r/The_Donald shits itself over r/altright getting banned by the admins

71  2017-02-01 by Sardonic_Deity


And they are crying over "free speech".

At least T_D has enough sense to remove/lock those posts. "They may have been extreme but they were on our side." Yeah, I'll take a pass on having the Nazis as my ideological allies, thanks.

The Donald is full of literal nazis.


The mods there tend to be quick to delete this stuff to protect their image, but if you go on the Donald and like sit in threads looking at deleted comments that sub has an alarming number nazis.

I mean those posts are upvoted so obviously that's going to be true to some extent. But that's just the nature of the beast, a pro Trump CJ sub is going to have some shit like that on there.

18 upvotes. Kinda hard to just say "it happens" when it's that upvoted. If it was downvoted I'd agree but...

I wouldn't be surprised if 2% of active accounts in T_D are some kind of neonazis. Currently that would be 2% of ~15000, so around 300 accounts. They could upvote such a comment to +18 easily.

I also wouldn't be surprised if 5% of active accounts are actually people who don't like trump. Some of them might also upvote such a comment to prove their point (same way I upvote idiotic comments in gamerghazi on occasion)

The outrage over the ban of altright is ridiculous though. that sub was pure shit

You don't find articles on eugenics insightful?

I haven't read a Pokémon guide since I was ten

Thank god they banned it, my whitey dum dum brain was pretty close to getting recruited by those sneaky skinheads

more likely their subscribers called for violence or posted doxx. the usual reason for getting a sub banned.

They were crowdfunding to dox the guy who punched the NPI guy, according to some guy on reddit

I wouldn't be surprised if 2% of active accounts in T_D are some kind of neonazis. Currently that would be 2% of ~15000, so around 300 accounts. They could upvote such a comment to +18 easily.

But why aren't the other 98% of people downvoting it? Ostensibly if 98% are against this type of rhetoric, the post would be downvoted or at least controversial. I guarantee if I went there and posted something anti-trump it would get downvoted to fuck and I would get banned.

But why aren't the other 98% of people downvoting it?

most normal subscribers don't care enough the shit sub being banned, to read that far into the discussion thread.

Lol 18 upvotes ain't shit

But that's just the nature of the beast

And there's a problem with that.

That's the same screenshot I've seen 3 times lately. Got another example?

I'm not going to go sit in Donald threads waiting to screen shot crazies.


But here's another one.

Fuck you for not understanding the difference between Nazi's and the AltRight. People like you are the problem.

I had to google your username to see what it may mean, http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Kozer I think you may be the bottom twink I've been looking for.

Here's the Urban Dictionary definition of Kozer :

An epic person who can do three things all at once, as long as they are of a sexual nature.

He did the Kozer on me last night and boy am I sore this morning...

about | flag for glitch | Summon: urbanbot, what is something?

I'm available bb

Wow how progressive of you.

Make sure you wear the Nazi regalia. I wanna bash the fash ;)

There is no difference retard

Keep thinking that, its always beneficial for your enemy if you dont understand them.

Whatever you say pussy. Can you still call yourself my enemy if you're just gonna whine on the Internet and do nothing?

Keep thinking that please

Don't worry, I will.

How are they not basically a tangent or evolution (lol) of neo-Nazis?

-hates (((them))) -strong nationalism -worried about white being oppressed and believe white genocide is real but... -holocaust never happened -Hitler did nothing wrong -cuck cuck cuck -globalists reeeeeeee!

I'd love to see how you cherry pick your way out of this one.

hates (((them)))

Not all just the Zionists/Cultural Marxists

strong nationalism


worried about white being oppressed and believe white genocide is real but...

Yes, worried about whites being displaced, whats your point. Is that something thats not allowed?

holocaust never happened

No, its just over emphasized, what Japan did to China was much worse and we dont have the same reaction when talking about Japan. Nor do we call Japan racist for wanting to keep its culture Japanese. White guilt is a problem and in Europe it exists essentially solely because of the holocaust.

Hitler did nothing wrong

Except genocide.

cuck cuck cuck

Fuckin cucks

globalists reeeeeeee!

Fuck globalism. whats your point

In the short term you get to keep reddit your safe space echo chamber in tact.

In the long run you morally justify the banning of speech which makes you tacitly accept authoritarianism. Which is fine so long as the authoritarians benefit from your docile complacency. If culture doesn't matter to you and you believe diversity is a strength, then you will be just fine.

as I said earlier I would say that /r/altright only had about 3-5% of the total traffic in the alt right anyway. So if there are people claiming this as a 'crippling blow' they are sorely mistaken.

Yeah I don't really get the whole Nazi thing either.

I mean the Nazi's were actually (and sadly) respected as cultural leaders and had an elite Prussian military core. The altright are just a bunch of sad faggots jerking each other off and crying about how the world is leaving them behind while the rest of the nation just sort of rolls their eyes and continues to pave over their future.

Like...you guys don't even have the numbers and respect of some Sudanese warlord. "Nazi" is phenomenally out of your league.

Close, I mean the AltRight movement is a rebuke of what you are referring to 'the Black Pill'. (Crying over the decline in western culture to cultural marxism)

The AltRight and trying to address ethno-nationalism through the of recognition white identity, and to suggest the fact that the AltRight is irrelevant, have you not been paying attention to 2016? I certainly wouldn't attribute Donald Trump to the AltRight, but I dont think we were insignificant. What we helped accomplish was only to stop the bleeding to some extent by limiting immigration one of the first essential steps, most of the rest is going to need to change under the culture which we are addressing.

Fortunately this isn't a huge blow to the movement in general.

Then why arent you boycotting reddit? Honestly youll tolerate any abuse wont you cuck?

Go to voat loser!

You just defined what a nazi is you fucking morn.


Reading comprehension must not be your strong suit is it? I never said "defend these points". I said that both alt-right and neo-nazis buy into this bullshit and (aside from hating ALL the jews lol) you just proved me right.

Define Marxism, just for laughs

nazis had fashion sense

The actual nazis had Hugo Boss, the alt-right has the cargo shorts section at Kohl's.

I have no intrest in understand nazis. Have fun with your dying worldview.

richard spencer literally came up with "alt-right" as an explicit re-branding of white supremacism and modern fascism, dumbass

its always beneficial for your enemy if you dont understand them.

jfc m8 you're a jobless internet chan kiddie who shitposts about censorship on the internet, don't make it sound like a war

Did you actually browse r/altright? Many people there were upfront about the fact that they were nazis. Maybe you should educate yourself on this topic.

This is like telling people "fuck you for not using my preferred pronouns".

Alt-right is about as obsessed with identity politics as SJWs

I agree

2010: "Alt-Right" = Nazis

2017: "Alt-Right" ⊇ Nazis

They're the same cuckboi

This, exactly. You may be getting lumped in with Nazis anyway for not wanting to be part of the armed révolucion, but if you start getting touchy-feely with people who admit they're Nazis then honestly you are what people say you are.

implying The_Donald isn't Nazi

There are a range of views on the alt right. Not everyone is a nazi.

right, only most of them. the rest are just innocent bigots

The overarching belief of the alt right is the desire to conserve european peoples and cultures. Apart from that there's a lot of variation.

The desire to conserve european values, in America?

You don't think America has European values? Do you know where the founding fathers were from?

They moved to America to get away from European values dumbass. From the Puritans to the creation of the Bill of Rights.

Assy pushing that (((agenda))) again

I took a screenshot with my phone just in case when he deletes his account

there are so many wild NEETs running around the board right now it's pretty humorous. I have a kid who spends his reddit time calling people faggots in /r/harrypotter telling me i'm an insecure embarrassment to my family lol

USA has nothing to do with Europe.

What is attacking European peoples and cultures, exactly? Sounds like you have an inferiority complex. Must be why all the inferior Americans are joining you.

Have you been to some parts of Europe? They look like the middle east or north africa. If you aren't aware that politicians pushing mass migration on to Europe is a threat to European peoples and European culture you are mentally retarded. There's no point in even conversing with someone so dumb.

As a white European, I don't want you to defend me and my culture. Please leave us alone.

What a bizarre thing to say, I don't give a shit about you. I give a shit about those who value their heritage and culture. I'd rather people like you left Europe but instead of going somewhere else to live in your multicultural paradise you want to force it on everyone already in Europe.

values heritage and culture



I'm british.

Even worse

Britain doesn't have any culture or heritage? lol joker.

Is British culture worth to fight for? Seriously?

i didn't realize garbage cuisine and robbery were "culture and heritage" to be proud of

I care about my culture. European culture isn't just racism and nazism, you know. To mock retards like you has always been a feature of my culture. I value a lot this part of my cultural heritage.

You don't value european culture if you have no problem with millions of people from different countries flooding into Europe and no assimilating. That is what is happening currently and that's what I just complained about which you took umbridge at.

I'm always stunned at leftists capacity for self deception. You say you value one thing yet everything suggests you don't value it at all. It's like leftists cheering womens or gays rights at the same time as supporting mass immigration from countries who are oppressive to those groups. The cognitive dissonance is immense.

You should go outside, take a walk, and stop thinking about white genocide.

that's literally an abstraction of the Fourteen Words dude.

There are a range of views on the alt right. But everyone is a retard.

I see much more intellect amongst the alt right than on the left.

That really isn't a high bar to set.

PhD from Youtube University

You mean in the sense of more two-dollar words?

No, you don't. You just agree with them and assume they're smart because they think the same retarded bullshit you do.

No. I see more thoughtful, open minded people on right. It has nothing to do with my own views. I see much more emotionally driving dipshits on the left. The type of people who violently shut down those whose views they don't approve of as we see tonight in Berkeley.

Fucking lol. What is "confirmation bias" for 5000, Alex?

you also haven't consensually touched a boob so who gives a fuck what you think

When aren't they shitting themselves? I suspect that Russian keyboards only support upper case and exclamation points.

Mehhhh they've become so much less relevant since the blocking tool thingy


Did it finally get banned?

Can't see your comment: have you been shadow-banned?


Yeah I think youre shadowbanned womp

Are you really this retarded?

Damn another blank message

Who are you talking to, all I see is responses to a blank space

I got a ping but all I see is this message

weird, someone must be hell banned

/u/CucksLoveTrump is so stupid he thinks I don't know how a shadowban works.

Wow this is surreal. All these blank comments.

I think /u/spez is fucking with us.

Can't see your comment bro

Can you imagine the media shitstorm that would whip up if they did? A subreddit for the President of the United States? They'd REALLY have to have a good excuse for that one.


/u/PleadingtheYiff does a ridiculously inflated sense of self-importance just come automatically when you're a furry?

Hates the "regressive left"

Is a furry

Literally wut

oh shit, you right

I choked a bit there. Next time I shouldn't have penis for dinner.

Did you know furries can be used as a source of fuel? -Leftist for alternative energy.


Anime should be banned for encouraging Nazis.


when youre a racist and misogynist your options are limited

/u/PleadingtheYiff is your fursona also an alt riech cunt?

My fursona is Anne Frank :3

/u/pleadingtheyiff doesn't realize that the (((media))) couldn't give less of a shit about a tiny, circlejerking corner of the internet when the real Trump is "draining the swamp" by overflowing it with poorly thought-through executive orders

Breitbart will care! Surely they can get one of their resident retards to scrawl an article in crayon about it.

Maybe Jontron will whine about it on twitter!

I have no idea who that is. I'm sorry, I try to avoid degenerates.

I'm surprised you haven't heard of stonetear aka Paul Combetta, the IT guy for Hillary's private server. A citizen journalist discovered that he used a reddit account "stonetear" in order to ask for advice on how to delete/scrub metadata of a "Very VIP" person from an email database (i.e. violate a subpoena). Redditors then combed through the stonetear account, and other web accounts with that username commingled, and found lots of funny stuff. Including erotic fiction and also references to furry stuff.

When Combetta appeared under subpoena to the House Oversight Committee, he repeatedly pled the fifth. Thus "Pleading the yiff" was born.

That's even more pathetic, because if it was because they were a furry than at least they have some sort of outside interest, other than obsessively masturbating on Reddit over shit noone cares about.

It's an in-joke, I wasn't expecting you to think it's funny. I'm just helping to explain it.

<< furry detected >>

Don't out mir

Hillary's team was full of them.

It's like they don't realize that reddit also bans extreme left. LWSE was just banned like a month ago.

Admins are both Marxists and Fascists!

goddammit, I want to enjoy this, but you used np, you fucker.

And this changes the fact that /r/altright was a shithole?

Lay off the boy. If he sees someone on the right being mocked he is pathologically compelled to find anything vaguely left-leaning to mock

It's a deteriorating illness and he suffers mightily from it

Is there anything we can do to help?

If anything the types of people on /r/altright made /r/the_donald look even worse. I don't know why so many Trump supporters were eager with taking the altright label. It was and is such a stupid move. 'THESE LIBERALS KEEP TRYING TO PAINT US OUT TO BE RACIST AND WE'RE NOT, BTW LET'S LABEL OURSELVES WITH SOMETHING ASSOCIATED WITH RACISTS AND DEFEND THEM'

Instead the move is to disavow, re-label and move on.

Hmm. I wonder to which subreddit the ~10000 altright subscribers moved after the ban, in order to whine about it while pretending to be unbiased experts on free speech?

Look at them trying to cover their tracks smdh

I can't believe they bretrayed their brethren like that.

TIL /r/altright got cucked

I'm very confused on what the functional difference between t_d and altright is now. Suddenly everyone in t_d is no longer an altrighter?

It is good that the reddit government is cracking down on these illegal thoughts.

lol, fucking cucks have to have been aware that /r/altright hated them because they weren't hardcore enough.

You're really expecting Teh_Dolan users to be aware of the world around them?


/u/Sardonic_Deity, np links, what is this mickey mouse shit! What are you animals doing posting np links? What's your major malfunction, numbnuts? Didn't mommy and daddy show you enough love when you were a kid?


Triggered tbh

I was just being lazy.

They really need to ban SRS so those free speech worshipping fags at KiA can't keep throwing what aboutisms around.

/r/altright has moved over to Voat with the cringey name /v/Identitarian

Also, voat old users fighting with new users who have quickly discovered that voat is not actually a censorship-free zone.

lol It's almost as embarrassing as when r/anarchism created Raddit because LWSE was banned.
