According to /r/socialism, Milo speaking at UBC is a violation of human rights, but beating Trump supporters, damaging property and breaking into banks? That's just evil Fox News valuing property rights

141  2017-02-02 by nameuser4321


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Oh, you card, you

Classic Snapshill.

Anyone arguing that this POS has any social, intellectual or political value would probably join Scientology already but lacks talent or wealth.

That's cool, but if we rioted every time an idiot said something we'd be no better than negareddit.


When it comes to performance art, I always considered myself either Statler or Waldorf.

Because you're a wrimpled, old dick with a hand up his arse?

That comma is, retarded

Literally projecting.

I was kinda pointing to a meta aspect of the two dudes but I get why it flew by.

Literally autism

I was being deliberately obtuse to make a joke.

What can I say, I got triggered.

'S all good bb u kno i love u

Negareddit couldn't pull off a proper riot if it killed them. We gotta pull of real riots, actually start breaking shit across the world every time an idiot says something. We have the best riots, and we're gonna use them. Make riots great again!

All of his value comes from being a /r/drama mod tbh

Property rights are a human right tho

Say this again and I'll send you to the gulags.

Say this again and I'll give you a free helicopter ride.

Yeah but Trump supporters aren't human.

You could also start up The_Reason_Trump_Wins_2020

Yeah, at the speed they are going I don't see them stopping in the next four years. It's going to make 2020 a shoe in.

Here's the thing. By 2020, all the edgy anarcho-socialists will have graduated and gotten mercilessly curb stomped by real life and forced to acknowledge that their retarded views are retarded. It's possible that academia will have lightened up on the indoctrination by then. If they know what's good for them, they will.

Why would they? They've been doing the radical indoctrination since the 60's (if not earlier). Hell, bombing some buildings like Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers will get you a teaching position at University of Illinois! Our academic institutions are racing society to the bottom. The reason these kids are getting radicalized isn't because of their peers.

You'd hope they'd be smart enough to realize that they've gone too far and ruined the credibility of their party. I mean sure, reeling it in would be for entirely selfish and manipulative reasons, but reversing extremism is a good thing regardless of motivation.

I hope it won't come to that, I really don't know right now. I'm hoping they stay impotent like they are right now.

I'm hoping calexit actually happens (it won't) and quarantines the craziest of the crazy leftists in their own dystopian hellscape where nobody's allowed to own anything or stay a gender for more than five years.

If that happened it wouldn't end well. They'd be broke in about a week and be begging for aid. Which Trump would lean into the mic and say "no" at.

The actual solution is to have jaded democrats vote third party, I guess libertarian 'coz it's what you got and your greens are shit, then form a coalition and they might have a damn chance. But that will never happen.

I doubt they will graduate. I don't think the edgy anarchists/anarcho-socialists/communists will grow out of their edgy, "smashie smashie" views. They will never acknowledge that their views are retarded. Watching far left groups reminds me of scientologists.

Reagan won 44 states in 1980, keep this up and Trump will beat that in 2020.



Russky hackers?

/u/mrsama, /u/intortoise, please advise

I'm not a socialist so I'm not sure what I can add to this.

It's pretty funny though, Milo is a cunt.

That's your takeaway? Nothing about the damage or rioting, just something about some guy speaking?

Eh, seen worse after hockey matches.

I'm not really a pearl clutching "think of the kids" kind of person.


But a neo-Nazi on the street? That deserves some pearl clutching!

How does "I don't think it's ethical to punch them" count as "pearl clutching"?..

Did I say it did?

I thought you were accusing my position of being pearl clutching.

What exactly is your point then?

My point is the that if one were to decide which clutching of pearls was more justified, it'd obviously be that with regards to riots than a guy with a bad opinion.

I don't see how that applies to me. What exactly do you think I'm doing which is like pearl clutching?

I don't see how that applies to me.

Which pearl clutching do you think is more justified?

I don't understand which one is supposed to be my behavior. If you're just comparing two random things then I don't see why you want me to rank them.

I just asked a question. If you don't want to answer it, say so.

I just asked a for a clarification of the question, why's it so hard to answer?

I just asked a question. If you don't want to answer it, say so.

The fact that you can't answer makes my point.


You think a guy holding bad beliefs is worse than people rioting.

I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Who's the person with bad beliefs, what are the bad beliefs and why should I care about them?


Holy shit, if you don't know what's going on, can you answer the question? It's super simple.

Which pearl clutching do you think is more justified?

Again, here's the context

My point is the that if one were to decide which clutching of pearls was more justified, it'd obviously be that with regards to riots than a guy with a bad opinion.

Now which do you think is worse? A guy holding Nazi beliefs or people rioting?

And you wonder why people laugh at you.

I don't know who the fuck you're talking about.

Is the guy with bad beliefs Hitler and his 'bad beliefs' are 'killing millions of Jewish people" then yeah, the guy with bad beliefs is worse.


You were comparing Hitler to a small campus riot?

Why?... Were you trying to make a coherent point or do you regularly just string together unrelated things and act smug about living in crazy land?


Wew lad.

I like how you went through numerous posts and days of gymnastics before admitting what everyone already knew.

And what's that?

lol he's honestly more outraged that someone thinks something that he doesn't like than actual crimes

By all means, let's wait until it's too late to stop these monsters. At what point are we "allowed" to fight back? Why do you support even the possibility of human beings being exterminated based on their race and beliefs?

/u/WiredSky appoints himself judge and jury based on precognition. So, Minority Report IRL.

Why do you support even the possibility of human beings being exterminated based on their race and beliefs

the hypocrisy





Don't forget executioner

That's their favorite part.

Judge, executioner, jury, executioner, jailer, and, if necessary, your executioner.

If my properties can be broken at any minute just because someone disagrees with my view, then I don't have much human rights. Don't you think so, u/WiredSky?

Oh you don't own property. Marx proved that years ago.

Property is theft, and theft isn't a human right.

Can't tell if serious.

If property is theft, then expropriation is even more theft.

So then you think police returning stolen property to the original owner is just as bad as the original theft?

That's for recent theft where we can cut through the web of item history. Property that has been lawfully kept and transferred for generations is different.

If Nazis are allowed to spread their ideology (which is based around attacking and taking away the rights of anyone they deem "unpure*") then people will get attacked and killed. How can anyone possibly defend Nazis?

u/wiredsky, if socialists are allowed to spread their ideology (which is based around attacking and taking away the rights of anyone they deem "unpure") then people will get attacked and killed. How can anyone possibly defend socialists?

First again the wall when the revolution comes.

Where are these "nazis", where is any of this happening?

They don't care about property rights. r/socialism is filled with poor millennial and teenagers. They can't afford housing, or save for retirement. Therefore they don't care if they smash other people's cars, homes, businesses. I think it's fair if their cars, residences were vandalized.

Either youre a Donald supporter here who is a socialist (basically a unicorn) or youre trolling.

   >drumpf supporters are nazis (national socialists)

  >drumpf supporters can't be socialists

/u/whydidideletemyaccou: pick one and only one

Nazis were not socialists lol

Delete this

The left is losing their shit, and are in an unrecoverable death spiral.