Japanese owners write "Minorities need not apply" instead of "Minors need not apply," apologize for it, the community is still angry at them.

157  2017-02-01 by PhysicsIsMyMistress


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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White people may think they are the top, but the best at fucking minorities is other minorities.

Minorities were a mistake

The big reaction was partly because every ethnic minority knows that the most racist people aren't white. They're Asian.

I feel terrible for this family, but it's really really funny.

I've always enjoyed watching the hierarchy of hate manifest while standing in line at the Chinese takeout.

You can sit back and watch the rapid change in demeanor of the Asian staff depending on the race of the customer.

I've always enjoyed my fellow liberals getting their "Europe is a liberal haven" delusion crushed when they go for their semester abroad. I try and tell em that the US is more open minded than Europe but they won't believe me.

Can you go into more detail?

Bitch about how racist and intolerant the US is (it is). Declare that they're going to Europe to get away from it. Decide to go to Spain or Italy (its worse there). Are very confused when they arrive there to find the attitudes to be worse.

i had a friend who went to Spain. She was a black woman.

Big mistake. At one point someone in the street just spat on her shoes.

I had another black lady friend who went to Italy. She fucking killed it. They like American girls there, apparently, no matter the color.

interestingly enough i totally spit balled the Italian example. My friend whose having problems is in spain.

I think they're still pretty racist, tbqh. Especially in the south.

Just like in America!

Especially in the south

Ameridumbs haven't even heard about Lega Nord. The Southeners are basically Arabs themselves. The only reason they hate brown people is because they are illegal immigrants begging on the popular tourist beaches.

I will gladly admit that Italian politics have never made sense to me at any point in history after the collapse of the Roman empire...

Just seems like a bunch of quarreling dagos to me

Blow it out your well used ass, Yankee bitch.

what a shock an italian guy is really defensive about his shithole country.

You might be retarded.

would probably still take that over being italian :/

I think he's calling you a retard because you didn't realize he's talking about the South, not Italy.

Of course, that just opens a whole new can of jokes.

oh well goddammit, I am from the south and it's racist af what is he fucking talking about. I thought he meant yankee as in american, not yankee as in northerner

/u/stoptalkingok dont call me a yankee you piece of shit, I'm from Texas, and thus better than whatever piece of shit southern state you are from (unless, obviously, it's texas). The south is not 60% black, either.

Over here in most of Georgia it sure the fuck is. Maybe you should stop hanging out with racists you fucking redneck.

First off, I will be honest and say that if you cant live in Texas, Georgia is the second best one...so...you win there.

Secondly, I'm actually a black dude, lol. But at this point I feel so retarded because of my misreading above I'm just gonna stop arguing.

I just don't wanna be called a yankee. You understand.


Texas Southern

Unless you're in East Texas you need to try again tbh

It's the purdiest part.

(yeah, east texas)

It's also the dumbest part, btw

Ah. I'm in West Texas. We're "country" for sure but I don't know that we could properly be called "Southern".

Texas is vast.

We contain multitudes.

Lmao it's the north that is more racist. Lega Nord and all that stuff.

Italian dudes love black women from my experience.

ya that's what my buddy said

I had my delusions blown by meeting European redditors. Now my opinion on general is that all of humanity is garbage.

yeah except me

Really? I've noticed my food gets exponentially spicier and better made when my Asian friend is getting ordering than when I go by myself.

Next time send your black friend. Or the wrong kind of Asian.

Thanks for providing an example to my point.

The spicier thing doesn't necessarily indicate racism against cumskins, could just be they're scurred they can't handle it and want them to actually enjoy their meal

The way you bypass this if you want food to reach full spicy potential is telling them "how your mother makes it" when they ask how spicy you want it.

Typos are impression.

I'm sure the woman who posted it on the internet is all proud of herself for discovering this grave injustice. /s

If I saw that, I might just go in and ask about or make just think it's weird and keep walking.

Some people have somehow lost the ability to take things in good faith. Why immediately presume the worst? They smell blood in the water and pounce. It's not even about righting an injustice, it's just about tearing other people down.

Shit like this makes me irrationally angry.

Every ugly-stringy-pink-haired-telescope-lens-eyeglass-wearing SJW needs their 15 minutes of fame.

That is absolutely not fair.

Some of them have blue hair.

Yeah, 15 minutes until they move on to the next target. Memory of a fucking goldfish, viciousness of a shark.

What would you presume if you saw a sign that says 'minorities need not apply'?

I wouldn't presume anything, other than the possibility of a mistake, I'd try and talk to the owners first and judge afterwards. I replied to /u/LordBlackmore because I agree with his sentiments.

Why would you assume a sign in clear English is a mistake? That's pretty retarded tbh fam

Considering it turned out to be a mistake...

No shit. Having the knowledge that it was a mistake means people can circlejerk about how obviously they wouldn't read the sign and take it at its word when that's what any normal person does when they read a sign on the window of a business

No, no normal person would think "Hey, these guys are not only risking litigation but also plainly asking to lose said litigation" unless they were actually significantly developmentally delayed.

A normal person would think "Holy shit what the fuck? Either these people got trolled, got pranked, are trying to get firebombed for the insurance, are actually literally blind, or don't speak English."

No, no normal person would think "Hey, these guys are not only risking litigation but also plainly asking to lose said litigation" unless they were actually significantly developmentally delayed.

I think you may be the one who's developmentally disabled if you honestly think that an average person starts thinking about litigation when they see a sign like that, especially in fucking South Carolina.

Most people, which is evidenced by the initial outrage, take the sign at face value like you would any other sign.


Being this stupid

Wow m8 you really got me there


Because I could look inside and see that they clearly have minorities already working there

How many people are gonna go inside and investigate?

You realize the sign is posted in a window.....

Because it's a felony for an employee to discriminate by race, so this sign opens them up to a ridiculous amount of litigation, let alone the social stigma. There is no reason a business owner would do something that egregious intentionally, unless they are unbelievably stupid.

Yea your retarded

Yea your retarded


I never said I wasn't

I'm just to smart for you.

I'd try and talk to the owners

Yeah man I'm sure you're a regular social justice warrior confronting people face to face about injustice all the time /s

Not all the time, but yeah, I'd talk to them. Not everyone's afraid of social interaction, Gerard.

Prolly walk in and be like "hey that shit is illegal, what the fuck dude" even if their english was shit i think i could a) figure out what was going on and b) fix the goddamn sign

I'd sign up immediately. Finally, a pure workplace for me to be in. Then I'd get irritated when I found out minorities were already there.

If I don't presume the worst then who will I be outraged at?

You get outraged for internet points duh

I'd probably assume that they didn't have great English and didn't know what the sign meant, and maybe poke my head in to let them know before something like this happens.

But hey, these beacons of social justice just assume every immigrant is fluent in English. Do you reckon they have a flow chart of which ones get more of a "pass" on slip ups like this?


He are getting close to this being a reality.

The funny thing is that they bought the sign on eBay, so somebody out there is doing a brisk trade in "No Minorities" help wanted signs. Why don't they go hassle him, instead of the poor restaurant owner?

Same reason we don't blame the gun manufac-


That's the first thing I thought, it's a printed sign, not homemade. What they bustin her balls for?

In the article, she says she got it off eBay and didn't understand what it meant.

I'm loving that like, you can't put this sign up in any actual hiring situation, so there is a brisk trade in no-minorities Help Wanted signs for the most superior type of White person to put up in their mother's basement and fap to.

Sure you can. It's a terrible idea, but you can.

Minorities are such a bunch of whiny cunts.

whined by a white guy

Wew ladd. Dat dere fake internet outrage. Slavery again when?

Put these chains on, devil.

What a time in the US to make that particular mistake....!

Is there a "whitey need not apply" version? I'm asking for a friend.

I like the owner's handwriting. Pretty typical Western handwriting for a Japanese woman IME, those curly 'g's especially.

I thought she got one of the servers or somebody to write it for her since it's so well written.

Also your link doesn't work

Right? Link leads to a NH news channels website. About an Oregon based story.

Wierd, I'm not sure what happened there.

Here you go: http://i.imgur.com/UVM9YAf.jpg

I'm pretty sure she wrote it herself, it's very similar to Japanese women's English handwriting that I've seen before.

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 76%. (I'm a bot)

Controversy over a "Help wanted" sign at a restaurant in Spartanburg, South Carolina is causing problems for the business' employees.

Servers said a woman who posted a photo of the sign on social media went into the restaurant on Saturday.

The new sign reads: "Dear Customers. I am the owner Sue. I am really sorry for the sign that posted. I didn't know what it meant. After I know, I took it off immediately. English is not my first language. And I never thought about it again. I sincerely apologize for."

Extended Summary | FAQ | Theory | Feedback | Top keywords: sign#1 restaurant#2 customer#3 Henderson#4 server#5

You usually do so much better than this.

Impressive if that's below average.

It's way below average- this bot is ridiculously good at giving an overview of the article.

The best engrish mistake ever

In retaliation for no Asians

African-American customers stopped by the restaurant Monday morning to read the apology posted on the window. They told McCormick that they won't eat at the restaurant again.

... But why? Like, surely there are so many actual battles to fight and companies to boycott that are actually being bigoted intentionally. Why bother wasting any time or energy on this now that it's clear it was an innocent mistake?

They knew what they were doing.