0 2017-01-31 by DarkElfAssassin
We really shoukd have a Discord.
n/a Lord_Tartarus 2017-01-31
Make it yourself so nobody can come. It'll be like you last 18 birthday parties all over again.
n/a ATissu 2017-01-31
trying this hard
implying being this shit takes effort
n/a zzork_ 2017-01-31
already exists afaik, you just have to be """""""""""cool"""""""""""" and get an invite or just ask someone who's already in it i suppose
they let noodles in so it's not like they have standards
n/a Fartkin 2017-01-31
noodles is banned in fact there's a noodles containment channel where you have to prove you're not noodles
well shit looks like im not getting in then
n/a DarkElfAssassin 2017-01-31
invite link expired.
n/a taterbizkit 2017-01-31
I think I do my share -- what little I can -- to foment discord here in /r/drama. I think we're good on that score.
n/a Lord_Tartarus 2017-01-31
Make it yourself so nobody can come. It'll be like you last 18 birthday parties all over again.
n/a ATissu 2017-01-31
n/a Lord_Tartarus 2017-01-31
gt [implying sucking this hard takes effort]
n/a Lord_Tartarus 2017-01-31
implying being this shit takes effort
n/a zzork_ 2017-01-31
already exists afaik, you just have to be """""""""""cool"""""""""""" and get an invite or just ask someone who's already in it i suppose
they let noodles in so it's not like they have standards
n/a Fartkin 2017-01-31
noodles is banned in fact there's a noodles containment channel where you have to prove you're not noodles
n/a zzork_ 2017-01-31
well shit looks like im not getting in then
n/a DarkElfAssassin 2017-01-31
invite link expired.
n/a taterbizkit 2017-01-31
I think I do my share -- what little I can -- to foment discord here in /r/drama. I think we're good on that score.