An LPT-post reaches the top of /r/all, and it says that you should be open to other opinions and not cling to echo chambers. Not everyone agrees.

72  2017-02-03 by Ultrashitpost


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The millennial generation was a mistake.

Y2K should have happened

We got any asteroids making a close pass soon?


It did. It's just that it didn't really mean anything.

I got drunk, kissed a blonde girl named Jenn that I never saw again, and watched some fireworks.

commies weren't even a thing before the 90s

this generation is just throwing a collective tantrum at being exposed to the real world and to the fact that not everyone agrees with them. this is a pretty "right-wing" ideological sentiment. but interestingly, people on the left wing would probably make the same claim about the populist election of trump

The difference, /u/knowcomment, is that the people that voted for trump didn't throw a fit and burn shit. They went out and voted.

Also, in the future, I would be careful labeling an idea as "right-wing" or "left-wing". Ideological purity tests will doom the DNC and its candidates if the left doesn't get its collective shit together and quickly

Left and right is an obsolete paradigm, anyway. The nationalist and globalist groups competing for power now are both mixtures ideas from the erstwhile left and right and other shit that isn't even definable along the left-right axis.

Left and right today just mean big government social progressives and small government social conservatives. There's like 3 fundamental non-social issues that divide the two in total.

small government social conservatives.

Yeah, tariffs, subsidies and immigration control are really "small government".

Rhetorically speaking.

"Rhetorically" doesn't mean "from the rectum", fyi.

If you couldn't be bothered to read the linked comment (about the weird ways "left" and "right" changed in Sweden), here's a summary and a generalization:

The left used to be about the worker's rights, and therefore against immigration, while the right was more libertarian.

As time went, the left ended up being dominated by relatively wealthy intellectuals, who sort of switched to supporting minorities and foreign workers, since they lost the connection with the original userbase so minorities and foreign workers seemed to be more worthy of support.

So the new right naturally eased into the resulting political vacuum and became the populist party of the workers, catering to their dislike of immigrants and also by the way of minorities (when that happened on the left, like black people voting for Obama and also against gay marriage (prop 8) in Cali, that was considered unfortunate, the new right embraces it)

And thus on several important issues the left and the right switched places. Less important issues, like whether we want a bigger or a smaller government, apparently are thrown to the dogs: both want a bigger government (to help minorities/to help workers), big businesses support the left (because all this bullshit actually helps them to stomp out small business competition) but also support Trump hoping that maybe he's going to cuck the workers that voted for him, all in all it's a mess.

Shouts out to /r/politics and /r/The_Donald Edit: uh oh I upset both sides. Yall are delusional if you think both subs aren't circlejerking echo chambers

/u/DatKidNamedCara u my hero fam

<3 love u

Guys, DAE /r/The_Donald, a "24/7 Donald Trump rally", is just as much an echo chamber as the default politics sub?

If anything, politics is worse. At least the trumpeters have no illusions about what they are.

  • You are correct, sir!

To be fair, at least people are subscribing to T_D specifically for the pro DT circlejerk. Wouldn't make much sense to call it T_D and bitch about him.

Politics is supposed to be about politics.

Yes! :-D

Politics is supposed to be about politics.

r/politics is and always was a containment subreddit. Back when only admins could create subreddits, the circlejerk was shitting up main. The majority of people who wanted there to be a politics sub, only wanted one so they could unsubscribe from it.

You might get a different impression from the name, and the people that run the place will happily play along in the game that their purpose is somehow more lofty than it is. But it's just a circlejerk sub.

Then it shouldn't be called politics if it's not about politics.

Well I mean what else do they have? There isn't a single right-leaning general purpose sub within three million subscribers of politics. They need to blame someone for the fact that sometimes people disagree with them on reddit.

I'm not sure what you are trying to convey here, buddy. But, please continue!

Ah, that's what Trump supporters did on reddit.

Disagreed with other people. That's what they did. Disagreed.

sterling self-awareness on display there

I just can't figure out why people don't like me


Bonus irony: it got removed.

Oy vey

The amount of cognitive dissonance is astounding.

For a moment, it sounded like HEROES OF THE PROGRESSIVE FUTURE were, for a moment, suggested to pay attention to what LITERAL NAZI'S had to say and not the other way around.

So, it had to be shut down.

LPT: Listen to people with whom you strongly disagree. You're stunting yourself intellectually by existing in an echo chamber, and learning where others are coming from will only make you a better person.Social



lol why would i want to listen to the opinions of a nazi anyway???

*defines everyone who disagrees with me as a nazi*

>be tolerant of others views >thread gets locked

Oh Reddit.

And deleted. This is the type of things /r/drama lives for.

There is no such thing as objectively wrong, u/wuverul

"2+2 = -17"

"Hillary Clinton is the POTUS"

Oops, fixed

I think the problem with this generation is that the world is too peaceful. I think we need a couple of nice World Wars to get it back on track.