Has-Been B-list Gay Celebrity calls Cheeto-in-Chief a Terrorist, Hyperbole Tossed On Both Sides as Disappointed Users of r/politics Groan Collectively (sorted by controversial)

14  2017-02-01 by TheSmugAnimeGirl


I know now I'll never have any flair again and I've come to terms with that.


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That entire thread is the most whiny, angry, disingenuous, and just flat out BAD posting I've seen in ages.

This posts are limited due to bedtime and homework though.

Shamelessly copied from an older post of mine: I came up with a new sex game called "/r/politics". It's similar to limp biscuit, where everyone sits in a circle and jerks off onto a biscuit and the last one to finish has to eat it, but the difference is that they're no biscuit and no finishing until your dick gets so red and rough it bleeds, and the last one to bleed gets called a trump supporter and is beaten to death by everyone else.

Anyway, highlights: Man points out r/politics hysteria and poor upboating decisions, users double down.

Guy points out that celebrity opinions didn't help Clinton, others point out irony in a less-kind manner

Dude claims that the users of r/politics get what they deserve in terms of shitty articles, some disagree

Buddy says Sulu is a point of authority on fascism due to FDR's internment camps. Users hold varying opinions on this

I upvoted because this is exactly the kind of hard hitting journalism you numbskulls deserve.


Not sure what it was like 8 hours ago when you first found them, now they are high in the positives, and the top posts in those chains are also not the double-down kind of stupid.

Well, except for the last one. How does that logic even work I may never know.

Oh shit, you're right. When I put all these in, they were controversial and under a hundred. On the plus side, a few new links.

Redditor claims Trump is killing Muslims for fun, their evidence died of disease.

"The wrong Star Trek actor died"

The other half of the country does not worship celebrities like liberals do.

elects Ronald Reagan

fuck it

elects donald trump

Why are liberals so obsessed with celebrities?!

Thats not Milo, thats not Milo at all!

Man, I'd happily trade George Takei for James Doohan back any day.

George, go buy yourself a ticket to one of those ME's on the list and see how you get treated. I think you will find a whole new meaning for your definition of "terrorist".

That would be solid gold TV right there.

The next season of Survivor will be fantastic.