Clock Boy case blows up in court (huh huh get it?) Case dismissed. u/SyRauk gets a burka wedgie and spills his falafel tendies. Totally haram!

69  2017-02-03 by TonyFuckingDanza


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Redditors really hate this kid. First he was great because he had a NASA shirt. But then people started giving him things and then Richard Dawkins decided he needed to weigh in and shit on the kid, so now the kid is literally the devil.

Stop strawmanning. We don't think he is literally the devil. Maybe one of Satan's minions. Abaddon perhaps.

Yeah, he's literally Abaddon.

Abaddon is such a cool name.

Is that your gay opinion?

It's not gay if the other guy has a feminine penis.

Is this some Superwholock faggotry?

of course

He has both his arms, so he can't be Abaddon

He's not Abbadon; I'm pretty sure he still has both arms.

Had no idea Dawkins weighed in. BURN HiM!

If Dawkins decided to sperg out on him, he can't be too bad.

which was basically a disassembled clock that was sloppily reassembled in a pencil box.

I love it when an article sets out their stall of 'we don't like this side of the argument' nice and early.

I mean it's an objective fact. However hard I squint at it and dislike it, it's still a box with wires in it made to look sketchy on purpose so some grifter clan can try to hit the lawsuit jackpot.

Kind of misses the point though, doesn't it? It's a kid's science project, it's not meant to discover cold fusion. The issue isn't whether it looked good or not, it's whether or not he should've been handcuffed over it. Liberal progressives say no.

science project


It's not a science project to disassemble something with mains power and randomly spread it in a "suitcase" without any regards to electrical safety. There's a reason science projects use AAs or 9V batteries (or at worst, an isolated USB power supply for the ready-to-build ones) and not mains voltage.

Still kind of missing the point. It doesn't matter how shit it was, he got put in cuffs over it.

Play jihad games, win jihad prizes.

For an hour while the cops told him to stop being such an idiot, then they let him go. Perfectly good response to a kid being stupid and bringing in an obviously fake bomb.

There's a reason science projects use AAs or 9V batteries (or at worst, an isolated USB power supply for the ready-to-build ones) and not mains voltage.

science projects for cucks, maybe

I'm not a conservative, but it's a bit suspicious how it all played out. We know he had a history of causing problems at school. We know he and his family had no problem blaming whitey for everything. He brought his "clock" in for no reason at all (there was no science project assigned), and his clock was just a regular clock he took apart and put in a briefcase for some reason. He set the timer to go off in the middle of class for some insane reason, even after being told to put it away by two different teachers.

And then people freaked out because he got suspended for three days, which is the most reasonable punishment in the world considering his galaxy of previous infractions.

There's no way his family didn't know exactly what they were doing.

Yeah that seems like a reasonable conclusion.

We know he had a history of causing problems at school.


Maybe they should try putting as much effort into reading as they do writing.

I always thought it was odd they wanted to make a suit about possible racism then move to Qatar afterwards.

Slavery? Cool! 🕋❤❤

Qatar has slavery?

Well, they exploit African workers to the point where it's hardly any better.

Exploitation isn't slavery.

Well it's forced labor. What they do is hold the worker's passports so they can't leave and then make them work in awful conditions.

They hold them for safekeeping. You don't want to lose your passport in the hot desert sun.

lol nice bait

They hold them for safekeeping.

That's illegal but they do it anyway.

No troll!!


Is this like the [Alan Kurdi}( incident where people went nuts over the conservatives wanting to slow down (read:not stop) refugees coming into canada and then Alan's dad was the one who was probably driving the boat where his son died?

Sure would be nice if media made an effort to clarify their stories when other information came up.

Alan's dad was the one who was probably driving the boat where his son died?

I don't understand the point you're trying to make. He died while illegally trying to enter europe on an overcrowded boat which they did because they wanted to flee the massive war in their home country. I don't get what his father driving the boat has to do with it and I don't see how the media misrepresented it.

This is the only article I can find now but I'm pretty sure it ended up being fairly likely his dad was also a human trafficker. This article is certainly just a rumour which should be taken with a few pounds of salt.

I remember reading better stuff in metacanada (before they went full on tard) that had rather reliable sources. I meant this overall but didn't state it in my previous comment obviously.

Another part that I neglected to explicitly state (which is listed in wikipedia) is that they lied outright that they were denied refugee status. They never applied beforehand and decided to use their kid's death to their advantage. Scum.

Even if his dad was organizing the trip (which I see zero evidence of but whatever it's certainly plausible) I still don't see how it changes anything. That boy would not have been in that situation if it weren't for the Syrian war and the refugees it caused.

Well hey, I twisted the narrative a bit to gain karma, as per /r/drama. Doesn't change the fact that their goal of making the cons looks bad / be public figures when

they lied outright that they were denied refugee status. They never applied beforehand and decided to use their kid's death to their advantage.

They decided to make themselves celebrities like omar khadr. I have my own gripes about the previous government but they were going to do the same as the current government other than trying to push as many refugees through the process as fast as possible to meet an unobtainable 25000 by the new year. It was a key point in the last election that was not met, while at the same time was used to make the harper look worse.

Alan's death was tragic, his father (and likely his family) is trash.

Also the president of Sudan is a disgusting murderer. According to the Washington Post, Clock Boy was "delighted" to meet with him and "couldn't wait" to meet with him again.

i mean so's obama but i'd expect most high schoolers would be pretty fucking excited to meet him

I would be excited to meet him and I have never legally murdered anyone

and you're not a high schooler? you're slackin smh

Not a high schooler for a few years now

s m h

lol I wonder if people cringe when they reflect the drivel they posted to all their friends on social media in defense of this fraud.

Post was worth it for the title alone.

thnk u bby

This was pretty obviously just a fishing attempt at a big $$$$ lawsuit. Too bad some people are too excited about defending any perceived instance of intolerance to notice.


The real issue here is the fall of the great Ottoman Empire. Just imagine if it was still around. Instead of all this "Wahhabi" and "Benghazi" or "ISIS" nonsense that is currently funded by the wealth of Arabia, the Sultans would take all of the oil wealth themselves and use it to fund real development in Anatolia, Rumelia, and the other industrial areas in the Islamic Roman Empire. The bellicose Arab tribes would be put down firmly. Jihadi clerics would be excommunicated by the wise Caliph of all Islam (the sultan). The glories of Rome would be recovered, and the Empire would unify the civilized world from al-Rûm to al-Basrah, no bloody wars or dividing tariffs, just one mighty army to stand up to the Atlantic world, one market to make us rich, and one holy Qur'an to enlighten us. But unfortunately, the Austrians just wouldn't let that happen in 1529, so now we have what we do now. I hope you're happy.