[History]Homeless crazy nymphomaniac verysmart builds masturbation palace in the woods; posts about her experience all over the internet.
62 2017-02-03 by PM_ME_MOD_STATUS
https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/FayeKane should give you an idea of her.
Sadly she baleeted her blog at some time after someone recognized her irl. She since set up several others. Her original backup blog had a test to get in. EDIT: /u/public_centipede has a link: http://www.flksite.com/phaseblog/archives/category/my-cave thanks!
Another one: https://mic.com/profiles/47343/faye-kane/activity
Here she is on /sci/ sperging out and namefagging: https://tinyurl.com/hmg6r7o. Those are pictures from her original blog btw. It is difficult to navigate because she is too smart to know how to work an image board apparently:
What did dramanauts of old think: http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/2/317462.html (she shows up halfway down the page).
EDIT: I just found her deviantart page: http://faye-kane.deviantart.com/ Zoom in on the pictures.
n/a [deleted] 2017-02-03
n/a pubic_centipede 2017-02-03
n/a PM_ME_MOD_STATUS 2017-02-03
Awesome. Thanks.
n/a Ging287 2017-02-03
n/a [deleted] 2017-02-03
n/a toynbeeidea16 2017-02-03
I remember finding out about her when she got herself banned from Wikipedia (which used to be my go-to source for drama): As I recall, she couldn't stop posting about the science of racism. I'm not sure what her name on there was.
n/a PM_ME_MOD_STATUS 2017-02-03
Found it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:TechnoFaye
Thanks for the info.
n/a toynbeeidea16 2017-02-03
Well now that I know that, I can do you one better: Why mess with the Wayback Machine when Wikipedia saves literally everything that's ever been posted there?
Here were her final words:
n/a PM_ME_MOD_STATUS 2017-02-03
04:04, 10 September 2010 (diff | hist) . . (+1,419) . . User talk:TechnoFaye (Okay, you beat me into submission. Unfortunately, it isn't sexual.)
Very unprofessional wiki editing.
n/a ktqueenofknots 2017-02-03
learned about her on kiwi farms
this is what happens when people start unironically liking granny porn
n/a anotheraccount323 2017-02-03
Has Kiwi Farms been resurrected yet? I heard it went down because the admin's mom got doxxed.
n/a ktqueenofknots 2017-02-03
i stopped bothering to check a few weeks ago so i couldnt tell u
n/a OniTan 2017-02-03
They're on http://lolcow.tv/r/autism every Friday night. AFAIK there has not been a new site yet.
n/a drunkengael 2017-02-03
Faye Kane the rape fantasy aspie. This shit is classic! I remember seeing her post her own shit ro Reddit back in the old days but the mods would usually delete it in an hour or two. She's like 62 but pretended to be in her 20s, she even stole some young chick's pictures to use on her blogs. Last I heard she was in Fairfax county VA letting old forever alone use her body as a rape doll.
n/a Chicup 2017-02-03
Ah... the picture is "would smash like the fist of god" but it didn't exactly match with her "I have glaucoma and can barely see the computer screen".
n/a bleasehalb 2017-02-03
I had that same reaction too. That poor girl though, she probably doesn't know her pics are being used in one of the strangest and terrifying ways possible.
n/a razzmataz 2017-02-03
Is she really 62 or just looks like she's 62 from the mileage?
n/a anotheraccount323 2017-02-03
Maybe she should post to /r/incel this is relevant to their interests.
n/a celocanth13 2017-02-03
Oh sweet, she's nearby
n/a Tetizeraz 2017-02-03
The ads don't lie!
n/a OniTan 2017-02-03
Wait, she's 62?!
n/a drunkengael 2017-02-03
It's on the shitty yellow and black blog if you read far enough down.
n/a OniTan 2017-02-03
Well, it comes from an insane person.
n/a Capolan 2017-02-03
I've just been poking around the Internet and Faye came up and random Google hopping led me here. So just so you know... Faye is real, I know - I knew her and worked for her Dom for a little while, in fact she really helped me out when I was out of work. She was and is all of those things, really one of those fringe people that you question if they even exist. I haven't spoke with her in a few years now but every so often she'll track me down. I tried to tell people that she is real way back in the last post about "hey check out the crazy rape lady!" but reddit always told me I didn't know what I was talking about etc.
But yes, she's real. She was the coordinator between I and who I worked for, and we talked often. For a bit I may have been the closest thing she had as a friend, I and one other guy from her blog.
Just wanted to comment and throw more information out there
n/a MG87 2017-02-03
Did you just take Snallys job OP?
n/a PM_ME_MOD_STATUS 2017-02-03
n/a pepperouchau 2017-02-03
n/a ChaoticEvil 2017-02-03
Pls don't doxx /u/snallygaster
n/a pentillionaire 2017-02-03
this is incredible
n/a lifesbrink 2017-02-03
I can't believe I just dumped 20 minutes into reading these spergouts. What the hell is wrong with her? Nevermind, I don't really care.
n/a YourGayOpinion 2017-02-03
Is this the blonde 80s looking chick that posted photos of her raw-meat looking gash being pummelled by a group of old weirdos and that lives in a trench in the woods?
n/a neutralvoter 2017-02-03
"I'm autistic, which means I don't know WTF is going on around me, exactly like the grinning retard in the bus"
Is this what retards think it's like to be autistic?
n/a dddamnsonnn 2017-02-03
holy shit, i remember seeing this on somethingawful years ago. what a throwback
n/a missmurrr 2017-02-03
omg. fairfax underground is so trashy, and i always forget about it. it's a glorified craigslist's rants/raves. i stick to dc yuppie, histrionic white people blogs.
good find, op