump's election may seriously tear this website apart.

Should be good times.

it will be fun to watch at least

It's already fucking boring though

It's already done. Every sub is either full of far left college students shitting blood over the fact that they lost or full of trolls trolling trolls. Those are the two options.

Who doesn't love a good train wreck.

That won't be the first thing he tears apart. 🎉

I think "what about /r/the_donald" has supplanted the place of the "what about /r/SRS" meme.

The difference being SRS actually brigaded.

Well maymayed friendo

How is it a meme? Literally all they do is link to reddit unlike TD. You can pretend nobody follows those links if you like.


>Still mad about ~300 leg beards whinging about reddit being shit.

I knew this sub was autistic. But, jeez dude, you don't have to be such a spastic.

I didn't bring them up, just pointed out the obvious. I'm sorry facts upset you.

The Autist's Guide to Calling Out Autists as Autistically as Possible

  • by fraustnaut

You know why TD doesn't brigade as much these days?

It's because they have been banned from linking to absolutely anywhere on reddit. No other subreddit has. no other subreddit has ever brigaded nearly as much.

I know why, because it never did.

no other subreddit has ever brigaded nearly as much.

You know this how exactly?

We were always at war with Eastasia.

Show me.

Try linking to a post in another subreddit or r/the_donald.

Well that's convinced me. Your $100% proof of the donald brigading is irrefutable.

Glad you stopped denying the fact that the_donald is banned from brigading now because they brigaded then.

Your unsourced opinion is indeed factworthy.

Offer an explanation to why the_donald is banned from brigading.

What makes you think they are banned? Perhaps they just set automod to remove those posts to counter accusations of brigading, I don't know and apparently neither do you.

No, the admins banned them.

Hurr hurr we are living in 1984 amirite??

Hey, I'm not the one denying facts.

Oh bullshit.

Uhhh yes they did


mayocide cannot happen soon enough

If PoC weren't so lazy it might actually happen at all.


AHA! Finally have a chance to plug my sub. I honestly forgot about it tbh. /r/WhatAboutTD

Tendies are flying over people thinking this is an opportunity to petition banning things they don't like.

One of the highest upvoted posts in r/blackladies :

Seriously, fuck you.

Well, looks like we'll have to ban r/blackladies too.

How does a Muslim ban affect the posters at /r/blackladies? We may never know for sure.

Because there are a lot of black Muslims.

While I'm not sure how you came by a clear "most famous" American muslim, I'll certainly grant you Islam is far more common among blacks then whites.

Meh, I didn't come by it through any study or whatever. To me I think Muhammad Ali is pretty clearly the most famous American Muslim, and if not him probably Malcolm X. Either way my comment is still true. Can you think of a non-black American Muslim more famous than either of them?


Can you think of a non-black American Muslim more famous than either of them?

Obama since he's African-American not Black.

girl, he black.

He's not black, he was raised by an Indonesian man and a white women.

He's African American because of his heritage but he doesn't come from American Black Culture.

Have you even read Obama's Book?


>Muhammid Ali and Malcolm X more famous than MLK Jr.

Nice education you have there. Which one of these three has a literal national holiday again?

To me I think Muhammad Ali is pretty clearly the most famous American Muslim, and if not him probably Malcolm X.

aren't both those guys Nation of Islam?

What's NoI status among other groups of Muslims?

I think it varies from group to group but I do know there's a subset of muslims that reject NoI

I thought Ali was Sunni?

He was originally NoI but NoI split at some point towards more traditional Sunni beliefs and Ali was part of the people who moved towards it

So we were both correct, yaay!

o me I think Muhammad Ali is pretty clearly the most famous American Muslim, and if not him probably Malcolm X.

Neither were really Muslim though. Nation of Islam is to Islam what Jehovah's witnesses are to christianity

the most famous American Muslim was black

And he turned out to be a great president, so why don't you just fuck off you Nazi!

On a related note, what are we going to call people after we neuter (through overuse) the shock effect of calling them a nazi?

Well Somalia was one of the countries on the list...

The fact that /u/irbytremor quit the sight when trump won, makes the coming apocalypse seem just slightly brighter.

/u/irbytremor quit

Changed account you mean. people so obsessed don't quit to make a statement.

What's the new account?

He's not nearly autistic enough to be an Irby alt.



I see a whole lot of subs using 'brigaded' flairs without any real evidence or proof, it's basically just a buzzword for the echo chamber being disrupted.

What was the original blacked-out text?

I am going to be the next President

Lmao this is too good. These people care way too much about reddit and seem to live in some alternative timeline where hitler himself has become president and the world is on a brink of war.

All i know is that its gonna be a fun 4 years, shadilay.

I dunno, a guy who keeps asking why he can't just nuke people sounds like a warmonger to me.

Oy vey, its truly like anuda shoah. Good goy

I don't know. I like what's going on in the US. Not from a "I like all the new laws." . I like that the system is getting a shakedown. Presidential powers are getting exposed. That a lot of people didn't think we're there. Also the courts get to have their challenge and say. The legislative side is also under pressure. Media too. Now people are active and weighing in. It's good the ceo of reddit and the unions have their say.

This for the first time in a long time is a true test of the USA and it's people. A true test of the Democratic ideal. Also of liberalism and language.

It's so fascinating and brilliant drama to boot.

I think it's pretty good because now all the left won't be sitting on their hands nd making excuses when the President does shitty stuff (like Obama's drone program or the bombing campaigns he started or his cowardice in trying to get a true public healthcare system).

There's this youtuber that points out that it was Obama that layed down the groundwork for Trump's immigration order.

It's interesting seeing a lot of Lockean-style liberals suddenly supporting punching people in the street

Yeah, unrest bring violence. It's certainly a challenge to liberal ideals and "morals"

Places like /r/worldnews, /r/news, /r/the_donald and other subreddits have grown into cesspools of terrible comments and lots of hatred.

That's silly, since you can just not read those subs. I don't.

because you're a pussy

I checked with my mom, and she said you're right. Damn. :(

It's funny that people are crying about r/worldnews being a cesspool of hatred, when I look at it, there's a shit ton of articles on Donald Trump and how he pissed off a bunch of foreign countries, how mean he is, or how we'll start a war. It went from having a slight right slant to a slight left slant, but I bet both parties would complain anyway because for the right: the mods are shit and arbitrarily enforce rules, and for the left: people that agree with Trump or don't like muslims can still post.