Latest from /r/anarchism's Private Senate: Apologising for anarchists attacking Trump supporters proposed as bannable offence.

42  2017-02-03 by warlordzephyr


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Something something stare into the abyss something.

Knowing -Enkara- they are likely to bully people into passing this one.

This is not anarchism. Randomly attacking people for being Trump supporters is not anarchism. What they are doing on metanarchism is definitely not anarchism.

Violence is the premier authoritarian trait; it is the attribute through with all authority ultimately stems. If anarchism is fundamentally anti-authoritarian, then anarchists must heavily scrutinise all uses of violence.

Attacking people for a misguided choice of candidate, a choice that a huge number of the American public made, is not only a classist act (insofar as Trump supporters mostly come from a class preyed upon by corporate America and it's media, so that they no longer understand their own material situation), but also a self destructive act.

Anarchists, being a minority, simply cannot win a fight against half of the country. There are far more sensible ways of attaining our goals. The kinds of people who are advocating this senseless violence, -Enkara- included, are the kinds of cowards who sit behind their monitors and reminisce about that one time they sucker punched a skinhead; the epitome of keyboard warriors.

You mean /u/-Enkara-

Anarchists are just pawns being used by Soros to destabilize nations.

I'd definitely love to get my hands on some soros money

Try craigslist.

I know, , right? I kind of feel like a chump

I am willing to buy you a bar of soap, if it will help.

Stifling all dissenting opinions is really what anarchism is all about. The only think is the groupthink, handed down from the glorious leaders of Anarchism USA TM, who proved their willingness to die for the cause by risking the banning of their irreplaceable reddit accounts on a daily basis. I got all teary just typing this.

/u/-enkara- are you still thoroughly depressed about the fact you're a life loser who's never going to succeed? You should see a therapist rather than just acting out on reddit and be an adult for once

Here is a bonus image from the discord server:

as soon as we get an anarchy I'm finding a wall and some people for it


steven universe avatar


when you're a leftist and jumbledfun fun is doing his shtick on you you know you're truly a pathetic failure of a human being

The political situation is what it is because most people are now life losers with no real future prospects. The jobs are mostly gone, 80% of all counties in this country have no realistic economic prospects at all, and it's very obvious that the political system doesn't care. Household formation and marriage rates have been on a downward trend since the 90s. Wages have been stagnant or declining for the overwhelming majority of the last thirty years.

Redditors are still in college, so they still (foolishly) hope that they'll luck out and be the winners. But at this point in America, if your daddy didn't win at life, neither will you. That's--or more accurately, the left-wing party's decision to simply not give a fuck and instead focus on minor issues of very small minorities (black people make up 10% of the population, gays about 4%, feminists about 18%)--is why Donald Trump is President right now, and why he will likely be reelected.

Well you have to properly train yourself in the new economy. We are much more a service based economy than a manufacturing one these days. Let's also be honest just because Trump is putting on a ruse about America first his handlers aren't really in it for the plebes. It's about lowering regulations to pull more profits at the top of the pyramid, and cut taxes for those guys. These factories that are "coming back" are all heavily automated and most the workers are either administration or highly skilled technicians. Daryl isn't getting that 60k and benefits for pushing the same button over and over anymore. Trump admin is basically a government sponsored looting that they have been itching to do for awhile. This repeal of the transparency law that makes extraction based industrial companies not disclose their foreign based payments is a clue of things to come. Sure they will toss some window dressings out their to fool the rubes into thinking they give a shit but they very obviously dont, if they did shit heels like devos and putzner wouldn't be up for cabinet positions


Nobody better get upset when the inevitable happens.

Are you talking about the Night of the Long Dicks?

/u/-enkara- how does it feel knowing that you will die a NEET living on tendies while the capitalist class prospers and the wealth gap grows even larger? Does it bother you that throughout history anarchism has never once succeeded, and that anarchists have been massacred and destroyed by, you know, armies of actual states and such? When you're not out there beating up trashcans and writing edgy comments on reddit, what gives you the will to continue living your sad, pathetic, lonely life?

Side note: Please answer in extreme detail because your whining turns me on.

This just discovered in Ratchat: /u/-enkara- bragging about eliminating opposition in /r/metanarchism:

r/drama should try to get the White House to investigate r/anarchism, label /u/-Enkara- as a domestic terrorist and watch the shitstorm. Or if enough people can tweet about how this r/anarchism wants to kill the President, reporters will talk about it, maybe even a few politicians, then Cheeto Hitler will pressure Spez into banning r/anarchism, maybe even r/socialism.