YouTube Drama "Celebrity" Experiences Trumpgret, Twitter Reacts Predictably

22  2017-01-31 by squarefaces


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Some choice drama, including a Top Mind who uses Reddit upvotesas his fact checking (which is p smart imo).

Donald Trump literally carried out 9/11 because he was jealous of the buildings being larger than Trump Tower.

Upvote to verify this, kthx

Big if tru

*Yuge if true

*The biggest if true

7/11 was an inside job

44 Year Old Full Time CoD Athlete, Try and catch theses thumbs, 38 K.D. I am obsessed with Detroit Sports. #Meninsts

sounds about right

We are entering a new paradigm of salt. It's like the great salt rush of the Pao era but on a global scale. I don't know how /r/drama is going to keep up once either a) the wall meme gets built or b) Obamacare is repealed and all those who weren't smart enough to sign up with the Affordable Care Act instead lose their insurance.

Well the good news is there seems to be no plan for the wall or the ACA rollback so we have some time until that doomsday.

Obamacare is repealed and all those who weren't smart enough to sign up with the Affordable Care Act instead lose their insurance.

What the fuck does that mean? The Affordable Care Act is Obamacare you mong.

No, you see, common misconception. Obamacare has the word 'Obama' in it and is bad and uses secret muslim medicine. Thankfully I'm insured under the Affordable Care Act which the Republicans came up with to fix the mess of Obamacare. And now Trump is going to make Trump healthcare which will be huuuge, amazing, have everyone on insurance, and have plans that we've never even heard of.

Hope that clarifies.

This is Grade B, Tier II trolling, which is far better than we usually get here. Someone give this individual a gold star.

I'm not so sure that's a good idea, you'll end up with people actually putting effort into what they post here.

Reference to a dude who wanted Obamacare to be repealed, mentioned he was on the ACA. Didn't know they were the same thing, got his asshole blown out, realized Obamacare was the only reason he had health insurance, deleted his posts probably to go cry.

It's a meme, someone posted something like this on facebook, it's been repeated a lot since then.


There's rumors and unverifiable facebook screenshots of Trump voters who supposedly didn't realize the ACA is Obamacare.

I don't think those are rumors. You can listen to interviews with people that voted for Trump who didn't realize the ACA was the same thing as obamacare and they were likely going to lose their healthcare coverage by voting Trump in.

Build thy wall.

I have friends flying in from overseas, worried and asking me if they'll be able to get in. I ask them two question: Are you from one of those seven countries? Are your parents?

If the answer to both those questions is "No", I tell them to stop asking stupid questions.

I agree. Trump should have just banned Keemstar from the US instead.

'it does not feel right'

That should be read as 'i don't do any research outside of social media posts but I would like to make an opinion regardless' right?

Your facts end where my feelings begin.

Twitter is trash

imagine being so stupid you voted for the same candidate as fucking keemstar

A true "kys delete ur lyfe" situation tbqhwyf

I'm so fucking hard right now.

No touching other's dicks tho!

I'm out.

No touching other's dicks tho!

what is this cishet nonsense

wtf i love keemstar now


literally like a 30 year old man

If Trump wants to get me on his side, he can start by gassing all the "YouTube celebrities". Twitch streamers next.

I nominate /u/NeoDestiny first.

He's either trolling or backtracking like a little bitch


I want to see idubz rip into this cum-stain some more.

Don't believe anything keem says. He is a rat

Holy fucking shit someone tell Leafy