NYU professor melts down from her inability to bend the police to her will (start video at 10:20)

179  2017-02-03 by cantsaythat


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This is very sad. I have two degrees, one in finance (2005) and one in nursing (2014). The stark drop in quality education in those ten years is frightening. When I received my finance degree professors challenged students and students loved it, we rose to the challenge and it made is more confident in our stances or allowed us to see where our thinking went wrong. Now professors hand hold their students, cow tow to them, and are afraid to challenge them. These students are going to come into a work environment that is not friendly to them, and after seeing things like this, is going to seem like it's openly hostile to them. It's quite scary.

The drop in quality could also be from you choosing nursing

i mean, ew.

Meh, could be I'm just a sadist.

For what it's worth, i got a great education in molecular biology in 2015. Maybe the bullshit hasn't seeped into STEM yet.

Here's hoping it hasn't and won't. I think it probably also has to do with where you are located. I am located in the SF Bay Area and the school I went to, has in its mission statement that it is a social justice school.

oof, i'm sorry mate

social justice doesn't mean all that retarded internet shit in the real world, you fucking autists

But didn't you hear? Is school stands for all humans being treated as equals. Oh no!

That's what they say they stand for but there's a difference between what they say they stand for and how they put that into practice. In theory everyone is equal. In practice, everyone is divided into groups and rewarded and/or penalized based on their group identity.

Yes it does

no, it doesn't. and the sooner you understand that the sooner we can get this marriage back on track

Yes it does

then again, i do not expect a /r/FULLCOMMUNISM regular to understand that

sounds like someone wants to get fucking gulag'd

How would you do that? You're not even allowed to call me "dumb"

How would you do that?

there's only one way to gulag a kulak, friendo.


Typical negro, always wanting other people to work.

The only reason I am in America is because white people didn't want to do their own work

Nah, that's because your fellow negros sold you for a couple of stones.

Poor deal tbh

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of markets :(

Typical capitalist

Well yeah, we can pay you to do it for us.

not originally

You're right, this new arrangement is clearly not working out... We're gonna give the traditional way one more try.

Implying you ever gave up the 'traditional way'

You implied that...

something something dialectical materialism

Yes this country is only made up of tumblr bloggers and breitbart comment section power users

in the real world

a social justice college in San Francisco

Come on, man.

Fair enough



I found this.

I also understand Thunderf00t has made a few old videos about this as well. Not completely sure though.


Maybe the bullshit hasn't seeped into STEM yet.

This was my experience back in 2010. It's hard to bulldoze a professor and demand grades for something that is objectively incorrect in a scientific sense. It's much easier to bulldoze them about your paper on the influence of the shake weight on modern culture: a retrospective in mid 2000s misogyny.

Yeah, programming, engineering, math, physics, etc. don't give a shit about how you feel. A bridge isn't going to stay up if you feel it should, a program won't run because if it doesn't it oppresses you, rockets don't fly on good feelings.

rockets don't fly on good feelings

I'd love to live in a world where they did, though.

You know i googled "rockets flying on good feelings" because I'm bored but I found this which is probably better

a program won't run because if it doesn't it oppresses you

someones never tried writing prolog.

They're inherently empirical. You're constantly testing your code against the compiler and the machine. And architecture, inherently accountable to physics.

Those disciplines have constant, direct feedback with reality. As any coder knows, you can't code for very long without making a hundred mistakes. Yet we're supposed to believe that something enormously more complex and which provide extremely limited feedback, such as the social sciences, are just bulletproof and devoid of human error, suitable for the public without FDA approval.

Like, we can't even get a rocket to function without error after so many decades of research and testing, but we're supposed to believe critical race theory is ready for primetime, ready to be imposed on everyone without exception.

These guys need to betatest that shit inside some hipster liberal torture chamber first... For like, 400-500 years... Maybe then it'll be Solid Social Software Suitable for Society (SSSSS) but of course they're just going to rush that shit out in like 3 months, hubris don't real man

I've seen women try in fields like computer science. Sometimes it's more of an issue for a grade on something like a project (since every student does something different). There might have been doubts whether some female was graded more harshly. Some tried to make some noise when they didn't get the grades they thought they deserved.

But then if you looked at their previous grades on things like exams where everything is anonymous and there's only one right answer to each question, those who underperformed were underperforming there also.

The advantage of any STEM field is that usually faculty understands statistics so it's hard to take one "incident" (a bad grade for instance) and spin it into a story of oppression.

I'm currently having a great final year of my undergrad in physics in 2016. Definitely get challenged here, you'll get torn to shreds if you try and do a presentation when you don't deeply understand the physics, as I did in my third year. Not a fun experience but apparently it happens to everyone here, definitely no hand holding at all.

what happened during that presentation?

Basically in my 2nd year I had a really bad lab partner, he was clearly severely autistic and was a cold person to everyone. One day he came in and had self harm scars on his arm, and once we gave a bench presentation and he just walked off without warning while we were presenting to like 10 demonstrators.

I really didn't want a lab partner that shit again so as soon as someone posted on facebook asking if they wanted one I was like obviously yeh I don't want to end up with a mentally disabled guy. Only issue is that he wanted to do nuclear labs and I didn't know much about nuclear physics. I tried to coast through the lab since it was only 6 weeks but they were super hardcore about it, we had to be at the top of our game. We got sprung with a talk only a week before and we wrote up a presentation which I felt okay about, but my lab partner accidentally deleted the most important slide, and my lack of physics knowledge shone plainly, I just didn't get it enough. There were two professors there who started asking really fundamental questions that I just didn't get and basically just grilling us and my lab partner wasn't answering and I was just getting frustrated and embarrassed and ended up snapping a bit. It ended with him like "I really think you need to review the physics". It was horrible because I felt pretty confident beforehand. Now I've told myself I'll never try something so stupid again, always gonna fully understand the experiment now.

Definitely the low point in my physics career, but I did well in the report so that's good, ended up with 68% which is almost a first. Got like 56% in the talk I think?

this is why autists need to be gassed tbh

Not really in the STEM courses, but in the universities themselves. For instance, universities starting mandatory "gender equality" conferences and that kind of bullshit.

Or an aspiring murderer

You also don't generally have to do 101 level Gen Ed when going back to get a second degree.


From the Mandarin kaotao, to put your head down in reference.

I don't know who to believe, do you have a degree in finance and nursing?

I once paid a baby to suck on my nipple while I jerked off so kinda

Close enough

checks out

what sort of currency does a baby even take

Depends on the baby's country of origin, obviously.

Jimmy Alefantis, is that you?!

to put your head down in reference.

to put your head down in deference.

I can't decide whether you meant to reference reverence or deference.

I got swyped

Why go into nursing after getting a degree in finance? Just curious because I just started my MBA in finance and now u got me worries that I should be looking at another program lol.

Well, to be honest, I probably should have done nursing from the beginning. In my first round of college, I had started out pre-med but due to financial considerations and that I was getting burned out from school, I switched to finance. Don't get me wrong, finance was a good career path, just not the right "fit" for me. I enjoyed the coursework but I didn't like the actual career. Many people who go into finance enjoy it, many people don't. Don't take my example and extend it to yourself. For me, it just wasn't right. Many people are quite satisfied with finance careers, many aren't. Just like many people are satisfied with nursing as their career and many aren't. I was lucky enough to get into a field I wanted - emergency medicine - if I had been hired in a clinic or another department I might not have been so satisfied.

What's a nurse's role in an emergency medicine field? Like, you discover a severely malnourished child and you emergency breastfeed it? Honest question.

We assess, administer medications, order lab work and imaging when indicated, do certain procedures, and coordinate patient care. During a code one of use will record what's going on and another one of us will administer medications. We're also the eyes and ears of the doctor when they are with another patient and we need to know when we can interrupt a doctor for something critical or when something can wait.

Things I do during a typical shift include:

  • Start IVs

  • Order lab work and imaging

  • Administer medications, some of which are high risk and some of which are routine

  • Assess and re-assess the patients I have

  • Help during an intubation and take are of intubated patients and patients with central lines before they go to the ICU

  • Take care of patients who have had a stroke and administer the necessary medications

  • Take care of patients who have survived a cardiac arrest

  • Prepare patients who are having a heart attack to go to the cath lab

There's a lot of stuff I do, but since I'm a male, I can't give an emergency breastfeed. I can call L&D to send us some formula though!

Nurses are basically the grunts of medicine. Docs make the calls but nurses are the ones that basically do everything.

Nurse's also do important things like prepare amputees for lobotimization. Try learning next time, dope.

This is why I really want to become a professor.

When I was in High School a lot of people just saw me as argumentative, but my view was that a conversation is really just a circlejerk unless you've got two sides pushing and pulling around an issue. Yeah, I can get passionate, but I just like engaging in conversation, I didn't care about "winning," persay...(Like, how can you lose when you're always right?)

It's kinda like a game, you don't take it too seriously. You always keep in mind that you're approaching whatever from a finite position, and you'll always miss some aspect. That's just the nature of being alive and the limits of knowledge.

Also, I wanna go into the humanities, which I think is one of the most important areas of the universities (that's really the subject matter the whole university systems developed around), and one of the areas most in need of people with both a quick and sharp mind/tongue to help whip these little shits into shape.

This is a noble idea, but the reality of what the job actually entails, and the reality of getting a job in academia to begin with that isn't adjunct (esp in the humanities) is very grim. You'd be better off teaching high school instead if you're interested in actually making a difference.

YouTube is where it's at bro.

When I was in High School a lot of people just saw me as argumentative, but my view was that a conversation is just a circlejerk unless you've got two sides pushing and pulling around an issue.

"I don't really think 1+1=3 I just like playing devil's advocate" gtfo

Mmm...I'd never argue any of those things. But I would gladly argue the point that Hitler wasn't really evil, since technically he was just trying to make the world "a better place," / a utopia. It just so happened those things didn't happen to include Jews, gays, gypsies, retards, and probably a couple other groups of people.

Aren't we all just trying to make the world a better place? Just goes to show the path to hell is paved with good intentions.

i mean, if you can't admit that hitler was evil, molly you in danger girl

Depends on how you define evil.

it doesn't.


From my point of view the Jedi are evil.

I have a degree in Creative Writing. As part of that degree I had to take a critical theory class. My teacher was a good teacher. Even though she had some type of emphasis on women's studies she never used told us what to think or howto think. When we talked about the material we studied and discussed it as objectively as possible.

As a general required class I had a diversity class as well. Again, we learned about cultures and minorities as well as racism and things like that. However, there was no discussion about privilege or the evils of privilege plus power or any of this SJW stuff. That was back in 2005-2009 before this new crap came up. Things have changed in academia and in our culture. Its terrible.

Or... could it be a little more complex than, "Fucking SJWs broke education!"

Yes, I agree with you, but the issue is much more complex than can be discussed in a few lines. I was giving my observation of the dichotomy between the education system when I received my first degree versus my second degree. And I was also stating a fact that my school has, in its mission statement, that it is a school involved with social justice.

I received my degree a year ago after taking a break (started in 2008) and I did not notice a decline in education quality. You can speak for your college(S), but to make generalized statements about the entire education system is foolish.

Nothing on Vox is worth a read.

cow tow

Kotau. Jesus, people.

it's probably at least partially because the people who attend schools like Berkeley and NYU are often rich shits with have families that can pay for them. people who are born into wealth like that frequently tend to be entitled cunts in my experience

Can you elaborate more?

Kids+money=little shits

I meant specific instances, drama is always welcome here.

Lmao this is the education equivalent of /r/lewronggeneration

I don't know, I'm studying film currently, but I would have to disagree. If someone says something in lecture, I have a prof that asks why they think that(usually about the persons opinion on a movie or why they think a meaning is a certain way. Another one of my profs(for film making not theory) constantly will challenge you on why you are including something in a film - he is very good at pointing out things that someone could have a problem with, or simply wants use to make sense of what we are trying to create. One of his catch phrases is "kill your darling".

It could honestly be a school to school thing, but I like how much interaction the classes get with the profs to start dialogue in class

if you think thats a meaningful comparison you should ask for your money back on both of those degrees tbh m8

This is getting ridiculous. Trump isn't a good president. I honestly don't think he wanted the presidency, though he isn't satan.

yea i dont think hes having a very good time

How is Trump the problem in this video?

Trump isn't, the featured protester is. In essence, I said that the Trump protesters are needlessly antagonistic.

OK, I agree with this statement, I took your earlier one incorrectly.

I don't like Trump, though he isn't evil just not fully engaged.

Yeah, I agree with that.

It truly, seems like he did not want to be president.

The way I saw it (not saying this is fact) is that unlike most people running for the office, I wasn't doing it as his life's ambition. He seems to be doing it because he believes that nobody else is going to do the things he thinks needs to be done.

I am not so sure, I think Howard Stern's assessment. Stern makes the supposition that Trump was doing it to get more money for The Apprentice and that being in office will be hard for his well being. I think Trump doesn't realize how hard being POTUS can be.

I don't think anyone could.


To me it seems he wants the title and power and prestige, just not the headache of actually dealing with a check-and-balance system

Being president seems to be about compromise and I am not sure Trump will do well in that regard. He is used to being in command.

Yup, I agree he didn't want the presidency. I think no one was more shocked than him when he won. Now he's like "oh shit, WTF do I do? Let me sign a bunch of executive orders, get the press involved in those for a while, and I'll think up WTF to do next!"

It could be he is in for a suprise. His friend Howard Stern mentioned he really likes to be liked. I don't think he is a horrible person, I think he has no filter and that can be a liability when you are president.

  • works 20 hours per day
  • fulfills half his campaign promises in the first week
  • not fully engaged
  • Education secretary may not be confirmed. *Immigration security measure was messy. *Promised to drain the swamp invited the swamp e.g. Goldman Sachs in.


Fite me IRL!


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Check out my new sub! https://www.reddit.com/r/AtlRight/

Oh yeah.

Trump isn't satan, Bannon is probably the antichrist though.

He honestly seems like an ass and I don't say that often.

Bannon is precisely what America needs right now.

A psycho christian nutjob that wants to start a war and pretends global warming isn't a thing? I think America was nutso enough under Obama.


The reason /u/the_reason_trump_won points out the reason trump won


This is some divine destiny shit man

is this comment in english?

what did he mean by this?


Now that is an epic chimpout.

On point as always!

Literary free karma for nothing. What is this? Communism?


Time for some horseshoe theory: this current politick is great for flushing out the wackjobs on both tips of the horseshoe.

Nice try you fascist. I was on board with you until you outed yourself by citing "horseshoe theory"

Someone should punch you, you Nazi

Horseshoe Theory is coming true so hard its unimaginable how badly it triggers the left.

Not just the left either. I've creamed my pants several times over r/uncensorednews and The Donald censoring opposing views in their safe spaces while simultaneously calling out SJW's for doing the same.

Being non-partisan has never felt this good.

Oh for sure. my post was more to try and bait someone but so far no luck.

Try it in SRD and get ready for the REEEEEEEE

But SRD doesn't allow that shit. There are people like u/Zachums there who say NO FLAME WARS and just ban you. So its no fun.



To believers of extremist ideologies it is not hypocrisy but justice. You can mock them all you want, but they will never see their actions from an outside perspective.

Nothing makes an extremist happier than to use their opponent's strategy against them.

Only one side is doing most of the beating for the time being though, so really its just the left wing going full horseshoe currently.

For sure

I agree the left is extra juicy right now though, since pre-election they were going with the 'we need unity'-(((schtick))).

Yea one Canadian nutter, but its only a matter of time before the right starts fighting back and they have more guns and gym time.

Lmao the most red states are also far and away the most obese states

Think about it, 100 antifa vrs 100 same age Trump supporters. Place your bets.

Trump supporters trend older and fatter and I'm definitely not putting my money on the senior citizen brigade. Let's just nuke them all instead

100 antifa vrs 100 same age Trump supporters

Nigga can you read?

Yeah and his situation was dumb since trump supporters are older. Did you not reach the part of school where you learn reading comprehension yet?

You mean like the military?

More like Texas and the Deep South full of Trump Supporters and rascal scooters

What ever makes you feel better about your feminine arms.

Are you hitting on me?


Can you order me a corn dog?

That will certainly translate into Trump supporters not being heavily-armed meatheads that will stomp "antiFA" into a fine paste.

You actually believe the official story about that shooting?

Yes, but if you have evidence that suggest otherwise I would gladly look through it.

It's not at all that I'm a centrist. If it weren't for the profound retardation of subs like r/socialism and r/anarchism I'd probably hang out there.

Turns out being a libertarian leftie holocaust denier will make you despised pretty much anywhere.

Is it that, or is it that being a despicable faggot will make you a a libertarian leftie holocaust denier?

I think we find despicable faggots in all walks of life brother. I just happen to be one who loves freedom and hates jew.

Maybe people have strongly held beliefs on both sides and believe that both sides have issues.

The Donald censoring opposing views

The_Donald is a 24/7 Trump rally, smartypants.

Either you're pro-censorship without the right to make fun of offended lefties or you're for free speech and do have the right to make fun of offended lefties.

Can't have it both ways bubba


Trump-fans often criticize the left for being fragile snowflakes that can't cope with having their worldview challenged. They laugh at the fact that fragile lefties need safe spaces. They wrinkle their noses at the thought of someones feelings being more important than the truth.

At the same time a lot of Trump supporting subs heavily censor its content. People start LITERALLY SHAKING when liberals go their to debate or troll. They demand a safe space for their sub. The feelings of the community is more important than open debate or challenging your worldview.

This is called a double-standard. This makes you a hypocrite. You can't scoff at the left when you are just as pathetic. Either change your own behaviour or stop scoffing at the left.

kek <-----this one





lol @ you got so triggered you had to downvote.

Imagining your face when confronted with your own hypocrisy is the real top kek.


serious business, indeed

Just found it funny you felt it necessary to resort to a tired meme and a downvote instead of a counter-argument.


do you have actual autism

do you have actual autism

Says the guy pulling out le top kek meme when he realizes he can't properly express his shit political views

Also yes.

"Making fun of leftists means that you're a Nazi!"

"What the fuck, why are so many people saying that it's not ok to punch Nazis?"

Pretty much this. I'm on board with punching real honest to god nazis. But then you just call everyone who disagrees with you a nazi. So...

Maybe the Nazis only killed everyone because everyone kept punching them!

Its a vicious cycle.

BRB punching myself in the face for self defense.

Same with alt-right. First, people who disliked SJWs were alt-right. Then, /pol/ memesters were alt-right. Then Trump supporters were alt-right. Now, honest-to-god "gas the kikes" Neo-Nazis are claiming the moniker, but it's lost all meaning long ago, so the left's wailing falls on deaf ears because, as they've been warned, they've been crying wolf too much.

There's a really neat thing I learned about recently. Alarm fatigue. It's a really big problem in healthcare that nurses are exposed to so many alarms, so often, that they stop caring about all the alarms, even the actually serious ones.

My point is, when everyone is a Nazi, then no one cares about actual Nazis anymore.

I feel like I have heard another term for this kind of political desensitization/fatigue before.

In tech support, I've also heard "when everything is marked critical, then nothing is critical"

as much as everyone gives the bush admin shit, that color code chart was fucking amazing.

Imagine how much easier it would be if everywhere implemented that.

The transboi who cried REEEEEEEEEE

How is this woman a professor and I still work in a call center I don't get it.

Do you have a masters degree?

No, I don't. But given her behavior I almost feel that isn't earned with superior intellect as someone would assume.

If she can be a professor and act this way it kind of pisses me off because there are people who would actually love that position (but can't have it due to financial limitations) and wouldn't act like an asshat in front of their students. I know she's hardly the first professor to act unprofessional and far worse has been done, but I guess in this circumstance it's particularly frustrating because it seems like it's being condoned and that disciplinary action for this behavior isn't a guaranteed.

It was like a teacher I had in high school, they found out he was flirting with the girls. So they moved him to the fucking middle school. <>_<> That wasn't effective either. So they put him back in the high school and finally fired him. I'm not even a parent and I was pretty fucking outraged.

Tl;Dr teachers seem to get away with acting like assholes.

k. You need a masters degree at minimum to teach at a public university.

Well, duh. I'm not questioning that. You seem to be confused.

No. You don't have a masters degree so you can't work at a university. I didn't bother reading your paragraphs because they have nothing to do with teaching at a university.

Y O U J U S T G O T L O G I C ' D

Why even bother telling me you didn't read it?? It's a public forum it wasn't aimed specifically for you to read, it's not going to hurt my feelings.

I know why I can't work at a university.

I know why I can't work at a university.

you're not qualified

Sadly, no. ):

Go to university then?

I'm broke.


That's condescending fam


I'm going to have to ask you to settle down.



some asshole downvoted you but i gave you that upvote back

Thanks. I was crying about it all night.

*to be a professor at a university

You can actually be a hired contractor and teach at a university if you have experience in the field. For example, one the best teachers I had in college had a B.A in art but he worked in the GIS field for 20 years and while he didn't know all of the theory aspects behind making maps he taught the class well enough for students to be hired into GIS jobs with only his class under their belt. But I'm sure that's only for certain disciplines

For example, one the best teachers I had in college had a B.A in art but he worked in the GIS field for 20 years and while he didn't know all of the theory aspects behind making maps he taught the class well enough for students to be hired into GIS jobs with only his class under their belt.

That's literally a trade school description.

there aren't many people out there that trained to do HVAC/Eletrical that end up working at Starbucks, so hey whatever works


Not really true. Lower level classes are taught by people with bachelors degrees all the time. Although they often are in grad school at the same time or about to be.

Lower level classes are taught by people with bachelors degrees all the time




it doesn't happen at decent schools, tbqh, fam.

just state flagship diploma mills

I knew it.

So TAMU, got it

lol not true

You seem to think I am only familiar with one academic institution

Nah, I seem to think you made a dumb generalization that I know to be untrue

Aww don't be mad

Why would I be mad that you said something stupid? lol I was just pointing it out.

you seem mad, man.

Aren't you just the biggest gate keeper.

Lower level classes are taught by people with bachelors degrees all the time.

this is the real crisis in academics

Teaching savages to wipe their assholes the right way isn't much of teaching gig IMO

I have a prof that was hired for his real world experience(this is for film, but he doesn't even have a bachelors degree)

I almost feel that isn't earned with superior intellect as someone would assume

It isn't. It does require an above-average intellect, a lot of pointless, grinding work, and (this is the most important part) willingness to conform to the culture of academia.

That's just your gay opinion.

Or an equivalent of 12 years of Beyoncé study?

this too

You don't have to be emotionally stable to get published in academic journals.

I vote that you take her place at NYU, may god have mercy on you.

I like your username.

Yours isn't bad either! Professor SoButtScrewed has a nice ring to it!

There's no evidence she's actually a professor...

Obviously I'm referring to if in the case she is a professor. Jfc does everything need a disclaimer nowadays?

I caught that, I'm just surprised no one is asking for any evidence that this woman actually works at the uni.

Actually I'm not surprised at all, narratives and all that.

Her being a professor or not doesn't change that the behavior is abhorrent. That's why nobody really cares. She could cook fries and that doesn't change what she did. I would just change my comment accordingly.

Well, it makes it much worse. I agree that she doesn't get any semblance of a pass if she isn't faculty, it just reflects better on the school if she isn't.

Some people can't handle democracy.

Maybe I missed it in the article, but if her identity wasn't revealed, how do we know she is a professor?

Because she said so out loud in the video

Oh, so she's a TA, gotcha

No, communications professor

She shouts it out during her tirade.

It's funny* that an antifa believes that having the police manhandle someone at their request and in their stead leaves them occupying the moral high ground.

*: predictable

Woman's a nutcase... but Gavin could really use a few punches to the face. It's a tough call...

Guaranteed she's a professor of some worthless program.

Absolutely. I'm guessing computer science or biology.

I was thinking truly garbage tier like mathematics or chemical engineering.

Actually, it's probably some really artsy fartsy shit program like "civil engineering", or as we used to call that program "drinking beer till you puke on the nursing students".

At least they aren't imaginary engineers like those industrial dorks.

I met a sophomore Industrial engineer who didn't know what acceleration was.


What's your degree in?

B.S. in Dramanomics and a M.A. in Demon Studies

gyndyr stydys

This lady is r/politics made flesh.

And precisely the volume of flesh one would expect.

A little lower than I expect tbh.

Not even a qt like the lovely muscle summoning Mizzou-chan.

You r/drama mods are fucking assholes! You're protecting the Nazis! You should kick their ass! You should! These regular r/drama posters are trying to shitpost about human rights and against racism and xenophobia, and LGBTQ rights, and faggots and shit, and you're letting these fucking neo-nazis post comments in here! It's not up these microdicked whimp ass r/drama posters to kick the ass of a neo-nazi! They don't have to raise their fist! They were taught to be whimp ass faggots! Fuck You!

Should go gone to other subs. You're picking the wrong fight here. Just see how many death threats you are getting here, and try it again at some other places.

If by "death threats" you mean requests by random posters to fuck their girlfriends while they sit in a corner and masturbate, yea, maybe you're right.

Wanna come fuck my girlfriend while I sit in the corner and masturbate? Also, I'm going to kill you and ur family.

Before, after, or during?

During, obviously. I'm a sadomasochist famalam

I'm going to kill you and ur family.

You say that, but I know you don't mean it. Besides, get in line buddy.

How do u know I don't mean it? What if I was hell bent on killing the biggest retards in the world? Eventually I'd end up committing suicide, but not before I murdered you and ur family tbqh famalam

What if I was hell bent on killing the biggest retards in the world?

Why do you want to kill all of our mods? What did they ever do to you?



this is so confusing. i think trump is a douche and i hate the far left. i don't know who to cheer for

Same. Only 3 years and 11 months left though. We can make it.

i'm about 60% certain ideological purity tests will screw the dems over in 2020 and trump will win again. tho maybe the far left will have calmed down by then and stop shrieking everytime trump does something they don't like

The DEMs will literally have "clap back at all cis white males!" in their platform for 2020.

Clapping is to violent. They'll snap or hit their index fingers together.

I was gonna suggest jazz hands but it's too ableist

Good Point. They'll make whatever noise they can as long as it isn't frightening

They'll just gently exhale while smirking.

Some of them might be to asthmatic to gently exhale. A wheeze might be better.

You would think the dems have learned their lesson about identity politics by now.

There's a spilt right now. Some Dems are finally saying out loud that playing identity politics is a stupid idea when your opponent owns the biggest identity group (cumskins), but others want to double-down because it's all they know.

From what I have seen, both in the news and class discussions is that people that are more concerned with identity politics are less likely to be sympathetic to the average person.

and trump will win again

Huh, I'm wondering if he's going to resign after a couple of months of shitting the bed every week and getting overturned and hated and laughed at.

I mean, imagine: you make all that effort to sign an actual "keep away Muslim terrorists" executive order using a big and unwieldy pen on Friday, and on Monday it's overturned and everyone is, like, lol, the moron obviously just never considered green card holders, what kind of a clown he is? It's pretty disheartening, let me tell you.

Are you okay?

Idk, I have intrusive thoughts about Donald J. Trump as a T-Rex, signing that executive order with his T-Rex hands, then wailing in distress when he's foiled by the judicial branch and despised by everyone, on the left for going for it, on the right for being stonewalled like that. Poor guy!

I hope you get better soon.

I actually enjoy all this very much, but thank you for caring, at least you're not like the regressive left, am I right?

It doesn't look good for them. I don't see them losing the governor's house in OR, WA, or CA, but that might be all they're left with. They're basically a state and local party at this point. Man that 3rd way really worked out great for the gop. Thanks Clintons.

Man that 3rd way really worked out great for the gop. Thanks Clintons.

I mean it worked great for the Clintons and thats the only people they worry about

7 years 11 months*

My bad.

I only give it a year and a day before he gets impeached.

then we can watch mike pence flail around wildly which will be entertaining as fuck.

You typoed the 7.

Left libertarians are a thing. It's the authoritarian left you disagree with. Come join the fun, there are dozens of us probably!

You don't have to be on the left to fall into the category described by nomad. Plenty of people in the center and some on the right who dislike Trump and the far left.

People on the right were speaking out against Trump before the election, not so much now that he's in power. I would love to see more dissent from the right, but so far I ain't seen shit.

Too busy having to refute being called Nazis.

I don't like Trump, but there's two things keeping me personally from criticizing him more:

1) He is pissing off a lot of the people I don't like - making them display their latent bat-shit insanity in a very public way. So there's that. And so far the truly repulsive left is providing too many lulz for me to get serious about criticizing Trump.

2)He really hasn't done anything really bad so far. He is doing many things, and much of it's stupid, but it's obvious the strategy here is 'move fast and break things', generate controversy, make changes and make his opponents react to his news cycle.

it's obvious the strategy here is 'move fast and break things'

it seems more likely that the strategy is (or at least includes) the "Pence rope-a-dope" that he spent his whole term as governor using: you push a policy, get your opponents to react in a certain way to oppose the policy, and thereby get what you really wanted, which was their reaction

The Republicans are very interested in locking in the one-off Trump coalition and are more than likely intentionally provoking protests to do that; they can now go to all the disaffected rural voters who voted for them this time and say "so the Democrats can mobilize a million protesters, raise a hundred million dollars, when some Muslims get stuck at the airport -- but you get left in the lurch for twenty years and they don't lift a finger. This is what it would look like if they gave a shit about you and they don't give a shit about you."

Your analysis doesn't make sense. What's the point in your real goal being 'getting your opponent's reaction'? That wouldn't do anything. Your real goal would be to either pass policy, or gain more support for passing policy. If the republicans are interested in 'locking the Trump coalition', they're as much fools as the Dems were when they talked about locking the Obama coalition. Random things make non-voters come to the polls. Depending on them to be consistent is a fools game.

Your analysis doesn't make sense.

this is why millennials are bad at politics

I went over what the goal would be -- pushing people to make the mental jump from "I am willing to vote for Trump #neverHillary" to "I am on Team Trump." We know he has re-election on the mind, because he, uniquely among modern presidents, has already filed his candidacy paperwork only a couple weeks into his term.

also votes aren't "random," and happenstance and scandal doesn't really affect all that much. Political "animal spirits" are overrelied on as an excuse by analysts to make up for the fact that they've screwed up. "Some voters might vote for reasons we don't anticipate" also doesn't justify the conclusion "don't have any kind of political strategy"

Yeah I was going to say the same thing.


Join us, sitting on our fence of smug complacency.

Lol must succ to be negative twice. Git gud skrub

I'll be honest, I don't really know what that means.


Yeah, this is me. We need to come up with a better term for the authoritarian left, though. "Authoritarian left" is too long, and "SJWs" is too insular. "Crybullies" might have legs.

The answer is right there on your keyboard. Everyone talks about the Alt-Right, they're the Ctrl-left.


Basically, be, like, reasonable

It's super not hard

Don't cheer for either, laugh at them.

South park neural reeeeeee!

"And then I strode off as the crowds cheered me"

Yuge lolz from me.

I lean quite left and I think this wave of protesters against Trump is the most pathetic, whiny, entitled, laughable waste of fucking time movement I have ever seen. They wouldn't have done shit if Clinton had won.

I think Trump is a repulsive piece of shit, but maybe if these cunts had been protesting more during the Obama era and forcing reform of the democrats, then Trump wouldn't have won and we wouldn't be in this mess. And then you show up on day one of Trump and act like this is all a big outrage and how shocked you are... Fuck off.

Just fuck off.


I got banned from there because I said I don't gargle my own urine in the morning :(


You know having nuanced opinions isn't something to be ashamed of?

One through nine, no maybes, no supposes, no fractions. You can't travel in space, you can't go out into space, you know, without, like, you know, uh, with fractions – what are you going to land on – one-quarter, three-eighths? What are you going to do when you go from here to Venus or something? That's dialectic physics.

Nazi please leave

Can someone do a quick eli5:

It's an article on a libertarian website. It's already written for 5-year-olds.


She's a professor.


They don't have to raise their fist! They were taught to be peaceful! Fuck you!

Logic, as always, failed when engaged with crazy people.

She's literally yelling at the cops because they wont beat people up and that means that she has to beat people up


We often say that these people are disconnected from reality, but that's probably the most insane, bizarre thing Ive heard in a long while

There's this weird pseudo pacifism on the left. I see it a lot in the gun debate. Hard core liberals simply can't imagine doing violence, even for defense of self or loved ones, but they have no problems with it being done in their name.

Ironically theyre exactly like the imperialists that they criticize, the supporters of the various scrambles for Africa for instance usually werent the soldiers who actually had to go in and keep order in the colonies and see what "keeping order meant."

lol she looks a lot like rebecca watson, down to the problem glasses and everything


what's another word for pirate treasure?

Well I think it's booty

"The chancellor, the late chancellor, was only partly correct. He was obsolete. But so is the State, the entity he worshiped. Any state, any entity, any ideology that fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man, that state is obsolete. A case to be filed under "M" for Mankind—in The Twilight Zone."

This quote from one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes rings true today. The episode (The Obsolete Man) is also worth a watch.

It's more than a bit cheesy and placative, though. It's like saying that Star Trek has good life lessons - it probably does, but you'll cringe so much that you won't notice them.

True. I still think it gets the point across. Its something that aired on TV for around 25 minutes. I don't think that left a lot of room to get into something deeper or more complex. I mean some extremely skilled writers could probably do better but they had to work with what they got.


Why isn't anyone there laughing?

I thought she killed it.

Tough crowd.


"THIS IS HATE!!! YOU'RE PROTECTING NAZIS!!", she screamed at them.

Whites are the new Jews.

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