A tweet from The Onion triggers basement dwelling anime lovers

8  2017-02-03 by IAmAN00bie


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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give /u/IAmAN00bie a Filthy Frank flair please

He doesn't have enough chromosomes for that.

Who actually likes anime though

Their facebook poster is better

Milo himself actually commented on it

Well it's not like he can comment on Twitter.


Holy shit I love how everyone loves the Onion until it posts something making fun of something they politically agree with. Its almost like the SRD thread calling Southpark Republican again going on right now.

Meh only number 4 was really a joke. I guess number 5could be ironic since they are giving him attention again, but I am not sure since the rest were pretty poor attempts at jokes. They apparently do not use their better writers for Twitter.

4: What are his beliefs?

Yiannopoulos stands for everything Americans will click on.

5: Is there a reason to pay him any more attention than he has already received?

Answer: Absolutely Not.

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1 and 4 were funny. Rest were p. lazy shots at milo tbh

that guy is the epitome of the whole sjw "lets turn these words they use back at them!" hilarity

The reactions are funny but was that even an attempt at satire?

the media being perpetually butthurt at milo is fucking hilarious, he wants them to do exactly what theyre doing