[History) Out of curiousity which users created the most drama as a result of being pinged

20  2017-02-01 by ChipChippersonAMA


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Reported to the admins for harassment and brigading, thanks

Most unkempt

/u/worldofwomen! Man is she a dastardly trouble maker whenever she is summoned. Did you hear about the time she beat someone within an inch of their life with a doormat?

I thought it was a bathmat.

no was a doormat she kept bringing into her bathroom to prove an odd point

Is this the PIV whore lady?

Man, that was brutal! I heard she wrapped her own baby in the bathmat before beating the other guy with it.

I heard that /u/worldofwomen was wrapping rocks in orange skins and throwing them at motorists.

In terms of consistency there's really only one answer here.

/u/joan_wayne_gacy notorious sex pest


Since the deletion there's been a rumor going around that if you post her name three times on this board she'll curse you with ignored comments and endless downvotes.


For a while jewdank and /u/angryDM were major contenders

Definently /u/cleverseneca, cause fuck that guy!

Standard Demon Behaviour: username pings.


It died down pretty quick, but the CEO just up and editing people's comments was about as dramatic as anything on Reddit can actually get.

I would say it was the combo of /u/heelthebern and /u/jewdank. The two of them provided days worth of content.

why did you list an alt and her main?

I think it's more than an "alt". I'm starting to view Jewdank in terms of somebody genuinely having multiple personalities.

For example, on her bern alt, she actually engaged in other subs as if she was a successful businessman with a family.

you know, I hadn't considered that but it makes a lot of sense

It probably happened due to her being beaten by her dad. That would explain a lot of other stuff too.

I think in terms of "active users who still reply to pings", it's gotta be /u/ChrisOliverTimes

/u/azntossaway323 usually starts posting dick pics everywhere in the thread when someone in /r/Drama pokes him lol

Pls be true

/u/Caamib (and all his alts). No idea what he's up to these days. You could usually tell one of his alts from his rants, and the fact that he'd link his insane blog (or use it as a source in arguments). Haven't seen any accounts that sound like him recently (since he got banned along most of the worst incel subs).