/r/Drama Minecraft!
16 2017-01-31 by DarkElfAssassin
PM Me if you got minecraft, Im staring a /r/Drama Minecraft team, ill add you to the discord if you pm me. I got a great server that we can all play on.
16 2017-01-31 by DarkElfAssassin
PM Me if you got minecraft, Im staring a /r/Drama Minecraft team, ill add you to the discord if you pm me. I got a great server that we can all play on.
n/a SnapshillBot 2017-01-31
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n/a toynbeeidea16 2017-01-31
Jesus, I'm not THAT autistic. Yet.
n/a icyhat 2017-01-31
I like your optimism, you're showing real promise there. One day if you work at it, you will reach your goal. I wish you luck in reaching your goals.
n/a DarkElfAssassin 2017-01-31
https://discord.gg/JFwJx here's the discord, Please join.
n/a shitlordcaligula 2017-01-31
n/a FlaccidFlamingo 2017-01-31
This is retarded even by /r/drama standards.
n/a pol__invictus__risen 2017-01-31
R/drama is much too smug and superior to do something like enjoy a pleasant video game with friends.
n/a NGC_6960 2017-01-31
has friends
n/a icyhat 2017-01-31
I have friends, they live in Canada and you can't see them. They are deaf/mutes so you can't talk to them either.
n/a MasterLawlzReborn 2017-01-31
I have a hot girlfriend she just goes to a different school and doesn't have facebook
n/a icyhat 2017-01-31
She also doesn't like pictures taken of her and she hates the internet.
n/a Clark_Savage_Jr 2017-01-31
So she's the Waitress from Always Sunny?
n/a icyhat 2017-01-31
No she's a little more person of color than that.
n/a MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-01-31
Do adults play that game?
n/a Going_up_the_Country 2017-01-31
Do adults play literally the second best-selling game (behind Tetris) of all time? Yes.
n/a MasterLawlzReborn 2017-01-31
Holy Christ I had no idea it had sold 100 million copies
It beat fucking Wii sports and that game came with the console
n/a Going_up_the_Country 2017-01-31
Tetris is at some absured number like half a billion, but that's all versions of the game across several decades. Minecraft is insanely popular.
n/a Nollyx 2017-01-31
Up until about 2013.
n/a a_normal_human 2017-01-31
Six years ago called.
n/a snallygaster 2017-01-31
This is a really nice idea. :) I'd join up if I played.
n/a bytewake 2017-01-31
this. I kinda miss playing minecraft. it was a lot of fun
n/a Soulwound 2017-01-31
n/a MyDramaAlt 2017-01-31
www.autcraft.com already exists
n/a glmox 2017-01-31
id rather kill myself
n/a Dreamincolr 2017-01-31
And nothing of value was lost.
n/a icyhat 2017-01-31
I tried Minecraft once, I didn't care too much for it. Besides, who the hell would want more of me around them in other forms.
n/a MasterLawlzReborn 2017-01-31
Hearing you people in voice chat sounds like such a terrible experience that I would do it in a heartbeat
n/a Washington_vape 2017-01-31
Gay retard
n/a toynbeeidea16 2017-01-31
iDubzzz is on the server?
n/a nanonan 2017-01-31
The minecraft is a good idea, Discord not so much.
n/a Pronouns-XimXamXoom 2017-01-31
This is obviously just a way to track user's ip adresses. This is why I never do anything fun.
n/a DarkElfAssassin 2017-01-31
What? How?
n/a Pronouns-XimXamXoom 2017-01-31
I don't know the specifics of whatever server you're using but usually the admin can see the ip address if people who connect.
n/a DarkElfAssassin 2017-01-31
but , it not my server.
n/a OnlyRacistOnReddit 2017-01-31
Are you kissing up to /u/notch?