/r/altright has been banned!

386  2017-02-01 by Zachums


Jews did this


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

This goes without saying.

I mean.....


Oy gevalt-right!

bahahaha omfg.


Aren't you a sweet thing?

Snapshillbot on point.

You said it at the right moment.

Damn... what did the bot mean by this?

It's pretty-clear this is a false flag. I mean, the bots are built by the Jews. They literally want you to hate them so that you'll become desensitized to your own hate and start overlooking the worst of their shit.

The best indication you can possibly have that the Jews did not do something, is when the evidence points clearly and unequivocally at them. Yes, they are that sneaky.

wait...then who is killing all those Palestinians?

The who?

There is no such thing as Palestinians.


I'm positive you're actually sentient.

Absolutely speechless.


nazis btfo

no ur mom




(((Jesus Christ himself)))

Fucking cowards pieces of shit.

I told you that this people can't do anything to counter it, they have no other arguments, no other fucking options but outright censor.

This hypocrites scum know no lows, just take a look at this to begin to grasp at the level of hypocrisy of our detractors(that are all celebrating) and the double standards.

PS: You can take a look at my history and you will I was not a user/subcribers nor agreewith them.

nobody cares lmao go whine on 8chan

Haha just keep posting the same shit. We all love salty drama, so we love what you're doing.


Jesus Christ could you please learn English?

Is the Altright taking immigrants now? That's the only reasonable excuse to justify such egregious grammar mistakes. If you're white, were born in the US, and you write like that, you should KYS post haste.

Yes clearly the problem is that nobody can possibly argue against the logic of a herd of miserable dweebs.

go fuck yourself nazi scum

problematic reality indeed

/>Fucking cowards banned them because they've no match for their flawless logic

>No I don't agree with them, how so?

If you think the left is brutalizing you now you've got one hell of a decade ahead of you. History doesn't treat Nazis very kindly.

And thus the uncuckening of the left begins. The realization that no, you don't have to give these people free speech.

Don't kinkshame

Holy shit, we've hit the drama motherlode.

is anybody really gonna care tho

Well, we're in for a spergout we haven't seen in months.

You can bet your sweet ass that this sub will care.

Oh, and also SRD. This is their wet dream after all.

I like how they complain about growing commie sentiment and then call everyone who opposes them a dirty commie. Like how every liberal cries wolf about nazis till they were actually a thing. There should be a name for this phenomenon

u/JumbledFun well done sir

Maybe this should be impetus for us to start organizing in real life.

The idea of any of these keyboard warriors trying to create an Alt right diaspora in real life makes me incredibly happy.

But where will they go? Brazil? I hear Brazil is nice this time of year.

But where will they go? Brazil?

dont they always

/pol/ proposed a white nationalist community in Namibia of all places.


That'll work out juuuuuuuuust fine.

Did you mean Argentina? Why Brazil?

The movie Boys from Brazil.

A mod from the_doofus has landed

You are a legend mate, thank you.

Ahahahaha. I truly hope this spreads

You did good, kid.




Hail /r/Drama! Hail our people!



Holy shit.

I would say the same to you. You just repeat the same talking points the left has drilled into you for years. The mainstream media is controlled by a very (((small))) percentage of the population. Expand your mind, think critically, and challenge your current ideas. Don't think a certain way just because it is popular, or trendy. Think about what makes sense and what is right.

watch those duplicitous fucks with no morals use this as a way to complain about reddit censorship like they are the fucking victims here

That dude is good, real gud.

"WAHHHH! My sub got banned, I'll make a new one to circumvent this. WAHHHHH, what do you mean that's against the rules?"

"Why were these subreddits banned?" asks /u/AdolfSuperHitler with the self appointed "Fascist" tag

It is hypocritical of reddit to ban a far-right subreddit while leaving numerous far-left subreddits.

No its not because they banned a few hard left subs because they joked about white genocide and killing nazis

Yeah, but with /r/leftwithasharpedge every single post was about violence. I'll admit that there was some advocating for violence, but there was a lot more advocating against violence. It was at least less violent than any of the major pro-Marxist or Anarchist subreddits.

If everyone to the right of negareddit is a fascist, I see no reason why everyone to the left of alright shouldn't be a bolshevik.

Except it's really only negareddit types who think everyone to the right of them is a fascist, and only the altright who think everyone to the left of them is a bolshevik.

I see you haven't wandered into /r/politics lately

This would be true.

Does that mean that us Southpark Centriststm are Polacks?

I'll accept this.

Amazing these kind of autists can never seem to understand that pretty much all normal reasonable people hate them, not just extremists on the other side.

Wow, this is like the "Howl" of our generation:

I watched normies shake on twitter near the smug anime girl shitposters,

starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix...

They realized long ago that they don't need to debate shit. They just need to seize control of power structure and important companies, like social media/media.

If by "seize control" you mean "actually have always owned because it's their site they made"...

SPEZ 2: we're reaching levels of autism that were previously thought to be impossible

You mean ... outside of /r/drama, right?

Voat has come up with a new explanation. They just were too logical for the normies.

>Our reasoning ability was too good for reddit

Fucking kek. At least they'll feel right at home on voat.

That is some /r/iamverysmart shit right there.

lol /u/maxresdefault10 was that guy sperging out about his girlfriend.

Does anybody know why?

the fire rises

for you

The admins, who are in bed with Anita Sarkeesian and SRS (and this sub), are leftwing cucks who can't stand to see different, harmless opinions.

Is Anita even a thing anymore? I haven't seen people running around like they are on fire bitching about her in a while. Did she just go away?

No idea, I'm just pulling a Ferenix.

That is exactly what a Liberal cuck would say.

I'm onto you.

shes making videos about "women in history" or some shit now instead of shitting up games so people stopped caring

KiA sometimes still bitch about her.

She wrote an anti-Trump haunt (module) for House on the Hill's recent expansion. That's all I've seen of her in a year or two.

Mmm nazi tears.

Are we SRS now? I thought we were the nazis? I can't keep track.

No one knows tbh.

Yes, and yes.


The_Donald complained about them harassing their members

Wait really?

That would be hilarious.

No. They stickied a "bounty hunt"

They did i still have the link to the site.

And there was a little bit of a honeypot too. Admins only 'soft banned' that site, which allows mods to re-approve the link, instead of a hard ban that doesn't let the site get posted at all.

/r/(((altright))) kept approving the soft b& links and that gave admins ground for a perma-ban.

And nothing of value was lost

No lol I completely made it up. But it does now seem there was something tangentially involved?

Let's get that rumour going though

yah i ran with it for ya

I just saw. Amazing job.

God that was awesome.

They banned me. The world's most obvious cat is finally out the bag

Truth is an optional point of reference.

There is nothing in the world i want more than for that to be the case. Pls based /u/spez

uh theyre nazis????????

do you know what site you're on?

Cause they are racist fascist most likely.

Not being sufficiently pro Israel?

It's the kikes.

It is probably gone, now that the sub has been banned (unless someone saved it), but they made a huge post and pinned it that consisted of posts and threads by various people they accused of committing "leftist hate speech" from all sorts of leftists subs (naturally) but even random things from politics, worldnews, and others. They then encouraged their users to dox these people.

So basically what /r/shitredditsays has been doing for years?

Some posters on the Donald messaged the admins about the doxxing sticky. There are some chat logs I saw that the mods of the_D wanted Alt Right gone asap for image control. They're trying to be welcoming to new supporters, which is hard being associated with neoNazis.

An amazing twist, in a sordid tale.

Autism threatened to break containment

Admins hate white people.

BTFO Doxxers

Down the shithole we go!

So what death threat or call to violence did them in?

They were trying to doxx people iirc.

oh boy

Today, /r/altright is banned

Tomorrow...the admins will be punching Nazis

First they came for the alt righters...

Then the bcjers

Once again, the real news story of the day is hidden from the public behind less important drama.


As long as they don't come for /r/futanari.

Well they can cum for them, that's fine.

Gas all weebs tho

All in due time

it's implicitly included in the inevitable mayocide anyways

And furries

what's a bcjer?

So, they're on the third line of the poem at this point? t_d is casting themselves as the Jews, huh? Makes total sense.

...And everyone was pretty cool with it.

Altright are the real jews

First they came for the dipshit Nazis, and I laughed because I was not a dipshit Nazi.

Then someone disagreed with me, and called me a nazi, and I started sweating profusely.

We just don't want whites to become minorities in EVERY last country.

Is that too much to ask?


And now you can see why the rise of the alt-right isn't such a surprising thing.

I think you don't understand, /r/Drama explicitly calls for white genocide

I think I know just enough about this sub to realize you're yanking my chain there :)

If you search for "white genocide now" or "mayocide" in /r/drama you'll find people consistently advocating for it, just sayin'


Even if not, I'm sure you get all types on this sub. It's a catch-all place for popcorn and drama.

This sub is satire just as much as /pol is ;)

One day, I'll understand :) Just have to lurk for a few more thousand hours!

keep yourself safe!

There's nothing funny about wanting to kill all whiteys. Well other than the looks on their pasty faces.

Yes, that's too much to ask. Because the real goal is to eliminate ALL whites.

Ah I was worried there for a moment! Thanks for putting my mind at rest.


Mate, the sub was basically just a rightwithsharpedge but somehow even more toxic and violent. It wasn't about just not making "whites" a minority in "their own" country, there were constant calls for violence, genocide, and complete hatred against basically everyone that's not a white-skinned straight christian male. Oh wait, not even that, because there were also the neo-pagan LARPers who wanted to purge the Christians too.

If you really wanted to advance the cause of white nationalism, not associating it with a bunch of edgelord autists that jerk off to violent fantasies, praise Nazi Germany, and promote ethnic cleansing, would probably be in your best interest.

The sub banned violent rhetoric. And "ethnic cleansing" if said at all was probably meant peacefully.

explain what a "peaceful" ethnic cleansing is, please.

Mass deportation. I've seen it referenced in that way at least a couple of times in the sub.

I see how you could mistakenly interpret it though - the term does have a lot of baggage.

"I don't want to be mass deported", then what?

Tough, you'd be carted over, humanely as possible. In the same way that Trump will deporting illegal migrants over the next few months.

There may be other options such as not being allowed to have more than one or two children, or having to pay to have children, or being given the option VOLUNTARILY to be sterilized for a payment of say £5000.

You're a silly goose if you think even 5% of the population would be ok with this.

Whats it like having to shamefully hide your political opinions from anyone that means anything to society?

It's not shameful, but I have to go slowly with the red-pilling otherwise they may turn their back up and not listen at all.

To be clear, I wouldn't hate the people I turn away, and it would be with sadness in my heart. However, I love my own people more than outsiders, and only white countries are being invaded, so most non-whites would have to go. It's similar to the way you can choose who your friends are, or who you invite into your house.

To be clear, I wouldn't hate the people I turn away, and it would be with sadness in my heart.


However, I love my own people more than outsiders,

white people aren't "yours"

and only white countries are being invaded, so most non-whites would have to go.

>Implying America is a white country after deliberately bring black people over, and being a country of immigration.

It's similar to the way you can choose who your friends are, or who you invite into your house.

The house isn't yours, you share it with me. I'm genuinely curious what you'd want to do with mixed race people such as myself.


Here's how bullshit it is: I'd pay them up to $10000 to go. Obviously compensate them for any possessions.

Implying America is a white country after deliberately bring black people over, and being a country of immigration.

I quote

This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and later Asians.

The house isn't yours, you share it with me. I'm genuinely curious what you'd want to do with mixed race people such as myself.

It depends. I'm not gonna go full fash. I might keep the top 2-10%. If other countries in Europe were doing the same, I'd adjust the percentage upwards.

People don't listen to you because you are cuco. Red Piller and wanting to sterilise all non-white immigrants.


Let me ask you, do you want to sterilise Irish people?

I don't want to sterilize anyone against their will. I said 'voluntarily', and of course that includes even whites should they want to go through with the process for some monetary compensation.

Tough, you'd be carted over,

So you'll be dragged against your will. AKA not peaceful.

Intending no bodily harm though and without hate.

"Excuse me, sorry, I don't mean to be rude. I'm going to forcibly relocate you and drag you from your home, please understand."

You're a dumbass if you honestly think this could work

Okay, I'll compromise and pay them anything from $1000 to $10000. If they own a property, obviously, they'd be compensated for that.

Although to be honest, I might want to keep those people, and just deport the non-house owners who are scrounging off welfare. Even them, I'd pay them $10000 to leave.

I might want to keep those people, and just deport the non-house owners who are scrounging off welfare.

Didn't you just say you want to avoid whites becoming a minority?

Most are on welfare or don't own a house. I might adjust the plan though if I was mistaken.

Based on that argument, any kind of deportation is basically a second Holocaust.

There's a difference, deporting someone who is not a legal resident is different from forcefully removing legal people from their own country.

There may be a debatable difference in the morality of the motivation but not in the morality of the action, which is what you made out to be the important thing.

They were also too dumb to play by the rules. If you know you're being scrutinized, you have to be more careful not to do something stupid and get in trouble.

My guess is that someone on their list of users who said mean things about nazis got a "I know who you are" PM from someone with a history there, and got the whole thing banned for doxing.

We just dont want whites to continue existing. Is that too much to ask? Anyone rational would agree.

I feel like I'm in bizarro world, are people really arguing for white people to be allowed exist?

No, he's just throwing it back at him. White people are not in danger of becoming the minority.

Go to Andorra.

White women having consensual sex with non-white people is not genocide.

It's hot as shit, especially if the woman is married

In case you don't know, we at r/Drama officially endorse the inevitable mayocide.

What is wrong with being a minority? We already are globally.

Putting aside IQ and beauty, variety is a good thing right? Would you really want to live in a world that was solely Somalian people?

So places like Richmond, BC are better because whites are a minority to Chinese - who have higher average IQ, are wealthier and generally better looking than the cumskins here?

I respect East Asians a lot, but...

And see this article on White versus East Asian creativity

Also, IQ is not the only factor that makes up the worth of a person.

unironically posting IQ stats even though it's textbook totallynotaracist behavior lmao

Yeah no shit. Then let's ask again - what is wrong with whites becoming a minority?

Ask yourself what's wrong with Australian aborigines becoming a 95%+ majority of the world. Watch the world fall into disrepair as a result.

I'm not staying any one ethnicity or race should be dominant dumbass.

Great, then you'll be against whites becoming a minority in EVERY country too!

You still haven't explained how that's a bad thing tho

Tomorrow /r/t_d may finally be gone

Oh god, the chaos that would ensue.

I'm not convinced r/the_donald is as mobile as it once was pre election. While their would be shit storm the shit waves won't be quite as high as they could have been during a shit hurricane.

It lost all it's Ruskie government turkers. Now it's just a bunch of people laughing at a joke they don't get.

They currently have 17k active users online, which isn't incredibly far from /r/politics at 25k. Not many subscribers, but a ton of active users.

What if they banned t_d and ETS at the same time for brigading each other

Nah. They ain't banning t_D. Would have done so if they had any intention to. Users of r/politics and SRD have begged them every day and they still haven't done it.

Sweet, can I get in on punching people? Does it have to be Nazis or can it be anyone.

I think it's anyone you morally disagree with who is also deemed bad.

That's what Nazis literally are!

Perfect. I will print this get out of jail for punching comment and I will be 100% legal in my punching duties. I will also film it and tell people it's a prank bro, just to be completely safe.

If you subscribe to an ideology based entirely on ethnic cleansing, I will punch you and not feel bad.

so BLM?

Please google false equivalency

i got two words for YOU to google: assata shakur.


I found one person vaguely linked to (((BLM))) who wants the mayocide! BLM=NSDAP

I found one person vaguely linked to (((BLM))) who wants the mayocide! BLM=NSDAP

I've got two words for YOU to google: Adolfo Hitler

When you advocate for the genocide of a large portion of society, you forfeit the protection that society provides.

Yeah sure. All you need to do is call them a Nazi. No proof required.


please head over to /r/TrueAltRight for all your alt-right needs







TrueAltRight: because /r/altright is corrupt and degenerate

lol, there is always a deeper level of gate keeping

Fascism is about who is the strongest.

(Fascists lost almost every war they participated in, btw)

Hey thats not true Italy was just barely able to take on the mighty empire of Ethiopia.

I was hoping for a picture of very hungry looking african children eating pizza, but this is good too.

They actually lost against them eventually.

for a whole four years. very impressive stuff

The whites are the stronger. The stronger dominates.

The jews control the world!!!

But they're totally the master race, which is why they were defeated by the winter

Someone needs to create /r/trueestaltright and call everyone in /r/TrueAltRight a bunch of SJW cucks.

its a satire sub from what I'm seeing. Top posts right now include "anyone have a spare keyboard? my right alt key is broken" and "how do I convert my gay cat to christianity?"

That keyboard question actually seems like a big problem

I usually use left alt for my ctrl alt delete needs but yeah, you should offer to donate if you can

I only have a right hand so I can see how it could be a problem

Before you ask, yeah, I'll be all-right

Left-shift key had been broken for years now. Having to use the right-shift key sucks. And it makes playing some games almost impossible. You can't rebind the shift key in StarCraft 2.

You can't rebind the shift key in StarCraft 2.

Why in god's name would they not let you rebind whatever the fuck you want?

its a satire sub from what I'm seeing.

look at its mod list

Just like when they try to determine who and who isn't white.

Mod me.

no me

no me

big if true

True if big

True if true

(is this statement true if false?)

This is good for bitcoin

Would you be kind enough to mod me.

no u

that's what I'm saying fam

thats some good ass larpin b


I thought LWSE were the edgiest peeps around but no, this takes the cake

I like how the full-time redditors see every large event as an opportunity to mod another big sub

No we reached our Belgian quota. You're not as fast as Jebus.

Shill. Wait, oh, I forgot, totally go there it's 101% awesome.

Needs more interracial porn.

First they came for the alt righters...

/u/Evil_white_oppressor /u/MortalSisyphus /u/the_lonely_honeybee

Would you like to say a few words about this tragic suppression of free speech?

We knew this day was coming, so it comes as no surprise. This banned subreddit is merely one of many in a long history of political suppression on Reddit. We mods did what we could to follow the rules handed down to us, but obviously no subreddit can be water-tight, and there will always be those rare cases which give plausible deniability for transparent censorship. Whatever excuse the admins give for the banning, it is clear to all this is another case of heretical views and opinions being stifled. But the admins are playing a losing game of whack-a-mole here. The internet is (at least currently) a free, open, anonymous, uncontrolled platform for individuals of every stripe and persuasion to speak their mind and grow as part of a community. The more the established political institutions try to maintain the status quo and marginalize us, the more they will drive free-thinking, independent lovers of truth to our side.

Just remember it was those cucks at the_donald that orchestrated this. Don't let them get away with it!

Does your mommy know you're in the basement on the internet calling people cucks? I'm sure she'd be very upset, she might ground you if you had friends to go anywhere with.

don't be dim, there is a forest out there don't focus on the trees

This guy is a liberal troll planting false flags. Do not believe him, read his comment history for proof.

Completely untrue. Which T_D mod are you, and do you really have nothing better to do than damage control on alt accounts? The truth is out cuck, and you're not gonna be able to bury this.

You're funny, I don't associate with the Donald, I'm a white nationalist. Your liberal false flagging is laughable and childish.

lol you even came here! Amazing! I have to give you credit you are really fighting the good fight trying to shepherd your little crew of of racist reddit refugees. Hopefully you guys don't run into any travel bans ;)

We don't have to worry about travel bans, we're white. ;)

You don't have to worry about travel bans because you can't afford to travel anywhere.

The average alt-right user on reddit is 18-25 years old, college educated, with above average income. I'd say we're doing just fine, pal.

You forgot to list how much they can deadlift.

Then how come you won't answer my question asking how to stop being mind controlled by the Jews?

Because that's a silly question, it's not like Jews have a code word they can say and sleeper agents suddenly go and do their bidding.

But for their population size, less than 3% of Americans, they control a very disproportionate amount of the media, which very much so influences what, and how people think.

Read up on the Jewish Question for more information.

But if they're manipulating me, surely there's a cure. What is it?

Yeah, none of that challenges what I said, povvo. You don't have to worry about a travel ban because you can't afford to travel anywhere lol.

You can't think of anything intelligent to say so you resort to an ad hominem attack, typical left.

Lol, and you can't challenge what I'm saying because you know I'm right. You're just some white trash dude who deals with his anger at the world by raging online. Sorry about that :(

I challenged and corrected you, and you're still using ad hominem attacks. I'm being calm and civil, it's you that's raging online. Your argument is childish and petty, grow up.

We mods did what we could to follow the rules handed down to us, but obviously no subreddit can be water-tight

That's why you stickied a post linking to the crowdfunding site raising money to dox opponents? That's what you meant by saying you did what you could to follow the rules, right?

jfc this is some self-pitying conceited bullshit. you must have a delusional estimation of your own importance because this is some grand fucking rhetoric over the banning of an internet forum (and some bizarrely diplomatic airs for a nazi internet janitor)

gotta love it when someone stands up to or punches (or in this case, fucking bans from a website) Nazis, and their tough-guy facade gives way to snivelling victimhood. who would have thought you'd have such a raging persecution complex, given your open desire to persecute others? you're like the kid in the playground who around punching all the other kids, and then someone pushes them over and they start bawling their eyes out.

This banned subreddit is merely one of many in a long history of political suppression on Reddit.

LMAO! Get a job and grow up dude. This is an entertainment website. Remind me again how much money you paid to use it? You are a guest here. . . . nothing more. You just provided us with some more entertainment that will fizzle out in a couple of days. But Reddit owes you nothing for it. Neither loyalty nor pity.

The internet is a free, open, anonymous, uncontrolled platform for individuals of every stripe and persuasion to speak their mind and grow as part of a community.

Sure, the internet is, but Reddit is controlled and Reddit is just a little part of the internet that has rules you agreed to when you signed up. And there is no "community" on any site that is based on anonymity. This site has users, and you are just another one of them who got caught up in trumped-up delusions.

Sha na na nah, sha na na nah, hey hey heey, good-bye

Bye cuck!

Is this pasta?

translation: waaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaa muh free speech waaaaaaaa waaaa

It's ok, little guy. Life gets easier after puberty is over.

Thank fuck

Let's be clear here. /r/Anarchism and /r/FULLCOMMUNISM often called for violence against us and celebrated violence against us; And yet, it's WE got get banned.

Fuck Reddit the Marxist shithole.

I hear voat has a wonderful community.

At the very least it's a repository of wonderfully enlightening pizzagate journalism

And pedophiles

Creepshots is about fashion geez!

Why is every "alternative" site full of pedos anyway?

Mainstream doesn't tolerate them

Bad for business

But where is the Spirit Cooking???

it's because nobody likes you little dicked bitch boys :)

you going to be okay?

Let's be clear here. You are using valuable oxygen and it would be better if you walked off a suitably high cliff.


chug bleach nazi

Show us on the doll where the liberals touched you.

His brain. They touched him in his brain. And he did not like it. Not one bit. No siree.

Marxism = literally anything that isn't National Socialism

I think he meant (((Marxist)))

Full communism just pointed out that Marxists kicked Nazi ass every time, bruh

Cry harder. Maybe you will find someone who cares








You should probably make like Hitler and suck start that Luger fam

'twas a Walther PPK if I remember correctly :)

Oh good at least you admit to being a nazi. Makes it easier for me to tag you shittards.

Have you considered fucking off?

I know it sucks, mate, but here is something to cheer you up.


I'm praying for you

Not to be that guy but fascists is misspelled, m8

Did you get dropped out of a helicopter onto your head?


Fuck reddit for doing what it wants, this is a free country! Companies should be forced to do things.

slit your throat lol =^)

Fags get the oven.

Your impotent rage gets me hot daddy 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥

Ok, fattie. Is that all you think about??

Such pizzazz.

lol r u angry kiddo? Sorry bout ur memes.


This is out of control. Reddit is bought and paid for.

That's how business work, dufus. They aren't obligated to host your bullshit opinions.


>believes businesses should be able to do whatever they want

>gets angry when businesses do things they don't like

Feelz over realz.

Kneelz over my dilz!

r/latestagecapitalism! The beacons are lit r/altright calls for aid!

Oh god, do not get the commies and nazis to join forces plz

That's how Poland got fucked

Don't worry, it worked out in the end!

I mean, not for Poland, but you know.

Hey as far as the Eastern Bloc countries go, Poland's doing alright.

> altright

Finland got sloppy seconds, it seems.

Yeah, any time Communists and Nazis join forces, it never ends well;

Hitler: Hey Stalin, from one deranged megalomaniac to another, here's a plan - lets gangfuck Poland. You get the east-ier half, and I get the half with all the crazy mountain Germans.

Stalin: There is not one whit of those sentences that I do not love. BTW, tell Reinhard thanks for the names. Purging one's enemies is such a tiresome task when done alone.

This site is already run by the islamo-communist jew-nazis.

I thought it was controlled by Hollywood Hulk Hogan and his New World Order.

I thought it was /u/jewdank

Hahaha LSC and AltRight are NOT friends.

Alt-righters don't think businesses should be able to do whatever they want, you're thinking of lolbertarians.

as if any of them have any internal logic past "I SHOULD BE FREE TO SAY OR DO ANYTHING I WANT REEEEEEEEEEE"

as if any of them have any internal logic past "I SHOULD BE FREE TO SAY OR DO ANYTHING I WANT REEEEEEEEEEE"


I think there's a danger of confirmation bias growing stronger if we keep forcing people to tunnel deeper and deeper into their own echo chambers. The exchange of ideas and internet gab and waffle works better in a mixed forum.

Reddit would be a shittier place if there was only one hivemind posting everything.

I think there's a danger of confirmation bias growing stronger if we keep forcing people to tunnel deeper and deeper into their own echo chambers.

The fact that they're exposed to the enemy and examples of the enemy doing and saying the things that they hate the enemy for probably reinforces their beliefs. Not all kinds of exposure is good for deradicalization.

Plus huge content-sharing websites are incredible for recruitment. Back when the only big alt right hub was Stormfront, membership was tiny. Now look. A completely new radical group was even created on reddit with the rise of FatPeopleHate. And now that FPH is banned and can no longer recruit, it's sectioned off to a tiny portion of the internet where only the True Believers remain. There should be a diversity of ideas on reddit, but it shouldn't be a recruiting ground for dangerous radicals. Unfortunately the structure of reddit streamlines recruitment and has made it easy to a degree that has never been seen before.

I think that /u/Asgard_Thunder might have meant that we could learn some valuable new ideas from /r/altright, but now with them banned we are doomed to ensconce in the echochamber of liberal hivemind.

One of my greatest fears tbh

I think we might escape that lot if we pledge to read one page of Mein Kampf every day and start an r/drama bookreading club for discussing it!

read one page

You overestimate my attention span.

I wonder how long it would take the admins to shut down an isis recruiting sub.

Research also pretty consistently shows that exposure to conflicting views doesn't magically moderate people. It's pretty much dependent upon frame of mind. If you're open to new ideas and willing to question your assumptions then exposure to conflicting ideas can lead to moderation. If you're not open, however, exposure to conflicting ideas and information actually tends to have the exact opposite effect- strengthening your existing beliefs. What's really interesting is that it's the moderation outcome that requires conscious effort- doubling down is what the natural response is for most people.

There should be a diversity of ideas on reddit, but it shouldn't be a recruiting ground for dangerous radicals.

Who is to say what is radical, though? Like, is it radical to fight back against the alarming spike in Global Fattening? Is it acceptable to normalize obesity?

This is just my opinion but I'm totally okay with people criticising obesity, throwing strong critique around when discussing obesity statistics & the like. It shouldn't be normalized.

But there's a huge difference between stuff like that and actually hating specific people for it. I don't think that gets you far & when you specifically focus on that as a sub I'm really not surprised to see stuff like doxing or harassment occurring.

But there's a huge difference between stuff like that and actually hating specific people for it.

I don;t hate fatties unless they embrace the fat as some sort of fucked up ideology.

yes but the way they see it reddit isn't a business its a (((business)))

That's how they see everything. ..


believes businesses should be able to do whatever they want

this is not what fascists believe btw, you used the wrong political meme

People are angry at the double standards of the admins you moron. If they actually consistently banned subs of whatever political leaning people wouldn't have a problem but they only go after the right.

That's the admins choice. If the alt-righters don't like the services this company provides they can take their business elsewhere

Those are not mutually exclusive. You can still think that businesses are entitled to host or censor whatever content they want and still not be happy about how they act towards their users/consumers.

I expected much different

i feel like the same people that say this would flip if say theoretically trump bought reddit and banned sjw shit

Are you really comparing "sjw shit" with literal neo nazis? I know you're just trying to be contrarian right now, but think about it for a second.

Are you comparing trump with literal neo-nazis?



Your sense of sarcasm is too advanced for my pleb senses, I'm sorry!

Lol no worries just seeing if I could get your goat. Sorta backfired with your way so a whoosh is all I had.

pathetic xD


I mean, Trump does have a pretty big neo nazi following (see: the reason this sub was banned), he isn't just pulling shit out of his ass.

And Hillary has a pretty big anarchist and Islamist following.

R u fucking retarded anarchists don't like Hillary, and by Islamist are you talking about the Saudi royal family or ISIS. Because I don't think ISIS is a huge fan of hers either, nor do they vote in us elections. Not that any of this is even relevant because it doesn't change the fact that Trump does have a neo nazi following.

nor do they vote in us election

Let's keep it that way!

Anarchists fucking hate Hillary, what are you talking about? Do you say this because someone broke some windows at a Starbucks during a protest? Because a Trump fanboy shot up a mosque a few days ago. You can decide what's worse I guess.

Anarchist hate soap, not Hillary.


You mean Muslim?


Yes Trump is literal neo-nazis

^ This is why Trump won.

No THIS is why trump won

It was obviously people voting for Bernie even though he wasn't on the ticket.

Your mom is why Trump won.

theyre equally regressive tbh ones just more effective in its methodology

I know you're just trying to be contrarian right now


i just think its a bit short sighted when pro censorship people trot out the whole "its a business they can do what they like" line just because it currently favours them and their ideas

technically theyre right but i have a feeling theyd be crying fascism if their ideas suddenly werent allowed because the other political leaning controlled the platform

or if they wanted a gay cake and someone refused to make it for instance

theyre just smug because they think theyll be in charge forever, its part of the reason the american left is panicking right now- theyll be held to their own standards and republicans now enjoy the rules the dnc set for themselves

cant have it both ways and its best not to set a shitty precedent so it doesnt backfire on you in the future

people right now are more concerned with revenge and fucking over the other side than thinking about what their decisions mean down the line


eh i thought id elaborate considering you thought i was saying something about nazis

tl;dr being a cunt out of spite can backfire

i dont think thats really a new thing

just say it, you love Nazis

nah im just not into alarmism over your wildly inaccurate interpretation

also lol you still post? i thought trumps win would have sent you into angrydm/ colbyklaus territory

alarmism? You been reading Andrew Bolt again?

also lol you still post? i thought trumps win would have sent you into angrydm/ colbyklaus territory

Why would I stop posting because americans voted for someone who had no idea what they're doing? I get to be smug and stick around and be right about Trump's entire presidency and the people who supported him, though. Why wouldn't I want to?

It's been an absolute trainwreck. Trump and the alt right have done such a nose dive in terms of popularity that I'm upvoted in drama and you're downvoted.

enjoy winning that culture war

youre hilarious, never have a nervous breakdown and leave like all the other lolcows of your level please

It's been an absolute trainwreck. Trump and the alt right have done such a nose dive in terms of popularity that I'm upvoted in drama and you're downvoted.

haha you think this sub is anti trump and youre upvoted because you post well

How are SJWs regressive when progressiveness is the main aim of social justice?

Right? How could Nazis kill 6 gorillion Jews if all Hitler wanted was more living space? Checkmate rethuglicans.

Have you ever heard of a little book named Mein Kampf?

I keep it by my bed.

SJW "regressives" in this sense are the one that want you to "not be able to say that" because it's offensive

So /u/captainpriapism is referring to normal people?

someone saying they like progress and actual progress arent really the same thing

especially when the people involved are fucking idiots and dont really know much about how the world works

"They won't let me make fun of gays and fat people!!!"

lol so you dont really understand the criticism in other words

its fine and a good thing to want progress, but most "progressives" are too stupid to understand what progress actually is

they think its trans rights for kids and slutwalks instead of education and welfare

identity politics over actual politics

its cancer and im glad its a dying philosophy

progressivism is subjective. It doesn't actually exist. Anyone can define anything as progressive if they want.


theyll be held to their own standards and republicans now enjoy the rules the dnc set for themselves

Alinsky 101

lol what

if the government makes a law saying "we can ban shit we dont like", and then someone else comes into power and uses those same laws in a different way, its hardly the new guys fault

its the guy who made the law without considering how it could be used against him

alinsky is the most oft wrongly quoted shit i swear, you can bend it to apply to anyone you dont like

"You is a faggot, and will always be a faggot. KYS". - Alinsky

i dont really think thats in there is it

I think I was agreeing with you. Did that not come across?

oh i thought you were saying that following the precedent made him the bad guy, my bad

or if they wanted a gay cake and someone refused to make it for instance

Leftists BTFO!!

When you think captainautism is finished looking stupid, he goes and outdoes himself again and again

"people who get legit pissy over my reddit account" isnt a very prestigious group to join but each to their own ay

I'm calling you an autistic retard mate, don't read into it too much

i still dont get what ive said that angers people so tbh

its all jokes until it isnt

I don't think anyone is angered, they're just calling you a retard for equating SJWs with literal Neo-Nazis.

Which you are.

oh i know there are a few stupid sjw types that post in here but that doesnt explain the vitriol

and i didnt actually equate anything if you cared to read, i said people were hypocrites and you guys filled in the gaps

because youre that insecure about your beliefs

I'm not a SWJ though. I just have the history knowledge of not putting them in the same seat as nazis/neo-nazis.

Which you did. Which makes people assume you are a moron.

And if you're abig enough retard to not remember equating SJWs with neo-nazis, let me help you remember.

yes its an odd phenomena here that a bunch of people who profess to be super skilled trolls and shitposters take really obvious bait seriously

youll notice i wrote that directly after i was called a contrarian

Have you actually refuted his point? I know you would literally quit this site if Trump took over and TD became /r/all

I would find another site to waste time on at work if I no longer enjoyed this one, you're right.

We can all finally go to Voat?

The left is consistently more violent than the right.

These people are on the internet making comments - socjus antifa scum are out on the street hurting people on a daily basis. I want you to think about it for a second.

lmao of course you think neo Nazis and SJWs are the same.

nah neo nazis dont have any actual power, but people pity sjws enough to throw them a bone

the rhetoric is the same though, modern antifa are just brownshirts

antifa are antifa. They're probably less extreme than their European counterparts.

nah neo nazis dont have any actual power

"white nationalists" and the "alt right" are getting more and more power though, and they're identical to Nazis. White supremacist group memberships is going up up up, racists have been emboldened worldwide by Trumps victory.

See: that trump supporter who shot up that mosque, Dylan Roof.

But you're right, SJWs are just as bad. I mean look at all the SJW mass shooters! like uhhh ... and hmmm...

antifa are antifa.

attacking people for political reasons makes you the bad guy sorry

theyre going to get shot by police soon enough

"white nationalists" and the "alt right" are getting more and more power though, and they're identical to Nazis. White supremacist group memberships is going up up up, racists have been emboldened worldwide by Trumps victory.

fucking lol

also half the dorks in ghazi would do a dylan roof if they had any semblance of balls

remember lifestyled lol

one would be funny and the other would be what we have right now.

yeah see id get temporary satisfaction out of seeing sjws cry about being banned and how unfair it is but its still a bad precedent to set imo

"lets get rid of everything a group of people currently finds offensive or inconvenient" is just bad policy

Fucking cowards pieces of shit.

I told you that this people can't do anything to counter it, they have no other arguments, no other fucking options but outright censor.

This hypocrites scum know no lows, just take a look at this to begin to grasp at the level of hypocrisy of our detractors(that are all celebrating) and the double standards.

PS: You can take a look at my history and you will I was not a user/subcribers nor agreewith them.

I'm not entirely sure what your point is but you seem hysterical enough to warrant an upvote

won't someone think of the poor oppressed nazis :( :( :(

our detractors

I was not a user/subcribers nor agreewith them.

Why is that there are so many literally mentally retarded among nazis, who can't keep their story straight in two consecutive sentences?

I wonder if there was any real life pressure on Reddit to ban the sub. I mean, Reddit isn't exactly known for its friendly and cheerful users.

Altrighters can't really damage any reputation when Reddit had none to begin with.

Inb4 the Quebec mosque shooter was an /r/altright regular and the RCMP just asked reddit to turn over his account history.

probably not, but imagine the uproar if that were the case

Unless my opinion is on a wedding cake.

People don't say dufus enough anymore. Thank you.

Drama fracking successful.

lol @ whitey

And nothing of value was lost

Question to the alt-right dorks that are feeling lost: For the tiny amount of you that are not in highschool does this give you flashbacks to all the times you got beaten up in school? Is it frustrating that you still are ostracized little dweebs that are not taken serious in life but are mocked for how socially and professionally inept you are?

this post says way more about you than anyone else dude

that are not taken serious in life


?? What are you getting at? Where am I pearl clutching you mong

you just seem to be real frustrated with imaginary nazi schoolchildren

fyi posts like these will make an actual alt righter happy not angry

Go away. Everytime you respond I think it's a funny response from the debatealtright thread and when I got to check my inbox it's just you trying to have a discussion

lol if it makes you feel any better about it i was just making fun of how apparently angry you are at a figment of your own imagination

im sure youre having a real interesting debate over there tho, what with your nuanced opinion and everything

Captain nuance over here

Are you so stupidly contrarian that you can't join in and slap around the literal nazis?

yasss JF slay

Lol what a faggot mother fucker. You should try to stop projecting your insecurities about your upbringing on others because you can pop off on reddit.

Haha dude are you really trying to call someone else insecure? The majority of your post history is calling people "faggots" in the /r/harrypotter. Are you 14 you little dork? All your little tryhard highschool friends ran to voat didn't you hear?

Hahahahah, still projecting I see. Must suck to know you're legitimately a faggot little bitch who gets off on talking shit on reddit lmmfao.

Off yourself and quit dragging your family down with your r/iamverysmart rhetoric.

Big ole projection son, nice.

Projection? About you guys being a bunch of hilarious little nerds that probably got beaten up in highschool? Hmm nice anime list you've curated, but yah I'm projecting...

All due respect, how is his preferred entertainment relevant to the conversation?

I mean he's accusing me of projecting when I called them a bunch of nerds that probably got beaten up a lot. I am claiming that it's much more factual and used his weird little anime list full of ones about Japanese schoolgirls as evidence that he's a socially awkward nerd

It isn't, he just couldn't handle being called out on his in-depth projection about nerds' plight. The dude created a subreddit about getting bullied for fucks sake, lmao. Just look at r/bully_culture He clearly has some issues with it, but that's ok.

Fuck you don't credit /u/jumbledfun for my creation. I hate nerds so I made a sub to give dweebs an e-wedgie.

Lmao, I knew you'd sperg out and automatically label me one of them as a defense. You'e brain-dead son, try not to assume so much. Them getting banned gave me some goofs and gaffes, your post just reeks of reaching and projection though. A long tirade about how they're a bunch of "hilarious little nerds that probably got beaten up in highschool" while you've been sitting your lardass on Reddit for hours gloating about their shitty subreddit getting taken down as though it is some kind of personal victory. You're seemingly fused to the tubes, quite sad, deflecting to my god tier anime taste doesn't change a thing. I live a life of balance, football, anime, videogames, lacrosse, weightlifting. You live a life contingent upon this single website, quite sad my boy.

/u/pablopubes created /r/bully_culture noob it says so right in the sub. Nobody cares about that imaginary sweet life you fantasize about between beat sessions to your latest hentai

Nah, I created bully culture precisely for nerds like yourself.

Oh, classic case of nerd gets bullied IRL so he becomes a bully online to compensate. I get it son.

I don't understand. I'm fucking shaking. We won! We got Daddy into the White House, it's not supposed to be like this! They shouldn't be allowed to do this!

I thought the Age of SJWs and The "Tolerant" Libs was over and I would be able to finish my LoL game even though it's passed bedtime because I can't save or leave, I should be able to sue my mom!

Cucks, all of them. Fucking libcucks. Fuck them all. This is the 9/11 of my generation...

Is this a new pasta?

No, this is Homegrown Big Content

Lol when are you gonna get some help?

Lol. 😂

Sure it's gone, but my guess is the users will probably just migrate to other conservative subs.

Finally. That took some time.





cucks complaining in voat


cucks complaining

Isn't that voat's mission statement?

I thought their mission statement hate more minority hate and slurs but its been awhile idk

Pizzagate is a cornerstone too don't forget

Sometimes they go hand in hand.

Unless you're a nigger, jew or muslim. In that case, you probably deserved to be hated.

I really don't know why people keep conflating the altright with bigotry.

Where will I go to satisfy my masochistic tendencies?

Where will I go to satisfy my masochistic tendencies tendies?


You're doing God's work here, son.

The KiA thread is fucking hilarious. What a pack of dolts.

/u/FoolishGuacBowl this one is for you

It's people who still post about gamergate.

not a lot of big readers.

Yeah but video games like the Metal Gear series (featuring the finest plot of our time) are just as good or better than literature as an art form. Just don't subject video games to (((criticism))) like literally every other art form.

Just don't subject video games to (((criticism))) like literally every other art form.

The type of criticism faced by games lately is actually pretty different from the criticism of other art forms. Can you imagine making a painting and having someone criticize it for not including enough diversity?

Why did you specify paintings? Oh right, because books, movies, TV shoes and pretty much everything else does get that exact criticism.


Not sculpture!!!

Wew, another bitter shitpost courtesy of /u/ComedicSans, with his favorite word 'Kek,' with a capital K.

Who are you?

Owie, daddy downvoted me.

i'm just a 7'4" piece of fuckmeat with too much testosterone running through my huge fucking body to tolerate pussies like u

Oh, so nobody then. And why would I downvote nobodies? I'm too lazy.

well it's like the finnish say, there's a hole in the bagel and even retards have cunts

Maybe you should consider getting back on the meds?

Maybe you should consider getting back on the meds?



I wasn't joking.

Kinda like how every time Tom Cruise/Matt Damon gets cast as as the lead role in a movie about Samurai/Great Wall of China they get heavily criticized? Yeah that kinda stuff is only specific to gaming journalism

whats funnier is that people are still apparently butthurt about its existence like 3 years later

You know unlike you being butthurt about absolutely everything

nigga you realise we can click your name and see your posts right

incidentally wtf is that other thread lol, i thought you were serious when you were talking about debate but thats actually pretty funny

whats funnier is that people are apparently butthurt about r/altright non-existence

i think the problem most people have is more to do with trying to ban an idea by namecalling, and how dishonest that is

"omg nazis we have to ban it"

frankly they did break the rules so its not really that applicable to this itself, but thats the problem most people that have a problem with this have

they can just make more subs like all the other banned groups have done so it hasnt really stopped anything, so much as cemented their persecution complex and isolated them from other opinions that might sway them away from groupthink

bit counter productive

the best way to defeat a shitty ideology is to expose it to public criticism, if people in power try to influence it either way it creates extremists and partisans

if people in power try to influence it either way it creates extremists and partisans

not if all extremists and partisans go to gulag, friendo!

yeah i can get on board with that

might be a bit quiet afterwards though

that's the sound of the end of history.

it's a good sound.

idk if you're dumb or if you like nazis but i don't really care

and that apathy really shows

guess thats why you replied in the first place

Those men executed... their crimes must have been severe, was it receiving handouts for game reviews?

No, these were the men responsible for putting the black stormtrooper in The Force Awakens

AHS filled with delusional self-importance as always.

/u/RedPillDessert where did you go wrong?

Why call out me? :P

Anyway, disgusting isn't it. I created a sub over at Voat as an alternative place: https://voat.co/v/AlternativeRight

Just wondering where half jews should have been during the holocaust

Yes, the alt-right is disgusting.

They are also hilariously stupid and are ready to believe anything if you feed their victim complex

Lol, fucking /r/mgtow

I thank you for your effort but tbqhwu I'm prolly not gonna click any of those fam

I love how half those threads complain about the sub being banned for doxxing, not content, because if it was content, they would fully be on the chopping block themselves for constant calls to violence.

With the admins cracking down so much I'm genuinely surprised r/drama is still up

r/drama is immortal. Out shitposting knows no bounds.

They don't want to put the mods on suicide watch

If this place goes I'll have nothing (online)

So you'd have litterally nothing except your razors and wayyyy too much time on your hands?

I know autists have trouble detecting sarcasm. I'm sorry I didn't accommodate for your condition.

How dare you assume my mental illness

I think it's a breach of equality laws to shut down this haven for autism

i think the preferred terminology for this place is "hospice for the criminally insane"

retards from all over the spectrum report posts on this sub as ultra left ultra right communist fascist whatever

im not sure the admins really know whats real

If that happens, then resident /r/drama mod Notch will just buy Reddit.

Do it /u/xNotch, do it!


When can we kill all the whites?


When will /r/drama be banned for this blatant hate speech????

Can't be racist against white people, /r/drama find a loophole

You ain't foolin anyone with that tilted, dotted swastikkka, Adolph.

Oh boy this should be fun.

Here's the thing, you said altright was the same as neonazi

fuck nooo, /u/GreatApeNiggy got banned :(


I wonder what will be the breaking point for T_D to get banned.

Doxxing people, just like this sub did.

Do we have confirmation on what personal info exactly was shared?

For once I didn't get any reddit accounts banned along with the latest "scandal". It's been a while.

Jesus, when LWSE was banned, the right wing was praising the admins, making helicopter jokes, now the admins are "cultural marxists".

yeah and people also think the mods are alt right nazi trump supporters because they didnt outright ban everything to do with him

extremists gonna extreme

What was LWSE short for?

Left with Sharp Edge. They advocated murder and doxxing their enemies.

Thanks, and damn that's horrifying.




This needs to get banned next, then T_D for peak drama.

Looks like Kek was banned by Spez. The_Doofus is having a meltdown over this.

No i like that one

Aww, poor /u/tits_out_fortheboys had his garbage-filled subreddit banned. I feel so sorry for him :(

I wonder if he'll find that retard strength deep down and still be able to lift. It must be so hard Q-Q

The Mayocide has begun

Get fukt.

Banning ideologies cause you can't argue against them. Well done tards

Who are you talking to?


I didn't ban anyone, but ok.

Don't lie zachums, we know you send pics of your pug to the admins to bribe them.

ban urself

Fucking /r/drama cabal banned my Nazi subreddit.

Fuck you, commie scum

I'm not even a Communist, but if I was it would be understandable why you are scared. After all, it was the Soviets who decimated large sections of the Wehrmacht and eventually planted their flag on the Reichstag.

It's piss-easy to argue against. Calling for the extermination of inferior races, then claiming that a superior (((race))) actually controls everything. Then not putting two and two together and calling for the genocide of the inferior white race. Bit of a logic fail there.

/u/cggreene2 your people couldn't even manage to hold on to a little insignificant corner of a massive website without incessantly screeching and having it taken from your greasy little nubs.

Really makes you think huh?

They didn't call for the extermination of anybody.

You can't argue with a brick wall

That said it was a leftist sub that bit the dust first

Be a good little racist fuckwad and kill yourself. Thats what Adolph "The Cuck" Hitler did.

♪Let the tendies hit the floor♪

♪Let the tendies hit the floor♪

♪Let the tendies hit the floor♪




Ban /r/altright: Third REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEich

One - Mom get me tendies ♪Two - Mom get me tendies ♪ ♪Three - Mom get me tendies ♪ ♪Four - Mom get me tendies ♪

♪One - Tendies inside me♪ ♪Two - Tendies inside me♪ ♪Three - Tendies inside me♪ ♪NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW!!!!!♪

Do we start calling them /r/rightwithsharpedge now?

surely admins banning everything they dont like will stop people believing things, and certainly wont reinforce their beliefs that theyre being persecuted

also that guy that punched spencer is still going to get hunted down one way or the other so not sure what this accomplishes

So how long till they make a new sub and everything starts over again?

/u/ProblematicReality how do you feel about this?

He copied and pasted this in like 12 different goddamn subs. This amount of salt cannot be mined by human technology.

Fucking cowards pieces of shit, not to talk about the stomach turning levels of hypocrisy from the admins.

When people can't do anything to counter it, they have no other arguments, no other fucking options but outright censor.

This hypocrites scum know no lows, just take a look at this to begin to grasp at the level of hypocrisy of our detractors(that are all celebrating) and the double standards.

PS: You can take a look at my history and you will I was not a user/subscriber nor agree with them.

/u/ProblematicReality you do realize they also banned /r/leftwithsharpedge for being pieces of shit as well right? Does doxxing and witch hunts count under the Reddit treaty of frozen peaches?

FULLCOMUNISM is still there.

That is beside the point, the are countless hard left subs, circlejerk, SRS, socialism, communism, enough***spam, etc, not to talk about the majority of meta subs like SRD have an undinable, explicit and obvious left-wing bias.

Now tell me, how many subs can you discuss hard right stuff? T_D gets banned, srD call you too radical..., you see the problem?

Sorry I forgot how your delusions told you it was le SRS CTR cabal that pushed for /r/altright to get banned for wrongthink and not the fact they basically put together a witch-hunt list containing people's information.

And if there isn't enough right wing subs

Voat is that way-------->


Shame. Are we now supposed to dredge through t_D to find the kooky drama?

FuckTheAdmins, TBQH. Snatched the bucket of popcorn right out of our hands. I thought we and altright were just starting on the path of a beautiful friendship.

really makes u think :(

And all it took was a mass shooting

Wow fuck this, I loved going there to see opinions of people there


Oh, so much for the TOLERANT LEFT, can't even let Nazis post about murdering people without needing a safe space! /s

/u/antihasbaraunit, is the news giving you a lethal spike in your autism?

Pantherpuss good to see you here brigading like the shitbag you truly are. i would have been dissapointed if your candy ass hadnt shown.

So, yes, then.

well looks like your dr phil home diagnosis kit came in handy.

Don't worry, voat can be your new crycorner

And you can stay here in your comfort zone. say hi to your transgendered moderators.

I do like how you're not even attempting to deny shit. You're a Nazi prick, you got BTFO from your own safe space, and have been sperging about it for two hours now.

And I know you think that's some kind of putdown, but I'd caress /u/mircabre's feminine willy any day of the week fam

lol at your glee for someone you dont know and their possible dissapointment. guess ya gotta revel in whatever victory you get, though. get rubbin boy, this wont last.

'glee for someone you dont know and their possible dissapointment.' has been exactly how I would describe right-wingers since Donald Trumps election.

but like you said, this wont last.

sure, gloat while you can. its expected.

while you can.

lmao, by all means, come out in the streets, show everyone that you're racist filth, see what happens. The WORLD (and I mean that, the whole. fucking. world.) will smash your petty "movement" and I can't fucking wait.

the whole world cant even get off the couch during reality tv. get your guns ready, you will need them.

hello? are you not fucking paying attention? the largest protests in the nations history have been happening, and that's when no rights have been infringed, just to let the right-wing know we're not going to tolerate your shit. you think those same people are going to let you exist if you chose to come out from under your rock? you're delusional. wake up, go outside and look who is actually in the streets making shit happen each and every day and tell me you guys have even a smidgen of capability. you would get SQUASHED like the bugs you are.

now scurry along and find some other shithole to stink up.

the largest protests done by the least informed protestors ever.

regardless of whether that is true or not, do you think that matters? you're talking about armed conflict, telling me to get my guns ready, etc. and now you're trying to act like your source of information is going to matter when you're trying to take someones rights away.

lmao, this shit is too funny man. keep it coming.

you will find out.

Please organize Nazi demonstrations so it's easier for us to beat the shit out of you

sorry we have jobs. we cant protest like you unemployed perpetual students can. with great power comes great responsibility ya know.

It's much more likely that you're just a bunch of pussys

"Sorry, we have jobs" is a pussy cop out. It's just a way of admitting they know no one would show up

lol at them trying to make a virtue out of sitting behind a screen and bitching about minorities

ok you keep thinking that.

I will until you do something besides sitting in front of your computer all day.

well you sure told me. wow how brave you are.

try not to get too pissed off today. Mother said you need to watch your blood pressure, remember?

wow thats so witty. you are a comedian. you should take your show on the road.

So which is it? You're gonna get organized and show us all who's boss? or you're all too busy with jobs?

Your "Lone Wolf" alt-right terrorists aren't going to ever solve any of your perceived problems, so I suggest you guys get this over with and just all gather up in one place and let us know. I'm telling you, I mean this, the WORLD will show up to tell you we are not fucking around with this Nazi bullshit again, ever.

lol wear your kevlar pussy hat.

Lol the reason that you twits shoot up churches and schools is because you're so utterly impotent that the borrowed power of a gun is the only thing you have to make anybody notice your desperate self-loathing.

Fortunately your moments are temporary and end with you killing yourself, because you know nobody who's right in the head would have you either before or after.

Omar Mateen.

How to prove you're not a pathetic, impotent ball of rage that nobody loves:

  1. Demonstrate that other pathetic, impotent balls of rage exist that don't look like you

  2. There probably should be a step 2?

  3. kys

well good thing I dont live for your approval.

Actually I'm starting to think step 2 might be shooting up a school. You should deffo skip straight to step 3

well leace the shootemups to guys like Omar Mateen, thanks.

Wait weren't you just telling us all to get our guns ready, and to wear our kevlar? Is it possible that was just more impotent posturing?

im not shooting up innocents, but if you and your kind even think about bringing the fight to me and mine, well you best be prepared.

Ahahaha you dweeb, this started as you being all combative and "get your guns" and "you'll see" and now your victim complex has shriveled that aggro-dick right back into your pelvic cavity. You couldn't be any better at proving how miserable and powerless you are.

rightie-oh good chap. you keep shouting bash the fash and worrying about others genitals, and me and my kind will continue being ready to not put up with your shit.

Lol "your kind" are all similarly powerless, miserable loons. You can pretend at "not putting up with our shit" all you want but it's backed up by nothing, just a fantasy to try and make up for the fact that you are completely irrelevant. Everybody loathes you and won't tolerate you, which is why you're chased away everywhere you go. You have no power and nobody gives a fuck, other than to give you a swift kick as they pass, which you wholly deserve.

mmm hmm. go on.

Nah dude, if you've been kicked enough that you can't respond with anything more than that, I've wrung every drop that I could.

oh, you thought i read what you typed, sorry about that.



boy what happened to all that tough guy 'get your guns ready' 'wear your kevlar' bravado?

sounds like you've had a rough night

why the fuck would i engage you here? you want shit with someone, go outside, you will find it.


you sure talked plenty of shit to me earlier, what happened? when I go outside, I find protesters, i certainly don't find scum like you, though I wish I would.

Threatening? Lol

wheres the threat?

lol at you being this ass sore over internet bullshit

this shit's ephemeral, son. just sand passing through the hourglass

yet look at how chapped your cheeks are

look at what your life has become

take away the internet and what are you?

a whole lotta nothin'

yet here you are, giving the sermin on the mount. your internet prosletyzing only converts idiots, but thats who you are most comfy around.

see ya "champ"

Stay mad, cuckboy

Your greatest nightmare is coming true - you're realizing that you are the biggest degenerate out of anyone

Sorry, m8

lol degenerate, thats rich coming from the likes of you. its good to see you practicig your irony skills.

Please then, babby boy, recount for us all the ways in which you are the superior specimen

I'd love to hear it

Nummber one: Im not related to you, at all.

lol you got called out and can't come up with shit

that's what makes you the biggest degenerate

man, you're such a sad sack

i said my superiority comes from not sharing the same genes as you. perhaps you missed that but the implication is you come from faulty stock, and you are rife with defects. one of your biggest malfunctions is you actually think I care what you say. have fun here with your circle jerk and dont delay getting yourself some lovely moderator she-penis or whatever turns your crank, who knows if its not girldick its prolly nuttybuddies or another snack cake. by the way, fuck off.

Sad little fascist it'll get better

fascist as defined by a redditor: someone whom I disagree with.

grow up, keyword addict.

Nah dawg you're upset by altrights banning you're clearly a person who values social justice and equality for all

fuck social justice fuck equality, fuck all...all I care about is me and mine.

Ancaps are the best

uh huh


that, my friend is called "projection".

Well yeah I'm hella gay that's nothing new

Have fun

your hella gay its nothing new and its not my fault.

you have fun too, buttercup.

I'm gonna pray you get the gay

it wont work, God hates fags.

Not in my church! So I hope you're ready!

its not a church its a synagouge ya fycking faggot liar

It's a church you filthy catholic cunt. Protestant all the way

sure, whatever you say, Nancy.

I'm unitarian homie

Feel free to drink pretend blood and cry about the jews

Urinearian. I hope Pence shocks the gay out of you. Turn fruits ito vegetables for a Better America.

The trinity is the invention of man, and I'm planning on adopting, which is more contribution to the white race than your reproducing would ever be

lol wait till Trump outlaws teh gheys from adoption. take your perversion back to the closet, Dr Bombay.

Not all queers are afraid of guns boo yah

yeah well you might not be afraid of em, but chances are you arent any good with them.

So little fascist, you're also a regular hunter?

i got a pig 2 weeks ago.

Putting your mother down doesn't count

ooh a yo momma joke. is steve harvey gonna pop out next?

I hope so I love that man

nows not the time to name all the men you love, we would be here all night.

I'm lez, bitch

once again, thats not my fault

That'd be like calling you white: a clear mistake

right, im like tiger woods. call out my racial shortcomings, please. nothing like a field nigra being lectured to by a lesbian episcopal minister. you gots a chiffarobe foe me to buss up massa?

I'm so white I can't even tell what your ebonics means

well it sounds like you need to be culturally enriched my strong lesbo sistah.


Idk sounds more like you're the mixed breed here

and thats just bad.


It is, really. White pride worldwide



Holy shit, you're so butthurt about your faggy subreddit getting cucked into oblivion, you've been here throwing a fit for 6 fucking hours so far.

What's it like to be so mad? Can you send me your tears so I can keep them in a vial around my neck next to my Jew gold? As a Nazi, you should know that with Nazi tears and Jew gold I could take over the world!

you would just try to sell any tears on ebay and then use the funds to buy childporn, Rabbi.

Seriously though, what's it really like to such a butthurt little bitch? You're the biggest pussy crybaby I've ever seen in my 21 years on the internet, and I've seen some whiny little cunts before.

if im the biggest whiner youve seen, it makes you extra pathetic to try to poke at me doncha think or do you subscribe to the standard jew ethos of kicking a man while you percive hes down? newsflash shlomo, youre running out of palestinian girls to shoot, soon you are gonna have to shoot at someone that shoots back.

Poor little cuck baby, sorry I kicked you while you were down about your gay-seeming angry guy sub getting shut down. Who will you have angry little conversations with about how the joos and mooslims are coming to get you in the night?

Funnest of all, is you're probably some half or quarter white dickbag that wishes a pure Aryan superman like myself (100% white on both sides of my family going back to the 1620's) would come and make you his bitch so you could finally feel like you're part of the master race. But alas, I and most everyone else on the planet find you pathetic and degenerate.

There you go crying again like the bitch you are. Come into my neighborhood wearing your gay-seeming Nazi gear and a gun and see who gets shot first.

You're literally the least liked group of people on the planet, if you faggots think you could win a shooting war against everyone else you're even dumber than you seem. Which is pretty fucking stupid.

Keep being mad though, even though you come off as retarded, I'm sure it keeps you busy at least.

lol the least liked group on the planet. you are the ones that have every muslim wanting to gas you into soapy ashes. lol you are comical.

You are literally the dumbest person I've ever met if you think Nazi fucks like you are more popular than any other group. You're as delusional as you are stupid. And you're still a pussy crybaby bitch boy.

Fuck, I'd even bet you're not even close to Aryan enough to be up to the real Nazi standard. I'd bet you have some black or Mexican in there somewhere. Hitler probably would have had you shoveling shit in a ditch. Or in a labor camp.

lol. you make me giggle.

You laugh because the truth hurts and you're a masochist.

Was it your grandmother that was Mexican? Black? Asian? Fuck me, was it one of your parents? Are you a halfy?

no you make me giggle like an organ grinders monkey makes me laugh like a little chimp in a suit bashing cymbals for a few coins. im like tiger woods yo, or maybe im not, but all you know is im a nazi, so you will...call me black? okay.

or maybe im not

Oh God, I was right, wasn't I? Holy fuck, I found me the half breed Nazi from Texas! Is that why you're a so mad about your online Nazi hangout being shut down? Because you are too much of a halfy to be a Nazi IRL?

This would be way more hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.

right im half black half asian half mexican and half nazi. i should be easy to doxx with all that info. and for the record grandma doesnt like to be called asian.

Does she prefer to be called "mama san"? Did gramps come back from Korea or Japan with a comfort woman?

Imma guess Japan since they were genocidal monsters like the Germans you so revere, helping you reconcile your half breed status with your retarded beliefs.

she doesnt like to be called asian because she is from france.

Lol, whatever you say you half brown genocidal manchild.

which half is brown, and what flavor is brown, its tough being a halfbreed and all. help me find myself.

Haha, keep trying to play it off champ.

yes youve found my secret. please dont tell anyone im half nigerian half guatemalan half vietnamese and half luftwaffe.

Each attempt at playing it off makes you look more guilty. Keep going though, I'm loving it.

guilty as tiger woods yo.

Keep digging that hole.

well as part guatemalan theres a history of digging on my grandpas side.

More please. You totally aren't coming off as a cuck, trust me.

well you seem to be an expert on cuckoldry, so you wanna hear some vietnam gook talk? lay chua.

You learn that from your "French" Granny? Just because the French ruled Vietnam doesn't make your grandma French.

chingada madre you figgered it out. oh no im gonna get throwed outta the kkk.


Lol, you're not fooling anyone. Everyone would have had a lot more respect for you if you had fessed up in the first place instead of trying to play it off. But you're already started digging that hole, so I say again, keep going, I think it's as funny as fuck.

well my strong nigra back combined with my central american shovel skills combined with my asian work ethic and my teutonic dedication to precision should make a real good hole, massa.

good thing we gots us lotsa smart white folks around to keep us in line.


Great post halfy.

i think you should totally decry and condemn all my not white parts. use all your favorite racial epithets.


What a weird request, would that get your dick hard or something? I'm not really into gay stuff, if that's your thing more power to you, but I'm not interested in gay or genocide stuff.

He is a former mod of alt right, just troll him. He's not a reasonable person so treat him as such.

why do all the users of this subreddit constantly refer to either theirown genitals or someone elses or their deviant sexuality? what the fuck is wrong with you freaks? for fucks sake go out side and get some air. fuckin aye just like jews. whats next, poopjokes?


i think you should totally decry and condemn all my not white parts. use all your favorite racial epithets.

You're the one asking me to "condemn all ny not white parts" and talk dirty to you.

Don't pin your sexual comments on me just because I wasn't interested in your advances. I'm flattered, but no thank you.

do me a favor, call my local kkk lodge interim grand dragon and give him all your info on me, ok?




What name should we give?

M'tume Vasquez Trang Himmler


All I know is you're from Texas (per your post ITT), a Nazi, some kind of half-something, possibly gay, and interested in online sex chat.

That could literally describe tens of thousands of people in Texas alone. Not too much to go on there buddy.

Why would I care though? The KKK wouldn't accept you, due to your racial heritage and all. Hell, maybe they'll take what they can get at this point since they are so desperate for people to believe their retarded ideas.

Don't forget he's also into bestiality, considering how hard he was trying to ride my dick.

Bro, you've literally been on Reddit for eight hours straight today. I hate to be the mother of this discussion thread but you need to tuck in bed real soon buddy. You're either still in high school or you just need to find a much much better and more efficient way to waste the insane amount of time you have on your hands.

thanks for your concern.


No problem, just don't want you to miss the schoolbus tomorrow.

How cute is it that he stopped replying to everyone after that post and seems to have gone to bed?

Poor little feller wore himself out.

Hahaha, that's honestly mad funny, but I don't blame him. Typing for eight hours straight on Reddit is borderline insanity, most nazis weren't even that dedicated FFS

I saw how long he had been posting and thought I'd be awake long enough to wear him out, just for fun.

Hope he at least got even a fraction of the laughs I did. On the other hand, fuck that Nazi bastard.

Not only was he posting for that long but he was posting nonstop. I'd be surprised if he spared any time to eat or drink today

I'm glad he was posting his dumb shit all day. The more Nazi shitbags like him get noticed, the worse they look to everyone else.

True but I'm worried he transferred some of us autism onto us

Probably. I find alcohol and/or marijuana help me ignore it.

I've just sent punctuation to every comment he's been posting for the last hour. He seemed to be annoyed by it. Even said "you've made your point." After I'd sent "." For an hour.

I was probably wasting my time but, if I'm being honest, if I annoyed a nazi a tiny bit I know I made my grandfathers proud.

Haha, that's gold.

He's the former mod of altright. He's trying to recruit as many bigots and white supremacist as he can. He's too bigoted to realize he's fighting a nonexistent war. His hatred got shut down and he's rebelling against it. Just let the sad man try and try not to feel to bad for him.

I knew he was an altright fuckboi but I didn't realize he was a mod lmao....Safe to say I don't feel too bad about his situation, even though being a moderator for an online nazi forum must be so stressful for someone who's gotta take the SAT next week





youve made your point.



That's a legitimately good point. I honestly hadn't thought about the matter that way before.



You're such a faggot. Keep crying pussy boy, be sad that your kind is a dying breed. Every year you people get pushed and shoved into more condensed pockets of the internet, losing ground like crazy.

I can't wait for you cunts to try something "large scale" in America, so that the good guys can finally put you down with sudden onset lead poisoning. You're outnumbered, and every day that goes by sees the birth of more children that will one day help in having your wretched kind undone.

newsflash, my nigga, a dude with a rifle isnt restricted to anywhere by some wanna be edgelord on the interwebz. come find me, im in Texas.

Not for him it won't

lol didn't read

how much longer are ya gonna keep sperging today? isn't your wrangler concerned? or does she not love you just like your parents didn't?


autists like you are a threat to stable society, degenerate

k. what are YOU gonna do about it?

Defund Autism Awareness


You can act smug and flippant

But it won't hide your tears

you can act like the jackass you are and virtue signal to the heavens, you still suck cock by choice.

Can't you come up with a diss of your own? Stop riding on my coattails, swine

The only thing worse than a degenerate is an unoriginal degenerate

lol you jock riding bitch. you got burned and now your pathetic panther piss pride is dented because i wont listen to your god awful sermon. im not scared if you call me a nazi an antisemite a homophobe or any other perjorative that usually works for you. you are truly gutless, you need an audience of fools for your shennanigans to give you jollies. fuck off you wannabe queer..

you are just butthurt none of your drama mates could come to your aid here. fuck off you weenie.

lol wat?

I don't need aid you dumbfuck

Keep those tears flowin' tho

denial is the first sign you have a problem, Chump.

Don't project your personal shortcomings on to me, bro

Although you seem to enjoy project all sorts of coming on to me

A closeted degenerate. Yes, that makes so much sense!

wow, i never expected the ole "im rubber youre glue" defense. damn. what do I do now? this is truly a quandrarry.

You always respond so quickly

It's ALMOST as though you have literally nothing else going on in your life than trying to come up with sick comebacks 24/7 while staving off the creeping thoughts about what a massive waste your life has been and is doomed to always be

Memento mori

well im just a tad faster than you, you seem to need to thinknit out a bit more.


What a roundabout way of admitting you have zero life

Memento mori

lol whatever drama queen. have fun with your circle jerk.

Memento mori, cuck

fuck you, panther puddle

Memento mori

moron momento. ill always remember how stupid you are.

You will never be happier

Your life will never improve

You will die just as miserable as you are today

The thing is, you have the ability to change this

But you won't

Memento mori

you should be a guest on Oprah

I'm erect with antifa pride

Ban thedonald next and let's watch hit the pile of them exposed with a flamethrower and listen to the autistic screeching

delicious nazi tears

Glad to see admins were right on time with their first quarter purge. Can't wait for T_D refugees to get deported to voat, let's say, April 1st.



This is just going to feed the victimization complex of the right, making them feel even more justified in keeping the lefties down, lest the lefties keep them down instead.

Good double post.

nah cuz they banned /r/leftwithsharpedge as well thay cant really say the admins are being hypocritical

ITT: liberals who see nothing wrong with political persecution when it's against people who aren't them.

You absolutely need to do the world a favor and kill yourself friend.

Good double post.

The liberal sub got banned first lol

All /altright bad to do was ask for a gay wedding cake and Reddit would be autistic ally screeching in their defence.

ITT: cucks who see political persecution

This is great for White Genocide and therefore the world


u/Apotheosis276, the alt-right is based on junk science. You believe the political equivalent of crystal healing and homeopathy. Turn your life around, man.

Where did you come across me? You want to talk about "junk science," the science that the alt right uses to support its views?

Show me a single study showing that average IQ between the races is equal. The gaps are undeniable. There's only a debate on what is the cause of the gaps. IQ is a good indicator for success, being one of psychology's strongest correlations. However, IQ is also mostly inherited and difficult to improve. Culture, too, is difficult to change in a population. Stereotype threat is not enough to explain the gaps. None of this is controversial.

Statistics show a violent crime gap. Racism is not a valid excuse for 13% of the population commit half the murders in the U.S.

Whether it is genetics, culture, or stereotype threat that's the cause, ultimately it doesn't matter. The main two points that use science and statistics are simply the removal of affirmative action, anti-immigration from third world countries, and the desire for ethno-states like those that every race other than white people enjoy in their home countries (the latter point being naively optimistic, in my opinion).

Am I missing something?

Show me a single study showing that average IQ between the races is equal. The gaps are undeniable. There's only a debate on what is the cause of the gaps. IQ is correlated to financial success, being one of psychology's strongest correlations. However, IQ is also mostly inherited and difficult to improve. Culture, too, is difficult to change in a population. Stereotype threat is not enough to explain the gaps. None of this is controversial.




Statistics show a violent crime gap. Racism is not a valid excuse for 13% of the population commit half the murders in the U.S.

Crime tracks with poverty more strongly than race.

Whether it is genetics, culture, or stereotype threat that's the cause, ultimately it doesn't matter. The main two points that use science and statistics are simply the removal of affirmative action, anti-immigration from third world countries, and the desire for ethno-states like those that every race other than white people enjoy in their home countries (the latter point being naively optimistic, in my opinion).

If you want an ethno-state, move to Utah. Or come here to northern Maine. Build your own, moocher.

IQ predicts socioeconomic success

Heritability of human traits

Richard Lynn's Race Differences in Intelligence and Charles Murray's The Bell Curve make the case for intelligence differences between various races, and that obviously requires many studies which are cited therein.

Handy infograph for mass consumption, which contains citations

Crime tracks with poverty more strongly than race.

Pervasive myth. Economics cannot account for most of the gap. Citations are there.

If you want an ethno-state ...

I was never really sold on the ethno-state thing, it's a pipe dream at this point. I'd prefer not to have to pay for any rando that marches in and wants welfare, though. And I'd like people that similar to me to not die off. And I'd like a sense of community between like-minded people, which is harder when there's a culture clash and when those of other groups prefer each other on the basis of race. Diversity just isn't good, and I'd like there to be less of it.

good night white pride 👊

Nazis BTFO

At the very least it's a prank bro, just to be okay?


They just need to do whatever they want.

I missed all of this because I was having a life :(

Shhh, it's only deviant if doesn't fit the altright narrative, this is the former mod of that sub after all.


/r/Anarchism and /r/FULLCOMMUNISM often called for violence against us; And yet, it's WE who get banned.

get your ass to the fucking gulag

Re-set the clock on these chucklefucks winning something tangible.

That's great. Fuck the altright neo-nazis and their doxing and calls to violence.

So, with that in mind, when is /r/socialism, /r/anarchism and /r/latestagecapitalism getting banned? :3

Yayyy!!! Now you know we're officially the counter-culture! Everything is happening according to plan, just like 1967--and soon, we will have our 1968!

Good riddance to hot garbage. BRING FORTH THE DRAMA

This is going to turn into a shitstorm beyond measure! /r/the_donald, /r/politics, etc, are going to be brigraded up the arse, I can't wait!

Why is this trending on Facebook?

I'm pretty sure I used this joke when /r/european got banned, but the admins really should have just replaced the 'this sub has been banned' message with this

Am I correct in assuming /atlright was full-retard racist?