[Lowest of Low Effort] /u/kn0thing, of "popcorn tastes good" infamy, posts about returning to an America he doesn't recognize. Sorted by controversial for your reading pleasure.

52  2017-01-31 by TSwizzlesNipples


Jews did this


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Meta as fuck, /u/SnapshillBot.

Americans! Europeans! People of the world! You must give your resources to middle aged North African and Middle Eastern men! If you do not do this, you are a bad person and you should probably kill yourself racist!

Trump supporters are triggered by the very concept of Western democracy.

Western democracy has done far worse than Trump's Muslim ban. Leftists are triggered by being reminded that states don't exist for the purpose of leftist virtue signaling.

To be fair, Trump's executive order was virtue signaling of the highest order. He could have easily waited two weeks, ran his plan by his cabinet (when his own AG heads the Justice Department) and put together something remotely justifiable.

Instead we had legal residents being held in limbo for a few hours by DHS in our nation's airports. These are people who've already gone through a tremendous amount of vetting and have careers and families within our borders.

As of Saturday, a little under 60% of the country supported a moratorium on refugees and new entrants from the seven nations affected by the EO. Get ready to see that number crater, because apparently Steve Bannon is more qualified to craft public policy than the people Trump has selected to run our national security apparatus for the next four years.

Seriously, I wonder how many people saw 60 minutes on Sunday and deeply regretted their vote on election day.

That Syrian Milf was fucking perfect.

Not many. As of yesterday 57% of America supports the ban, and only 30some were opposed, the rest undecided.

If you're referring to the Rasmussen poll released yesterday, it was conducted last Wednesday and Thursday, so the weekend's news isn't packaged in.

That poll was conducted late last week.

I'm really hoping most of the "supporters" are just not aware of what the real effects would be and can be swayed by reporting that highlights that there is a strict vetting process in place already, and the detrimental effect on green card holders.

Otherwise? We're all fucked.

Sorry a few 100 people spent extra time at the airport. If that's fucked I think we are fine.

Yeah, you're an example of the opposite reaction that proves we're fucked.

First, it's not just "a few hundred". That's just the number that were literally on a plane when the order came down. How many more do you think we're planning to come home in the next 3 months? Hard to say, but as a ballpark we can probably take this "few hundred" and multiply by 90.

Second, it's not the number of people. It's the principle of the thing. If Trump capped a hundred dudes on live tv, waffling about how few that is in the broader context wouldn't hold water. Neither does this.

Third, there have been reports that it goes beyond just detaining people while their paperwork is checked. There are accounts that some legal green card holders have literally been bullied into revoking their application for naturalization and their right to live in this country. Not refugees, mind you, but legal Permenant Residents. People with lives and jobs and careers and families here. And yes, they have rights. Permanent Residents have rights.

Fourth, the point is that the "ban" was wholly and clearly unnecessary, impulsive and overreaching. Which, again, people who saw the 60 minutes (not exactly known for being a bastion of liberal agenda) special would likely conclude.

First, it's not just "a few hundred". That's just the number that were literally on a plane when the order came down. How many more do you think we're planning to come home in the next 3 months? Hard to say, but as a ballpark we can probably take this "few hundred" and multiply by 90.

Why should we care?

Second, it's not the number of people. It's the principle of the thing. If Trump capped a hundred dudes on live tv, waffling about how few that is in the broader context wouldn't hold water. Neither does this.

7 countries known for terrorism, if anything it didn't go far enough.

Third, there have been reports that it goes beyond just detaining people while their paperwork is checked. There are accounts that some legal green card holders have literally been bullied into revoking their application for naturalization and their right to live in this country. Not refugees, mind you, but legal Permenant Residents. People with lives and jobs and careers and families here. And yes, they have rights. Permanent Residents have rights.

I have reports that you have reports. Do you have any idea how much bullshit is being floated out there?

Fourth, the point is that the "ban" was wholly and clearly unnecessary, impulsive and overreaching. Which, again, people who saw the 60 minutes (not exactly known for being a bastion of liberal agenda) special would likely conclude.

I wouldn't trust 60 minutes to do a bake sale investigation. Let me spalin. Years ago something in my "industry" came up on 60 minutes, I'm not telling which one due to the doxx but its medical. They used every trick in the book to make one side look bad (and I know this because they interviewed people at my university for it, very good people) and the other the bastion of reason. Editing, lighting, tone, you name it, including the classic "could not be reached for comment" which was of course bullshit. Basically lies. Ironically the "bad" side is the one with science behind it and still accepted as true to this day beyond holistic health nuts who have no idea what they are talking about.

Is this supposed to be a parody of an out of touch conservative?

Out of touch with what? Let me do what I do to all millennial who don't' get this.

The House

The Senate

The Presidency

The Supreme Court

This wasn't a mistake or a fluke, this is what the vast majority wants outside of La La Land and NYC, quite literally.

So that's a no then

Oh my god, a few hours of their life that they will literally never get back. Oh the humanity!

My point is that it was a completely unforced error. The media is always going to be looking for reasons to discredit his administration, so why give them ammunition?

people who've already gone through a tremendous amount of vetting

"Are you a terrorist"


"Welcome to America, new Democrat voter!"

Green card holders typically have to wait at least a year for their application to be processed, during which time the FBI looks into their criminal record, employment history and organizational ties, among other things.

yeah, look what happened when we started letting micks and dagos in. bunch of worthless savages

Agreed, Irish are subhumans too lazy and retarded to grow a fucking potato. So they came to America illegally and filled the streets with gangs and crime. They need to GO BACK.


Surrounded by water, does not fish.

Potato pygmies deserve to die tbh.

Genuine vintage autism.

Comparing European Christians to Muslims is like comparing a glass of water to a trough full of gorilla shit.

european christians?! did you not read the article?! the dago is an ignorant, violent herd creature. if he can be said to possess any christian values whatsoever, they are indubitably of a degraded, suspect variety. don't be fooled.

Yea man, no one had a problem with Catholics and their undermining of America by placing the Pope over the President.


Undermining America by your Church telling you how to vote

Jesuits betraying their parishioners

Goddamn Catholic Godzilla driven off by the Morman Gamera

The KKK was against Catholics

Can't have Catholics TEACHING OUR CHILDREN

This is an amazing collection. I had seen the first one, but not the others. So tempted to post them all to Facebook.

ya but they're white

Not in 1890.

Remember when the Irishmen formed militias and invaded Canada?

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenian_raids

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Fuck off nazi

Why are you such a pussy?

Yeah /u/LemonScore what gives?

Right on it pal.

Oh Christ, such nonsensical grand standing.

Many Armenians, including my great grandmother, found sanctuary in Aleppo, Syria—before the two reconnected and found their way to Ellis Island. Thankfully they weren't retained, rather they found this message: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

They have to go back, and so do you /u/kn0thing

You might have to wait a little before he gets around to deporting the anchor babies. Not too long mind you.

I don't really care about anchor babies in general, my beef is with /u/kn0thing for being this much of a pandering faggot.



-consults focus group report-



Many Armenians, including my great grandmother, found sanctuary in Aleppo, Syria

And why didn't they stay there? Was it because the Muslims were violently intolerant? If his great grandmother had stayed in Syria there's a good chance they'd have been slaughtered, which is often the fate for non-Muslims in Muslim countries due to Islam.

That thread's combined virtue signalling could be seen from outer space.

I forgot about SOPA. The first time reddit saved the world. The second time was when it inspired Snowden via memes to go to China with classified information. The most recent was when they saved the world from TPP, via t_d.

As someone who pirates the majority of their digital media, doesn't live in the US, and has no connection to any Islamic country whatsoever, Trump has done me nothing but favours his entire Presidency.

TPP was going to make it slightly less convenient for me to pirate, and it's thanks to Trump that it is dead :-)

Looks like Hentai torrents are back on the menu, boys!

Free anime and manga also would have been under threat I believe. The weeb degenerates seem to have chosen wisely.

youre a lazy fuck


Cucks gonna cuck. More at 11.

As many of you know, I am the son of an undocumented immigrant from Germany

And I guess it's okay to break the law so long as it was one of his parents lol?

Weird how "undocumented immigrant" is like the politically correct term for people not here legally. They aren't breaking the law, they're just "undocumented" heh

The same way theft is "undocumented ownership"

The same way theft is "undocumented ownership"

Or rape is "sex with undocumented consent"

No, rape is "sexual emergency"

So a fleeing Nazi..

No offense to him and the rest of you. But I thought his entire post was/r/shitamericanssay worthy.

Reddit.com should try and at least be politically neutral. Lmao

Reddit should try just a little to be country neutral, try soapboxing about the Macedonian election (I assume they have those) or something novel like that.

Low hanging fruit