Smug qt AGGRESSIVELY shitposts in /r/GamerGhazi, bashes the fash supporting "bash the fash", fash disagree. (Because Ghazi drama never gets old!)

30  2017-02-02 by TheSmugAnimeGirl


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Maybe someday, /u/SnapshillBot, maybe someday...

what if - hey get this - nazis are already out there inflicting violence onto innocent people and then these people say "I'm fed up" and start fighting back?

Oh, you mean that's what happening now? MY BAD!!

Macing random chick's in the face and property damage on people you don't know is fighting nazis?

/u/ButterflyTG you have never stepped outside your mom's basement, have you?

It's painfully obvious that ghazi commenters are unable to understand the the world is not some sort of video game. Gamergate is exactly what happens when people spend 90% of their time in some fantasy struggle between good and evil. There is simply no other way to explain why anyone with the intelligence to turn on a computer would think the way to beat Trump is by punching Trump supporters.

Obviously you have to punch enough of them to level up before you can take on the final boss.

Holds Katana Tightly

Beware... trump voters... I leveled up...

/u/ButterflyTG have you tried using your brain in the lasts .... well ever ?

/u/ButterflyTG how do you think spraying pepperspray on random people is going to do anything but show the American public that you are a bunch of violent retards that need to be curtailed?

This is the atmosphere that gets genuine fascists elected, and you're too fucking retarded to realize it.

/u/ButterflyTG your type of activism is not going to convince a single normal person to be sympathetic to your cause, even if your cause is LITERALLY saving babies from LITERAL NAZIS. best case scenario for your movement is getting edgy kids to lash out in their edgy memery, call them triggered and declare yourself the victor of a cultural war (read: forum flaming)

also, there's only 2 genders

/u/sophie_hp casually inciting violence. You go girl!

But you sound like a nazi so I'm gonna punch you like you would like

I didn't understand why leftists sneered at "liberals" until after this election.

If you read "The Turner Diairies" (I know it's not for everyone), it's exactly how the main character sees "responsible convervatives" (i.e. the ones who are fiscally conservative but don't want a race war). But horseshoe theory is wrong, despite speeches from the extremes looking like they were obtained from the same madlibs template.

There's a typo. You wrote "qt" instead of "obese tranny".

/u/sophie_hp SHOULD start punching nazis, at this point any exercise is good for him.

Oh ok. I checked only the live version of the thread, I assume the deleted posts are yours.

lol @ Ghazi's banner

It's a compilation of black people who would have never agreed with Ghazi on practically every opinion they have now. But that doesn't dissuade the rich white women there from throwing their lifeless bodies into discussions to prove a point!